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I'm not going as anything.

Mainly because I don't really want to, but also because no one really celebrates it in the Netherlands, hence why I can't really get hyped about Halloween :V

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10/29 what are you going as for Halloween? A broke college bowler... aka myself

10/30 October 30th is known as mischief night. What is the most mischievous thing you've ever done? I mixed a very alcoholic drink for a friend to wake him up after a heavy night of drinking right before an exam... well, I may have gotten him drunk again and made him pass out during the class after it... whoops

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October 30th is often known as 'Mischief Night. What is the most mischievous thing you've ever done? - [10/30/2015]

I thought the shenanigans occurred on the 31st? oh well.

The most mischievous thing I've ever done is one night on Halloween, I got on my roof with the water hose. And whoever rang the doorbell got a nice hosing of water. Then we moved and my mom thinks it's "dangerous" to do it again on a two-story house. Can you believe this?

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...we don't do that around here. Or at least my family doesn't and I don't recall anyone I know ever saying "so I got ____ for Christmas".

Although, I'm Serbian and we do Christmas in January, like Russia. Maybe more than just the date differs from "standard" Christmas? Idk, I was never much of a holiday guy.

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It's not the holiday season yet.

Well, a PS4 would be amazing, but I don't actually expect that. I'd be really happy to get the Dark Souls II Design Works book though. I've been meaning to get that at some point.

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