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I dislike extremely cold weather, because my sinuses are put through a world of hurt by winter. I like it when it's humid and rainy, and where I live it usually rains after summer, so I guess I'll go with hot weather.

And summer equals mangoes so it is clearly superior.

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I love cold weather! Honestly, the ideal weather for me is lots of snow and a dark gray, cloudy sky.

It feels like the perfect time both for being at home and outside.

There's something about being outside when it's snowing; everything is so silent and the air smells nice. It feels peaceful.

Snowy forests are the best~

I also really don't like the heat, can't resist it very well. Plus, freezing disgusts me less than sweating.

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I don't do TV honestly. I just go on the internet coz of course that thing that aired like 10 secs ago (in murica ofc) has already been uploaded to youtube.

Honestly the shows on TV are pretty dumb imo.

I'm only saying this because

it's true????????? in my country they're just... cringy af...eugh.

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QoTD 1/8

There were few TV series and anime on tv that i watched but then some of them have been axed or discontinued, so i turn to my laptop, TV now is merely for watching tennis tournaments and news

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I don't watch that much TV. I'll watch the News but that's about it in terms of actual television.

If we're counting TV shows I watch (and rewatch) bits of West Wing, Battlestar Galactia, Buffy and a few other things a fair bit.

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