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I've never been banned, too.

... Well, several times from the classroom, alright. Couldn't contain my laughter. Once somebody makes me laugh, I die on the inside and can't stop. :S But it wasn't, like, exactly "banned" as the teachers would let you back in after 5 minutes, anyways.

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23/02/16 - Should this still be a thing? Do you guys answer this at all?

I do :c Well, unless I'm in a general phase of not posting, or if I have absolutely nothing interesting to say about it.

It's not gonna hurt to keep it around. I'd say keep it.

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We can suggest questions here, right?

What's your favorite kind of potato?

EDIT: Also

You've all been asked at some point how you found Reborn. But what keeps you coming back?

Reborn itself, the other fangames, the Redemption League, and just talking/posting in general.

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