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Pokemon Logic

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Well, There are things in the world of pokemon that don't make sense like a trainer throwing a poke ball at a double team up pokemon and manages to hit the real one. What is your interesting things that screws logic in the world of pokemon?

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I find the poke'dex entry of Kabutops Illogical. How dose a poke'mon based off an extinct bottom feeder suck out the fluids of live poke'mon? the entry DOSE explain how it can learn absorb, mega drain, and giga drain. but not how the animal its self is a predator if the crature it's based off of (Trilobites) are not.

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I can only repeat what I wrote in your status:

How about this? At the beginning of B/W, a Pokemon battle happens in your room. All the mons use is Scratch and growl, and then at the end the room is a mess. Later in the same game, you can have battles inside a skyscraper and use EARTHQUAKE. No damage is caused to the environment whatsoever.

And that is without even bringing up stuff like EQ while surfing, Fire-type moves underwater, BULLET Punch (notice the "bullet" part) being supereffective on a ghost but not very effective on an aquatic bird, and so on so forth...

Seriously, you cannot posssibly bring logic when playing Pokemon. It's like bringing your non-alcoholic drink to the Oktoberfest.

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  On 5/5/2015 at 11:41 PM, Generalguy64 said:

The fact that a 10-year old kid is sent out on an adventure by his parents and almost never sees them again, and is somehow able to single-handedly take down the mafia.

Or, potentially more important, why it is that a 10 year old is single handedly tackling a crime syndicate with no police help whatsoever (Looker in Platinum barely did anything)

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  On 5/6/2015 at 12:12 AM, Lord_Ludo said:

Or, potentially more important, why it is that a 10 year old is single handedly tackling a crime syndicate with no police help whatsoever (Looker in Platinum barely did anything)

It's actually worse than that. Looker in Platinum said "These criminals are way out of my league, only you can stop them"! An elite agent of the Interpol told a 10 years old kid that the police cannot handle the criminals, so it's up to the kid himself (or herself) to stop them!

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What about this? there are poke'mon that can and I quote "STEAL YOUR SOUL" and yet its never seen in the games or the anime when the same surcimstances are met. poke'mon can use selfdestruct and yet don't die. you can fly on birds 1/16 your size, surf on poke'mon that shouldn't be able to swim in the first place. you can capture GOD its self, and above all...poke'mon will only obey you if you have X number of a martial item.

the poke'mon world is a strange place

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Ah pokemon, your logic never cease to amaze me, for instance.. Wooper can use ice punch despite having no arms, Rhydon using surf despite it has 2x weakness against water(not to mention it's freakin' heavy) and my personal favorite:


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The ledges and small trees that you can't climb or go around. But kudos to them for finally making the small trees turn into prickly thorn bushes xD Now it makes more sense that you'd need to cut them

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You know... a Level 100 Dragonite using HYPER BEAM on a Level 1 Pidgey... Pidgey faints... ... it should have been UTTERLY DESTROYED, DESINTIGRATED...

Pokemon would rule the world... if they would use their attacks against human civilisation... (like in the 'past' of the Arceus Movie... just a barren wasteland...)

specifically in the game:

How can Ace-Trainers or other Trainers be on the victory road with ONE(!) Pokemon, which has a lower level than the last gym-leader (and on top of that, being weak to that gym's type!)?

The Gym-Leader would have utterly destroyed them! They wouldn't even be allowed on the victory road, because they could never get hold of that last badge!

Why is the "Mafia" (read: Evil Organization) so friggin POLITE?!?!?

"Oh no... I lost the Pokemon battle against this child... I better go out of the way / better disassamble my whole organization! Oh an here - Take my Money!"

Why is my Pokemon unable to use that move (HM) outside of battle, without a certain badge... It can use it in battle just fine... but nooooo there must be an enemy Pokemon nearby to use that or what??

why do I need 'ROCK SMASH' when my Pokemon knows... like any other move that is stronger? I mean... Hyper Beam is one of the strongest attacks... but it can't destroy a simple rock??

(yeah... I hate that move...)

Why is normal bottled water more effective in healing wounds than scientifically engineered Pokemon medicine?

HOW do TMs/HMs work?? according to item-images they are discs... "Here hold that disc for a moment... Great! now you know move X!"

Why can Alakazam with an IQ of ~5000 only remember 4 moves?

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  On 5/6/2015 at 10:57 PM, Cepheus said:

You know... a Level 100 Dragonite using HYPER BEAM on a Level 1 Pidgey... Pidgey faints... ... it should have been UTTERLY DESTROYED, DESINTIGRATED...

Pokemon would rule the world... if they would use their attacks against human civilisation... (like in the 'past' of the Arceus Movie... just a barren wasteland...)

specifically in the game:

How can Ace-Trainers or other Trainers be on the victory road with ONE(!) Pokemon, which has a lower level than the last gym-leader (and on top of that, being weak to that gym's type!)?

The Gym-Leader would have utterly destroyed them! They wouldn't even be allowed on the victory road, because they could never get hold of that last badge!

Why is the "Mafia" (read: Evil Organization) so friggin POLITE?!?!?

"Oh no... I lost the Pokemon battle against this child... I better go out of the way / better disassamble my whole organization! Oh an here - Take my Money!"

Why is my Pokemon unable to use that move (HM) outside of battle, without a certain badge... It can use it in battle just fine... but nooooo there must be an enemy Pokemon nearby to use that or what??

why do I need 'ROCK SMASH' when my Pokemon knows... like any other move that is stronger? I mean... Hyper Beam is one of the strongest attacks... but it can't destroy a simple rock??

(yeah... I hate that move...)

Why is normal bottled water more effective in healing wounds than scientifically engineered Pokemon medicine?

HOW do TMs/HMs work?? according to item-images they are discs... "Here hold that disc for a moment... Great! now you know move X!"

Why can Alakazam with an IQ of ~5000 only remember 4 moves?

And lest not forget, Mewtwo is even smarter than Alakazam, and it can only learn 4 moves too.

and the rock smash thing? thats a pretty good point too! Like the move rock wrecker. why cant I use THAT move to obliterate rocks, IT'S IN THE F**KING NAME!

And the Water bottle? why doesn't that HURT rock, ground, and fire types? you know, because they are WEAK against water!

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Just on all the why doesn't water hurt Fire/Ground/Rock pokemon all the time thing. They are creatures you know? If they couldn't drink normal water they would die XD.


If you analyze any game too much they easily become this. Especially around things meant to keep you out of later areas of the game. ((like Strength Puzzle Rocks, Rock Smash rocks etc...))

But something I find annoying personally...

Why the hell is Dodrio Flying Type? I get it is a Bird... but how the hell does it fly? Does it just run so fast it can take off? Why does it need to be Flying type? It could have been like... Normal/Ground representing that it is a Flightless Bird or something...

But I guess this: G3e1SLq.png

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  On 5/8/2015 at 8:50 AM, Eterna said:

Red going up to Mt Silver to train for two years and survive the mountainous conditions.

Sorry, but logic does not support.

ehhhhhhh... arguably...

There is a Pokemon Centre at Mt.Silver... and if we consider the Anime - a Pokemon Centre is more than just a Pokemon Hospital - it's a resting place for trainers with (assuming) free beds and food for traveling trainers.

Considering this: he might have occassionly went down to the Pokemon Centre, got his Pokemon patched up and make use of their services...

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