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Hardest/Easiest Reborn Gym Leaders


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I am currently about to fight Aya to get my fifth gym badge and one thing I have to say is that Gym leaders in this game are pretty difficult and deserve the title but while i struggled with a few a couple weren't that difficult for me and I've been wondering what was the Hardest/Easiest gym leader for other people Hardest for me so far would have to be Corey his field effect is really annoying and I battled him probalbly ten time before beating him and easiest would have to be Shade since most of my team had moves super effective against ghost types and I had a Scrappy loudred so uproar was able took kill his rotom in 2 hits so I was able to beat him my first try.

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For me I defeated Serra (post-nerf) on the first try, Julia on the second, Shade within a few tries and Radomus within about five. On the contrary, Samson took me three hours and Charlotte took me two. It really boiled down to which Pokemon were on the team and once you develop a strategy to win, how much hax you can get per try. Or your strategy could just be charge beam Meowstic

Edited by BIGJRA
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Hardest-Noel. His Swellow is hell. A Flame Orb + Façade =Torture

Easiest-Bennett (First Time) Bug types are just super easy.

Bennett's not really a gym leader, although I do agree that he was really easy. Shelly on the other hand....

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Pre-nerf Charlotte was definitely the most difficult gym leader for me to beat, especially since I willingly chose to be stubborn about not changing the weather nor altering the Field Effect that was in place. Thank God for Moxie Gyarados, lol. Pre-nerf Serra takes second place for most difficult gym leader, but again, I was stubborn and refused to change the weather. I found the best strategy to be to keep her Abomasnow alive and just focus on her Glaceon/Mamoswine/Jynx/Walrein/Froslass with my two Pokemon. If the Hax Queen returns to near her original strength for her gym battle in Episode 15 like Ame implied, perhaps this strategy might still work.

Easiest for me was Julia. Trubbish and/or Kricketune can completely obliterate her team. I also found Samson to be very underwhelming back in Episode 12, but I hear that he has a Lucario instead of a Chesnaught on his team now. I've started a new playthrough for Episode 14.6 and have a much different team this time around, so hopefully he won't disappoint when I eventually reach the Agate Circus.

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The one I struggled with the most was Noel. Nothing in particular made the fight especially difficult, but his KIng's Rock Cincinno was more than a handful. As much as I hate to say, I don't believe I've ever had a "How am I ever going to do this...it's impossible" moment, and that's partially thanks to my Bulk Up Blaziken. If I ever hit a road block, I'd simply set up Bulk Up while Speed Boost bolstered priority.

It's cheap, but hey, it works.

Truthfully, the easiest fight I recall having was Charlotte, simply because my team had a make-up for hers. Having a Noivern with Tailwind and an already fast Excadrill made for Earthquakes all damn day.

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Trying to base it on team composition alone, I think Charlotte is currently the hardest gym leader. If you don't have something that can specifically ruin her (Flash Fire, making a Pokemon with Earthquake faster than her Pokemon, etc), she's probably the most brutal gym leader.

Weakest...? I'm going to probably going to have to say Radomus. His Pokemon can hit pretty hard, but his Pokemon are pretty slow, and since it's a double battle you can specifically target one Pokemon. That being said, he can become very dangerous should he get to pull off Trick Room. His field effect doesn't exactly buff him, but it can't blow up in his face like Noel's which gives him weaknesses to grass and fire (especially if you change his field effect into the burning field.)

Trying to find the weakest Gym Leader is harder than finding the strongest one, as all of the Gym Leaders can be pretty dangerous. I'd buff a few of them, (Radomus, Noel, Serra, Luna, and Shelly are the Gym Leaders I'd really like to see buffed) but I feel that the difficulty is pretty good overall. (Not including Julia, because she is the first Gym Leader)

Easiest for me was Julia. Trubbish and/or Kricketune can completely obliterate her team.

True, true, but since Julia is the first Gym Leader, in a part of the game where your options are very limited excuses her weakness IMO, as making the first Gym Leader too dangerous when you are fairly limited option wise runs the risk of turning off potential newcomers.

Edited by Mighty Kamina
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Only ones i had trouble with are noel/serra and the bug gym(was really being stubborn about my openers, beat it once i changed them). All of the rest were pretty easy. Radomus is the weakest by far, no offence but that battle was pathetic. Shade/cory/kiki were easy as well. Many other battles are way harder then the gyms,though i still have to face three gym leaders.

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I'd say for me the hardest gym leader was probably Shade. At the time, I didn't really have anything to counter his ghost team, so his Rotom was incredibly threatening. The easiest....huh, that's actually a very difficult question, since I didn't really struggle much with any of them except Shade, and maybe Noel a bit. I'd say probably Corey or Charlotte though. Poison leaders against me never turn out too well, haha, and for Charlotte well by the time I reached her, my team was just so overpowered compared to hers, it was actually a bit unfair on her side. xD

Corey and Charlotte seem to be quite difficult for others, but idk they just didn't seem like all that much, at least when I fought them.

Edited by Aurorain
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Hardest for me was Shade. Didn't have any counters to Ghost types, and a lot of his team out-sped me. Got incredibly lucky against him somehow, just don't remember it.

Easiest for me was actually Charlotte, pre-nerf. I knew what I was going up against, so I had a team with Rain Dance, Tailwind, Surf, and Earthquake to beat her. Sturdy Golem too good.

And no one mentioned it, but Terra was incredibly easy. Her field effect really benefited Psychic types, so having a good one of those (There's a reason I love Delphox) + a good water type (Swanna and Seaking) + a Grass type, who also hopefully knows some bug moves to beat Mewtwo (Leavanny) + possibly an Ice type for Garchomp. Her team didn't benefit from the field, and it probably would've been a lot harder had she been in the Desert field.

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I'm just going to write this with pre-nerfed gym leaders in mind because post-nerf, on my 2nd playthrough, none of them really presented much of a challenge to me except the usual one - Charlotte. That being said, Charlotte was probably the hardest gym leader for me in both of my playthroughs. Her field is just seriously OP and complements her team all too well x_x I really couldn't win without Light Screen :I

Back in the day, Serra and Noel were a nightmare to me (pre-nerf) , until I got to Charlotte of course.

Aaand for the easiest ...wellp. Probably Julia. I think most people won't have much trouble against her unless they decided that it's a wise idea to travel with a single pokemon only.

Overall, probably Kiki and Julia and Florinia are among the easier ones

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Randomus was the easiest of the gym leaders for me. I had Leila, my Gardevoir, use a pair of Calm Minds and swept him. Poor Gossip never stood a chance. =p The one Dark type gym leader, I forgot her name, was easy as well thanks to a Drought Vulpix with a Heat Rock, and a Chlorophyl, Modest Venasaur with growth.

Without a doubt, the hardest gym leader was Charlotte. I'm not sure if I battled the nerfed version or not...she had a Typhlosion with Energy Ball. Either way, her team was annoying. I finally had to resort to training up a Moody Remoraid that I had caught.The second hardest would have had to have been the grass gym, simply because I lacked any fire types due to the Vulpix event crashing my game for a while. And my bird pokemon weren't exactly strong...

Fun side note, I never bothered to EV train my team while I played. X3 Battles were still mostly east, except for Charlotte.

Edited by sithlordnergal
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The first time around the Gym Leaders were pretty hard for me mostly across the board. Charlotte gave me the most trouble like a lot of people on this forum did. Idk if her E13 or E14 battle is harder because Scarf Darmanitan and Eruption Typhlosion do you no favors by wiping pretty much any lead you put out. Julia was pretty easy. I beat her on the second try with a Fury Cutter Kricketune. Florinia I had second try with same Krick and a Hariyama. Shelly first try. Shade, my Speed Boost Sharpedo I brought saved me. Aya was game with a Light Screen. Serra I blew through. Noel kinda the same.

The easiest streak was Radomus/Luna/Samson I beat on the first try. Shadow Ball and Moonblast off two Calm Minds Gardevoir brushes them aside. Charlotte was a combo of luck and Rain to make a Rainbow field. Terra I brushed aside.

Summary: Luna, Rado, and Sammy need moar strength. Charlotte needs a debuff. Everything else is pretty fair.

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Surprisingly, I have found Noel to be way too easy to beat except for the menace that is porygon-Z. Admittedly, I had no idea that his cincinno carried a king's rock though, but first time I stalled cincinno out with T-spikes and noivern, while the second time, the AI derped hard against chesnaught (God damn HP fire of all things on it though!!!). Clefable I used crobat with screech and cross poison, or escavalier. I kind of wish he had pyroar or something to stop excadril setting up a 6-0 sweep against him.

Randomus is also too easy. He seriously needs another bug-neutral psychic, or at least not a quad bug weak one, especially given how easy it is to get good bugs to use against him (escavalier does very nicely here). Exeggutor needs to be scrapped from his line up for something else, perhaps some prankster screens from meowstic M?

Terra is a joke once you understand the glitch field. None of her pokemon really abuse the field. She really needs a flygon to give another option of dragon spam, or some other fast ground types, not slow easy to kill ones like hippowdon and quagsire (incidentally ame, maybe move grass knot back to AFTER terra's gym, not before). Also don't have nidoking lead. There are enough pokes with protect that once nidoking goes down, t-spikes and protect abuse can get you quite far.

Hardest, asides from charlotte, I'd say is kiki. She does not mess around in boosting and steamrolling through teams. Lacking speed against her team is pretty much instant death, and why meowstic is a godsend of a psychic mon. If you really want to make life hell for yourself, fight her when its raining too, and enjoy even harder to kill lucario and toxicroak.

Aya would be nasty to fight, but the AI makes atrocious decisions for her fight. Dragalgae always comes out too early and can be turned into set-up bait through struggle bug/screens (forretress works nicely here).

Edited by sound of silence
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Having a Noivern with Tailwind and an already fast Excadrill made for Earthquakes all damn day.

I kind of wish he had pyroar or something to stop excadrill setting up a 6-0 sweep against him.



Easiest: Samson. Never had any problems against him. I don't know why, to be completely honest.

Hardest: F***ING EP 9-10 SERRA Julia, only on my first file. Because when i first started Reborn, i wasn't used to the "differences" compared to normal pokémon games. Fighting her with two level 19 pokes and 4 fodders was a bad idea indeed.

Edited by Vinny
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Easiest: Samson. I remember that I spent days grinding Gallade and Gengar to lv 60, only to give up halfway through and challenge him with an incomplete team. Venusaur stalled Hariyama, Mienshao, Lucario and Conkeldurr to death and Azumarill took care of the rest. Kiki was also hilariously easy, since Monofighting teams are usually rather weak and I always use Granbull.

Hardest: Aya, mostly because I sucked at Double Battles in my first run. On my second run I realized that Meowstic was a decent Pokémon and started using it, making her fight much easier. I wonder how Fern was able to beat her with Roserade and some cannon fodder.

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Easiest: Samson because of my Crobat with acrobatics (That pretty much is it for most fighting types).

Hardest: Pre-nerf Florinia/Serra/Aya since back in the day, they taught you to respect the strength of the gym leaders. Noel and pre-nerf Shelly can also be challenging if you don't keep your wits about you. Charlotte is also extremely difficult! (It took Shofu 2/3 episodes to beat her so yeah!)

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So I come into this topic not having experienced any of the previous episodes before 14. I know nothing of nerfs, buffs, ect. For me, on my very first playthrough, the hardest gym was Shade. I came in super unprepared apparently, and there were about ten runs where his Gengar alone beat the tar out of me. I had to grind a lot, catch a Duskull, train it into a Dusclops, do the Scrafty event, and generally grind for a very long time before I beat him. By contrast, on my second playthrough, I caught a Makuhita who by that time was a Hariyama who literally just stomped all over Shade because lol Knock Off. Hardest on 2nd was DEFINITELY Shelly. Typhlosion or no, her team is deadly and her field effect makes her moves an absolute nightmare to deal with.

In terms of easiest on each playthrough? First playthrough, since I started with Swampert and acquired a HA Bunnelby, Charlotte was an absolute joke. EQ spam is a lovely thing. On my 2nd playthrough, I'd have to say that of all people, Shade was the easiest, because of the aforementioned Hariyama. Turns out running pockets is the way to defeat ghosts or something.

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Hardest gym leader was certainly Noel. Swellow and @!#*(!$&*(@!& Cinccino sure knew how to piss me off. Easiest was Julia? I suppose, since her pokemon are low level and any pokemon can take em on (usually shared the battle between my starter and espurr.), unless starter was mudkip.

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Noel and Charlotte ep 14 were the hardest for me, I had to train hard to defeat both of them. Honorable mention for Aya, who gave me very difficult battles.

Shelly and Terra were the easiest for me, Shelly cause I had a Charmeleon and theres not much she can do againist burning feild and Terra was just not very threatening to me, I do not have a great team for ground but only her Swagsire was an issue. I think should she should use earthquake over bulldoze since, she feels anti climatic after Charlotte.

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Easiest: Samson. Never had any problems against him. I don't know why, to be completely honest.

Hardest: F***ING EP 9-10 SERRA Julia, only on my first file. Because when i first started Reborn, i wasn't used to the "differences" compared to normal pokémon games. Fighting her with two level 19 pokes and 4 fodders was a bad idea indeed.

I'm not sure what picture you're trying to paint putting Excadrill in italicized red letters. Is using it banned or something?

Edited by Antilegend
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I did a difficulty rating on the gym leaders once, but here we are again. This time however I have a different thing to talk about.

Julia is still the easiest, there is no way that will ever change.

However, when I rated gym leaders, I failed to rate their pre-nerf phases. Holy mother of god I was around for those. pre-nerf Florinia (if you can even call it a nerf :P) is pretty darn hard. Not as bad as pre-nerf Aya though. She was tough as shit with her levels, sludge wave spam and such... However I still think the new field effect makes her a bigger threat than pre-nerf. However the honest to god toughest gym leader pre any nerf was Serra. She was a goddamn monster who showed no mercy and taught me that Reborn was fucking balls to the walls insane. God damn she was annoying :[

Also pre-nerf Charlotte was not hard for me. Beat her second try actually. Better than Corey w/field effect and Flobot w/field. Hell even Samson was harder than her. She really isn't as tough as many make her out to be... although the energy ball typhlosion was friggin mean

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