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Hardest/Easiest Reborn Gym Leaders


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Radomus' gym actually hurts him. Since psychic becomes a partial rock attack fighting types that would normally be worried now have no fear. Also I don't believe any of his pokes have a counter for ghosts. Hardest gym I feel most will agree on Charlotte. A well IV trained fast and hard hitting team. Unless you're team has specific advantage over her she normally ruins days.

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Ok, I've only played them all at E14, so I don't know about pre-field difficulty.

Aya is quite easy. Underleveled, double battle and starts with a total non-threat in Nidoqueen. You can just double-attack the other ones. And once Gengar is gone, she's done.

And last time I respected Charlotte too much, I grinded with Aya to have a team at 63-65 and ended up crushing her. I used one hyper potion and lost 3 pokes, one Flygon that took a critical Eruption AND Darumaka's first attack, one Arcanine without Flash Fire (had forgotten to use the capsule) that I killed with an EQ, and another Flygon (I have 2) that went down when she was down to one 'mon.

Charlotte is just a spook story. EQ and Rock Slide spam rek her.

I'd say the toughest is Noel, who was harder on my second playthrough than the first. Also props to Kiki (hits effin hard, you have to KO her before she hits, that Medicham is the best momentum-changer ever), Serra (kinda odd team, but not bad at all) and Shade (the toughest, well, most damaging, one in my sub-480 run, where I've fought everyone before Bennett and Serra).

Samson also hits like a maniac, but he can lose to very underleveled teams if played correctly.

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Only done a 14.5 run, but Radomus was by far the easiest due to Heracross and Skuntank starting the game and generally being pests.

Charlotte was challenging until I remembered Meowstic could Rain Dance (Prankster swag). Samson was too luck-based to say, but he was quite hard to get past.

The one singular hardest thing I faced? Noels Clefable. Cosmic Power on the level cap. Damn that thing was annoying. Ended up melting it with repeated Acid Sprays but damn that thing was tough.

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I beat every leader up to Luna only using 3 combat pokemon and 3 subs that I used for a free turn to heal/eat an attack on my first run. I never had to retry anyone more than 5-6 times until I got to Terra. I had no Ice types and couldn't go back to swap them out, so I got my ass handed to me for a good 2 hours before I finally got enough lucky crits/misses on the right pokemon to beat her. Easiest was Ciel because I swept half her team with sky uppercut Blaziken and head-smash Aggron when Blaziken wasn't enough. (which took forever to get, by the way). That being said, I don't think I beat anyone on my first try. I mostly just figured out their team comp on my first couple of runs, then figured out what order I had to have my pokemon in to counter.

On my second run I had a much harder time with some of them, because I self-imposed the rules that I couldn't use any pokemon from my last run through, meaning no Moxie Gyrados or Speed-boost Blaziken. And nothing that I define as "cheap" to win.

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Pre-nerf Serra was actually a god, her Walrein would not die to ANYTHING. I honestly dont know how I would have won if it wasnt for that drought Vulpix lol

Florinia was also hard asf in the beginning, espically if you picked a grass starter like me :(

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I suppose it's a toss up between Charlotte and Samson.

Charlotte - I had my flygon spam EQ, but most of her pokes were faster, and Rotom would end up killing my flygon and slaughtering my team.

Samson - I had no flying types to deal with him, and even with a gardevoir he always landed HIGH SCORER hits and over 9000s, which one shot my gardevoir, leaving me with a team not built to fight fighting types.

Special mention goes to Serra with her tanky af Avalugg. And Terra with her Garchomp.

Edited by Cyclonegale
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On my first run charlotte was by far the hardest one, i only beat her when i lucked out and Darmanitan used Hammerarm instead of anything else.
Easiest was Julia.. None of her mons are able to take a dragon rage..

Luna was the hardest to take on with my flying-mono team. Her tyranitar gave me a headache q.q

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Just finished the last episode. Terra took me a couple of turns, mainly because all of my fairy/dragon moves weren't super effective on her garchomp (field effect wtf?). Hardest overall was noel, easiest by far was charlotte, sweeped her team without losing a single poke didn't even have to use my EV trained seadra.

Looking forward to future gyms meteor/executives, found some executives much harder then most gyms.

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Easiest gym for me has been Samson. Poor guy couldn't stand a chance against Tailwind-boosted Espeon, and I'd have had two Flying types for back-up, anyway.

I've also beaten Serra, Radomus and Terra with relative ease, though not quite as much as Samson. (Terra kinda did dig her own grave by fighting on the glitch field. Psychic OP pls nerf.)

Does Julia even count?

Hardest for me overall was Shade because of his Rotom. And Florinia, because I was just so not prepared for her.

Didn't train a fighting type and predictably got stuck on beating her Cradily.

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Pretty sure Julia counts seeing as she has a hacked Electrode >>. She suffers from first gym leader syndrome. The fact that when you are the first gym leader, you are guaranteed to be the easiest as well. Or at least one of the easiest.

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Well that's basically why I asked.
I went into that gym and beat her with Dewott, Hoothoot and Meowth *helpless shrug*
I expected to have more difficulties with her, seeing how I not only had no advantages, but also some huge disadvantages.

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Well that's basically why I asked.

I went into that gym and beat her with Dewott, Hoothoot and Meowth *helpless shrug*

I expected to have more difficulties with her, seeing how I not only had no advantages, but also some huge disadvantages.

Julia was 'apparently' tougher in previous episodes because she had a Magnemite... and yeah she would've been a pain if you didn't have a Fire-starter.

Anyway, for my personal hardest/easiest (I'm pretty sure I made a thread like this a loooong time ago xD)

Easiest: Radomus, Samson

Hardest: Pre-nerf Noel

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Easiest for me were Radomus, Terra, and Charlotte.

Radomus doesn't have anything to cover his weaknesses, and most of his team is slow as hell. Seriously, bugs wreck him. I think Leavanny took out everyone but Gossip Gardevoir, and that's only because I switched to Klinklang due to Fairy typing.

Terra would've been so much better in the Desert field. The Glitch field doesn't help her in any way, and the only Ground/Psychic type she has is Claydol, who is slow, kind of frail, and has many common weaknesses. Not to mention, she doesn't cover her weaknesses well. Quagsire is only 'meh' in competitive, and having a good Grass 'mon is encouraged against her anyway. Nothing to take down a fast Ice type (Even Beartic was faster than most of hers), and really nothing to defend against water other than the aforementioned "SWAGSIRE"

Charlotte isn't that hard if you've got a decent team and strategy. I led with Swanna and Seaking. Her pokemon attacked Seaking, which gave me time to set up Rain Dance. Then sent out Golem, who took one hit, but Sturdy gave him time to use EQ while Swanna used Tailwind. From there, it was just a matter of using Surf with Swanna and EQ with Golem (After using a revive on him). If you take out her field and deal with the weather, she's not that hard.

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I'm up against Charalotte and she is a Terrorist I thought my Flygon and Floatzel was gonna be able to to survive first round but nope they got rekt'd and I only got those two Typhlosion Drifbloom Mightyena and Metagross. I know Metagross won't ever sand a damn chance. And I forgot that Water isn't gonna do much....Is Ground type team my only Option at this point? I need answers D: And I cannot go to level 70 because if they go to level 71 they will not obey me.

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I'm up against Charalotte and she is a Terrorist I thought my Flygon and Floatzel was gonna be able to to survive first round but nope they got rekt'd and I only got those two Typhlosion Drifbloom Mightyena and Metagross. I know Metagross won't ever sand a damn chance. And I forgot that Water isn't gonna do much....Is Ground type team my only Option at this point? I need answers D: And I cannot go to level 70 because if they go to level 71 they will not obey me.

lol Charlotte rekt me so hard (she's still one of my favourite chars though). I went through like 2 hours of soft reseting hoping that she'd have a bad start. I was using Gigalith and Bronzong, was soft reseting until Darmanitan hit Bronzing with U-turn and Typhlosion Gigalith with energy ball (and brought it down to sturdy), then Gigalith set up steath rock and Bronzong trick room. After U-turn Charlotte sent in Volcarona which got obliterated by Gigalith's stone edge, Typhlosion killed both Bronzong and Gigalith with Eruption. Then I sent in Mamoswine and Diggersby and spammed EQ. Mamoswine, Gigalith and Bronzong weren't EV trained so it was a pain for me.

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For me, I'd say that Noel was definitely one of the more difficult battles. That stupid Swellow, and that stupid Cincinno. Easiest for me was Samson, who I rolled over without trying all that hard. Charlotte wasn't all that bad for me, though I did use the whole rain dance thing, so that helped.

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The version 14 is the first and only that I played,so I have no idea about the old gym setups and their difficulties,but I usually hear they were harder.

Pretty much like the guy above. Noel was pretty hard,especially as I am not that familiar that well with pokemon abilities so the skill link was devastating in the first try :/

And people say Samson was easy,but I had some trouble at first. Before the gym I didnt have much pokemon to choose from,only delphox was good in it. But because of that gym battle I learned I need more variety in my team so I caught some new pokes and trained a bit.

The first gym and Charlotte were the easiest for me,the first being quite weak and by the time I got to Charlotte I had a nice team and started to think a lot more about strategies. I won without breaking the field or even rain dancing in first try.

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Easiest : Terra, Charlotte, Shelly

Hardest : Terra, Noel

Yes, Terra is both the easiest and the hardest. And I think I could say the same for Charlotte. I've done three runs. In my first and third (mono ground) run I beat them on my first try. In my second run my team was 10 levels below and that way Terra was just impossible. But a few training and some rotation pokemons made her really easy.

For Shelly, you just have to make her field burn. Flame burst growlithe and nature power roselia and she can't even KO a single pokemon.

And Noel. Well, he was rather easy the two first times, but for my ground mono run... My best Pokemon was a curse Torterra, but hidden power fire killed him too early :(. Swellow was OHKO by his wood hammer (the less dangerous of his team), but that Clefable was a nightmare. Maybe the first time I resigned to use a revive...

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lol Charlotte rekt me so hard (she's still one of my favourite chars though). I went through like 2 hours of soft reseting hoping that she'd have a bad start. I was using Gigalith and Bronzong, was soft reseting until Darmanitan hit Bronzing with U-turn and Typhlosion Gigalith with energy ball (and brought it down to sturdy), then Gigalith set up steath rock and Bronzong trick room. After U-turn Charlotte sent in Volcarona which got obliterated by Gigalith's stone edge, Typhlosion killed both Bronzong and Gigalith with Eruption. Then I sent in Mamoswine and Diggersby and spammed EQ. Mamoswine, Gigalith and Bronzong weren't EV trained so it was a pain for me.

So you know the power of the Diggersby tho?

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