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Hardest/Easiest Reborn Gym Leaders


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For me, the difficulty about Charlotte was mostly that her team was overall pretty fast. That, and Typhlosion.
I failed my first try, so on my second, I sent out Noivern for Tailwind to take care of the Speed problem, then tried to take down Typhlosion as fast as I could.
Don't really remember everything about the battle, but it ended with Noivern and Arcanine on the field.
Tried to take some advantage of the field with a Fire pokemon of my own.
Since most of the team I took in there was set up to hit hard (Mamoswine, Staraptor, Arcanine, Espeon), and Samurott was at least a better choice than Klinklang, making sure that I hit first was a huge part. Mamoswine, Arcanine and Samurott were well capable of taking hits, so I paired them up with Pokemon who couldn't in the hopes of giving those a higher chance at survival.
Not exactly a very stylish way to fight, but hey - if it works, it works.

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For me, the easiest gym was probably Florinia. I essentially swept her team with a fury cutter kricketune.

The hardest gym leader would probably be Charlotte because most of my team could not take a hit from her typhlosion. I forget what exactly I did, but I had to rely on her not targeting certain pokemon to manage and kill it

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I'm up against Charalotte and she is a Terrorist I thought my Flygon and Floatzel was gonna be able to to survive first round but nope they got rekt'd and I only got those two Typhlosion Drifbloom Mightyena and Metagross. I know Metagross won't ever sand a damn chance. And I forgot that Water isn't gonna do much....Is Ground type team my only Option at this point? I need answers D: And I cannot go to level 70 because if they go to level 71 they will not obey me.

I don't know about the nature/EVs/IVs of your Floatzel but my lvl 71 floatzel one shot 3/6 of her pokemon and lived through the entire battle. It directly took out Typholosion which was a big help. And the level cap is 75 not 70.

lol Charlotte rekt me so hard (she's still one of my favourite chars though). I went through like 2 hours of soft reseting hoping that she'd have a bad start. I was using Gigalith and Bronzong, was soft reseting until Darmanitan hit Bronzing with U-turn and Typhlosion Gigalith with energy ball (and brought it down to sturdy), then Gigalith set up steath rock and Bronzong trick room. After U-turn Charlotte sent in Volcarona which got obliterated by Gigalith's stone edge, Typhlosion killed both Bronzong and Gigalith with Eruption. Then I sent in Mamoswine and Diggersby and spammed EQ. Mamoswine, Gigalith and Bronzong weren't EV trained so it was a pain for me.

i don't get the point of stealth rock, it's not going to damage against the pokemon she had. And you don't need to have EV trained pokes, Had a EV trained Seadra Prepared but my normally trained golem/floatzel did all of the work without eq.

Edited by zareason
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Pretty sure the level cap is 70 before you beat Charlotte.
I remember overlevelling my Klinklang while I raised my Staraptor; it was at 75 in the end and wouldn't obey me.

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I swear Florinia/Aya was the hardest for me. When I first started playing reborn, I was playing like I used to in the main series, overlevel and powerhouse your way through the game. Yeah, no, didnt work that way. Aya was hard since I didnt really have anything against her except a gardevoir with bad EV training and IVs. Eventually got so sick of losing that I just bred and EV trained a gallade, which has helped me through pretty much all of my gym battles since.

Easiest was probably Serra or surprisingly, Charlotte. IDK, my empoleon that I spent hours grinding just completely swept through her team after rain dance and tailwind from my noivern. Oh, and Terra + Serperior + leaf storm + contrary = GG

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i don't get the point of stealth rock, it's not going to damage against the pokemon she had. And you don't need to have EV trained pokes, Had a EV trained Seadra Prepared but my normally trained golem/floatzel did all of the work without eq.

25% dmg on each pokemon that entered the field kinda helped me, especially against rotom I could hit with only like strength because the field was still combusted and I didn't have any rock type atks. Ik we don't need to EV train pokemons, but I do EV train them, it doesn't take a lot of time with power items and helps a lot. That Mamoswine I had was laughably weak, it had lame IVs and nature. If I didn't have Diggersby I'd probably just give up after some time.

Edited by NameNotFound
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Yeah, most gym leaders that don't raise the level cap are among the easier ones. Samson is a bit of an exception. Because the pokes around his area make it so hard to grind that you are unlikely to max out your level before beating him

Edited by Zane0144
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Charlotte was easiest to me, despite what most people seem to believe. Beta Charlotte was just awful for most, but Flash Fire Typhlosion with max speed evs and Eruption went straight through her, and anything that had flash fire couldn't handle an earthquake too well.

Serra was actually hardest for me. It was a while ago, but I just remember sitting in front of my computer for a good 5 hours trying to come up with a way to beat her.

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Easiest was Samson. Flying and Gardevoir made it too easy.

Hardest was probably Radomus and 'Energy Ball' Charlotte.

I dunno about you, but Hariyama OHKO'd my Gardevoir with Heavy Slam after surviving a Moonblast.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Everyone saying Samson / Kiki was easy ;-;. On my first run-through, no gym-leader gave me hell, I was well prepared for each one of them.

On my mono-steel type run-through, I spent about 8 hours trying to beat Kiki, a good 3-4 trying to beat Noel and his Secret Power (Fire) with the field effect, and I just made it to Samson.... Another fighting type.... With a better field effect.... FUN. At least this time I have Metagross?

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Most of these are episode 12/13, aside from Terra and the one after (who I will not mention for spoiler reasons, but was easy anyway).

Julia was easy (Yay, Turtwig!) Florinia was a pain. Cory, I dont remember. That one bug leader, whose name im blanking out on but i think it starts with an S, her Volbeat was a nuisance. Kiki had her godforsaken Medicham. Shade was easyish. Screw you Serra. Noel's Swellow ate my soul. Aya wasn't terrible, as far as I remember. Definitely took me a few tries. Luna was confusing. Radomus was a *@#$&@!#. Samson was hard. Charlotte (Ep13) was not a good time... And Terra was easy.

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People always forget about corey, but the poisonous mist field is a pain in the ass if you don't disable it with gust.

Serra's new field and her comeback as the hax queen makes her again, officially, one of the hardest gym leards of reborn. Even my speed boost chicken had a hard time against her.

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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Serra is very odd. I've played her in my BST-capped run (Camerupt, Medicham, Mawille, Magneton and Azumarill).

The best to do with her is to 1) outspeed her and 2) hit her with a move that has 100 accuracy or doesn't miss in the field. Her team on name is a crapshoot (Cryogonal leads, then Jynx, Aurorus, Vanilluxe, Glaceon and Frosslass). The problem is, 3 of them are fast, and her evasion boosts also boost the damage done by critical hits to surreal levels. Thing is, after the first boosted supercrit, the bonuses in both evasion and damage goes away until she gets her evasion boosted again (Double Team or switching, which she does a lot).

Strategy 1: Kill her lead, take the supercharged crit from her second. Die by the second's supercrit, revenge-kill the second and die by the third's supercrit, revenge-kill the third etc.

Strategy 2: Kill her lead, heal when the second comes out, to tank the supercrit. Heal again to mend the supercrit's damage and kill it. Repeat or mix it with strategy 1.

I'll see her in a new run with me at full strength, how she handles Close Combat Arcanine. Flash Cannon Blastoise and other good stuff.

And well, if the field goes away, it;s easier. Much easier. She needed Lapras and/or Cloyster.

There was a reason No Guard Machop got the axe from Pyrous. That wild vicious animal would destroy her.

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Serra is very odd. I've played her in my BST-capped run (Camerupt, Medicham, Mawille, Magneton and Azumarill).

The best to do with her is to 1) outspeed her and 2) hit her with a move that has 100 accuracy or doesn't miss in the field. Her team on name is a crapshoot (Cryogonal leads, then Jynx, Aurorus, Vanilluxe, Glaceon and Frosslass). The problem is, 3 of them are fast, and her evasion boosts also boost the damage done by critical hits to surreal levels. Thing is, after the first boosted supercrit, the bonuses in both evasion and damage goes away until she gets her evasion boosted again (Double Team or switching, which she does a lot).

Strategy 1: Kill her lead, take the supercharged crit from her second. Die by the second's supercrit, revenge-kill the second and die by the third's supercrit, revenge-kill the third etc.

Strategy 2: Kill her lead, heal when the second comes out, to tank the supercrit. Heal again to mend the supercrit's damage and kill it. Repeat or mix it with strategy 1.

I'll see her in a new run with me at full strength, how she handles Close Combat Arcanine. Flash Cannon Blastoise and other good stuff.

And well, if the field goes away, it;s easier. Much easier. She needed Lapras and/or Cloyster.

There was a reason No Guard Machop got the axe from Pyrous. That wild vicious animal would destroy her.

That's her team? I hope ame gave one of those a focus sash or I'm going to have a lot of fun on my second run through with nature power SS Barbaracle.

Could get a 6-0 if no sashes and cryogonal doesn't use freeze dry to start the match.


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I stopped my psychic run before Serra to face her in ep 15, and I found her quite easy. I beat her in my second try (I reset the first try to change my lead when I saw Cryogonal was her lead). Don't remember all the fight, but Medicham Hi Jump Kicked some of her mons, Delphox melted some others. The real danger was her Froslass, really fast and using Shadow Ball, on my psychic team it could OHKO all my pokemon. So I used prankster Meowstic to set a light screen, then send out Jynx to use Perish Song. My last pokemon survived with only 2 HP left, but except Froslass she wasn't really hard

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