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RU Showcase V2.


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I actually don't know why not showcasing some NU pokemon that can do a great job in RU, such as jynx and tauros. I think a RU showcase is supposed to show things we can use in RU, but no need to be in the RU tier.

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  On 5/18/2015 at 6:49 AM, blasterman4 said:

To your question, Don't waste a day on typhlosion, i tried it, it doesn't work when your opponent has any priority or any other choiced fire type, but combusken could be interesting.

I'd much rather use Typhlosion over Combusken.

  On 5/18/2015 at 12:25 PM, Follow said:

I actually don't know why not showcasing some NU pokemon that can do a great job in RU, such as jynx and tauros. I think a RU showcase is supposed to show things we can use in RU, but no need to be in the RU tier.

Because it's an RU showcase >_>
You're welcome to start an NU one if you so choose.
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  On 5/18/2015 at 3:20 PM, Solace said:

Because it's an RU showcase >_>

You're welcome to start an NU one if you so choose.

I was thinking about starting one, and I'll probably do it today or tomorrow.

Anyways, typhlosion is D rank in RU, it's probalby going back to NU, but combusken is a really interesting pokemon to use in RU, a combusken showcase could be really nice.

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I happen to find Typhlosion useful. However, it doesn't function as a setup sweeper and it gets worn down by rocks. It doesn't have much to write home about though.

I don't think Smogon is being fair to it in it's viability rankings.

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Alright, I've decided I'm leading off the week with a double header - Knocking out our BL3s - Combusken and Typhlosion

combusken.gif typhlosion.gif

Both of these Pokemon have a similar theme - They're both Fire-type Starter Pokemon.

...and both of them really don't have much to write home about. Combusken is known for being able to Baton Pass it's Speed Boosts off to lower tier mons, along with boosts from Sword's Dance....and that's about it. Typhlosion has it's own offensive usefulness, but it's very, very, very limited to being choiced almost 100% of the time. 'Phlosion will want to spam Eruption as often as humanly possible - and it's just the kind of move it needed with it's not -too- fantastic Special Attack stat. The culprits for why these Pokemon aren't allowed to hang out with the NU club anymore?

Abilities. Speed Boost has pretty much had Combusken hovering around ever since it became a thing - and it's a key part of the 'mon's usefulness along with access to Baton Pass. Recently, Typhlosion picked up Flash Fire - which means, you can switch it into a Fire Type move and be immune to it, while also giving Eruption and Fire Blast more power.

Combusken is the higher ranked in viability of the two for good reason, but neither 'mon has a lot of legroom outside their respective niche.



Combusken @ Eviolite
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 248 HP / 4 Def / 108 SpD / 148 Spe
Careful Nature
- Baton Pass
- Protect
- Substitute
- Flare Blitz

Other Options: Swords Dance, Bulk Up over Substitute.

Combusken has a few neat things going for it. With access to Substitute, it can expedite it's speed boosting -and- pass both the speed and the sub to it's teammates. Protect is used to provide security and free boosting turns, and Flare Blitz is used in the event Combusken needs to do the mop up duty on it's own. The EV spread focuses on maximizing it's speed to the point where it can be made bulky, and still get a Substitute off first. Eviolite is a godsend item, allowing Combusken to be somewhat respectable in terms of bulk. Swords Dance and Bulk Up can be used later in the match to set up late game cleaners and 'mons that lack their own boosting move.


Mt. Vesuvius

Typhlosion @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Eruption
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power Grass
- Extrasensory

Other Option: Focus Blast over Extrasensory

This set is designed to break down walls. Period. Eruption is going to be disgustingly painful. Fire Blast is going to be disgustingly painful and consistent (assuming it doesn't miss) when Phlosion is worn down, HP Grass takes care of slower pokemon such as Seismitoad, Gastrodon, and Rhyperior, and Extrasensory allows Fighting and Poison types not named Skuntank or Drapion to get browbeat. Focus Blast can be used to take care of Houndoom, which would trouble Typhlosion by -also- a Flash Fire Pokemon.

Pabu the Fire Ferret

Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Eruption
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Grass

Other Option: Flamethrower over Fire Blast

This set allows Typhlosion to outpace the unboosted RU tier. Eruption is stlil going to hurt a lot. Under 73 Percent you should go for Fire Blast for STAB, while Focus Blast and HP Grass act as your coverage moves.

Both Pokemon greatly appreciate hazard removal due to their typing, so Hitmontop, Hitmonlee, and Defog users are near essential - especially with something that may be forced to switch out a lot such as Typhlosion. Wish Support from Alomomola and Aromatisse (or M-Audino) helps these Pokemon do their jobs later in the match. Typhlosion would greatly appreciate partners like Gastrodon and Jellicent to soak up Water type attacks and provide your team even MORE immunity.

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Tonight, we'll be discussing Medicham


The first thing you might do is look at Medicham's stats and realize that Medicham actually -looks- kinda unsavory for a potential team member. With decent speed and better than mediocre defenses being the highlight of the stats, there would -appear- to be better options for an offensive teammate in droves. Have no fear, Medicham, for the ability 'Pure Power' is here to save the day. Pure Power -doubles- Medicham's Attack stat - which would make it's poor 60 Attack -actually- 120 base attack without losing any of the stats from before. Suddenly, you have something you can work with. This enables it to vie for usage against Gallade, the other Psychic/Fighting type Pokemon in the tier. Comparing the two Pokemon, Medicham's balanced defenses are solid positives against Gallade's lacking physical defense stat that is only mitigated by a slight advantage specially. Medicham's moveset also carries coveted priority in the form of 'Bullet Punch' and 'Fake Out', a pair of moves Gallade doesn't have access to, which means Medicham functions arguably better than Gallade as an early game partner. The only issue with Medicham is that it's coverage moves are at times lackluster, even with Pure Power.

This Pokemon's ranked B+ in the current rankings. It's use is not going to be dominating the entire meta any time soon, and it will get worn down the longer it stays in. Pure Power however makes this thing very potent offensively, paired with great speed and interesting typing along with priority moves that will help Medicham get KOs.

Offensively, there is another distinction 'Cham gets over Gallade - High Jump Kick - a move with only a 10% chance to miss as opposed to the devastating drawback of Gallade's defenses falling after using a weaker Fighting type move in Close Combat. Zen Headbutt is a great secondary STAB - and with Pure Power there is really not a reason to -not- run dual STABs. In the current RU meta, Ice Punch is arguably the most wanted coverage move in the game, which will absolutely decimate Flygon and Noivern on the switch. The other Elemental Punches, Fake Out, Bullet Punch fight for slots (As Cham is most definitely a "4 move syndrome" Pokemon) - Drain Punch is the next best option for Medicham STAB-wise, able to give it sustain, while Psycho Cut can be used to generate critical hits if needed.

Utility-wise, Substitute is a very viable option to ensure Medicham does get a critical KO. Foresight -could- be used to help 'Cham fight ghost type pokemon and allow it's STABS to be used to maximize damage output. Detect could be used to scout, and Baton Pass could be used to pass Bulk Ups, Accupressure boosts if you like gambling, or Work Up for mixed attackers. Endure is also there to be paired with Reversal if you feel you particularly can outspeed the remainder of the opposing team, and also available for experimentation is Recover, the one click healing move that gives Medicham immediate relief. However, I'll leave a neat move for a surprise in my experiment stat

the "All-In" set

Medicham @ Life Orb
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 Spe
Adamant Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Zen Headbutt
- Fake Out
- Ice Punch

One Pokemon. 4 Attacks. One Boosting Item. Pure. Power. HJK is the move you should hope to spam. Zen Headbutt provides a check to opposing boxers. Fake Out is a safe entry play, allowing Ice Punch some relief damage and make it much easier on Medicham in general to get KOs.

Slide and Counter

Medicham @ Leftovers
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 16 HP / 240 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch
- Substitute

Substitute allows Medicham to get two attacks off and almost ensures it will KO something. Same story as the first set from that point sans Fake Out

"Money" Mayweather

Medicham @ Assault Vest
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Zen Headbutt
- Bullet Punch
- Ice Punch

The interesting item set for tonight is again the Assault Vest, which provides a boost to a decent Special Defense stat while allowing Medicham to be EV'ed as per usual. Drain Punch would be the better option for this set to provide Medicham with even MORE staying power, and Bullet Punch takes care of Fairies and still offers priority.

It gets THAT move?

Medicham @ Life Orb
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 16 HP / 240 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch
- Power Trick

Option: Bullet Punch over Ice Punch

Taking a page out of the don't f***le with shuckle playbook, Power Trick allows for Medicham to swap it's defense stats with it's offensive ones. This makes 'Chams base attack 75, which is doubled a whopping 150 base attack under Pure Power. - To put that into perspective....That's the same attack stat as GROUDON and NORMAL RAYQUAZA. MAKE SURE you invest in Defense, and not Attack on this set, as it does matter when swapped.

It also can run a Bulk Up set in order to be used as a bulky sweeper.

Stealth Rock setters are quintessential partners for Medicham, raising it's chances to KO more opposing Pokemon by Rocks being on the field. As for teammates, clerics or things that could soak up status - particularly burns, make for great support partners. Cobalion can work as a Rock user, -and- prey off of Dark type attacks that may be aimed at it with Justified, for a second fighting companion.

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  On 5/20/2015 at 3:58 AM, Strawberry said:

Offensively, there is another distinction 'Cham gets over Gallade - High Jump Kick - a move with only a 90% chance to miss as opposed to the devastating drawback of Gallade's defenses falling after using a weaker Fighting type move in Close Combat. Zen Headbutt is a great secondary STAB - and with Pure Power there is really not a reason to -not- run dual STABs. In the current RU meta, Ice Punch is arguably the most wanted coverage move in the game, which will absolutely decimate Flygon and Noivern on the switch. The other Elemental Punches, Fake Out, Bullet Punch fight for slots (As Cham is most definitely a "4 move syndrome" Pokemon) - Drain Punch is the next best option for Medicham STAB-wise, able to give it sustain, while Psycho Cut can be used to generate critical hits if needed.

High Jump Kick has a 10% chance to miss, not 90% lol. Probably meant the other way around. Good work, though.

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Whoever made that edit for me - thanks! And thanks for finding it, Skitty.

I really need the base stats translate into max/min stats so I can explain them better. Thanks Rupe!

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Today, we're discussing Spiritomb


Returning to RU safely from the 5th generation meta is Spiritomb, the Forbidden Pokemon. For a while, 6th was looking pretty bleak for it - with the advent of Fairy Type Pokemon running around. However, Ghost/Dark is an amazing typing that wards off both Psychic types (pretty much allowing Spiritomb to switch in on them for free) as well as their fighting type counterparts. Aside from Aromatisse, NU Fairies (most note-worthy being Mega Audino and Granbull), and Fairy coverage moves - nothing is going to be hitting Spiritomb for anything above neutral damage. This speaks volumes about Spiritomb's defensive capability. It's offensive stats are not too shabby either, and with access Calm Mind and can boost both offense and defense - being it's best bet at sweeping the opponent.

This Pokemon has the potential to give 2 out of the 3 S rank Pokemon some trouble. It's sitting perhaps a bit low at B+.

Offensively, Spiritomb relies on Dark Pulse for special attacking sets (CM, or the rare Nasty Plot) and can make use of Pursuit and Sucker Punch in trapper sets. It gets access to Psychic - which is arguably the best coverage move you can give it. Infestation is an option for passive damage racking, and Foul Play can be used to punish those who try to boost their physical attack on Spiritomb. Spiritomb's entire movepool, both offensively and defensively, -is- on the shallow side.

Utility-wise, Spiritomb's main trick is Will-O-Wisp, shutting down physical attackers and causing residual damage. It's also able to be used to slow taunt predicted set up sweepers and status/late game hazard setters. With access to Destiny Bond, Spiritomb can sacrifice itself to take out an opposing Pokemon. Memento is another suicide tactic that can be used to gain switch momentum or the benefit of facing off against a Pokemon with nuked stats. Spiritomb is an effective user of the RestTalk combination, having both moves necessary. For setting up, the superior option is Calm Mind, which boosts both Special Attack and Special Defense, giving a balanced Pokemon like Spiritomb the best chance at a sweep. Nasty Plot is it's other option, sharply boosting Special Attack - which can effectively provide the 'mon room for multiple attack slots.

The Void

Spiritomb @ BlackGlasses
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Pursuit
- Will-O-Wisp
- Foul Play

Other Options: Leftovers

For immediate offense, look no further than the Pursuit Trapper set. Sucker Punch can hit opponents that try to attack it hard, and first - mitigating it's dreadful speed stat. Pursuit hammers those trying to escape. Will-O-Wisp burns the opponent and severs their attack power, and Foul Play is used to punish those who try to boost said attack power. Notice Infiltrator - the ability actually comes quite in handy with this set against SubCM Meloetta - as substitutes are bypassed by Infiltrator.


Spiritomb @ Leftovers
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Dark Pulse
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Cro-Anything sets annoy me - but this is the best option for Spiritomb to get a sweep going. Rest and Sleep Talk prolong Spiritomb's life, and Calm Mind bulks and buffs the 'mon simultaneously. Dark Pulse is the attacking move of choice here.

The Gates of Hell

Spiritomb @ Leftovers
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Foul Play
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

The pure defense set. Will-O-Wisp adds insult to injury and Foul Play further rubs salt in the wound. RestTalk keeps the cycle going while completely healing Spiritomb in the process. This set is intended to swing momentum your way in the event that a Psychic type or Fighting type is pressuring your team. Once it does that, it can be an extreme annoyance for your opponent.

The Schemer

Spiritomb @ Leftovers

Ability: Infiltrator

EVs 252 SpAtk / 252 Def / 4 HP

Modest Nature

- Nasty Plot

- Dark Pulse

- Shadow Ball

- Psychic

Other Options: Will-O-Wisp

This set is tonight's innovation set - as it will try to play on the element of surprise. Nasty Plot, while inferior to Calm Mind due to the roadblock provided by Spiritomb's speed stat, gives a bigger boost per turn, and this can be used with defensive investment to allow for Spiritomb to run Dual STABs and a coverage move in Psychic. The three moves are perfect in synergy, as Psychic, Ghost, and Fighting types will be facing a lot of pressure and will need to hope they can hit Spiritomb very hard - either with a special attack, or critical hit from a neutral physical attack (or the very rare Play Rough) This set is intended for late game sweeps. So if you can play your way for an opening, this set would allow Spiritomb to punch it's way to victory.

An interesting weakness Spiritomb does have is to Fire-type Pokemon. Emboar is a HUGE problem to Spiritomb, as Will-O-Wisp is ineffective against it and catching a Reckless Flare Blitz would at the very least number the amount of turns Spiritomb has to work with. Gastrodon, Seismitoad, and Quagsire are ideal team members to back up 'Tomb here. Steel type Pokemon such as Registeel are effective to cover the lone Fairy weakness, while Drapion could follow suit in a DarkSpam core. SleepTalkers could benefit from Heal Bell users in case a forced switch occurs and 'Tomb needs to be awakened. Durant is something that could punish opposing Aromatisse users, by going for Hone Claws on the turn they switch PerfumeMon out. Amoonguss pairs well with Spiritomb, able to be specially defensive and also pressure Fairy types. Keep in mind that Hazard setters like Cobalion, Qwilfish, M-Glalie, and Rhyperior benefit from Spiritomb's ability to spinblock for them.

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Tonight we're beginning a two day series on one Pokemon, Meloetta


Meloetta is a 5th Gen event Pokemon, along with Keldeo and Genesect. It's unique in that it has two formes, and switches to one of them using the signature move 'Relic Song'. Aria - the base forme - has a Normal/Psychic dual typing that is popular because Aria frees up all four moveslots and is a complimentary typed Psychic 'mon - in that it's Normal typing wards off would-be Ghost type attackers. Pirouette is the forme that follows Relic Song's usage, carrying over the Normal typing, but switching from Psychic to Fighting - as well as swappying a few of Meloetta's stats. Pirouette is used less due to being less beneficial from being a Normal type, while having to reserve one of it's moveslots for Relic Song. Both formes have their own distinct roles - so much so that I deemed Meloetta's Formes as nearly two different Pokemon. Hence - Two-day project!

Meloetta in general is ranked at A.

--- DAY 1 - PIROUETTE ---

Pirouette Forme is my personal favorite due to wielding my favorite type in Fighting - and it's distribution of stats. With a shocking 128 Base Attack and Speed, Meloetta-P is actually faster than Noivern, meaning it likely outspeeds most of the unboosted metagame. It's attack stat is comparable to the likes of Emboar and non-Choice Band Escavalier - who hit pretty hard despite not being boosted. Meloetta uses these stats to be a Fast Wallbreaker and preys on opponents who assume Aria Forme is the Forme being used. Aria Forme will likely draw out one of two things. Dark types, who would be used to threaten Aria Forme, and special walls that may have access to Calm Mind in order to win CM wars with Meloetta-A. Meloetta-P would be able to immediately pose a counter-threat to those switch-ins after getting a free Relic Song off - becoming one of the biggest physical presences in the RarelyUsed tier due to the combination of it's stellar speed and great attack stat.

Offensively - Meloetta-P relies on Relic Song to get going on it's first turn in. The move not only causes the Forme change, but also does 20 BP worth of Normal type damage and after Serene Grace has a 20% chance to put the opponent to sleep. After the Forme is in place, Close Combat is it's most reliable Fighting type STAB, and Return and Facade battle it out for Normal STAB of choice. Knock Off guarantees a check against opposing Pyschic types like Delphox on the switch as well as hammers Ghost types after the Forme change. Ice Punch is a very valuable coverage move in DragonSpamLand - and in Meloetta's case, actually works quite well against Noivern. Quick Attack can be used to give Meloetta-P priority. If you are Pro-Serene Grace, Zen Headbutt can be used, offering a hefty 40 percent chance of flinching the opponent - which works great as Meloetta is very fast. Drain Punch gets special mention in giving Meloetta sustain. Finally, Stone Edge is a very powerful Rock type attack, but isn't very reliable in terms of accuracy.

Utility-wise - all Meloetta have access to Heal Bell, which can viably replace a coverage move in Melo-P sets to help your team in general. In terms of set up potential - Meloetta-P's best bet lies with Hone Claws, which improves the accuracy of moves like Zen Headbutt and Stone Edge, as well as boost it's already massive attack stat. Perish Song can be used to force out troubling 'Mons, although it also means Melo-P will have to switch out or face fainting as well. Pysch Up and Snatch can copy or steal opposing boosts. Skill Swap can be used to steal an opponent's ability.

Dancing Hispanic Fruitbasket-Hat Lady

Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Relic Song
- Return
- Close Combat
- Knock Off

Other Options: Ice Punch and Zen Headbutt over Knock Off

This set is the most common Meloetta-Pirouette set. Return and Close Combat are the safe and solid STABs of choice, while Knock Off is used to threaten Psychic types aiming to rain on Pirouette's parade.

"The Show Must Go On"

Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Relic Song
- Facade
- Close Combat
- Return

Meloetta-P is a Pokemon that may draw status, and with Prankster users such as M-Banette out there - speed isn't enough to overcome the threat of getting burned. That's where having Facade in the moveset comes into play. The best way to play this set is just like the set before - hiding the fact that you have an answer to the status conundrum. When someone tries statusing you, don't give them the satisfaction by using Facade - which becomes even MORE powerful than Return would have been with the condition. Sometimes, your opponent should think twice before trying to cripple you.


Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Relic Song
- Return
- Close Combat
- Skill Swap

Meloetta-P, depending on the set, can be a poor user of Serene Grace. However - using Skill Swap on a Pokemon like Scrafty or Druddigon can pay some dividends in terms of raw power. Imagine Meloetta-P's blistering speed and brusing attack paired with an ability like Moxie, where the damage just gets even worse, or Sheer Force when using moves like Ice Punch and Zen Headbutt. Ridiculous.

Kamina's Waifu

Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Relic Song
- Return
- Ice Punch
- Zen Headbutt

Some people -like- Serene Grace....maybe. Relic Song and Ice Punch would have a solid fifth of a chance to cause secondary effects (Sleep/Freeze) while Zen Headbutt would get a 2 fifths shot at a flinch. This set is disgusting.

The Unyielding Dancer

Meloetta @ Assault Vest
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Relic Song
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch
- Quick Attack

Relic Song -is- an attacking move - meaning you can go Pirouette Forme while wearing an Assault Vest. Meloetta's defenses can be tinkered with very nicely with regards to EVs, while still being able to hit hard and go fast. Drain Punch pairs well with this set in order to provide even more sustainability. Knock Off removes opponents' held items and thus minimizes the threat of being hit hard from offensive boosting items as well as helping your team's speed hold up. Quick Attack provides STAB priority and rounds out the set.

A ghost type of your own, such as M-Banette, or Spiritomb, would work nicely with Meloetta-P, able to bring an immunity to Fighting types to the table. Clerics such as Alomomola and Aromatisse cure status conditions that can hinder Melo-P. Hazards make it even easier for Melo-P to get KOs.

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Today, we conclude our series with Meloetta


--- DAY 2 - ARIA ---

Meloetta has a very gratuitous movepool regarding any of it's three possible STABS and different Formes. Aria Forme gets access to Hyper Voice, which is arguably the best normal type move in the game -and- Psychic, a means of punishing Poison and Fighting types. Defensively, Aria Forme is built to wall things better than Pirouette Forme is, with it's 128 Special Defense pairing with it's Special Attack. With access to Calm Mind as well, Melo-A's most effective set is to boost both of her mastered stats to astronomical levels, dishing out destruction as few special attacks even have a chance to counter. Mentioned last night, Aria Forme appreciates it's normal typing, as it turns a would-be weakness to Ghost into an immunity. Aria Forme is a better user of most of the utility moves in Meloetta's moveset, and it's coverage is rather impressive.

Offensively you will see Hyper Voice or Psychic on virtually every set Meloetta-A uses. Shadow Ball can deal with opposing Psychic types such as Delphox and Ghost types that may come in to try and soak up an immunity from Hyper Voice or block a predicted transformation into Pirouette Forme. Focus Blast can be used to take out predicted Dark Types on the switch. Meloetta-A can also make use of Psyshock, an interesting STAB that works based off of the opponent's physical defense stat. Dazzling Gleam is available for coverage against Dark types that would threaten Meloetta, as well as Dragon types that threaten pretty much most of the RU tier. Finally we get the silly STAB option in Hyper Beam, as well as Thunder, Thunderbolt and Signal Beam for special consideration. Meloetta-A is a viable user of Knock Off - particularly in defensive sets. Finally-Finally...because Meloetta-A may be reasonably choiced U-turn is there to help Meloetta provide momentum for your team.

In the utility department Calm Mind is the best-seller, allowing Meloetta-A to boost it's Special Attack and Special Defense - two stats it's particularly proficient in. Substitute pairs nicely with CM, benefiting from the ability to last longer and longer against duress from special attacks. Perish Song is still on the table, and works great in defensive sets in order to force out Pokemon. Skill Swap is worth mentioning for those that may want to steal an ability like Solid Rock from Rhyperior to make Meloetta-A even MORE of a defensive titan, or Infiltrator to get the same effect Hyper Voice has with all of it's moves. Because it -is- Meloetta, one can go for Sing to cause opponents to fall asleep, although the move is very unlikely to land, and pair it with the attack Dream Eater for simultaneous sustain and offense. Psych Up and Snatch can be used to automatically catch up or outmatch Calm Mind users who are a few steps ahead of you. Heal Bell is still there to provide cleric support to the team and works really well on Defensive sets. Finally, Trick can cripple dedicated walls.

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive

Meloetta @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 24 SpA / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Hyper Voice
- Shadow Ball

Your SubCM set featuring Hyper Voice for STAB and Shadow Ball for coverage. Because Calm Mind will boost and is to be used a lot, and Meloetta is already stacked in the stats CM will boost, there is little need for EV investment in Special Attack and Special Defense - allowing for you to bulk up Aria-Forme in HP and Defense, setting the stage for what could be a decisive sweep if your opponent isn't careful.

Scream...when the Pressure breaks me....

Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Hyper Voice
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

Other Options: Psychic/Shock over Focus Blast

Aria Forme can also opt to just sing the lights out for your opponent with a Life Orb - maximizing it's Special Attack and Speed EV investment and picking up either Dual STABs or more coverage. This Aria-Forme set works better on offensive teams than the previous set.

Never gonna give you up...Never gonna let you down...

Meloetta @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Perish Song
- Knock Off
- Heal Bell
- Thunder Wave

Other Options: U-turn

I think the Rick-Roll perfectly explains how this Smogon approved set works. Meloetta-A functions as a special wall here, trolling the opponent with various means - such as slowing the opposing team down, knocking off their held items, and forcing them out with a Perish count.

Sometimes love...comes....around.....and it knocks you down...

Meloetta @ Choice Specs
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- U-turn

Other Options Scarf over Specs, Trick over U-turn.

The Choice set works quite nice, allowing Melo-A to hit very hard immediately with Specs or outspeed the unboosted tier with Scarf. Dual STABs and Shadow Ball act as the attack base, while you have the choice to turn out for scouting ability and switch momentum, or crippling a dedicated wall with Trick.

Kamina's side-chick

Meloetta @ Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Hyper Voice
- Shadow Ball
- Thunder

Due to Serene Grace, Thunder has a whopping 60 percent chance of paralyzing the target. The move Thunder replaced? FOCUS BLAST - which has the same accuracy. In fact, Thunder may be pretty tempting actually.

Aria Forme would appreciate a way to get rid of Dark type Pokemon - particularly Fighting types such as Hitmonlee, Emboar, and Hitmontop, who have access to Dark type moves so that Ghost types are threatened. Granbull or Aromatisse work nicely with Melo-A to shut down Spiritomb, who performs particularly well against Meloettas sets. Drapion is also a problem, so Rhyperior, M-Camerupt, M-Glalie with Earthquake, or something with Earthquake/Earth Power help Aria Forme tremendously on that account.

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Hey guys. I'll just use this as "the RU hub" for the time being as well.

Following the quickban Kingdra suffered - the RU committee on Smogon has decided to run another Sus-Test. The culprits on the test are 2 of our 3 "S Rank" Pokemon. Reuniclus and Noivern.

If you were to ask me about Noivern - It would seem that Noivern is being suspected due to being a very centralizing Pokemon. In various RU showcase entries you will see me praise moves that particularly deal with DragonSpam - such as Ice Punch and Dazzling Gleam. It's defenses are not very note-worthy but the coverage the Pokemon packs is stout to say the least. Infiltrator is arguably the final nail in Noivern's coffin - able to deal with sub users.

Reuniclus is the more pressing threat in -MY- eyes. It's biggest threat before was Doublade, now an UnderUsed Pokemon. Now it kinda just runs rampant and causes both offensive AND defensive teams trouble.

My vote would be to keep Noivern as it's weak to rocks and priority, and doesn't have No-Guard to assist it with HurricaneSpam like M-Pidgeot, while approving of the suspect test fully in Reuni's case.

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As much as I am loving noivern, I think it is overcentralizing teambuilding in RU, and the access to infiltrator + excelent coverage + potential taunts to destroy stall is something that can get past every single team, and we need to remember that a team is made of 6 pokemon, which means that noivern is just unstoppable when it has the correct partners. Even though noivern is one of my favourite pokemon in RU right now, it's just way too good, I don't like what I'm going to say right now, but if I get the COIL, I will vote ban.

About reuninclus, it's fat, that's for sure. And + Magic guard it just becomes a monster, it destroys stall, it destroys teams that need speed by just using trick room. I can't say anything else because I haven't faced many reuninclus in the ladder, but for now, my vote is ban, maybe I'll change my mind during the suspect test since I'm going to try reuninclus.

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The primary issue is they move the would be counters UP to UU at the same time they bring these things down to RU, they belong in the same tier, just pick which one.

I don't find Noivern too Scary, but Reuniclus is certainly a pain in the ass to say the least, wouldn't mind seeing that out of here.

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Well, let me start by saying I've been very hesitant on covering Noivern due to the amount of talk it was generating. You can see Shadow hinting about how good Noivern was all over his critique of my Houndoom entry for an example - and I wasn't sure if a sus-test was in the works soon. It seems my hesitance was well justified.

The problem I saw with our newcomers is that they mostly drop from a different measure. Instead of "viability" shifts that we see in suspect tests, we saw a mass "usage" shift - based on how much the Pokemon are used" with our latest "tier shift." I don't think the RU Council was completely thrilled with throwing all of our fairy types up to UU simply because they were used so often and taking a few Dragon types, that would go largely unchecked in their place. Suspect Tests then, are probably the way Smogon cleans up, trying to make viability and balance the key measures by moving things that are "too" viable up to at least the next BL marker - so that things like the advent of RU DragonSpam are lessened in effect.

Reuniclus was a 'mon that faced a lot of Dark type threats in UU, such as Hydreigon and Krookodile. It's been in RU for a while and the things that check it seem to be only good checks early in the match. It's speed, while mitigated by Trick Room, was also questionably supported in Trick Room teams due to a lack of options to pair it with - at least for a little while. FetusMon has been in debate though, because once it sets up it's an absolute pain to get rid of - on top of not going quietly to begin with.

Just a bit of spoilers for how the next few days are going to go. Thank you for putting up with my week of "shit people need to use more in my opinion." Ya'll are great. <3

Tomorrow, I'll cover Hitmontop. Hitmontop is a groovy little Pokemon and it's to fill a request. Good typing, and useful for dealing with utility.

Sunday, I'll cover an offensive water type.

Monday, I'll cover a Genwunner 'mon with a pretty unique niche in many metas.

Tuesday. I'll cover a dignified wall.

Wednesday, I'll cover a wall breaker

Thursday, I'll cover a Pokemon I very much dislike.

Next Friday, I'll cover a Pokemon I very, VERY much like.

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  On 5/23/2015 at 6:40 AM, Strawberry said:

Sunday, I'll cover an offensive water type. Omastar?

Monday, I'll cover a Genwunner 'mon with a pretty unique niche in many metas. Duggy pls

Tuesday. I'll cover a dignified wall. is it bronzedong or cofa?

Wednesday, I'll cover a wall breaker. Banded Emboar?

predictions! also skipped opinions because i only know you hate sableye i'm pretty sure i know what one of the disliked mons is, but i'm not certain.

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  On 5/23/2015 at 6:40 AM, Strawberry said:

Sunday, I'll cover an offensive water type. Clawitzer, of course

Monday, I'll cover a Genwunner 'mon with a pretty unique niche in many metas. Dunno, omastar, golbat, jolteon or one of hitmons DUGGY

Tuesday. I'll cover a dignified wall. Bronzong or registeel.

Wednesday, I'll cover a wall breaker. Way too many, maybe emboar or escavalier...

Thursday, I'll cover a Pokemon I very much dislike. Amoonguss or alomomola?

Next Friday, I'll cover a Pokemon I very, VERY much like. Dunno :(

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