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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Draconize sounds better...

Up to 11 different names were suggested. That was the one chosen lol

And yep, draconize was one of the options.

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Actually it learns only one of the HMs you mentioned (nont revealing which one). And again, if you look carefully at the list of moves you posted, you can see the solution to Dragonize's alleged brokeness right in front of your eyes. It's easy, really :P

Also I am surprised to see Red adopted it as avatar, I thought she'd find it to be not as cute as Goshee O.o

As of right now i look the concept, depends what happens when we get to see the sprite version

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The more I look at our Pokedex, the more I think the desert area of the game is going to be the single most interesting place in terms of Pokemon met, with specimen such as a Ground-type that is immune to Water, another evolutionary family with unique type combination, and a hard hitter capable of putting Darmanitan to shame... And then Bloanna, of course. Bloanna is going to be the rarest encounter in the area, so yeah, good luck getting your hands on one ;)

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Fucking loved the Australian themed game Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 and played the absolute shit out of it (can run WR speedruns on it). Really looking forward to this one, please make it happen guys! If you are ever stuck just ask the Reborn Forums, the people here have been so helpful and resourceful in the past that it could make your life alot easier. Thanks.

Edited by Mint_Spaghetti
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Fucking loved the Australian themed game Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and played the absolute shit out of it (can run WR speedruns on it). Really looking forward to this one, please make it happen guys! If you are ever stuck just ask the Reborn Forums, the people here have been so helpful and resourceful in the past that it could make your life alot easier. Thanks.

Your enthusiasm means the world to us. We will do our best not to disappoint you :)

A ground type immune to water you say? Don't you mean:


These guys?

P.S. The one pic in the middle looks glorious xD

Let's say that, when it comes to typing, stats and abilities, this mysterious new Ground-type I mentioned will have some traits in common with Gastrodon (although it will also have traits that are completely different). Design-wise tho, this new Pokemon will be completely different from Gastrodon, like, not even close :P

I am totally not teasing you guys with little juicy info about stuff we may or may not reveal in the future lol.

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Bloanna is disappointed in all this unknown pokemon talk and not any more about him

That's very true, so let me drop some more info: Bloanna evolves as many times as another Pokemon that has been revealed up to this point. Also, one of its offensive stats will become significantly higher than the other. And no sorry, the final form won't be Mecha Godzilla: as the name should sugges, Bloanna is inspired to a real-life animal, the sand goanna...

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So many teasers and sneak peeks, oh my.

I think once this game comes out, there'll be a sub-forum for it. Or maybe a wiki. It will be hard to keep track of all the Items, Events, and most importantly, Pokemkn!

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So many teasers and sneak peeks, oh my.

I think once this game comes out, there'll be a sub-forum for it. Or maybe a wiki. It will be hard to keep track of all the Items, Events, and most importantly, Pokemkn!

You know, the main selling point of this game will be the fact that it will give you sensations you haven't experienced in a long, long time. I mean come on, now that you (not "you" as in you, Chubb, I mean "you" as in the players of Pokemon games in general) are an expert, a guy who has played multiple games, nothing can really surprise you anymore, not even Reborn: a combination of your past experiences and the info you find on the internet (on websites like Bulbapedia, Serebii and Smogon) makes it so that, when you see a Pokemon, you immediately know what it is all about: what are its best stats? What moves does it learn? How does it evolve, and into what? You already know the answers to all of these questions. And in fact Ame, to keep her game fresh, had to introduce new elements that could surprise you in aspects other than the Pokemon, for example the field effects.

But remember when you played RBY (or whatever your first generation was) for the first time? You didn't know anything about the games back then. You didn't prepare your team in advance based on what were the Pokemon most indicated to beat the hardest enemies, you didn't know in advance what were the most optimal moves each Pokemon could learn, and when a Pokemon of yours started evolving, it was a true surprise. Remember your excitement when you first found out what the final form of your favorite Pokemon looked like?

This is what our project is trying to re-create: we won't have external elements, such as Mega Evolution or field effects, to provide surprise, because the Pokemon themselves will be a surprise for the players. You see, we are planning to reveal in advance only a part of the Pokemon available in the game, and even for those we will only reveal the unevolved forms, without saying anything in regards to how they evolve, if at all. And nothing about the exact movepools and base stats will ever be revealed in regards to any Pokemon: you will have to find out all these info by yourself, and the excitement you will feel as you do will be the main selling point of the game. Of course there will be those who will just open the PBS of the game and read all the info, spoilering themselves in advance, but there will also be those who will genuinely enjoy exploring an uncharted land, and experiencing once again sensations they hadn't felt since RBY.

I want to go on record and decalre openly that the latter will be our intended target, they will be the ones we will do everything to please, they are the ones this project is dedicated to. And of course, they wouldn't enjoy the game as much, if some jerks just started revealing all the juicy info to the world in advance.

Because of this, I am honestly against the idea of a wiki. Like, strongly against. Granted, a sub-forum like the one that was made for Rejuv, with topics dedicated to the inevitable troubleshooting, the tips for specific quests or just the random chit chat, will most likely be needed (provided that Ame is willing to create it for us, which is not guaranteed), but a wikia detailing all the info in regards to our Pokemon? Hell no: ideally, the exact BST of each Pokemon should remain a secret untill the game is over... Which is impossible of course, because as I said, there will be people who will just open the PBS and take a look. But personally, I would really appreciate if they could keep their findings to themselves because, again, such people are NOT our intended target. Our intended target are those who don't want to be spoiled in advance, and we will do everything in our power to preserve their experience.

This is not to say that we wouldn't want to see topics like the ones that you, Chubb, started for Rejuv (guides for specific challenges, help for the hardest puzzles/quests and so on). Those would be welcomed and appreciated. But one thing is starting such topics, another thing is divulging the exact data on all the Pokemon in the game. We just think that keeping the latter a secret will make the overall experience that much more fun ;)

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In terms of progress into the game, have you started coding the pokemon?
How long do you expect for the first episode to take?
Is there an elf by the name of Dobby in the game? #copyrightinfringement

Why does Hukuna no longer give hugs aroung?
Is a new chart of the complete-pokedex types of pokemon going to be introduced?

Does lord Goomy make a cameo?

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In terms of progress into the game, have you started coding the pokemon?

How long do you expect for the first episode to take?

Is there an elf by the name of Dobby in the game? #copyrightinfringement

Why does Hukuna no longer give hugs aroung?

Is a new chart of the complete-pokedex types of pokemon going to be introduced?

Does lord Goomy make a cameo?

1) Yes. All the custom moves/abilities are already in, and we are coding the Pokemon in as we sprite them.

2) As clearly stated in the OP, our goal is to release the first episode between october and november. Because yeah, making every episode after the first one will be very easy and won't take longer than a month, but to do the first episode, we need to sprite/code all the Pokemon first, and they are over 150. So it's more or less a month of work to make the episode, PLUS all the time it will take to sprite and code all the Pokemon. We have made incredible progresses since this topic was posted, and honestly, the work is proceeding much faster than expected. Still, considering the IRL problems each of us has, I don't think it would be prudent to establish a more optimistic goal. There will be time for optimism once all the preliminary work is done and the first episode is out, but for now, better play it safe.

3) Yes. He is murdered horribly two minutes into the story.

4) We have had technical difficulties caused by the fact that #FreeHukunaHugs are requested at a much higher rate than we can restock them. Please understand.

5) ... I guess? Zim said he would do a new one, but he is busy preparing a big exam right now.

6) Nope, sorry. Only Pokemon originary of Graterras will appear untill the champion is defeated (coding 150+ new Pokemon is hard enough without having to deal with 600+ existing ones). You will have to come up with some new cult I am afraid :/

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Even though it's posted in the OP, I felt like asking again, since this is exam period and many things come up in the summer, not to mention possible problems that could come up from trying to implement new stuff, some evolutions being complicated, or various things including bugs that would need to be tested before the first part of it comes out. Therefore delays are to be expected.

btw the canon ones are 700+

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Even though it's posted in the OP, I felt like asking again, since this is exam period and many things come up in the summer, not to mention possible problems that could come up from trying to implement new stuff, some evolutions being complicated, or various things including bugs that would need to be tested before the first part of it comes out. Therefore delays are to be expected.

btw the canon ones are 700+

Which is why our stated goal is october/november. We purposedly stated a very lenient goal, keeping the possibility of delay an IRL problems into consideration. As my grandpa always told me: it is better to say that you will finish building a house in september and then finish it in june, than saying that you will finish building a house in june and then finish it in september!

EDIT: lol Red that's exactly the pic that gave me the idea. Like I saw that image on Wikipedia and I was like "I must make a Pokemon out of this" :D

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Hai frens!

This all looks very cool, I'll try to keep up with it, and if you need any spriting assistance for anything, just say the word.

PS: I'm totally stealing this ghost <3

If one of the fossils isn't a komodo dragon I'mma cry :(

Edited by Bazaro
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If one of the fossils isn't a komodo dragon I'mma cry :(


But well, Bloanna is close enough ain't it? I mean look at it climb! I totally am not planning to make #ClimbingBloanna a thing at some point.

And have fun with Goshee :P

I tend to naturally trust others so I will assume that by "steal" you simply mean "use as avatar <.<

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No it is mine and shall be mine forever!

Nah, I'm just borrowing it for avatar. (is adorbz) :P

Aw, no komodo? Was looking forwards to the Poison/Rock fossil...

Edited by Bazaro
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Alright, so I just found this (don't ask how it's taken this long, I don't know either) and I haven't read much of the thread but on the topic of fossil pokemon, are you going to use some of the extinct Australian megafauna as a basis? 'Cause I'm not gonna lie, that'd be damn cool. Thylacine is another option I guess.

The more I look at our Pokedex, the more I think the desert area of the game is going to be the single most interesting place in terms of Pokemon met, with specimen such as a Ground-type that is immune to Water, another evolutionary family with unique type combination, and a hard hitter capable of putting Darmanitan to shame... And then Bloanna, of course. Bloanna is going to be the rarest encounter in the area, so yeah, good luck getting your hands on one ;)

This is a good thing as Australia is well renowned for it's desert life. It's a shame I didn't get here sooner, I could probably have really helped with concept designs seeing as I'm familiar with more than just our famous fauna. Still, if for some reason you have any questions about Australian stuff feel free to PM.

Edit: Look at this stuff:




A lion wombat hybrid that is kind of stocky but climbs trees and has massive teeth? A giant crocodile with legs long enough compared to its body to allow it to run on land and chase down its prey? Welcome to Australia's past.

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