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Cepheus' logic strikes back :P

there is only one thing... is that good or bad... I'm fine with both :P

because if it's bad, I have answers and can connect the dots from new, from a different angle... and in the end all that will be left is the ona and only truth! :P

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95.8 - The Sneasel a tribute to TotalBuiscuits 95.5 - The Weasel??? xD

Perhaps. Actually it pretty much is XD. I was figuring of trying to do a silly Radio show thing... and just so happened to remember Sneasel was a thing lol.


Maybe you are in need for some free hugs Hukuna?

Touch me.... and you die....

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This is clearly a case of Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. Duster was once a model that worked in advertising. Feather Dusters sold like crazy when that boy was in business! Sadly, call of duty forced him to abandon his career in modelling and, after several years in the army, he decided to retire and go back to his village where all his relatives are. Not having special intellectual skills, Duster decided to go into farming. Hard work, but he never backed up from a challenge. Forged in the field of combat, Duster came back with his FIRE TYPOs to protect the people he loves. Unfortunately his bad self, created by the horrors he faced in the warzone (and the catwalks), comes back to life and serves as the fire gym leader. Sow by the day, purge by the night.

This is the life of Duster, the man who brings life into ashes and dust.

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that hat bugs me........

yah 5 bucks this guy has to do with something with ground tips. Did my corn snake/worm looking thing make the cut?

IIRC it ended up merged with a similar concept we already had. Yeah I know, nothing of what you have suggested made it in the way you had suggested it...

Oh wait, something did! The opera singer lady!

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IIRC it ended up merged with a similar concept we already had. Yeah I know, nothing of what you have suggested made it in the way you had suggested it...

Oh wait, something did! The opera singer lady!

let me guess its gonna be the last one reveled to xD

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Sologhost run tho lets go.

Man i wish i could sprite for you guys, this seems awesome, plus it'd give me a reason to not sit on my ass all day doing nothing.

Well, do you want to sprite tho? We have already 2 pretty damn good spriters, but a third one can't hurt I think lol.

And yes, I believe a monoghost run and a sologhost run will be possible (in fact I want to do one myself XD). Not easy, mind you the high amount of dark types, but possible regardless.

Edited by zimvader42
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You are dead wrong. Like..... suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper wrong XD.


If you don't get the joke, check this video

Also Zeno, I can guarantee you that spriting for this project does NOT qualify as "sitting on one's ass doing nothing"...

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Also Zeno, I can guarantee you that spriting for this project does NOT qualify as "sitting on one's ass doing nothing"...

I think he meant the opposite: he'd like to sprite so that he won't continue being sitting on his ass doing nothing. I don't think anyone would ever define spritting as sitting in one's ass and doing nothing. I mean, you're sit in your ass, but you're doing something XD

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Well all in all i still have to study for allota tests cause god knows my schools stupid for delaying everything until the last 2 weeks but OH WELL.

Plus i could still use some practice in spriting so that was just a mild tought that came through my head, i like spriting but i have yet to get better at doing colours inside it.

Either way i gotta devote most of my time to school so i couldnt do much unfortunatly.

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Well, school before pokemon. Good luck with those exans tho!

I luckily wont have any exams o3o

But i still have those tests that my teachers think its ok to push to the ending of class.

Ill probably do random ass sprites just to see if i can get better at it.

also: School before pokemon? Pls.

Edited by Arkenciel Zeno
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If you don't get the joke, check this video

Also Zeno, I can guarantee you that spriting for this project does NOT qualify as "sitting on one's ass doing nothing"...

I was content with it being just an elongated "super" (although it was kinda obvious the playful writing had nothing to do with the character's actual story). There are so many different things from anime to "comedy-wrestling" that members of the community are interested in, that I don't really look into references and meant jokes on everything, for the mere reason that everything could be a citation or a hint towards something else. That of course would mean I just don't know Huk, but that's a completely different story.

Didn't know Edge was popular enough to have people reference him.

(shots not fired, because he could probably kick my ass)

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I was content with it being just an elongated "super" (although it was kinda obvious the playful writing had nothing to do with the character's actual story). There are so many different things from anime to "comedy-wrestling" that members of the community are interested in, that I don't really look into references and meant jokes on everything, for the mere reason that everything could be a citation or a hint towards something else. That of course would mean I just don't know Huk, but that's a completely different story.

Didn't know Edge was popular enough to have people reference him.

(shots not fired, because he could probably kick my ass)

I... I have absolutely have no idea of what you are talking about. Hukuna did the "suuuuuuuuuper" thing, so I, as a way to poke fun at him, posted the photo of the WWE ring announcer because he, too, had a habit of doing the same "suuuuuuuuuuuer" thing. Then, remembering that Hukuna doesn't follow wrestling, I added a video that provided an example of the habit in question, so that Hukuna would understand where I was coming from with a joke. That's literally all there was to it :/

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tl;dr version for clarity: If there was a reference there or a joke, I didn't look for it and didn't get it.

From the way you posted, I assumed that both you and Huk knew this joke, and it was meant for me to get it.

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I don't know if someone already asked this, but anyways

Will you guys create cries for your custom pokemon?

Yes! someone already asked, and I don't know if all pokemon, but some WILL get a custom cry. I was thinking of doing goshee's (the ghost) evolution's cry by recording my own voice doing an evil laugh, suiting for a halloween ghost. Lots of sound editing and 8-bitting later, it should be ready to be called a cry.

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Yes! someone already asked, and I don't know if all pokemon, but some WILL get a custom cry. I was thinking of doing goshee's (the ghost) evolution's cry by recording my own voice doing an evil laugh, suiting for a halloween ghost. Lots of sound editing and 8-bitting later, it should be ready to be called a cry.

This is, as usual, Zim talking without consulting those who will have to do the actual work. But if we deem this method doable, we will probably adopt it for all of our Pokemon. I guess only time will tell, we currently have our hands full with more urgent stuff...

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This is, as usual, Zim talking without consulting those who will have to do the actual work. But if we deem this method doable, we will probably adopt it for all of our Pokemon. I guess only time will tell, we currently have our hands full with more urgent stuff...

Well I dunno for all of the pokemon but some are pretty straight forward. Plus, my computer has a micro, and I have audacity. From there, is all the way up!

And my laugh sounds pretty goshee evolution. You can understand that phrase however you want XD

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