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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Here you go, darling:


My guess goes for Bug/Flying with Stance Change as a Hidden Ability, but i'm not sure yet.

:o ty

Funny that you would say that...

:o tell me!

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Your uncanny ability to somehow always guess the right thing at the wrong time, and for all the wrong reasons, never ceases to amaze me...

Or maybe it is just too easy to deciver those little tiny bits of hints you spread throughout your announcements? :P

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Or maybe it is just too easy to deciver those little tiny bits of hints you spread throughout your announcements? :P

I am pretty sure that, in the post of mine you quoted, the word "wrong" appeared at least twice...

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Tomas Elliot, on 07 Jun 2015 - 10:19 PM, said:

I am pretty sure that, in the post of mine you quoted, the word "wrong" appeared at least twice...

but wrong and wrong makes right :P

Your uncanny ability to somehow always guess the right thing

AND You said: I guessed THE RIGHT THING!

maybe wrong reasons = not your complaining about so many dark-types... maybe it's your love for dark-types

And Galewings is like one of the most OP abilities for such a "weak" Pokemon to make it very valuable "[it] makes up for it with a lot of useful abilities and out-of-the-box tactics" sounds pretty Galewingy to me

and about wrong time = I'm just the first to decipher all your little hints, and that just makes you angry! because there are no more secrets to hide from us! FOR YOU it's the wrong time (like immediatley after) :P

Don't hate me because my deductions are flawless!

*suddenly hair like Mega-Ampharos appears on me while a spotlight shines on me and a gentle wind blows through my fabulous hair* :Kappa:

(why haven't I realized earlier that we have a Kappa-emote here???)

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All in due time. We are in the middle of Ep 1 detailed planning, between exams, vacations and coding issues we do what we can :P

The beta will come out at some point in the far future (we're busy with stuff lol).

i just like saying that but what about the red head comment.....

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i just like saying that but what about the red head comment.....

About the red head comment: Our heads will be red when you guys keep rioting for beta... RED WITH ANGER!

(jk, It's just that Gale is secretly a redhead, because we figured: you'd think he would be the Fire type leader if he had red hair, and he's the Grass leader, so that's an extra surprise factor)

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The level of sheer absurdity the trolling has reached is really off the charts <.<

Absurd, or maybe......too complex for the average huma mind? Nova has trascended the spectrum of regular trolling and has thus reached ultimate trolling.

Or something. Dunno I'm listening at music that makes me feel like I'm high lol.

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I just like saying that but what about the red head comment.....

Ok lemme give you a serious answer: by sheer coincidence, a very important character that hasn't been revealed yet was decided to be a redhead. And that before you posted asking for more redheads. That is why I said "funny that you would say that" :P

Zebruh #Confirmed

Now if I had any graphic skills I'd post here a fusion of Slowbro and Zebstrika, but sadly I don't have those ;-;

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Ok lemme give you a serious answer: by sheer coincidence, a very important character that hasn't been revealed yet was decided to be a redhead. And that before you posted asking for more redheads. That is why I said "funny that you would say that" :P

Now if I had any graphic skills I'd post here a fusion of Slowbro and Zebstrika, but sadly I don't have those ;-;

And so it is.


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And so it is.


In this day, mankind has reached one of its darkest points. The things done here have crossed the line that no man should ever cross.

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