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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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We at #FOLD HQ, proudly bring you another one of our creations and Zim's b00tyfull vectorial artworks, with our Weedle expy. On most regions you have a more dangerous counterpart to the regional bug. For Kanto you have Weedle,Johto you have Spinarak,for Unova you have Venipede. And now,we have Lucifly!


As you might have guessed by now,Lucifly is the counterpart of Colourva and is your early game bug type. Contrasting Colourva's start with a Singular Type, Lucifly is of the Bug and Dark type. As is the norm for his species,Lucifly evolves early on in the game and is usefull untill the player's mons start evolving and they gain stronger mons. This one's my favoured choice due to both typing and cuteness over Colourva....just look into those eyes....do you REALLY believe this thing to be evil like it's name suggests?

On a sidenote,I've taken the liberty to destroy all of our stocked HukunaHugs so that he doesnt have to deal with it.


Stay cool people!

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Oh my god yes


I don't even care how weak this thing will be I am using it, this guy is gonna look badass when he evolves, I can just feel it.

Glad to see such enthusiasm.

I promise you that weedl....er, I mean, Lucifly, will not disappoint as a beedrill-bro.

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No kidding, Lucifly might very well be the one Pokemon that got the most hype so far, starters aside... I wonder why?

Because is a hell fly. Let me repeat this slowly and in all caps: HELL.FLY.

Maybe tiny, maybe cute, but is a fly that comes straight from hell to steal yo money. That's where the hype comes from.

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I bet it's evolution is therefore more sinister... but IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GOING TO DIE!

BEELZEBUG INCOMING. This is the first I've looked at this game honestly, but if it has a demon reference I might just have to stick around ;)

*slow clap*

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Yeah, next announcement is going to be a gym leader, we just need to decide which one to announce and who is going to make the announcement.

Pick a number any number 1-5

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Crossing Ayeran Peak sure was tough but it'll all be worth it soon because we're about to bring you a live interview in Neamos City with the renowned Mr. Walker himself!


Walker: Just ask your questions already.

So tell us Mr. Walker, what do you do for a living?

Walker: You an idiot or a tourist? Everyone knows I'm the sheriff 'round these parts.

Yes of course sheriff Walker! So tell me what life is like around Neamos city?

Walker: Quiet most days. Not much goes on about this city. If you didn't know, this place was originally a camp site for diggers lookin' for fossils.

Interesting! And I take it that it's peace is in no small part thanks to you?

Walker: You got it. Troublemakers from Ayeran Peak would come up here from time to time to steal food and whatnot but they learned right quick when I put a few rounds in their legs.

I-I see...And I heard you're the city's gym leader as well?

Walker: That's right. The saloon also acts as my gym. I don't own the saloon but I'm the only one who can quite the fools in there so the barman lets me use it.

Quite impressive, so are you accepting challenges at the moment?

Walker: I am, but this better not bring all the newbies here...I don't give my Justice badge to just anyone.

You heard it hear trainers, if you're looking for a challenge, come to Neamos City! If you can make it through Ayeran Peak that is!

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