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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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It stares into my soul...

"you want to hug me??? go on... try it... MY BODY WILL MURDER YOU!"



just found this picture about Australia and had to think of you guys...


Edited by Cepheus
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Yay new avatar for Red. All the free advertisement :D

Not quite sure I'm much of an advertiser, but in other news the follow function is still not working for me. Idk what I did wrong but I'm suppose to get alerted if somebody posted :(

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Not quite sure I'm much of an advertiser, but in other news the follow function is still not working for me. Idk what I did wrong but I'm suppose to get alerted if somebody posted :(

actually, i only check on this thread when your avatar changes.

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Minor announcement time with Azery; We started a Twitter account a few days ago. Who knows; maybe if we get enough followers we can do some kind of mystery gift event whenever Version 1 comes out!

Check us out at https://twitter.com/PokemonSe7en #FOLD with us!

and now we wait for all the kids thinking it's about the actual Gen.7 xD

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Sadly, it isn't going to become a Kraken....heck it's evo is the ONE mon I'd ask to be completely redesigned.....

But oh well, other;older pokemon announcements are going on there once I gather all the artworks for them!

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It's not even salt tbh, the thing's just ugly :(

So annoying lol; you could talk about this with me and not bash the pokemon over and over publicly, don't you think you little duck?

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I hate my brain...

I know your Pokedex is complete and all... but I just came up with a Fakemon... and I can't get it out of my head, so I'll just write it here, to give my head some rest...

(and I didn't want to Necro-post a CAP-topic, so SORRY FOR ABUSING YOUR FOR THIS... but I had to get it out of my head)

Pegapony (name origin: Pega(sus) + Pony)

Tiny Pegasus - Pokemon

Fairy / Normal

Ability: Levitate, Filter (HA: Hustle)

HP - low

Atk - medium

Def - low

SpA - medium

SpD - High

Speed - High

As it name suggests... its a Pegasus-Pony... a cute little white Pony with cute little, adorable wings!

Pokedex entry:

Pegapony's wings are not fully developed yet, therefore it cannot fly properly. But it constantly trains it wings, which results in it hovering above the ground most of the time.


It got a branching evolution like Eevee with Espeon and Umbreon... evolving via friendship during Day or Night...

Evolution during day:

Pegaleus (name origin: Pega(sus)+ gale + (Pegas)us)

Pegasus - Pokemon

Fairy / Flying

Ability: Filter, Magic Guard (HA: Gale Wings)

HP - medium

Att - medium

Def - low

SpA - medium

SpD - very high

Speed - very high

A full grown white Pegasus with fully developed wings and a rainbow-colored mane.

Pokedex entry:

When Pegalesus flies with top-speed, it looks like it draws a rainbow in the sky with it's colourful mane.


Evolution during night:

Nightmasus (name origin: Nightma(re) + (Pega)sus)


Night Flier - Pokemon

Ability: Intimidate, Moxie (HA: Gale wings)

HP - medium

Att - high

Def - medium

SpA - medium

SpD - medium

Speed - very high

A ferocious black Pegasus

Pokedex entry:

Nightmasus soar the sky during night. Their big black wings block the stars and moonlight before they dive upon their prey.


I just had to write them down... and I didn't wanted to Necropost one of the CAP-Topics... soooo...

Also... you might notice the branching evolution into a grown up white Pegasus and a grown up Black Pegasus... if you play Fire Emblem you might recognize this as the branching Advanced Class of the Pegasus Knight -> Falco Knight and Dark Flier

because that's exactly where I got the idea from... (and "Pegapony-Princess" is Chrom's 'cute' nickname for Sumia's daughter, who is a Pegasus Knight, if he marries her...)

So I came with the idea of Pegapony being the PegasusKnight into FalcoKnight or Dark Flier... or rather Pegalesus and Nightmasus

Pegapony and Pegalesus' stat distribution are like the Pegasus Knight in FE where they have High speed and Movement and high Magic resist, but mostly poor physical defence and low-ish health.

For Nightmasus i wanted a stronger attacker with less defence

Also Hidden ability GaleWings is a nod to the totally overpowered Ability from Dark Flier - Galeforce, which allows to move and attack again (once per turn) when an enemy is defeated.

and the thing with Fakemons in a completely new fangame is... you can always expend the Pokedex and add them... right? right??? xD

(or maybe it was a vision... a premonition... and I have uncovered 3 Pokemon you guys already have???)



Show us the ugly Pokemon and we can make an official Strawpoll for Re-design or not!

(totally not just want to see another Pokemon)

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...Interesting Idea, I'd definetly consider adding it if the Pokedex wasn't complete. It's a cool idea though switching the spdef and sp attack of Pegaleus would be better imo. Aside from that really cool idea.

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Show us the ugly Pokemon and we can make an official Strawpoll for Re-design or not!

(totally not just want to see another Pokemon)

I'm seriously so mad right now lol, know everyone will think this thing is ugly. Damn.

Regardless, about Pegapony, if it has wings and is a pegasus, shouldn't fyling/fairy or fairy/flying make for a better typing Ceph? I mean I know, levitate, I know what it does, but what I mean is that if you gave it the flying type you could replace levitate with some more useful ability. Anyways is your mon, but just an idea lol.

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Let's cut the fakemon discussion. While it's nice and all this isn't really the place for it as it's out thread for Se7en not really a place for the discussion of fake-mons. Maybe when our dex wasn't full and it was nice for a bit of inspiration, but now just... na. This is to be about the project we have going on and not so much a dumping zone for ideas. Let's stay on topic a bit here.

((If you didn't want to necro one... make a new one simple as that lol. I'm sure people wouldn't mind a topic on such etc... as the others are old at this point. But the Se7en Thread is NOT the place to be posting fakemon ideas.))

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So I've realized that I've been both overexaggarating and being too salty by what Amona's evo actually looks like. I've deleted and or edited the posts that relate to the querry in question. Sorry for the inconveniece, I hope you can still enjoy the game/Amona for what it is without my shit getting in the way.

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