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Oh my god...

I just had a serious realization about Elftik (yeah, a little late since Elftik was the last update before the Teaser... I know... bla bla bla...)

but the first time I encountered Elftik I knew there was something familiar about this little Bug, but I couldn't figure it out...

and it just NOW hit me, while scrolling through 9gag and seeing this picture:


everyone who played Gen.1 and 2 know these symbols...

Aquatic - Lizard/Dragon

Plants - Mystical

Bugs - Mammals

look at the Bug-Type symbol! LOOKT AT IT!

Elftik IS the Bug-Type symbol!

- those giant red eyes

- the six legs and the antennas

- the round body

- the open mouth!

the only thing that is missing are it's tiny wings... but you can't see them because they are on it's back - wich isn't pictured in teh bug type symbol!


Well that is certainly an interesting theory. However, I myself don't know how accurate it is, because Zim had completed the definitive design of the little bugger LONG before meeting me. You should ask him :P

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The egg. No but seriously, I don't get the question: what do you mean "which came first"? o.O

I think he meant in history.

To answer that question in my headcanon; Kelon is several generations old, and, as is told in Kelon, was founded by pirates. Albion was founded later on, in the Albion Forest, and only grew to its large size in about 50 years time.

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The preceeding announcement was brought to you by Nova & Zim Headcanons INC.

In all seriousness, while the recent backstory (as in, 2 or 3 years before the events of the game, tops) of the various cities is well-established in canon and plays a major role in the overall plot, there has never been (and there probably never will be) a proper timeline involving events of the distant past... With two notable exceptions (you'll see about those when the time comes). And frankly, I like it that way: I think it's better to leave some blanks for the imagination of the players to fill. That is, when some staffer doesn't randomly decide to go out and spin his own canon.

EDIT: and with this, let's begin the celebrations for getting to page 100 of this topic!

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This could mean that not only Kelon, but also Albion could be founded by pirates, or at least their decendants. This establishes a logical link to connect the two cities through the forest and not an indirect path, say from the west, that bypasses it. However Albion is more centrally located so populations from many other places could have come there. This gives Albion, one of the most populated cities, a reason to exist in the first place, since it appears that it's built in a not-so-fertile area (next to a forest) and in the north there's a path still unreachable by humans. So, by it being partially founded by pirates, it worked as a merchants route which could be used by the pirates (now merchants) in order not to cross the whole continent with their convoys and make it easier for them to gain profit, through the old tested strategy: pillage and resale. When they became totally legal after generations, this place served as their intermediate to the rest of the world. Again, having built a city that has no links to the rest of the civilization makes little sense. Therefore, since Nova verified the timeline having Kelon first, I deduce Albion too is founded by those pirates, at least partially.

I know speculation about the origins of the region have little to do with the current knowledge on the game, but I am wondering if I stand correct, since it only seems logical for the events to have occured likewise. If I were to continue I could add ghost stories and lousy habbits on the people (genetic behavioral predisposition), or if you let your imagination run wild, you could even come up with stories of the people colonizing the area out of interest on the secrets and legends of their newfound environment, which was previously a wild place (pirates and funny stories fit well in there too). Human intervention to a specific area could also explaing why the pokemon living there are minor threats and in general weak, but theories like that would be Farfetch'd and even distracting from the main plot.

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This could mean that not only Kelon, but also Albion could be founded by pirates, or at least their decendants. This establishes a logical link to connect the two cities through the forest and not an indirect path, say from the west, that bypasses it. However Albion is more centrally located so populations from many other places could have come there. This gives Albion, one of the most populated cities, a reason to exist in the first place, since it appears that it's built in a not-so-fertile area (next to a forest) and in the north there's a path still unreachable by humans. So, by it being partially founded by pirates, it worked as a merchants route which could be used by the pirates (now merchants) in order not to cross the whole continent with their convoys and make it easier for them to gain profit, through the old tested strategy: pillage and resale. When they became totally legal after generations, this place served as their intermediate to the rest of the world. Again, having built a city that has no links to the rest of the civilization makes little sense. Therefore, since Nova verified the timeline having Kelon first, I deduce Albion too is founded by those pirates, at least partially.

I know speculation about the origins of the region have little to do with the current knowledge on the game, but I am wondering if I stand correct, since it only seems logical for the events to have occured likewise. If I were to continue I could add ghost stories and lousy habbits on the people (genetic behavioral predisposition), or if you let your imagination run wild, you could even come up with stories of the people colonizing the area out of interest on the secrets and legends of their newfound environment, which was previously a wild place (pirates and funny stories fit well in there too). Human intervention to a specific area could also explaing why the pokemon living there are minor threats and in general weak, but theories like that would be Farfetch'd and even distracting from the main plot.

Albion is located directly south of Victory Road and the League HQ itself, the people that reside in Kelon itself came from somewhere else in Graterras, Albion however was founded very recently as Tomas said, starting out as a small town and quickly growing to be the massive city that it currently is for it's location, right in the middle of the region making it the perfect location for many businesses and even the league to set up shop nearby as it put both a gym;(Remember, Acacia is Albion's Gym Leader)and it's main building the headquarters up north of it, still pretty close by.

Speaking of the league, surprised no one's mentioned Fenimore yet, he's only had a single appearance so far but believe me, he's an incredibly important character in the game. Any ideas on what type he might/the elite four might use?

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Remember this is still a region inspired to Australia. So the colonial history of its real life counterpart must still be taken into consideration. So yeah, it is no coincidence that the VAST majority of the cities you are going to find are located near the coast, while the innermost areas are mostly wild: this reflects how a region being colonized from external forces would develop: with the eareas that are easy to access from the sea being colonized first. It's hard to tell right now, because you still cannot access the portion of the region that is east of Albion, but the city is actually located in a favorable spot, which makes it the ideal capital. So yeah, you have to imagine that, when the area was colonized, those who were in command of the expeditions would live here.

On the other hand, Kelon was in a relatively isolated area, which made it ideal for pirates to make it their headquarters. Later in the game, you will get to another city whose colonization was lead by scientists and archeologists, who needed a base of operation to go explore a nearby natural wonder. You'll also find a frontier city and a city built on top of trees (dat Gen 3 feel tho).

So yeah, I have said it before and I will said it again: there isn't a definite timeline concerning the distant past of the region, but if you want to make one of your own, you cannot overlook the parallels between this region and its real life counterpart. Oh and Az, Albion is not THAT recent, are you sure you are not confusing it with another city, located on an island?

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Australia is why I even mentioned the pirate theory. The aboriginals were the ones living in the harsher climates (and thus living on trees I presume) and the costal cities were founded by the empire dropping in-mates over there, who later founded new cities to live in. You can only assume that the theories people make for the game are inspired by real-life Australia. Yet, since this is a game story, it cannot be a copy of the original Australian history now can it?

You can pop some fireworks on the 100dpage by revealing a pokemon...

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Too bad that Zim has been slacking off studying for exams recently, so we have no artworks that we can use for an announcement ;-;

you guys have been studying for months...go steal the test already

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Speaking of the league, surprised no one's mentioned Fenimore yet, he's only had a single appearance so far but believe me, he's an incredibly important character in the game. Any ideas on what type he might/the elite four might use?

Who's Fenimore? Was he the one Mary was talking to at the harbor?

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Who's Fenimore? Was he the one Mary was talking to at the harbor?

...yes that is Fenimore, he's also Cat's dad and the region's title owner.

And by that I mean champion. Should be pretty obvious lol.

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I never thought revealing the champion would be that easy and unexpected... thanks I guess.

Does anyone remember the person who talks to you after you beat Mary? Can't remember the name. Does he have any active role?

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I never thought revealing the champion would be that easy and unexpected... thanks I guess.

Does anyone remember the person who talks to you after you beat Mary? Can't remember the name. Does he have any active role?

I mean, BW did it with Alder lol, but yeah there's a lot more to Fenimore....lots...

That's Flair by the way, he's our spin on the gym guy. Tomas had a lot of fun making this guy's lines actually and it still cracks me up. He's a side character, mainly to fill up the world and give you some interesting details about the gym's type/ace pokemon like he did with Mary and will do with Duster and beyond.

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what's the latest episode of this? I see on page one it mentions episode 1, but people are talking about a lot. 100 pages is a lot to try and ready through, would really appreciate someone giving me a link to the latest episode if possible?

Game seems interesting and I am eager to try it out

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what's the latest episode of this? I see on page one it mentions episode 1, but people are talking about a lot. 100 pages is a lot to try and ready through, would really appreciate someone giving me a link to the latest episode if possible?

Game seems interesting and I am eager to try it out

Episode 1 is the current episode.

like until page 80-something is all talk about the development and teasers and stuff. - while the rest is actual talk about Episode 1 and other announcements on the development of episode 2

and we just got a Teaser for Episode 2 a few days ago :P

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Hi I'm Zim and I'm glad to be here today in this short space. As mentioned already somewhere by someone, I'm on exam season and I don't really have the time to come to the forums all days nor at all times. Thus, when I read we were planning on announcing this one, I got this 5 minute break to announce graterras' very own eeveelution, Haunteon!


Now now, I know what you're thinking: "But Zim, why is eevee even in Graterras?" well, while my personal answer for you would be "don't look so deep into it god dammit", little eevee's presence in the region is actually related to the game's plot. A fun fact that might or might not be related to this, is that every single gym leader or E4 member of Graterras that uses a type with an eeveelution belonging to that type, well, uses said eeveelution on their team!

Going back to the star of the announcement, the haunted shadow pokémon, Haunteon, is made of ectoplasm, meaning it isn't precisely solid. Its long ears can extend great distances by merging into the shadows of things, and the pokemon itself can become a shadow at will.

As you might have already figured out after getting your ass beaten at defeating Mary's gym, this is yours truly's own impression of what eevee's ghost final form could be like, and is built as a fast and quite dangerous mixed attacker.

Being based on a canon pokemon with an entire family of evolutions devoted to it, y'all pretty much are experts on how eeveelutions work by now: they get an ability (infiltrator, in haunteon's case), a hidden ability, evolve by a particular method related to their type, and have specific stat numbers distributed in a unique way for each one of them. Which brings me to my following challenge for y'all: try to guess Haunteon's stat distribution!

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YAY Haunteon!

Sorry Red... but this time it's my avatar :P

because EEVEE :D

soooo... I'll be back in a sec


aaaand I'm back!

Yay Eevee love by the Gym-leaders! \o/

I have to go and refelct on the gym-leaders...

but I think that means we have to face:



(maybe) Jolteon,

I think Sylveon


Eevee itself? - If the final Gym-leader, who wasn't announced (whose Identity we got to know during Ep.1) uses Normal types ... according to my thinking... or maybe Eevee even got a Normal-type evolution??? :o

on to the question "guess it's stat distribution" - you said it yourself:

it's a FAST mixed ATTACKER

sooo... I would say in order:

Spd - Sp.Atk/Atk (tied) - HP - Sp.Def - Def

I wonder over it's evolution method though...

The thing is "evolve by a particular method related to their type" - Ghost-types evolve by all sorts of method...

It could be a Stone evolution using Dusk-Stone, since some Ghost-types use it to evolve... or through trade (Gengar comes to mind), or holding a particular item (Reaper Cloth)...

or it follows the "be at a certain place" than Mary's Gym area comes to mind... there is a surf-path we will be able to access... maybe back there?

but then the evolution method changed with each generation... so maybe something completely new?

maybe like Pancham, you have to have another ghost type in your party...

Edited by Cepheus
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Two things I would like to point out about what Zim said:

1) If a Gym Leader or E4 uses a type for which an eeveelution exists, then he/she uses that eevelution in his/her team. Notice he said "eeveelution", meaning "an evolution of Eevee". This excludes Eevee itself, also why are you suddenly assuming that Acacia uses the Normal type? We purposedly had her hand out Hidden Power during her conversation, specifically so the move would NOT be a hint (it can be of any type).

2) Eeveelutions have specific stat numbers distributed in a unique way. Notice that this means that the base stats are the same for all Eeveelution, only they are swapped around: for example, all Eeveelutions have base 130 in something, it is HP for Vaporeon, Spe for Jolteon, SpAtk for Espeon and so on. So yeah, guessing Haunteon's stats basically means guessing how these fixed values are distributed in its case.

Oh and just so you know: this is one of three new eeveelutions we are introducing in our game. All things considered, I find this one and another one to be pretty good at what they do, while the third one is held back by an issue that many canon eeveelutions have in common.

How are these for some juicy hints? ;)

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Two things I would like to point out about what Zim said:

1) If a Gym Leader or E4 uses a type for which an eeveelution exists, then he/she uses that eevelution in his/her team. Notice he said "eeveelution", meaning "an evolution of Eevee". This excludes Eevee itself, also why are you suddenly assuming that Acacia uses the Normal type? We purposedly had her hand out Hidden Power during her conversation, specifically so the move would NOT be a hint (it can be of any type).

2) Eeveelutions have specific stat numbers distributed in a unique way. Notice that this means that the base stats are the same for all Eeveelution, only they are swapped around: for example, all Eeveelutions have base 130 in something, it is HP for Vaporeon, Spe for Jolteon, SpAtk for Espeon and so on. So yeah, guessing Haunteon's stats basically means guessing how these fixed values are distributed in its case.

Oh and just so you know: this is one of three new eeveelutions we are introducing in our game. All things considered, I find this one and another one to be pretty good at what they do, while the third one is held back by an issue that many canon eeveelutions have in common.

How are these for some juicy hints? ;)

Number 1)

that's why I said "MAYBE" Eevee got a NORMAL-Type EVOLUTION! like a Eeveeon... ... ... seriously...

and ok since Hidden Power is a "Normal"-type move that changes... well ... SHE USES ALL THE EEVEELUTIONS! because ALL the types!

(like Blue in Gen.2 ... but he was a exception that was never repeated in all the Generations, that's why I think it's 'unlikely' but not impossible)

But if you recall Mr. Deadpool asking me what Type her kind of profession would use - I answered "Normal" because reasons and it had nothing to do with Hidden Power.

Number 2) Stat distribution... well, yeah I hadn't all those exact stats in mind... and I totally forgot that one is 110 instead of two 95... but I know that they have the same Base-stats just swapped around... and that doesn't really change my opinion on the distribution:

Speed - 130

Sp.Atk - 110 (that STAB Shadow Ball)

Atk - 95

HP - 65

SP.Def - 65

Def - 60


and still... Ghost types evolve with so many methods... there is no particular way a Ghost evolves - that is what is bugging me right now with Zim's statement...

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Speed - 130

Sp.Atk - 110 (that STAB Shadow Ball)

Atk - 95

HP - 65

SP.Def - 65

Def - 60

Close, but no banana :P

As for the evolutionary method, Espeon and Umbreon are BY FAR the easiest to obtain, so I can predict you will be getting them a lot while trying to figure out how to get the new ones :P

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