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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Just make sure you reveal new stuff every once in a while to keep people distracted. In case Azery does not make it on time, is there nobody else in the team that can continue the coding or work in parallel with Azery to finish it quicker?

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I was actually reading about that bug yesterday D: Sorry if this is a dumb question, but will the Essentials problems mean we have to start a new file in episode 2?

Azery is more qualified than me to answer this, but for what I understand, the crash happens upon typing in your name. So yeah, a save file that is already past that point should not be affected by this bug. However, the point is moot anyway because, when we eventually release Ep 2, we will make sure it does NOT suffer from this bug. We will either wait for a fix, or downgrade to an earlier version of Essentials.

Just make sure you reveal new stuff every once in a while to keep people distracted. In case Azery does not make it on time, is there nobody else in the team that can continue the coding or work in parallel with Azery to finish it quicker?

We have already reorganized our work on that respect, don't worry ;)

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... Or maybe not. Looks like I have bad news for you all, guys.

Quoting directly Azery, who can explain the issue much better than I can:

To this, you need to add that, halfway through march, Az is going to leave on a trip during which he won't be able to work on the game, so yeah, if the fix comes out in that time frame... Welp, you see where I'm going with this.

Therefore, as of this moment Episode 2 is to be considered indefinitely delayed. We blame whoever is responsible for the Essential bug. On the plus side, this delay will be the perfect occasion for us to improve our game all around, from the dialogues in need of a revamp to the tiles that could use an upgrade, a few juicy graphical perks will be introduced, and there will even be more time for Juu to complete our OST.

We promised that, starting with Ep 2, we would really show off our stuff. Essential bugs nonwithstanding we will, eventually, honor that promise.

We will make sure to keep you guys up to date on the progresses with our usual policy of announcements, but we would really appreciate it if you could avoid making "so, how long until the release?" posts (RED I AM TALKING TO YOU), because for once Azery wasn't slacking off, and this situation is not our fault.


o come on ive been a good girl and asking outside the thread <3

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I only just now saw this but *shrug*

I'll give the new (?) version a try and see if there's any new feedback I can give.

also just posting this here because I didn't know whether it belonged here or in the other topic

It makes no difference, really. Do keep in mind, however, that we are currently in the middle of development for Ep 2, which has encountered all the problems I detailed above. So yeah, while it is likely that we will keep your instances in mind (come to think of it, the list of Pokemon available for Ep 2 was redesigned specifically with your earlier criticism in mind), I cannot really promise it.

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It makes no difference, really. Do keep in mind, however, that we are currently in the middle of development for Ep 2, which has encountered all the problems I detailed above. So yeah, while it is likely that we will keep your instances in mind (come to think of it, the list of Pokemon available for Ep 2 was redesigned specifically with your earlier criticism in mind), I cannot really promise it.

To be honest the real reason why I just wanted to try it was because I felt like playing it again, and picking up some things along the way is never bad. Anyway, it's just criticism (or praise) but you're free to do something with it or not. I mean, it's still your game.

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To be honest the real reason why I just wanted to try it was because I felt like playing it again, and picking up some things along the way is never bad. Anyway, it's just criticism (or praise) but you're free to do something with it or not. I mean, it's still your game.

Again, I know that we WANT to keep your criticism in mind (again, we have done just that with the available Pokemon in Ep 2), but I don't know if we CAN, given all the issues we have bumped into (the Essentials bug, Huk's technical difficulties, Azery's upcoming trip). We will do our best tho. And hey, "I feel like playing your game again" is the best compliment we can receive, so thanks for that :)

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Take your time and make a well polished game without bugs :) The bugs with Essentials is really unfortunate but if more time means we get more polished games that's fine. I like each new discovery in this game, so good job, your goals with new discovery works well. Plus, I'm going to have full teams of normal type, so I have to catch and evolve each pokemon to see if it's normal type or not, that would be so much work but fun~ Good luck with your project!

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When is the next scheduled pokemon reveal?

i suspect maybe later this week, tomas is back at university today and zimmy is just now getting over the flu so once they get back in their funk we will get one :D

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There are 3 Pokemon we debated announcing. Problem is that, as Red mentioned, Zim got a flu so he didn't finish making vectors for any. As soon as he finishes one we will announce it.

Meanwhile, let's show off Juu's skills some more: remember when I said that Looker would be in the game, and that it would be THAT Looker, no bait and switch? Welp, here is further proof:


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There are 3 Pokemon we debated announcing. Problem is that, as Red mentioned, Zim got a flu so he didn't finish making vectors for any. As soon as he finishes one we will announce it.

Meanwhile, let's show off Juu's skills some more: remember when I said that Looker would be in the game, and that it would be THAT Looker, no bait and switch? Welp, here is further proof:


I like it a lot. Sounds very consistent with the feel of the rest of the game's audio, so far.

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sounds awesome!

but there is one Problem I have with this, as with every other music piece in any other Fangame (yes, also Reborn)



I use headphones, normally I have them around my neck while playing games or so... unless I actually listen to music or watch movies or anime...

When I put my headphones on, they are set to 100% (naturally...) and all the fangame music blows my brains out!

(really when I start a fangame, the first thing I do is going into the Windows volumemixer and set it's volume to 5... MAX! because otherwise I can't hear anything else... and it the music is still as loud as everything else coming over the other channels with 100%)

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Hello, loyal minions of Se7en! This is the first announcement since our topic hit 50K views!

Anyways, Zim is either sick or slacking, Azery's PC is borked, and Tomas is still hung-over from his birthday (just kidding, love you all), but not all hope is lost. Calvius is back, once again, after some PC troubles of his own, and he'll be making cries for us again soon.

And, to top it off, We have another announcement for you guys! No full artworks of mons this time, but an in-depth look at fossil mons in Se7en!

These won't be in CH2, but will play a role in CH3. Nonetheless, you have one chance at victory in the Graterras league, and only one weapon at your disposal: Pick your weapon!

The Sabre FossilTG0e0Pf.pngORRzCSSKV.pngThe Axe Fossil

As per custom, both of these fossils will yield a two-stage fossil evolution line when revived. In addition, these fossil-revived mons are guaranteed to be part Rock-type due to their fossilized origins, but you guys can go ahead and guess their secondary types (if any), fighting styles and HAs.

Be warned that only one of these fossils can be picked, as the other one's revived species will end up in the team of a major character. That fossil will be available in the post-game, but this is still subject to change.

But that's not all! There's a third fossil mon in Graterras as well: Where the Kanto region had a set of two fossils, along with Aerodactyl from the Old Amber, the Graterras region has the same fossil distribution, with two "main" fossils, as seen above, and a special third, amber-based fossil. This "special" fossil mon is even rumored to be a distant, extinct relative of an important mon you will meet in CH2!

Duke it out over which weapon is best, and have a wild guess at what these fossil lines will represent, and how they will fight! En garde!

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Judging by how both of them are fashioned after weaponry, I'd say that it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that they will probably be one of the following combos:


Pure Rock



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Well, I was always the sword-type guy and prefer Rapiers wherever I can... well a Saber is the next best thing, so I'll go with that when I get to choose :P

Sabre-Fossil = Sabretooth-Tiger

I think it will be a fast, physical attacker (a fast Rock-type? NO WAY!)

Rock/Grass (prowling thorugh high Grass, stalking their prey...)


Rock/Ground (because of their earthy colored pelt and we hadn't had a Rock/Ground Type since Rhyperior)

Axe-Fossil = Dodo

yes, a Dodo! at least I get that vibe from the Fossil-image... it kinda looks like a Dodo's beak!

or... an actual AXEBEAK, like from Dungeons and Dragons or other Fantasy games...

there fore I would say: Rock/Flying

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I imagined it as one of the very early dinosaur forms, like an Ankylosaur, which were herbivores. Now it hardly makes sense for a plant to eat another, but I'd look at it from an evolutionary perspective. Large carnivores start to populate the area, so the ones most fit, survive. Our saur, let's call it Tim, is originally an animal closely related to nature that it's part of it, so it's half animal, half plant (a normal/grass type of sorts). It has to adapt to survive, so the ones that develop an armor and Axes on their tails (ceratin) are able to fend their pursuers off much easier. This one is somewhat inspired by Bastiodon and Rampardos, but more of a peacemaker than a fighter.

Oh well, since you didn't see it at once, it's not it :)

Tiger theory stays. It's a scenario so probable, I didn't even need to write down the reasoning behind it.

Axe-Fossil = Dodo

yes, a Dodo! at least I get that vibe from the Fossil-image... it kinda looks like a Dodo's beak!

or... an actual AXEBEAK, like from Dungeons and Dragons or other Fantasy games...

there fore I would say: Rock/Flying

That's not a bad thought. It needs to be a distinctive feature, so it's either on the head or tail.

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Sabre - can be a type of sword so .... Rock/steel?

Axe - could either be grass/rock because you need a wood to make one or could also be rock/steel because you need some type of metal to build one?????

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