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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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This is the Se7en team with two important announcements!

1) Today, the Se7en topic has reached 10 000 views!

2) To celebrate, we are announcing our next Gym Leader! Check out the latest broadcast!

Reporter: "This is the 00 Channel broadcasting live! Today we're visiting Pitu'pek, a swamp town located in, you guessed it, the swamps of Graterras! We are visiting Irvine, who is a famous hunter in this are-"

???: "Was"

Reporter: "Excuse me?"


Irvine: "There's nothing to hunt here no more. The name's Irvine, former hunter."

Reporter: "How so? Why can't you hunt anymore?"

Irvine: "Straight to the questions, huh? Don't even have the decency to introduce yourself."

Reporter: "Sorry! I simply forgot it!"

Irvine: *sigh* "No matter. Swamp's turning into a waste-pit, that is. All the Pokemon are leaving, and those left are corrupted..."

Reporter: "A wasteland? How is that happening?"

Irvine: "Companies take their sludge, the remains of their productions, and dump'em here. Pollutes the ground, air and water. Soon, we gotta move too."

Reporter: "Is there nothing you can do?"

Irvine: "Nothin'. Folks in the cities ain't gonna believe us. And since we're hunters, the Pokemon aren't so happy with us either."

Reporter: "But you run a Gym! Don't you have any power?"

Irvine: "We gotta keep to the rules. Most leaders support the companies, "helps the nation grow." they say. But see what it does here..."

Reporter: "I now don't know what to think of it either. Is it really that bad? But... time's almost over now. Anything you want to say about your Gym?"

Irvine: "Time's over for us, too, with the waste. As reminder of what this once was, I give out the Swamp Badge. That's all."

Reporter: "So that's it. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Check us out next time for a whole new broadcast, here at the 00 Channel!"

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although he is not as I imagined him back then during the free-for-all brainstormings... ah... however...

out of nostalgic reasons I would say Normal-Type...

but now... with the pollution and waste in the SWAMP... and the SWAMP-Badge I say Poison-type

his colours brownish / beige would indicate the normal type but with the purple jeans and neck-tie it complement the poison type.

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While all the signs POINT to poison, he's not really very happy about all the pollution and stuff, I'm sure he'd much rather things go back to NORMAL. Addmitedly, Normal for him is a Swamp, so that's still pretty poisony... Although I guess that puts Water type on the table too... Hard to say for this one, really.

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Irvine is actually very different from Duster from basically any possible point of view...

Meh, dusty Irvine and walker are still three old men ...

Give me eye candy !

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Meh, dusty Irvine and walker are still three old men ...

Give me eye candy !

Traditionally, the good-looking characters are the villains... Which we are not going to announce at this time. Well, both MCs and rivals are cute too I suppose, maybe we will announce them at some point... Maybe.

Also Mary counts for eye candy, albeit probably of the wrong gender for you :P

EDIT: also we are gonna have a character who is quite the looker.

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Traditionally, the good-looking characters are the villains... Which we are not going to announce at this time. Well, both MCs and rivals are cute too I suppose, maybe we will announce them at some point... Maybe.

Also Mary counts for eye candy, albeit probably of the wrong gender for you :P

also we are gonna have a character who is quite the looker.

Speaking of Mary, I sort of re-did her sprite: Check it out!


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It's sea mist, if you mist that. Should I make it clearer for you? I think the mist is clear enough. Or go make it clear yourself, use Defog or something.

If Se7en had Field Effects, the sea mist field would be hers.

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It's sea mist, if you mist that. Should I make it clearer for you? I think the mist is clear enough. Or go make it clear yourself, use Defog or something.

If Se7en had Field Effects, the sea mist field would be hers.

Nah it's good my eyes are going down hill anyway.

Off to go test some more wheat

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So, I have a concept about fakemon

Basic concept: White Shock with some stains

Name: Shonky

Type: Poison

Gender ratio: 50% - 50%

Abilities: Stench

Base stats:

  • Average HP
  • Low Attack
  • Average Defense and Sp.Defense
  • Average Sp.Attack
  • Low Speed
Movepool (by level and via TM): May be like Gulpin or better :mellow:

Evolution: Can't think of this

Pokedex entry: It's a old shock that abandoned cause it's stink and dirty

May be it's just other useless mons :(

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Not every pokemon needs to be a badass.

The dark/normal rattata is cute and looks tough

The goanna and goshee are cool

The lucifly is the best design so far imo (and badass) - absolutely wonderful (just make it useful so I can keep it in my team)

The starters are normally appealing

The caterpie and pidgey are not badass.

My point is, that we need a special pokemon reveal as the next one. Not something too big of course, but still memorable.

Note: I don't know if Zim's reply was sarcastic or serious, but it actually helps if the EV/IV page is included now that we're blind about the pokemons' stats, so we could at least form a plan of how to train, if not on our first run, at least on our second. It's tedious to manually keep track of the EVs of the pokemon, and since it's going to be a tough game (at least promised) it constitutes an assisting factor.

Also, note for the rest of the developers, I suppose the game creation is somehow based on how the first games were made. Therefore it makes sense for a caterpie, weedle, rattata, pidgey sub which are essential in almost every canon pokemon game. I'd like to remind you there were mankey, nidoran, and spearow in the first areas too. We expect more pokemon reveals.

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Not every pokemon needs to be a badass.

The dark/normal rattata is cute and looks tough

The goanna and goshee are cool

The lucifly is the best design so far imo (and badass) - absolutely wonderful (just make it useful so I can keep it in my team)

The starters are normally appealing

The caterpie and pidgey are not badass.

My point is, that we need a special pokemon reveal as the next one. Not something too big of course, but still memorable.

Note: I don't know if Zim's reply was sarcastic or serious, but it actually helps if the EV/IV page is included now that we're blind about the pokemons' stats, so we could at least form a plan of how to train, if not on our first run, at least on our second. It's tedious to manually keep track of the EVs of the pokemon, and since it's going to be a tough game (at least promised) it constitutes an assisting factor.

Also, note for the rest of the developers, I suppose the game creation is somehow based on how the first games were made. Therefore it makes sense for a caterpie, weedle, rattata, pidgey sub which are essential in almost every canon pokemon game. I'd like to remind you there were mankey, nidoran, and spearow in the first areas too. We expect more pokemon reveals.

Well we do have a Spearow, as well as something that might be considered a Mankey... Not sure about the Nidoran tho. I mean we have a plethora of Pokemon with similar characteristics, but none of them completely fits the Nidoran archetype.

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Note: I don't know if Zim's reply was sarcastic or serious, but it actually helps if the EV/IV page is included now that we're blind about the pokemons' stats, so we could at least form a plan of how to train, if not on our first run, at least on our second. It's tedious to manually keep track of the EVs of the pokemon, and since it's going to be a tough game (at least promised) it constitutes an assisting factor.

Well I don't really remember what you're talking about but by the look of it I'd say the reply was serious. I mean being able to see your EVs/IVs is something I love about reborn, we might as well keep it, if that's the context of this lol.

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Ok everyone, since we are thankful to you all for the attention our project is gathering (thanks for your kind words Phoenix) we are going to announce a new Pokemon. Unfortunately, it is not "badass" as Nick demanded, but it is a cool concept nonetheless, if I do say so myself. Ladies and gentlemen please give it up for Lassirena!



This is really Zimvader's style at its finest. Who else could take a sea wasp, give it strong alien motifs and a creepy eyeless face, and make it look so damn cute?

This is also an interesting Pokemon in that it is supposed to be mysterious: as soon as you begin your adventure you will soon find trainers who have it, however it won't be possible for you to catch it during the first chapter of the story. As a result, figuring out its type will be difficult, also because it has features reminiscing of a plethora of different types, including Water, Fairy, Psychic, and Poison. And keep in mind that, at the beginning of the game, you will have a rather limited selection of attacks to choose from, so guessing from its reistances and weaknesses won't be easy either.

So yeah, since we took cruelty classes from Ame, we are not going to reveal the exact typing of this cute little freak. Instead, we are going to reveal its nornal abilities, so that they might aid in your efforts at guessing: Rain Dish and Liquid Ooze.

Feel free to try and guess! Go Cepheus logic!

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