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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Just a tiny little thing: the abilities of this thing are rain dish and liquid ooze.

That's a prime example of miscommunication in our project discussion :Pand totally not a last-minute change to hide that it is a poison type

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Great work!

Even if it's obvious to me that it's part poison, even with rain dish, I can't say it looks like a water type. Both combinations of Psychic/Poison and Fairy/Poison are nowhere to be seen in the canon games, therefore good candidates. I'm more inclined towards Fairy.

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My phone doesn't allow me to multiquote so I'll just reply to this one: sorry lol, saw you and Nova talking about that mistake just after I had written that message.

As for deadpool, you're the new cepheus now XD

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I'm honestly thinking about doing a "OMFG SO CUTE! I NEED TO CUDDLE IT!"-Playthrough

But yeah... since I've been officially challenged... give me a bit to think about it...

So, Rain Dish / Liquid Ooze...

Rain Dish is a Water-Type exlcusive Ability in the 'normal' games... while Liquid Ooze is Poison-Type exclusive

Hell Tentacool/Tentacruel are the only ones who have both, like this little guy... and they are Water/Poison...

The Sea Wasp is a DEADLY Jellyfish containing DEADLY Poison living in WATER (they are Jellyfish, duh)... So Water/Poison Typing would make the MOST sense!


This wouldn't be Pokemon if everything would make sense! - Malamar is a Calamari... and no sign of Water-Typing

My guess would be that you want to leave a "false trace" with those abilities... and that those abilities should represent their respective types for this Pokemon, which it DOESN'T utilize or only half utilizes.

So even if it isn't a water and/or poison type, I would say those abilities and some moves it may learn (Poisonsting, Toxin, Aqua Jet come to mind) will give it coverage for those types... as you said from the beginning... most Pokemon aren't what they seem, and they have utilities to outsmart their weaknesses or have some things about them that makes them great.

So I would say this is one of those Pokemon and that Water/Poison is WAY to obvious for this little cutie... and with the case of Malamar, an Aquatic-Liveform in the Realworld doesn't neccesserily have to be a Water Type in Pokemon.

So... I'll scratch the Water-Type... but, since you said we wouldn't be able to catch it, that may because it lives in the water and we don't get a meaning of fishing! A non Water-type that lives in the water... it would suit you guy (and Ame's cruelty)

From the 4 Types you mentioned we have 3 left. Poison, Fairy and Psychic... I don't want to scratch poison yet... because Sea Wasps are like... all about their Poison. It's their main meanings of defense!

I don't think it's a Fairy/Psychic type... I can't point my finger on it... but it just doesn't lookt like it for me (and we already have a few original Fairy/Psychic type)...

so what's left for me is:

Poison/Fairy or Poison/Psychic

My guess would be one of those... but which... THAT IS the hard call...

Both pairings bring good resistences with them...

Poison/Fairy bringe more resistences with it, 5 resitences (double-resist: Bug and Fighting ; normal resist: Grass, Dark and Fairy ; and one immunity: Dragon)

it's weaknesses are: Psychic, Steel and Ground ... some considerably hard to come by early game types...

Poison/Psychic brings 4 resistances (double resists: Fighting ; normal resists: Grass, Poison and Fairy)

it's weaknesses are: Dark, Ghost and Ground .. also some hard to come by moves early game... well maybe not Dark because of the rather common "Bite"

I actually can't decide... the more I tend to one typing the more I'm inclined to say it's the other...

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It's so cute! squee~

Since most people have pretty much confirmed it to be Poison(?) I'm going to have to go with Deadpool and Cepheus- but I think it's more likely a Poison/Psychic. Just something about it gives me that feeling, not sure quite what.

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You get a like from me because of the effort you put in it. Really, it warms my heart to see that there are people who care about our project so much to actually go through all that reasoning just to guess the typing of a fakemon. And in all that reasoning you actually got some things right without promting on our part, so double kudos ;)

EDIT: this was aimed at Cepheus, dem ninja ponies ;-;

EDIT EDIT: and there I thought I'd do something special for my 1300th post.

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You get a like from me because of the effort you put in it. Really, it warms my heart to see that there are people who care about our project so much to actually go through all that reasoning just to guess the typing of a fakemon. And in all that reasoning you actually got some things right without promting on our part, so double kudos ;)

EDIT: this was aimed at Cepheus, dem ninja ponies ;-;

EDIT EDIT: and there I thought I'd do something special for my 1300th post.

Don't worry Tomas. After 36 more posts, you'll get another chance.

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Hello everyone! After seeing the Pokemon Se7en banner around, I decided to check out what it actually was. I'm impressed! From what little I've seen so far, this looks to be a promising game with a lot of potential. I'd offer to help out, if it weren't for the fact that I have no skills for early stage game making. I do have a gaming snob's eye for typos and tile errors/flaws, so once this game gets going, I'd be happy to help polish the little stuff. Until then, though, I'll be awaiting each teaser release along side everyone else.

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Is the lion intimidating enough to be released after the fairy jelly?

We'd be lion if we said it isn't intimidating. But we currently have a code we follow for announcing the mons, and the lion does not qualify to be announced before Ch1 is out.

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Told ya people love lions (although in this case "lion" might be a bit of a stretch). Also

Hello everyone! After seeing the Pokemon Se7en banner around, I decided to check out what it actually was. I'm impressed! From what little I've seen so far, this looks to be a promising game with a lot of potential. I'd offer to help out, if it weren't for the fact that I have no skills for early stage game making. I do have a gaming snob's eye for typos and tile errors/flaws, so once this game gets going, I'd be happy to help polish the little stuff. Until then, though, I'll be awaiting each teaser release along side everyone else.

Well we will need beta testers eventually. We'll make an announcement here when the time comes, so check this topic from time to time ;)

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Ooooh, the crowd is clamoring for a new announcement...

We are all a bit busy, but we will try and get a new announcement in today or tomorrow: I can anticipate that it will be a new gym leader ;)

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We were arguing for several days as to who was to announce the next Gym Leader. To stop this argument once and for all, here's our next official announcement!

Reporter: "You're watching the 00 Channel from Elysia City! That's where we are broadcasting today, to let you meet our very own Gym Leader! We would have interviewed her right away, but she's on quite a busy schedule, so we had to wait until now in order to get to speak to her properly. Please welcome the Elysia Gym Leader and Opera Star, Anastasia!


Anastasia: "Pleasure to be here on the show with you, darlin'."

Reporter: "Glad to have you here! It must have been difficult to find a place on your schedule to get here.

Anastasia: "As the brightest star of the Opera Hall, my life is more hectic than it ever was. It's hard to find time for interviews, or even for things like relationsh-. Oh, never mind that. But I don't regret a thing; standing in the spotlight was my lifelong dream, and now it's one come true."

Reporter: "And you're even a Gym Leader besides that! I can't imagine being a Gym Leader even besides my measly job as a reporter! Can you tell us more about your Gym?"

Anastasia: "What a coincidence for you to ask. The Gym Battles are wondrous shows in the Opera Hall. With me and my Pokémon, any battle is a dance of grace. Combining that with my performances in the Opera Hall was a stellar choice. The trainers seem to enjoy it as well. They can be stars for one show, and to those that shine the brightest, I give out the Etoile Badge."

Reporter: "No wonder you're so popular! A role model figure, an opera star, and a great battler to boot! Would you mind telling us about your battle style?"

Anastasia: "In my battles, grace and performance is key. All styles of the Opera are mastered by me and my Pokémon: Dance, sound and performance flow together in a beautiful act. Come and see for yourself; senses often say more than words."

Reporter: "You heard it, and the show is on! Thank you, Anastasia, for your kind words! Thank you, Trainers, for tuning in for our broadcast today! This is Channel 00, signing out!

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Yay! new announcement!

She was supposed to be the Psychic-Leader, wasn't she?

I mean you guys said it yourself after all the brainstorming in the beginning, where she came up, that this fits perfectly into your plans and "sound based" psychic types.

but fairy would also come to mind... just in case you changed your plans... fairys are mostly graceful, which would fit for an Opera-singer and well... they learn "Disarming Voice"

Etoile = Star

how fitting, since she is a star at the opera house.

does that now make se7en Gym-Leader out of 8? I actually lost count... I guess I'll go back a into the topic and create a short overview :P

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Yay! new announcement!

She was supposed to be the Psychic-Leader, wasn't she?

I mean you guys said it yourself after all the brainstorming in the beginning, where she came up, that this fits perfectly into your plans and "sound based" psychic types.

but fairy would also come to mind... just in case you changed your plans... fairys are mostly graceful, which would fit for an Opera-singer and well... they learn "Disarming Voice"

Etoile = Star

how fitting, since she is a star at the opera house.

does that now make se7en Gym-Leader out of 8? I actually lost count... I guess I'll go back a into the topic and create a short overview :P

Indeed, Anastasia is the seventh gym leader we announce. From the top of my mind, and in completely random order, so far we have announced:

Lead Technician Gale (Turbine Badge)

Ol' Cass Duster (Salt Badge)

Elder Shaman Anthea (Nature Badge)

Pirate Wannabe Mary (Sunken Badge)

Former Hunter Irvine (Swamp Badge)

Sheriff Walker (Justice Badge)

Prima Donna Anastasia (Etoile Badge)

The last gym leader cannot be announced right now because it would be quite a bit of a spoiler... But as soon as you play the first chapter everything will be clear ;)

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The last gym leader cannot be announced right now because it would be quite a bit of a spoiler... But as soon as you play the first chapter everything will be clear ;)

The local Professor (fighting with all 3 starters final evolution), the leader of the evil organization (like Giovanni).. or your Mom/Dad (like Norman) :P

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