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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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once this is finished do you think you might be able to port it to showdown for competitive on an alternate server or on reborn?

It would be really cool to be able to play competitive with these (I'll still suck, despite all the beasts we have XD), but I don't really know if it is possible or not. I mean showdown does have the CAP tier for fakemon, but at this point in time I don't know how to include new mons in competitive simulators, let alone if it is possible for people outside of them.

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It would be really cool to be able to play competitive with these (I'll still suck, despite all the beasts we have XD), but I don't really know if it is possible or not. I mean showdown does have the CAP tier for fakemon, but at this point in time I don't know how to include new mons in competitive simulators, let alone if it is possible for people outside of them.

So thats what that tourment means....

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I suppose we can propose a "pet mod" which simply edits the stats, movesets, tyings and abilities of our mons for each of the Gen 5 mons, of which there are exactly as many as there are se7en mons, and simply ban all the others. But we should wait with that after we have at least a few chapters in, or else all the Pokemon will be spoiled.

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From the top of my mind, so far we have the starters, Ebounny, Magpy, Lucifly, Colourva, Bloanna, Kutlass, Pslamb, Lassirena

I checked the entire Thread again...

we have:

the starters (Eufur,Roobbar, Lifoam)










and I only checked because I had the feeling you were listing one that we hadn't seen yet... and would have demanded an instant revealing^^

(I totally forgot about Magpy xD)

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Gosh, how could I forget Goshee of all things? But yeah, that's the full picture: again, most of those will be obtainable by chapter 2, meaning that so far you only have "ingredients" to make what would essentially end up being an early game team... But as I mentioned in another occasion, there IS a trick to every mon in the Graterras dex, so yeah, whether or not these Pokemon have late game and/or "competitive" value is up to you, the players. The one thing that makes me proud about this Se7en project is that we put together a very balanced metagame, with each and every Pokemon having a chance to shine and to do something for the team: of course, it is inevitable that some Pokemon will turn out to be significantly stronger than others, but again, there is a trick to even the weakest ones.

I think the true difficulty, as well as the true appeal, of this game is exactly this: upon being put in front of 150+ Pokemon you know absolutely nothing about (in terms of stats, HAs and movepools), will you be able to find the trick to each and every one of them? For example, will you be able to exploit breeding to its fullest without knowing all the chains beforehand? With no wiki and no Smogon to rely on, will you master this game?

This is the challenge we, the developers, lay down for you, the players ;)

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So, if my predictions are correct, we have:

Normal: 3

Fire: 1

Water: 3

Grass: 1

Electric: 0

Ice: 0

Fighting: 1

Poison: 1

Flying: 1

Psychic: 1

Ground: 0

Bug: 2

Rock: 0

Ghost: 1

Dragon: 2

Dark: 2

Steel: 2

Fairy: 2

Not bad. We just need moar Rock and Ground types. An electric rodent is also mandatory

Jerry back me up in this one

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so...when do we get a taste of the plot?

The OP has a small explanation of the plot:

The plot: the general aspects of the plot have already been defined. We are not going to reveal anything on this regard, but you can expect shady company executives, a villainous team that does good deeds, a pair of rivals in the veins of Cheren and Bianca from B/W, gym leaders actually doing something and the return of a recurring NPC from the canon games. Also the driving force of the story will be a group of seven legendary Pokemon, hence the title of the game, "Pokemon Se7en" (well that and the fact that in theory this game will come out after generation 6, but chances are Nintendo will have already released their new game by the time we are done).

As for the rest, you'll have to see in-game :P

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So, if my predictions are correct, we have:

Normal: 3

Fire: 1

Water: 3

Grass: 1

Electric: 0

Ice: 0

Fighting: 1

Poison: 1

Flying: 1

Psychic: 1

Ground: 0

Bug: 2

Rock: 0

Ghost: 1

Dragon: 2

Dark: 2

Steel: 2

Fairy: 2

Not bad. We just need moar Rock and Ground types. An electric rodent is also mandatory

Jerry back me up in this one

We also need an Ice Type. Preferably, one that's not a Legendary but powerful enough to land itself in the OU Tier.

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Then why are none listed here? just look at the Type Counter and you'll see what I mean.

That is Deadpools counter for the already ANNOUNCED ones, as in - which we saw here in the thread.

earlier in the thread we have a Type chart of how many Pokemon of a type will be available... all in all there are/will be ~158(?) Pokemon

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Cepheus is right. I made this just to keep track of the already announced ones. Not to mention that 1 or 2 might be slightly wrong.

If we are not going to meet the ice types any time soon, we should get a glimpse of them. That or the villainous Mother Theresa.

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What is a villanous mother Theresa? o.o

But yes indeed Deadpool, that list of yours is quite accurate for the current releases. If anything, I'd say that you're counting mons of known type and their evos, since for example you have 2 in dragon, but so far we only have bloanna, so are you counting its evo there?

Also, from the top of my head:

  • Dark type: 22 pokémon
  • Bug type: 22 pokémon
  • Normal type: 20 pokémon
  • Poison type: 20 pokémon
  • Fairy type: 20 pokémon
  • Steel type: 18 pokémon
  • Fighting type: 17 pokémon
  • Water type: 17 pokémon
  • Grass type: 16 pokémon
  • Ground type: 16 pokémon
  • Fire type: 15 pokémon
  • Ghost type: 14 pokémon
  • Psychic type: 14 pokémon
  • Flying type: 13 pokémon
  • Electric type: 13 pokémon
  • Dragon type: 13 pokémon
  • Rock type: 12 pokémon
  • Ice type: 11 pokémon
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If we are not going to meet the ice types any time soon, we should get a glimpse of them.

Funny that you would say that... You know how Jericho has been asking for a while that we publicly announce the Pokemon he contributed? Well, that's an Ice-type Pokemon. And as I told him, it WILL get announced, just not now, because it is our precise policy to announce the things that will be possible to see/catch in the first two chapters first. Once we are done with those, we will move onto announcing other stuff, so be patient...

Although I am afraid that the strongest Ice-type Pokemon of Graterras is a standalone that does not evolve, so yeah, our policy is to only announce LC-legal Pokemon, which means you will have to wait for the game to see that one :/

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Oh we have plenty of those, including one that is VERY good...

Talking about very good mons, how many pseudo-legendaries were created? Not like it matters too much for the first chapters because pseudos are only avaliable late game.

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What does LC-legal mean?

I'll dare to guess he means Little Cup, as in just prevos of things that will be featured in upcoming episodes, but dunno for sure.

That would be the reason why he haven't announced any standalone yet, so at least you know that everything announced evolves at least once.

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Funny that you would say that... You know how Jericho has been asking for a while that we publicly announce the Pokemon he contributed? Well, that's an Ice-type Pokemon. And as I told him, it WILL get announced, just not now, because it is our precise policy to announce the things that will be possible to see/catch in the first two chapters first. Once we are done with those, we will move onto announcing other stuff, so be patient...

Although I am afraid that the strongest Ice-type Pokemon of Graterras is a standalone that does not evolve, so yeah, our policy is to only announce LC-legal Pokemon, which means you will have to wait for the game to see that one :/

yo, did anything i create get used?

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