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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Just like Spinda :P

Well obviously not all standalones are legendaries, but since all legendaries are standalones I was just wondering if it might be the case. Of course, if it is, the crew sure as heck won't tell us. :P

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I'll just say it right now;my mon is Not a legendary, all legendaries were made by Hukuna and Zim iirc.

Hmm yeah pretty much, if anything I think Tomas was also behind some of them, iirc.

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Surprised this thing doesn't have a touch of purple in it because its poison but whatever.

gonna have to figure out a different nickname if everybody wants to call theirs roadkill tho

good job boys

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gonna have to figure out a different nickname if everybody wants to call theirs roadkill tho

I'm gonna call mine Hobo, I think.

I have nicknames prepared for almost all of the mons already xD

Eufur (muh starter): sweater

Ebounny: dedpet or graveyard

Lassirena: ariel

And so on...

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I'm gonna call mine Hobo, I think.

I have nicknames prepared for almost all of the mons already xD

Eufur (muh starter): sweater

Ebounny: dedpet or graveyard

Lassirena: ariel

And so on...

how does tread marks sound?

I was also thinking about Punchy for my starter

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the only one I'll nickname is my starter Eufur...

and his (yes, I'll soft reset if I have to... to get a male) name will be: Reginald

Soo... I've gon thorugh Oppossites STAB moves (Normal and Poison) and came to the conclusion, that he has like no STAB move with which he can utilize Contrary.

HELL if it learns Coil it will lower it's stats instead of increasing them! (since Contrary works both ways...)

I hope it learns some moves later that lower it's stats afterwards so it can make use Contrary...

and early on there are not many moves with this trait of lowering stats... this is mostly a trait of powerful late-game moves to compensate their strength...

That means Contrary could ONLY be used passively, to use the enemies stat-lowering moves to your advantage, and who knows what you guys do to the AI :P

Suddenly I don't think Contrary is THAT good on it... but then again, I don't know it's movepool...

Edited by Cepheus
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the only one I'll nickname is my starter Eufur...

and his (yes, I'll soft reset if I have to... to get a male) name will be: Reginald

Soo... I've gon thorugh Oppossites STAB moves (Normal and Poison) and came to the conclusion, that he has like no STAB move with which he can utilize Contrary.

HELL if it learns Coil it will lower it's stats instead of increasing them! (since Contrary works both ways...)

I hope it learns some other non-STAB moves that lower it's stats afterwards so it can make use Contrary...

and early on there are not many moves with this trait of lowering stats... this is mostly a trait of powerful late-game moves to compensate their strength...

Suddenly I don't think Contrary is THAT good on it... but then again, I don't know it's movepool...

Starters have a 87.5% chance of being male, so you'd have to be waaaaaaaaay unlucky to get a female Eufur over and over xD

And yes, there are no poison or normal type moves that work necessarily well with contrary. That's why we gave Oppossite v-create :P

In all seriousness tho, as mentioned by someone before, Oppossite is one of the most versatile/adaptable mons in the region (at least when it comes to poison types), but you have to put hard work into it, you need to give it some love or it won't shine. All I'll say is that it has more options to use contrary with than Malamar, so yeah.

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I am going to nickname my Pokemon after members of the Se7en crew btw.

So you will only ever catch 8 mons huh? well you can form a pretty terrific team with just 6 and 2 in rotation lol

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I am not going to include myself <.<

The main team will be nicknamed after members of the crew, while the rotation guys will have out-of-theme nicknames. I think you can guess which Pokemon I am nicknaming after whom ;)

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Oh lord.... I already have an idea of what I will end up as... *shudders* ((I don't think any possible ones for me have been revealed yet though so my lips are sealed XD.))


Haaah. I get it.

Hmmm, but if it is a standalone, is Azery's mon also a legendary? :o

I'm just saying... without revealing anything about them ((cause you have to play the game for that...)), that there wasn't much room for people to make Legends, because 4 of them ended up being mine. To put that in perspective... I created an entire Trio and it's master. In fact... Fun Fact: The trio wasn't even really planned to be created for Se7en. It was something I made in my off time as a sorta... experiment into Legends and something they could do. ((what that was... I will not say cause it influences their design's quite a bit so it be light spoilerinos)), however they ended up just fitting with the themes and story things we were going for that we ended up deciding to use them in the game.

Just a little fun revelation that doesn't truly reveal things. Those are fun... right?

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Well the trio created by Zim happened by chance as well. He sent me a bunch of designs for possible Pokemon to include in the project, back in the days when it was still just the two of us. Literally weeks later, I went back to check some sketches of his, saw one in particular I liked (it wasn't even supposed to be for a legendary IIRC) and told Zim "Hey this is good, how about you make it a legendary?". And then he made two more with similar look to complete the trio lol

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Well, to be honest huk, lots of mons that are in se7en weren't originally meant for se7en; ebounny and looooots of others were just made because I can, and ended up being sticked into the dex when we were making it xD

In fact.... the majority of legendaries we have weren't created neither originally for the project neither originally as legendaries.

A revelation that doesn't reveal a thing, indeed.

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I am not going to include myself <.<

The main team will be nicknamed after members of the crew, while the rotation guys will have out-of-theme nicknames. I think you can guess which Pokemon I am nicknaming after whom ;)

So,I could be literally anything with the only restriction being that it gets slack off?

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Do you not have a duck pokemon in there?

Also, how is the game progressing? Obviously this is a hard time for most members but I suppose progress, albeit slow, is steady.

After the first episode is complete, will there be the usual progress bars?

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Do you not have a duck pokemon in there?

Also, how is the game progressing? Obviously this is a hard time for most members but I suppose progress, albeit slow, is steady.

After the first episode is complete, will there be the usual progress bars?

No ducks, but we DO have a platypus.

Nearly all Pokemon (except for one), as well as most character sprites for Ch1 are finished, but most of them still need to be touched up, so those will have to be updated. Mapping is proceeding steadily. Overall, we're doing good :)

I don't know about the progress bars, but I suppose we could use them.

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We are indeed MUCH closer to our first deadline than I ever hoped we'd be by this point, and you have to thank mainly Nova and Azery for that (Azery being an example of hard-working staffer, what is the world coming to?). Most of the progresses are happening as we go, as in, we plan out what will happen in an area, and immediately maps for the area are done, Pokemon found there are sprited, and so on. It's all in real time.

This however means that, in the first couple of chapters, there MIGHT be still some missing chunks of data regarding late-game Pokemon/items/locations/whatever, therefore it is highly recommended that you DON'T tamper with your game (as in, take a look at the data or try and cheat in RPG Maker) untill at least chapter 3... We won't be held responsible for whatever you mess up :P

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Well it would break the point quite a lot. We're in a way, trying to capture that essence of playing that Pokemon game for the first time again. That feeling we all got when we found a region that was all full of new mons that we had never seen before the wonderment of exploring that region etc...

Of course this is prompting us to take not only notes from the main series but from other fan-games etc and jsut games in general. A lot fo influences might be seen in the game from other Generations... but funnily enough Gen 5 is a big one. Taking that amount of story and going with it in our own way. I think we probably have more story elements than BW or BW2 did. And we're going to hope to not go off the bloody rails quite like X and Y lol.

But, We really want people to experience this as if they were playing a new region for the first time, back in the days before the internet was around to spoil everything quickly. We want to capture that feeling of being a kid again, tearing open that packaging, and diving into a new game. It suuuuper ambitious and definitely going to be a tough journey and tall order to do this. But, I promise those that do play Se7en, don't ruin it for yourselves. You'll want to discover the mons as you go, the Region as it exists. I think One will have the most amount of enjoyment. I think it be a disservice to yourself to do so as it defeats the purpose of what we are attempting to capture lol.

Of course, we cannot stop those that want to from doing it lol. But, I think it definitely doesn't fit what we are trying to do here. THat's all I can say lol.

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I think tampering with the game to try to see types, stats, movesets, and the like would kinda miss the entire point of playing a fan-game with only new and unknown pokemon.

But hey, that's just my opinion.

Everything Huk said, plus, that looking at the graphics folder or extract the PBS files will only spoil the player, not anyone else (unless those people start bragging or spoiling what they find, but that's a topic for another day).

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We are indeed MUCH closer to our first deadline than I ever hoped we'd be by this point, and you have to thank mainly Nova and Azery for that (Azery being an example of hard-working staffer, what is the world coming to?). Most of the progresses are happening as we go, as in, we plan out what will happen in an area, and immediately maps for the area are done, Pokemon found there are sprited, and so on. It's all in real time.

This however means that, in the first couple of chapters, there MIGHT be still some missing chunks of data regarding late-game Pokemon/items/locations/whatever, therefore it is highly recommended that you DON'T tamper with your game (as in, take a look at the data or try and cheat in RPG Maker) untill at least chapter 3... We won't be held responsible for whatever you mess up :P

speaking of deadlines


6 weeks left :<

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