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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Oh so it's like the "friend vs. best friend" thing, I see.

Going on topic again, can someone tell me how many days have passed since the last announcement?

are we counting official announcement or does the sound bites count?

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How the bloody hell are you people able to make annoucements that fast? What's next? Some of these Pokemon have Mega Evolutions?

they clearly stated in the past, mega evolution would not be in their game

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they clearly stated in the past, mega evolution would not be in their game

Yep, this is correct. Is one of the few things Tomas and I agreed from the start: first, no trade evolutions as we both hate those, and second, no megas, as he hates what the concept has become and as I fear 100 extra points in stats might have made some of these mons broken beyond any mean, plus having to design megas is something I never really got much into. I made one for Ivorip (the rabbit thing), with higher attack, defense and speed and the ghost/dark type, but tbh it wasvalways kinda meh.

I promise you that if we gave megas to some of our strongest mons, they'd ve more broken than mega ray quay or mega gengar. Like, eeeeasy

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Eh... I don't think they'd be that broken. Mega Ray is broken because 1. It has stupid stats, 2. It ability removes nearly all it's relevant weaknesses, and 3. can still hold an item.

So, it's be hard to make one as broken as that imo... now if some of the stronger ones did get it... well... yea they would be dang scary as hell lol.

But yea... we don't want Megas and they will not be part of the game. After all an entire generation worth of Fakemon is more than enough to learn and figure out without giving some of them megas on top of that. SO yea... just nope no megas lol.

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Hmm, well I maybe exaggerated (after all, mega ray quay quay is still mega ray quay quay), but scary as hell, indeed. Imagine you know who with 100 extra points in stats and an even better ability....it would be madness. Or that other one, with sheer force, and given its movepool, yeah, you remember, as you were the first to oppose it xD. And the other guy with that one typing, with more defense... taking it down would be impossible.


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Yep, this is correct. Is one of the few things Tomas and I agreed from the start: first, no trade evolutions as we both hate those, and second, no megas, as he hates what the concept has become and as I fear 100 extra points in stats might have made some of these mons broken beyond any mean, plus having to design megas is something I never really got much into. I made one for Ivorip (the rabbit thing), with higher attack, defense and speed and the ghost/dark type, but tbh it wasvalways kinda meh.

I promise you that if we gave megas to some of our strongest mons, they'd ve more broken than mega ray quay or mega gengar. Like, eeeeasy

*cough* Link-Stones *cough*

yeah a "Link Stone" would give the feeling of a trade evolution like: "oh, if it were a real game I would have to trade it." but instead making it a stone evolution :P

But I also hate trade evos, because since R/S/E I never had someone to trade with...

and no Megas! YAY!

No stone hunting and no "HOLY SHIT! <Gym-Leader XYZ> uses a Mega??? SCREW THAT!"-moment

also I want to say:

we are nearing middle of September... that means not too long anymore until October (although you never said WHEN in October), the anticipated release of V1 (or Beta whatever)

Clearly don't want to stress you guys out...

(no seriously... even though I'm hyped you may as well ake your time... I've got so much stuff to play)

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Megas aren't nearly as threatening in practice as they are on paper though I do suppose that's reasonable enough. I would know because for the Hardcore mod, I had to give each Reborn leader after Shelly a Mega...and I don't think any of them are the strongest on their teams. Maybe Kiki's, but I think that's it. Losing the item hurts more than you think, but this isn't uber competitive or difficult which is probably why it'd be more difficult to balance.

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I have stated many times that this project does not NEED megas. That's the main reason.

And Cepheus what's the point in coding in the Link Stone when we are designing all the evolutionary methods of our Pokemon ourselves? I mean, if I have to design, for a game that has no trade function, a Pokemon to evolve by trade so that I then must code in the Link Stone (thus effectively making it an evolution by stone), might as well make it an evolution by stone to begin with, using some stone that is already in Essentials, which saves time. This was the main reason for abolishing trade evolutions.

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*cough* Link-Stones *cough*

yeah a "Link Stone" would give the feeling of a trade evolution like: "oh, if it were a real game I would have to trade it." but instead making it a stone evolution :P

But I also hate trade evos, because since R/S/E I never had someone to trade with...

and no Megas! YAY!

No stone hunting and no "HOLY SHIT! <Gym-Leader XYZ> uses a Mega??? SCREW THAT!"-moment

also I want to say:

we are nearing middle of September... that means not too long anymore until October (although you never said WHEN in October), the anticipated release of V1 (or Beta whatever)

Clearly don't want to stress you guys out...

(no seriously... even though I'm hyped you may as well ake your time... I've got so much stuff to play)

The bold letters so much, that's exactly why I (at least) hate trades. I'm not precisely a social guy, and even out of my few friends, just two play pokemon. None owns a portable nintendo device, they play hackROMs in their phones. But the focus of my hate for trades is Gourgeist. I love the pumpkin, is my favorite pokemon. Is the halloween mon. Then why on hell doesn't it evolve at level 31? why a trade? trevenant, gengar and alakazam are similar examples. Heck I even know people who played pokemon as childs and never knew that gengar evolves from haunter, or how to.

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I remember that girl in Snowpoint City who'd trade you a Haunter for a Medicham...and the Haunter had an Everstone!

It's more possible to "catch them all" in some fangames than it is in the official games.

Edited by Ice Cream Sand Witch
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I remember that girl in Snowpoint City who'd trade you a Haunter for a Medicham...and the Haunter had an Everstone!

It's more possible to "catch them all" in some fangames than it is in the official games.

I remember that and I was excited about being able to use a Gengar...and GF pulled a middle finger on that one. I don't despise trades, but I don't embrace them either. I see no reason to make trade evolutions in this game. Maybe if you had a master programmer and had a huge community anticipating the game, maybe then you could consider a small, no a smidge chance of making a couple trade evolutions, but my god you better know what you're doing or they'll be hell to pay.

The only thing worse than trade evolutions is roaming legendaries...without a tracking device. Though I swear GF is trying to find more ways to torture us with these legendaries recently.

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Yea, we would never put trade evos in. ((I debating putting in friendship ones for the longest while as well... however the fact that you can get Eevee since we are adding two new Eeveelutions we had to have them anyway because of Espeon and Umbreon ))

But yea Trade evos would never make it in and even then it's not really that possible to do that.

I think we'd sooner do like version Exclusive mons then Trade evos. ((mostly as a thing to drive home the R/B/Y and jsut the feel of the games.)) as we have some lines set up like that. ((think Seviper and Zangoose.)) Or course... there will only be one version of the game, but we made some evo lines that contrast each other in that way since they exist in the canon games. It won't be as noticeable since you can always get both but We still opted to do it anyway for flavor reasons lol.

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So out of curiosity, how will starters be handled? Like obviously you'd choose one at the beginning, but if you're going for all 151 regional Pokemon and there's no trading, then will they be handled in a manner similar to XY where you can obtain both of the other starter lines in the post game? Or well they be usable well before that?

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We'll probably include the Link Stone post-game to evolve canon mons, but no normal Graterras mons evolve by trade, luckily :)

So out of curiosity, how will starters be handled? Like obviously you'd choose one at the beginning, but if you're going for all 151 regional Pokemon and there's no trading, then will they be handled in a manner similar to XY where you can obtain both of the other starter lines in the post game? Or well they be usable well before that?

In the post-game, you can in-game trade the first form (Eufur,Roobber,Lifoam) of your starter with your rivals to get their respective first-form starters. You'll have to breed your starter for that, of course, and so do your rivals :) At least, that's how we have planned it so far.

Inb4 we create a crazy plot twist and kill off the MC or one of the rivals and have to find another way

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We'll probably include the Link Stone post-game to evolve canon mons, but no normal Graterras mons evolve by trade, luckily :)

But I thought the only canon 'mons would be the Eevee family and Ditto, and neither of those evolve by trade. :S

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Yea... we're still not really sure on that to be fair... if any other canon mons are in it will only be post game if at all. I'd personally keep them out even then but that's me, we;ll see where it goes once it gets there... I mean we're not even done with Chapter 1.... we don't really need to be thinking aobut End-game yet lol.

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