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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Nah it was mainly something to keep you guys busy...considering most of the Chapter 1 mons have been shown off aside from a select few. Another should be coming up by Monday at least.

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It has been quite a while since our last announcement, hasn't it? How about another one?

This time, we're introducing a new Pokemon! And it's another cute one, I'd say!


This is Seedstink, the Wilted Flower Pokemon! Don't let its cuteness fool you; Seedstink is based on a subgroup of plants called "Corpse Flowers"! It (obviously) has the Stench ability, along with one other normal ability, and a Hidden one, both of which I won't spoil for you. Seedstink is of the POISON/GRASS type, which is well known from mons such as Bulbasaur, Oddish, Roselia and Foongus! However, it brings a few very unique (for Grass types) tricks into battle, such as the ability to learn quite a few Fire type moves! You won't be able to get your hands on Seedstink in Chapter 1, sadly, but it will be available in due time. Feel free to speculate!


In other news, we've almost reached 30.000 views! Thanks, everyone, for staying with us!

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Red_Chaos changes Avatar in 3... 2... 1...

Why are most of your Pokemon so frickin adorable??

I can't handle it!

So... a Grass/Poison that learns Fire-Moves... hmmm... maybe it will evolve into a Grass/Fire type (maybe a branched evolution??)

as other ability (maybe even the hidden-ability) I would say "Chlorophyll" for the speed-boost in Sun and attack-boost of it's fire-moves.

and due to it's type, and you mentioning those original Pokemon I guess it will be quiet bulky with a good Special-Attack.

Since it's not available in Chapter 1 - I think enemy trainers will use it, so we encounter it... but it will be available in Chapter 2

Edited by Cepheus
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Red_Chaos changes Avatar in 3... 2... 1...

Why are most of your Pokemon so frickin adorable??

I can't handle it!

So... a Grass/Poison that learns Fire-Moves... hmmm... maybe it will evolve into a Grass/Fire type (maybe a branched evolution??)

as other ability (maybe even the hidden-ability) I would say "Chlorophyll" for the speed-boost in Sun and attack-boost of it's fire-moves.

and due to it's type, and you mentioning those original Pokemon I guess it will be quiet bulky with a good Special-Attack.

Seedstink is actually a poison/grass type. Yes, I know it's the same, but I always wanted a grass/poison with poison as first type. Its evolution keeps the typing in that exact same order, so despite learning some fire type moves, it didn't justify enough for getting a STAB on it. Sorry fire/grass hype.

The line is some kind of...."rendition" I always wanted to make to the Oddish line, which is my fav grass line. As Nova pointed out, the line is based on a group of plants called "corpse flowers" (not their actual scientific name), giant flowers that emit a putrid, corpse-like smell to attract insects and keep everything else away. You know how Vileplume is a rafflesia, that red giant flower? well this is kinda the same gimmick but with another group of plants.

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Poison/Grass is a great typing, no matter how you see it. Gamefreak went defensive OP and gave it Thick Fat. I wonder what direction you guys will follow, especially with the Fire-type moves. I'd be guessing a sweeping mon. Both rafflesia and titan arum are called 'corpse plants', but rafflesia can be considered the 'female' to titan arum being the 'male' (since it has phallus in it's name). I suppose the fire moves come from igniting the flammable odour that comes out of it.

Here's a picture for those wondering how the final evo was (probably) inspired..


I'm expecting also Steel and Ground moves from that little guy

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Its evolution keeps the typing in that exact same order, so despite learning some fire type moves, it didn't justify enough for getting a STAB on it. Sorry fire/grass hype.

Dammit Zim, you killed the Fire/Grass speculation I tried to create with my post :P

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Meh I kinda preffered for them not to get overhyped for a grass/fire mon with this one. I mean I can already imagine the "yo this thing didn't evolve into grass/fire man what the heck" comments lol.

Sorry for ruining your facade tho xD

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Well, some Poison types like Skuntank and Weezing can learn Fire moves like Flamethrower and Incinerate and Fire Blast.

And if it's a physical offensive Pokemon, there's always Flame Charge, which Gourgeist learns.

That's indeed true. And gourgeist specially, is the first grass type that learns fire type moves (that I'm aware of). Sadly its special attack sucks and it only ever uses flame charge, if at all. Seedstink's evolution is not quite like gourgeist, but some of the fire moves they learn match, actually.

Also, unrelated, is that Oreon? goddamn I want to pet (and eat) that thing <3

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Also, unrelated, is that Oreon? goddamn I want to pet (and eat) that thing <3

Yup. c:

I wonder what the Hidden Ability for Seedstink will be, though, since Stench was the only thing that came to mind when hearing the "stink" part. Maybe something more on the Grass type side?

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Also, unrelated, is that Oreon? goddamn I want to pet (and eat) that thing <3

Yup. c:

Speaking of Fan-made Eeveelutions, i'm in the process of making Sprites for each of the Custom Eeveelutions. Currently, i've only got Aveon's sprite made, but I'm working on Oreon next.

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Speaking of Fan-made Eeveelutions, i'm in the process of making Sprites for each of the Custom Eeveelutions. Currently, i've only got Aveon's sprite made, but I'm working on Oreon next.

This doesn't pertain to Se7en please keeps these conversations elsewhere. Our thread is not the place for these discussions. I'm cutting this off before it goes further. Please understand this and please remain on topic.

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It seems the bait was good enough...

I mention Ground moves because I've made a little research about the environments the 'corpse plants' grow, and they are mostly in Indonesia and Sumatra, where the weather conditions force the plants to grow either extremely long roots or widespread, even when put in condense places, where they intertwine with other plants to keep the ground steady in case or heavy rainfall or other factors that cause widespread environmental damage or just change. Also, have you seen how huge those plants are in real life? Sure, Vileplume didn't get Ground, but it got Fighting and Fairy moves, even if they are contradictory with the design and the main idea.

The Steel part was there just because the long middle part of the plant can be used as a spear, but if the evolution goes on to resemble flames this theory has no basis.

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Poison/Grass is a great typing, no matter how you see it. Gamefreak went defensive OP and gave it Thick Fat. I wonder what direction you guys will follow, especially with the Fire-type moves. I'd be guessing a sweeping mon. Both rafflesia and titan arum are called 'corpse plants', but rafflesia can be considered the 'female' to titan arum being the 'male' (since it has phallus in it's name). I suppose the fire moves come from igniting the flammable odour that comes out of it.

Here's a picture for those wondering how the final evo was (probably) inspired..


I'm expecting also Steel and Ground moves from that little guy

if you think im not going to make a dick joke while nicknaming the final evolution of this thing you're very wrong

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As I said, the plant has the word phallus in its name. It's more than obvious that such heated nicknames are to be given.

Of course, the dev team can always make it 85% F to avoid such things

As if that would prevent it, although now I do hope that the final evolution looks like Vileplume with a pointy head.

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