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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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HEE!!! It's I the new writer! Plague Knight! In my off time I do enjoy a spot of writing. You know... when I'm not experimenting with new chemicals and explosions and what not. I'm a bit of a romantic I suppose. Anyway! I'll be picking up where that other guy left off. Can't remember his name... he's probably not all that important if that's the case.

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Plague knight is nice, he's very good with explosions and all, but I think I'll miss the other guy. Huku-something was his name. Will he ever return?

Edited by zimvader42
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Nice to see you again, Plague Knight. I was unable to change this Account after Usurping it, so sorry about the incorrect name.

Edited by K_H
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The original announcement


"Wait, THE DOCTOR posting something of substance? Well this has to be important cause that dickbutthead is never in this thread. Heck it even has a #FLOOD thing at the top despite the #FLOOD joke not making any sense anymore since Lifoam is long sleeping with da fishes."

Is probably what everyone is thinking right now seeing as I'm posting in this thread and not being some vague son of a gun for once. HEHEE!!! (((Hey, what can I do. If I put up anything I work on I spoil stuff... you don't want me to SPOIL STUFF DO YOU!?!?!?! The answer is probably yes... but eh... I'm not going to so :P. After all... we do want you to play Dark Souls III when it finally comes out. HEE!!!)))

Today we have an interesting treat... as well... I actually designed this digimon. Holy hell THE DOCTOR has designed some of the Mons? Why yes, yes I have humble reader. Just most of mine are standalones (((to the point not a single three stage line was designed by me.))) and therefore I cannot put them in here. *grumbles something about being too good at making standalone mons.* Without further ado... I present another cute freaking thug type. (((trust me they get muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch uglier later. You'll just have to wait for that part now huh?)))


Say hello, to Lunarkilla, The Stellar Thug Pokemon!!! (((cause you know, he's a real swaggy guy. Stand-up citizen right there folks.)))

"What's so special about this little guy oh THE DOCTOR?" You might ask. Well I'll tell you. It's a THug/Psychic/Gun Holding type. So mysterious... so majestic... so THE DOCTOR has issues. It wields both Machine Guns and Katanas and SHIT as basic weapons. This makes it immune to that thing people call... God is it? As moves with secondary effects don't activate on it. (((So no Scald burns YA HEAR?!?!?!))) Synchronize also makes it scary inflicting status as well... you might just find yourself with the same one you just inflicted. After all, Lunarkilla believes sharing is caring, so you betta bring im yo money b1tch. If you don't bring enough burns to class to share with everyone well, The oh so deradful THE DOCTOR just might get upset. Lunarkilla knows that I don't like to be upset. Oh!!! Almost forgot something! It also has the added benefit when in the lead of your team of making things have the same Nature as your little buddy Lunarkilla!!! Having a sad day? He's going to make it worse, take your lunch money and sing Justin Bieber. Make everyone you find Jolly so you are like super surrounded by happiness and stuffs!!!

Lunarkilla also has a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet hidden ability however, due to how sly they are they don't want me to tell you. Ok, it's kamehameha!! Maybe once you get to know one really well they'll open up a bit more? Try looking out over a dark starry night where the full moon is hanging lazily in the sky. Just the two of you out under the stars for a wonderful evening. I hear people think that is romantic or something, so maybe little Lunarpilla likes star-gazing. Or maybe it doesn't and will digest your entrails.... WHO KNOWS!?!?!? After all, isn't that what adventure is about? Spoiler alert: No.

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Lol the mere thought of a bird-skull dressed like an old man running around with bombs creeps me out.

Anyways, don't want to be a party pooper, and I know plague is a mod and all, but is it correct to deviate this much from se7en topic? last time it happened some guy warned us. Think it was gore?

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Just talk about the announcement on Lunarkilla above then.

Last time I was making questions about the game, I was asked to stop because people didn't feel like answering. If it pleases people we can return to the times when the topic was dead for days or week(s) as the only comments that existed were direct A&Q to the exactly previous announcement, which happen mainly in the first days after the announcement.

Anyway, more comments on the matter would derail the topic. So, when will you reveal any more custom characters or anything similar?

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Ok since it was brought to my attention that the form for contributions was still in the OP, I have edited it out since we are now in the final phase of development, so we are not accepting contributions anymore. Unless you are a music expert willing to help with the OST, that is.

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