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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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I'll tell you the total number of different Pokemon you can CATCH, if that is ok for you. Notice that I said "catch", which means that the number does not include evos nor the starter (but it does include events/trades). So yeah, the total number of Pokemon you can catch is 11!

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  On 11/24/2015 at 9:14 PM, Follow said:
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That :P Allthough if you catch it... it's pweeeeetty much unbweakable.

I think that Ebounny takes the cake of annoying though. If you've met it, pweeeeetty obvious why. Jeeez TeamSe7en, jeeez,

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  On 11/24/2015 at 11:54 PM, Catherine Cook said:

You know, I really wish I could see people's reactions in real time, when the leader's last two Pokemon hit the field :P

*Checks for YouTube playthroughs*

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I actually had saved before the evo, used my Rare Candy, and then resetted. Why?! I want to savour Lifoam a little bit longer and evolve it during the next ep. I had overleveled it enough (instead of sharing that exp, with, say, OPRoot) to see it evolve :P

I also did the same with Chromalyd :P

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  On 11/25/2015 at 2:51 PM, Zumi said:

Maybe I'll give the game a try, seeing as there's actually a game to be played now c:

I'll see when I have time!

When you do, remember to check the OP of the Ep 1 topic for fixes. Putting the attached maps in the game before actually starting it should give you the best experience, free from annoying bugs ;)

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  On 11/25/2015 at 3:40 PM, Odybld said:

Lifoam's AWESOME. I actually liked Chromalyd more that the last stage, allthough the name still has me laughing :P But yeah, Chromalyd is one of my faves already. As of the Goshee line... iz luv. Pure, unadulterated, LUV.

Lol well good to hear that. Chromalyd's final form has a ridiculously long name, I know. I came up with it XD. Anyways, I'm also a fan of cocoon pokémon in general :D

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Finished right now the Gym Battle (i'll finish the ep later due to various things), very good job for now guys :]

Also, Roobber is awesome (as well as its evolution).

EDIT: Nvm, just realized that the EP 1 finish with the Gym Battle lol

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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  On 11/25/2015 at 3:45 PM, zimvader42 said:

Lol well good to hear that. Chromalyd's final form has a ridiculously long name, I know. I came up with it XD. Anyways, I'm also a fan of cocoon pokémon in general :D

The reason why I actually was laughing? The name's pretty much two words combined. (Well the first one is made out of two other words but nvm). But the combination is exactly the first word in greek if someone can't pronounce the final s in the end.

But yeah, super-cool coocoon. I actually wanted to not evolve it but then I had to break another OPRoot with something.

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  On 11/25/2015 at 5:50 PM, Nhadala said:

Looks like it will be a great fangame to download once the next patch is released to fix all the big bugs, looking forward to playing it then. :)

Well technically, in the OP of the Ep 1 topic there already are individual fixes for the mpst relevant bugs...

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Yeah, they are in Albion. You will have to figure out by yourself how to unlock them tho :P

Beware, one of the police quests crashes the game, preventing you from completing it... Which means that, if you save your game while in the middle of that quest, you will get stuck. So my suggestion is to save BEFORE taking a quest, and then avoid saving again untill the quest is completed. This way, if you eun into the quest that crashes the game, you can just soft-reset and pick a different one.

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  On 11/25/2015 at 7:22 PM, vanmed said:

Ohh thaanks, so after beating the gym and doing the quests, the episode is over, didn't miss anything?

Well, I assume not. If you got all the mons available and did all the post-gym quests, I think the ep is over, yes.

What did you think of the gym battle?

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I can't say much for the gym battle, because I got a Chromalyd that happened to get Hidden Power Ghost. Accupressure usage gave him 3 defense boosts and a special attack boost, and it enabled him to sweep through half the team before I decided to stop using potions at the fourth Pokemon because it'd be too easy. ._.

Pikireg wrecks her ace too, especially after some Charge setup for the special defense boost.

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  On 11/25/2015 at 7:34 PM, Alilatias said:

I can't say much for the gym battle, because I got a Chromalyd that happened to get Hidden Power Ghost. Accupressure usage gave him 3 defense boosts and a special attack boost, and it enabled him to sweep through half the team before I decided to stop using potions at the fourth Pokemon because it'd be too easy. ._.

Pikireg wrecks her ace too, especially after some Charge setup for the special defense boost.

Lol god damn you got lucky there. HP ghost I can understand, but acupressure geting exactly the boosts you needed to sweep...just proof that chromalyd is best cocoon xD

And a pikrieg can do that, I suppose. I haven't used one myself yet :(

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