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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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yes, a Dodo! at least I get that vibe from the Fossil-image... it kinda looks like a Dodo's beak!

I actually really like this idea!! Not sure how accurate it is, but it sounds super interesting... even if Dodo's aren't really all that ancient (or lived in Australia...) Plus, that little indent in the sphere of the axe could be an eye socket. Maybe.

Sabre Fossil is *likely* a Saber-tooth tiger, so perhaps it (and humans?) preyed upon the Axebeaks until they all died (causing the Saberteeth to lose their primary food source and die out alongside them.) Maybe. I dunno how biology works... or paleontological history. But hey, if Tyrunt and Amaura skeletons can be found in the same exact spot despite being explicitly stated to have lived on separate continents, anything goes, right?

Nothing we can really say about the third fossil until Chapter Two, I guess.

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I think the saber is gonna be a sabertooth tiger-like pokemon and I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say rock/electric with speed as its highest stat, attack as second highest and rather poor defenses.

The axe fossil looks like a beak, so rock/flying maybe, or maybe rock/fighting, for some reason i got a gut feeling one of them is rock/fighting, but rock/flying seems more logical.

Also about the third pokemon, it is related to a pokemon that is important in the story, could that be Eevee? Because I remember something about Eevee being important to the story, as that is the reason it is the only original pokemon in the game.

Edited by Wavesteel
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we already are getten Toxion and a dragon

Who ever said anything about any dragon? The possibility of a Poison Eevee is something you people deduced from a post of mine in another topic, and the Eeveelution we did announce is of the Ghost type <.<

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Sorry, Eevee's a Modern Pokemon, so it's not the third one.

Except Eevee was already confirmed to be the only original pokemon in Se7en, it was also said somewhere that Eevee had some importance in the storyline. I don't think another pokemon was said to be important in the storyline, so for now it's my best guess. As a distant extinct relative it doesn't even have to be an Eeveelution, just a predecessor or something. Although I would love to have a rock Eeveelution, in which case stats would probably be 95/110/130/60/65/65 or something. Oh well, we'll see, Ep 2 is up first.

Edit: Also, there better be a poison eeveelution...

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With the new Pokemon games being announced, there is something very important I have to say. It is still not known if these new games are the new generation (AKA Generation Seven, way to ruin the uniqueness of our name <.< ) but if they are, then this message which I just posted in the private conversation with the other staffers becomes INCREDIBLY important. So much so in fact, that I think all of you, our loyal followers, should see it:

Ok guys, this is important: as you might know by now (what with everyone around the forum going crazy about it), the next generation of Pokemon games has been officially announced. However, I would like to make it clear that this changes NOTHING about our project. We will continue with our work as scheduled, without going out of our way to "upgrade" to whatever new mechanics these new games might introduce. The great advantage we have over Reborn/Rejuv is that we feature exclusively original Pokemon, not canon Pokemon, so we have no obligation to add all the inevitable new Pokemon these games will introduce. Meaning, while Ame, Jan and those who help them will have to work hard to make sprites, code stats, implement abilities etc as new info come out, we will be able to simply ignore the whole thing and proceed with our scheduled work.

It is important to stress that, Azery's personal problems nonwithstanding, the main reason why Ep 2 was indefinitely delayed is that we were too hasty in upgrading to the latest Essentials version, only for a nasty bug to be discovered that makes it impossible for us to release an episode built around it. To prevent such a situation from repeating itself in the future, we will not, I repeat, WE WILL NOT add any Gen 7 features to our game, until a STABLE, BUG-FREE version of Essentials is made that includes them. We may or may not decide to rework some of our crations to give them any new moves/abilities that are introduced, if we find them to be fitting of their pre-existing concept, but again, this will happen only after a STABLE, BUG-FREE version of Essentials with all things Gen 7 is made. Until then, our game will keep on growing and evolving on its current schedule, so yeah, I don't want anyone to prematurely start saying "COOL SUN AND MOON INTRODUCED THIS AND THAT IT'S GOTTA BE IN SE7EN TOO".

It is very important that this is made very clear for both our staffers and our customers, so I am going to post this very message in the public topic, too. I completely understand that each and every one of you is going to be EXTREMELY hyped up about the new games, but the understandable enthusiasm must not make us lose sight of what we are trying to do and, most importantly, of what we CAN do. I expect your full cooperation and support on this matter.

We are struggling, God knows if we are struggling, to make a unique, entertaining product for all of you to enjoy. It is the dream we share, the guiding light we pursue through and in spite of the difficulties, the personal problem, the technical issues, the differences of opinions, the quarrels, the setbacks. To achieve this goal of ours, to make this dream of ours come true, we require support and cooperation from each and every one of you. Therefore, while a wave of enthusiasm for the new canon games is to be expected (we are but mere wannabes when compared to the real Game Freak, after all), I am here to ask, no, to beg each and every one of you to do your best, to prevent such enthusiasm from interfering with our already complicated work.

Thank you for ursaringing with me, and as always in these cases, #PleaseUnderstand

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Who ever said anything about any dragon? The possibility of a Poison Eevee is something you people deduced from a post of mine in another topic, and the Eeveelution we did announce is of the Ghost type <.<

rip did i say dragon, i ment ghost :D

but it doesn't mean we couldn't get one :ph34r:

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So, will you be adding all the new pokemon in sun and moo- Shot

Really though, regardless of what Sun and Moon bring, I'll be looking forward to E2's release \o/

It is quite an enormous advantage not to have to change anything to the new generation's mechanics,

That would probably be a big delay again x.x

Anywho, I'm hyped for se7en and main series now,

There goes the last of my exam focus

Edited by Juuzou
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Take your time and be patient about all this. The games are just announced, who knows when we'll get them. You might have managed to make a couple of episodes till then. Move with your schedule as if nothing happened. Until the compatibility problems are solved, make your way into mapping for following episodes. We know you won't have to implement the new features, but if it's something radical (eg Ice buff, oh I wish), you should go out of your way and code it in.

Aside from that, no harm done. It's not like they copyrighted the name.

Edit: /thread ?

Edited by NickCrash
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So, for all the hasty people who thought this project was dead: think again. We are still going through a lot of crap, but we are slowly managing to get our act together. And now that Zim has finally gotten around to making a new vector, we can make a new announcement!

So, remember a while back, when I announced Magpy by calling it the "Pidgey of this game"? Well, here is the Spearow of this game: ladies and gentlemen please give it up for Kookabully!


This nasty little Pokemon actually has a fierce rivalry with Magpy, and tries to use its superior power to push its counterpart around... But Magpy is smarter, so it always finds way to get back at it. Much like Magpy, Kookabully is Normal/Flying : either Magpy or Kookabully (yes, this means ONLY ONE OF THEM) will change type upon evolving for the last time, but which one will it be? And what will the new type be? Also, can you guess this guy's abilities, most notably its (very important) HA? Let the speculation begin!

The Se7en hype train has slowed down considerably: isn't it about time we revitalized it a bit?

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I don't see a picture... only the file name... :(

from the name I'd think Kookabully will change it's typing... since "Bully" comes from 'bullying' - which is BAD - I'd say it becomes a Flying/Dark type

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Zim is going to be mad that I re-uploaded a work of his to Imgur, but I had no choice.

definitely flying dark just look at its face with its mask and stuff on with a smile that its gonna rob a bank or something

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