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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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it's still fun to imagine though

another concept:

hustle+hone claws to cure accuracy issues, have high damage, and be unexpected.

Also known as "Durant". Also, we stopped accepting new ideas and concepts a LONG time ago :P

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One week has passed since the last announcement, and here we are, with lots of good news for our fans! We really went through some serious troubles last month, and this project even risked bombing... But by sticking together we made it through what was probably the hardest, darkest month in the history of Se7en, and now that the worst is behind us, here we are, to share our newfound enthusiasm with our fans!

First thing first: new Pokemon. This is a Pokemon that won't be possible to catch until much later in the game, but it is going to play a role in the plot, and it is based on an animal that is so iconic when it comes to Australia (and remember, Graterras is based on Australia), that we just HAD to announce it. Besides, if you choose Roobber as your starter, this Pokemon shows up in Tim's team for his battle on Route 1, meaning some of you have already seen it. So yeah, everyone please give it up for Platymous!


This cute little fella here shares the Poison/Water typing with Amona (Zim will probably start bitching that one is Water/Poison and the other is Poison/Water, but seriously, he is the only one who gives the slightest damn about the order, given that it makes no difference from an in-battle standpoint). However, its competitive role is completely different, having a very strong offensive presence as well as a statline made specifically with my fav item in mind. Because yeah, I created this line myself: originally it was going to be one of the starters, but then I realized that, given the secondary types of the other two, the Poison typing would give this guy too much of an advantage, and so Lifoam saw the light. As far as the abilities go... Well, I chose those with a specific characteristic of real life platypuses (or platypi or whatever the correct plural is) in mind, so it shouldn't be too hard for you guys to guess :P
Oh and, remember when I said that it would play a role in the plot? Well, the role in question is that Looker is going to own a shiny one. Why? Well...
3 guesses on the nickname :P

And before I leave you to commenting this new wonderful Pokemon, here are some more good news!

Alright, I got back from my trip late last night and my PC came in early this morning, fixed of course. Which obviously means that after a month of not being able to work on the game whatsoever, I can finally get back to work on it.

I'll get the current version of the game uploaded and give it to you guys so that you can put in the dialogue fixes(there's a lot from what I see and it's gunna take a while to put those in...besides you guys(or well Nova) did ask for me to give it to you.)

In other news, I heard that essentials bug got fixed so that's cool too :P


Still, it does mean that, after a month of suffering, we are finally back at full productivity, which is certainly great. And your support was crucial to get this far: please continue to stick with us everyone!

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once I saw the shiny sprite with the Fedora... I knew it would be Lookers partner... and it's nickname will of course be "Perry" - as in "Perry the Platipus" from Phineas and Ferb (god I love that show xD)

and with that you stole my idea of doing THAT myself ... catching it and naming it Perry that is... *hmpf*

as for abilities:

Poison Point and/or Poison Touch - since (male) Platipus have that poisonous sting on the back of their feet.

too bad that it will take a while until we can catch it ourselves...

and since you considered it a starter I assume it is a 3-stage evolution? and I have a hunch that its third evolution is triggered with a water-stone... don't ask me why, it's just a feeling I have

(like Poliwrath wvolves with a waterstone - maybe it is its equivalent of Graterras)

Edited by Cepheus
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Ceph, you know we don't answer questions concerning evolutions :P

Let's just say that, after deciding that this line would not be a starter one, we reworked it a lot, compared to the original prototype. And when I say "we" I mean myself and Zim, because this is one of the lines that saw the light in february 2015, well before we involved the others...

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Is it just me, or is it reminiscent of arachnids with its two irises? That'd actually be pretty cool, though I'm guessing I'm just looking at it wrong.

Yes, you are definitely looking at it wrong :P

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Red had a new avatar, so it was time to come back and check. I've already seen this little fella and I still want him for my team. I wasn't expecting another Water/Poison (or Poison/Water) but now you've hinted that this one keeps the typing, while Amona loses the Water part, just like Skrelp did in Gen6. That said, it's a very nice design, and I like how you put a little extra for the shiny sprite. Do we get to battle Tim again in Ep.2 or will it be Cat, since we didn't see her Ep.1?

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You know, since we'll be announcing something today, plus the announcement of Platymous of the last week that is still on this same page (110), you'll have two mons to read about without having to scroll down and up much. Cool amirite?

Well as you know (probably) I'm zim, and today we're having a mon with a backstory. So sit down and listen. No, there's no other way. Don't scroll down, either.

Some of you who played the black 2 and white 2 games from gen V might remember a little something called Pokéstar Studios. I don't, mainly because I've never played the canon games. The thing is, something that always interested me about this Pokéstar Studios thing is that it uses these super cool movie-related props that are pretty much pokémon on their own right: they have types, cries, stats, abilities, all the good stuff. Some of them even had type combinations that were unique at the time: dark/psychic, psychic/electric, dark/ghost with wonder guard and.... normal/steel. This last typing is specially interesting on its own because of two reasons: the 1st, that is part normal, something that is more rare than it might seem at first. Pure normal types are quite abundant but normal/something other than normal/flying are very rare until later generations, where we get things like sawsbuck, pyroar, diggersby and heliolisk. If you don't believe me just go to bulbapedia and check how many of these canon mons are normal/flying. There's like a million of them my god...

The 2nd reason, is that the Pokéstar Studios enemy that had this unique normal/steel type was a robot-like creature, named F-00, shown here:


Unlike most of the other enemies, who are WAY too human or WAY to weird to be pokemon, F-00 seemed to be different: if someone came and told me Gamefreak had made that into an actual pokémon, I'd be like "well, alright". I mean just look at it.

But F-00 never became a pokémon. Kinda sad if you ask me.

So what we doin'? we makin' it a pokeymanz. For a long time I had this idea of making a tribute to F-00 in the form of a robot pokémon (which we don't have yet, technically, if you don't count golurk). Naturally I can't just make the actual F-00 into a se7en pokémon because, originality and stuff, so here it is, Robyte, also called "F-00 justice!":


Robyte-01, the machine pokémon, is a very, VERY rare NORMAL/STEEL type artificial pokémon, man-made if you preffer, just like Porygon and the recent Magearna. Its origins in Graterras are connected to a still undisclosed, high-ranking scientist of the Cook Corporation.

Other than the unique typing, Robyte-01 sadly doesn't get the same stats as its inspiration F-00 (F-00 literally has the same stats as mew, so yeah...), but it does get some neat abilities: Frisk and Motor Drive. The 1st checks what item the foe has; this might seem a shitty ability but in Graterras you sometimes go against things that can run so many sets you'll be thankful to know what item they have. The 2nd makes it immune to electric type attacks, and when hit by one, raises its speed by 1 stage. So with motor drive, Robyte actually has 3 immunities (electric, ghost, poison). Not bad I'd say.

Among its non-battle related atributes, Robyte has 700 GB of hardrive memory, 4GB of RAM memory, LED screen, digital clock, a rechargeable lithium battery with ~8 hours of autonomy, an IntelCore CPU, USB port, windows 7 and linux compatibility, internet connection and of course, wi-fi signal reception.

So yeah, that was it! Resident robot pokémon, reminding everyone of the existance of F-00 and being an amazing pokémon as well, whose only drawback is basically that mach punch exists. Try to guess what boosting move this thing gets lol.

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You know, since we'll be announcing something today, plus the announcement of Platymous of the last week that is still on this same page (110), you'll have two mons to read about without having to scroll down and up much. Cool amirite?

Well as you know (probably) I'm zim, and today we're having a mon with a backstory. So sit down and listen. No, there's no other way. Don't scroll down, either.

Some of you who played the black 2 and white 2 games from gen V might remember a little something called Pokéstar Studios. I don't, mainly because I've never played the canon games. The thing is, something that always interested me about this Pokéstar Studios thing is that it uses these super cool movie-related props that are pretty much pokémon on their own right: they have types, cries, stats, abilities, all the good stuff. Some of them even had type combinations that were unique at the time: dark/psychic, psychic/electric, dark/ghost with wonder guard and.... normal/steel. This last typing is specially interesting on its own because of two reasons: the 1st, that is part normal, something that is more rare than it might seem at first. Pure normal types are quite abundant but normal/something other than normal/flying are very rare until later generations, where we get things like sawsbuck, pyroar, diggersby and heliolisk. If you don't believe me just go to bulbapedia and check how many of these canon mons are normal/flying. There's like a million of them my god...

The 2nd reason, is that the Pokéstar Studios enemy that had this unique normal/steel type was a robot-like creature, named F-00, shown here:


Unlike most of the other enemies, who are WAY too human or WAY to weird to be pokemon, F-00 seemed to be different: if someone came and told me Gamefreak had made that into an actual pokémon, I'd be like "well, alright". I mean just look at it.

But F-00 never became a pokémon. Kinda sad if you ask me.

So what we doin'? we makin' it a pokeymanz. For a long time I had this idea of making a tribute to F-00 in the form of a robot pokémon (which we don't have yet, technically, if you don't count golurk). Naturally I can't just make the actual F-00 into a se7en pokémon because, originality and stuff, so here it is, Robyte, also called "F-00 justice!":


Robyte-01, the machine pokémon, is a very, VERY rare NORMAL/STEEL type artificial pokémon, man-made if you preffer, just like Porygon and the recent Magearna. Its origins in Graterras are connected to a still undisclosed, high-ranking scientist of the Cook Corporation.

Other than the unique typing, Robyte-01 sadly doesn't get the same stats as its inspiration F-00 (F-00 literally has the same stats as mew, so yeah...), but it does get some neat abilities: Frisk and Motor Drive. The 1st checks what item the foe has; this might seem a shitty ability but in Graterras you sometimes go against things that can run so many sets you'll be thankful to know what item they have. The 2nd makes it immune to electric type attacks, and when hit by one, raises its speed by 1 stage. So with motor drive, Robyte actually has 3 immunities (electric, ghost, poison). Not bad I'd say.

Among its non-battle related atributes, Robyte has 700 GB of hardrive memory, 4GB of RAM memory, LED screen, digital clock, a rechargeable lithium battery with ~8 hours of autonomy, an IntelCore CPU, USB port, windows 7 and linux compatibility, internet connection and of course, wi-fi signal reception.

So yeah, that was it! Resident robot pokémon, reminding everyone of the existance of F-00 and being an amazing pokémon as well, whose only drawback is basically that mach punch exists. Try to guess what boosting move this thing gets lol.

windows 7??????? its already outdate

cute mon tho

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windows 7??????? its already outdate

cute mon tho

Pokémon se7en ---> Windows 7

Although I really do use windows 7 in my computer and works like a charm. The only next best thing would be XP, but vista, 8, 10....all shitty in comparison, imo.

But on-topic again, thanks! I think it is a cute mon, too : D

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daaaaaawwwwww... cute lil' robot-buddy!!

but I assumed it would be Electric/Steel instead of normal/Steel... huh...

possible 3 immunities with only Steels weaknesses, with Fighting becoming a double weakness.

I hope it evolves into some sort of Cat-Robot... those "screw-ears" are foreboding :P


( because Kitty! :3 )

also possible boosting moves:

Shift gear or Autotomize

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