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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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I always liked the pokestar studio battles (especially the red fog one) so this is cool x.x

I probably shouldn't be, but I can't help thinking of the murderous robot camera you can catch in Pokemon snakewood..

(I called mine Wheatley)

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Just a suggestion. Why not reveal Jericho's [REDACTED] pokemon to restore the hype? It's unique and I'm personally looking forward to it.

Because Zim STILL hasn't made a vector for it. Sketches, yes, but not a vector. He's lazy like that..

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Because Zim STILL hasn't made a vector for it. Sketches, yes, but not a vector. He's lazy like that..

So....what u sayin' is....that if I make the vector for that mon right now... I can upload it right away, no announcements, no preparations, just the vector so everyone can see....alright, alright, gotcha

But can't draw it right now, so yeah.... it is coming tho, next week to this one, if we feelin' pumped about jericho's mon, you're gonna get it. But this week's mon was already decided some days ago, so can't change that :/

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whats a vector :<

Your avatar right now, for example. It is a drawing composed of math and geometry, rather than pencils and colors. A vector is a drawing that can be made as big or as small as one wants without ever getting pixelated, as the size of everything that composes it gets calculated so that proportions are kept no matter what.

Very useful to draw stock-able mons.

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A vector is a quantity with direction and magnitude X_X X_X X_X

Indeed, that's a mathematical vector. Vectorial drawings (which I call just vectors because fuck the police) are made with these vectors, reason why they involve math. Fortunately for me, in practice, all of this math is made in second plane by the program, and I only have to draw :>

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Yes, we're announcing another mon today! And before you ask, no, it's not Jericho's, sorry. But I'll give you a hint: It shares one of its types with this one. You'll have to wait a bit longer for that one. But for now, give it up for what is probably the most re-worked mon of Graterras!


Lizargem, the Hard Body Pokemon, is an ICE/ROCK type, similar to Aurorus from the Kalos Region. But, as you know, Aurorus is pretty frail and not that good competitively (though a certain girl named Haley seems to think otherwise...). You see, this little guy has quite some pressure on him. It's not easy to survive in a world full of things called Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Aqua Jet and Vacuum Wave ¬, all of which are massive threats to Lizargem's canon predecessor. As such, Lizargem has adapted itself several times in its life cycle at Se7en (read: reworked by us) to prove itself as viable in today's trigger-happy priority attack metagame.

The creation of this mon went something like this:

Nova: I love Aurorus, but it's so frail. Can we have a bulky Ice/Rock type?

Tomas: Sure, we still have space in the Dex and we're missing mons those types. But I must warn you: Ice/Rock won't work bulky.

Nova: I'm going to try it anyway.

Nova goes on to make an Ice/Rock type, overloads it with defensive stats, calls it Lizargem, then calls it a day.

Some time later:

Nova: I'm going to do an analysis of this mon and do some calcs and everything.


Nova: This thing gets OHKO'd by literally every fighting or steel move and it's horrible.

Tomas: I told you so.

Nova: Sigh. Should we change the mon? Maybe a Rock/Dragon could be bulky?


Nova: I'm running the calcs again and it's still not bulky, despite the massive defensive stats and cool abilities.

Azery: rip

Nova: So now it's neither bulky nor a Ice/Rock type. Great. Back to the drawing board.

Nova: Okay, so this thing is going to be a Ice/Rock type again.

Azery: This is like the third time this mon's changed types.

Nova: Whatever.

Tomas: This thing's going to suck.

Nova: Then what should we do?

Tomas: I dunno, just give it a massive Attack stat, slap some powerhouse Ability on it and leave it at that?

Nova: Ok.

And so, this mon started as one of my crazy Ice/Rock concepts, into a Rock/Dragon, back into Ice/Rock, then given another overhaul after realizing that Ice/Rock cannot be bulky.

Yep, this little mon has quite the history. But despite its everything, Lizargem dreams of a world where everyone can live in peace without worrying about priority attacks.

Long backstories aside, let's take a look at some more practical information. As I mentioned, Lizargem is Ice/Rock, and its normal abilities are Sturdy and Rough Skin, respectively. Sturdy is a pretty useful ability since it allows you to always survive one hit, and Rough Skin hurts opponents that try to kill your cute lizard body, so both are nice to have. As for Hidden Abilities, we're not revealing anything, though you may have picked up a few hints in this post ;)

Lizargem is also one of the only Ice types you'll be able to catch early game, since most of our other chilly chaps tend to reside in only the coldest places of Graterras. If you're lucky, you might even be able to find it in Chapter 2!

That's all for today, folks!

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I want this. Looks AWESOME and has two of the best offensive types as its stabs....

...But this thing's going to suck. All kinds of suck. And it is weak to all three of the starters' stabs too, so that's gonna be two more major fights that it's going to suck. Damnit Lizargem!!!

Well, now Red's going to suck as well.

(Also, 750 posts. I'm a veteran)

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Lol I like how my interventions in that LONG process of defining this thing were either atributed to Tomas or just overlooked in your spoiler.

But yeah, lizargem has suffered for the longest time of confused developers and a bad type matchup via gamefreak who hates the ice type and makes the rock type one of the most frail because all rocks are weak to steel and fighting right? diamonds are not a thing or anything, nope.

Disregarding all that, this is a cool mon. It also has quite a few team options that are either resistant or immune to all priority moves that destroy lizargem. In short, this is a mon that can sweep, but needs a team dedicated to it. Once you make it work is lots of fun to watch someone cry at the sound of being destroyed by the spiritual successor of aurorus :P

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...I was almost expecting an ability that dealt aftermath damage after each priority attack the opponent did. Then again, no Simple/Tail Glow, so not really thinking that hard :P

diamonds are not a thing or anything, nope.

diamond storm is not a thing nope. not rock, not defense.

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Lol I like how my interventions in that LONG process of defining this thing were either atributed to Tomas or just overlooked in your spoiler.

But yeah, lizargem has suffered for the longest time of confused developers and a bad type matchup via gamefreak who hates the ice type and makes the rock type one of the most frail because all rocks are weak to steel and fighting right? diamonds are not a thing or anything, nope.

Disregarding all that, this is a cool mon. It also has quite a few team options that are either resistant or immune to all priority moves that destroy lizargem. In short, this is a mon that can sweep, but needs a team dedicated to it. Once you make it work is lots of fun to watch someone cry at the sound of being destroyed by the spiritual successor of aurorus :P

Don't worry buddy, he forgot I existed too :(

But yea this thing has given us... so much trouble trying to make it not completely terrible ((which is hard to do when you're workin' with so many mons etc...)) I think it'll fair a tad bit better than our Canon Rock/Ice as it's imo... a lot easier to support properly.

Just as an aside,,, I once worked on a Custom ability called "Diamond Skin" that gave an immunity to Fighting Type moves, and did think about possibly giving to something I miiiiight... have put in the project at one point, but I ended up scrapping the idea entirely. I didn't really like it's concept and it felt like a lame excuse to just tack on an immunity to something etc... It didn't feel like a good mon and I wasn't very proud of it XD. So I just scrapped it. Another Rock Type eventually took it's place, one... that I'm immensely proud of and hope to reveal at some point cause I love the little thing. ((I don't think has been yet... but I've not been checking in here that much recently been diligently working on stuffs.))

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YAY! early Ice Type!!! HYPE!!! :D

And I assume its hidden abilities has something to do with priority...

Like "Galewings" for Ice or Rock type attacks...

or it switches priorities around so moves with higher priorities are now lesser priority (like a priority effecting Trick Room)

and since Ice/Rock bulky doesn't work and it has high offensive stats I highly hope it at least has also high or average speed (Rock type with high speed... the DREAM!)

some Basestats (in *) like:

HP: ***

ATK: *****

DEF: *

Sp.A: *****

Sp.D: *

Speed: ***

(exact values are hard... ^^)

who needs any defensive capabilities when the type-combo doesn't allow for bulk???


forgot obligatory - "Jeezuz so much announcements in so little time! sooooo does it mean EP2 is around the corner???" - posting

Edited by Cepheus
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Another Rock Type eventually took it's place, one... that I'm immensely proud of and hope to reveal at some point cause I love the little thing. ((I don't think has been yet... but I've not been checking in here that much recently been diligently working on stuffs.))

Well next week is the turn of jericho's mon by popular demand, but the week after that you could announce the thing you're talking about. That wold give you a reason to check on here regularly XD

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