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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Well to be fair, those screenshots showed things we already knew would eventually happen, although now we have a much clearer image about it:

The first screenshot was showed to us earlier - the meeting with the second gym-leader - Duster.

The second screenshot showed us that we would meet again with Catherine - which shouldn't really suprise anybody since she is a Rival - and was hinted at several times.

(the only thing new here would be that she is sometimes ambiguous - leading to the "You thought I meant..." statement

the third screenshot shows the MCs facing off against the "Evil Team" - which, lets be honest, would be inevitable. - since you already introduced 3 of 4 of the "Evil Team"-Leaders.

Why would you have made this announcement if we wouldn't go up against them in EP.2 - Now we know for certain that we will at least battle Newton... if the mysterious "???" calling them 'Idiots' is Ewan Locke or Brigit Q is the only thing that is still a mystery...

also according to the setting "Desert", more or less barren fields - assume we will finally find something different than Bug, and Normal-Dual-Types ... more specifically Ground types (since this is Dusters territory and he was a ground leader if I recall correctly)

So you see - most of the things the screenshots sowed us, we already knew by deduction of previous announcements.

the only thing we now know for certain, is that we will actually BATLLE Evil Team + Newton...

One thing wrong with this is that, well, many of the things you are claiming you people "knew", like for example Duster being the Ground gym leader, were never officially announced or confirmed by us, but rather were the fruit of your own speculation. As far as the diversity goes, I have said multiple times that, following Pineapple's criticism of that aspect of our game (or rather, of the lack thereof) in Ep 1, Ep 2 will offer a MUCH wider array of Pokemon of all types: this is where we really show off our work. And we will do it with the desert, which is probably one of the most interesting areas in our game.

And ICSW: I wonder indeed.

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WELL EXCUSE ME- that I'm going on with what I deduced back then when Duster was announced!

Really the only thing that you say is possibly false is that Duster is the Ground-Gym-Leader - which we all agreed, was the most ligical decision back when he was intorduced with our speculations.

Well we could be wrong with that, granted - since you surprised us with Ghosts in the first gym, when we all thought it would be water, because of the pirate-theme

(and seriously, I still think water was more hinted than ghosts... because not only Pirates have ghost-stories... but that's just me...)

All the other things:

Meeting with second Gym-Leader - no spoiler - was hinted earlier with the same screenshot! -> check (type may be different, who knows)

meeting with catherine - no spoiler - was obviously hinted earlier all the time by you guys ("You'll meet them again" "Who knows if you battle Timothy or Catherine?" *hint hint hint*) -> check

meeting the Evil guys - no spoiler - THEY HAD THEIR OWN ANNOUNCEMENT! -> check

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I don't remember agreeing that Dusty was a Ground leader... In fact, I've always held the belief that he was the Rock leader. After all, a little while back (don't know exactly when), it was said that someone in episode two would have one of the strongest mons in the game on their team (when it was fully evolved, of course). And then along come two potent, offensive Rock type mons, Andetle and Lizargem, who are both supposed to be excellent attackers. Furthermore, the badge name remains the Salt Badge, which would relate to Rocks and minerals more so than Ground and the Earth. And finally, the reveals of Pokémon have been in a similar pattern as that before Episode 1 and Mary was revealed to be the Ghost leader. Before that, Goshee and Banshy had been revealed. Now, shortly before Episode 2, two similarly interesting mons sharing a key type that is one of the main contenders for being the possible type of the leader of Episode 2 are revealed? I'm sorry, but that screams Rock Gym to me. Besides, in the main series games, Rock Gyms are a joke. They have weak, unevolved mons that are usually in the first gym the player encounters. Knowning the devs of Se7en fairly well, I would say that they would take this as a challenge to make the stagnant Rock type into a significant hurdle for the player to climb over. And finally, looking at the "list of announced things," I found not 1, not 2, but a grand total of zero announced Ground type Pokémon. I just can't see the devs having us face a gym full of Pokémon we haven't even seen pictures of before (at least not in Episode 2) when they could instead show us the adorable little creations that Zim drew up which will completely destroy us in combat and add some more fuel onto the Hype Train.

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I don't suppose we get strong pokemon, but I'm expecting a "Magikarp-sub salesman" in the next town we visit. It is a must, since we get into a desert and they are notorious for not having an oasis in canon games.

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Another ground-breaking (you'll get that pun when you continue reading) announcement sponsored by #FOLD central!

Remember when I said this particular thing, which turned into the largest announcement to date?


Well, today, we have an even bigger announcement:


Who's the culprit to befoul that statement? Who's that blind bandit (pun intended) who befouled my name by virtue of having no eyes? Look no further (again, pun intended), it is right before your eyes (this should go without saying at this point.) Please give it up for Ceramor!


Ceramor is a pure GROUND type, and is indeed the first ever Ground type to be announced by us. It is one of the about 20 Pokemon in this project that were designed/concepted by me. This one has quite a strange background in that, since its basic gameplay concept was designed almost specifically to complement a certain other mon in our dex, a mon designed by Tomas, but not yet announced. I decided to give my spin to that idea of Tomas and voila, so became this worm.

Its abilities are Dry Skin, a very useful ability for a Ground type as it alleviates your innate Water weakness, and Rain Dish, a generally weaker ability, but still useful if you can't risk losing to sunlight. Ceramor also boasts a rather unconventional evolution method, at least for a Ground type. And, as always, you guys can go ahead and guess this guy's HA.

You'll be able to find this Pokemon in certain areas in Chapter 2, but be warned that this mon will be rather rare. When it is raining, however, it becomes much more common in the wild. A few other mons in our Dex (one of which, interestingly, is the aforementioned mon by Tomas) react to weather in the same way, and you'll see that to its fullest extent in the upcoming chapter ;)

I was about to make a note how to pronounce Ceramor with a "K" sound for the C, since it is based on "ceramic", but then I looked it up and realised "ceramic" actually starts with an "S" sound as well. Darn you, letter C, why do you have to be so confusing?

Feel free to speculate on whatever you like, as long as it doesn't involve putting Ceramor as the first mon in your party when you go fishing, causing it to faint when you cast out your fishing rod but guaranteeing you to catch a high-level fish from Graterras. Oh, who am I kidding. There are no fish in Graterras. Anyways, that's enough for today, folks. Bye!

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I got that information out of you guys!

Ok... I was wrong with the typing (I said bug because of the blind Cavehopper or something...)

but I got it out of you guys that at least 1 Pokemon would be blind!!!

Ok - and now I'm actually reading it's description :P

edit - after reading the full announcement:

(if you dare to doubt me calling it)

page 113


actually - yeah it is!

because now we know that every Pokemon has eyes! (since Pokemon are also characters!)

so no 'blind Pokemon' without eyes, that uses its other senses to get around, Daredevil style


Catherine Cook:

Well no, we were actually talking about HUMAN characters o.O



then you have now unofficially confirmed the existence of a blind, no-eyes, Pokemon!

congrats for falling for my trap!

[...something about getting hype into this thread...]


Catherine Cook:

Last announcement was 5 days ago, you know <.<



yeah... but then what... it's one or two day(s) of hype and then silence... until the next announcement

and now that you didn't deny my claims, I have successfully got information out of a seemingly non-related statement!

Hooray to me!!

from my quick research I determined that the "Blind Cave Cricket" resides in Tasmania, New Zealand and AUSTRALIA (basis for Graterras/Se7en) - so it is a possibility for a new Bug-Type!

So it appears more common during rain, and has abilities around water... and it is based on a earthworm (in german they are called Regenwurm - Regen = Rain so screw you english language!)

So my guess would be that it also evolves during rain ... OR with a WATER STONE!

Since no Ground Pokemon evolves during certain weather, and only Nidorina/Nidorino evolve with a stone (and a Moonstone at that) - bringin water into a ground Pokemon seems very special and unconventional.

and on that note I make the vague guess that its evolution will be Ground/Water type!

tiny edit nr.2:

thanks for this announement right then... I was really starting to get bored just then, becuase all I see in my twitch following list is Dark Souls 3 and I just can't stand it anymore... xD

Edited by Cepheus
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Well Nova's announcement ended up being VERY spoilery. But yes, as he implied, there is one area in Ep 2 whose wild encounter rate depends on the weather: basically, every time you enter this area, there are different chances to find different weather conditions, and the Pokemon available in the wild change depending on that, so yeah, you will want to check back there often.

As for this particular Pokemon well, it was born when a creation of mine turned out to be potentially devastating in Doubles, so we created this guy specifically to act as the perfect Doubles partner for that other Pokemon. Although, it is perfectly capable of holding its own in single competition, as well.

So yeah, when it comes to movepool, selection of abilities and stat allignment, we created the guy with Doubles in mind, do remember that when making your guesses :P

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I hope this does not turn into another Ground/Water type.

Looks nice, but not enough to pet it. I guess Red may think otherwise, so I'm keeping some comments for myself.

Nova mentioned this before, but I'm definitely using this as bait to fish for Neuphrantom.

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:( i can't see the picture

Of course you can't. No matter how many times I tell Nova to reupload the vectors to Imgur before using them for an announcement, he regularly neglects to do so.



Adding this to the list of announced things too.

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Of course you can't. No matter how many times I tell Nova to reupload the vectors to Imgur before using them for an announcement, he regularly neglects to do so.



Adding this to the list of announced things too.

this is the mon thats gonna make duster tough besides the eevee aint it


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Was never much of a fan of leech/eel pokemon, so I don't think I'll be getting that pokemon when ep 2 comes out.

Also, I really should get around to finishing ep 1.

(Yes, I know. I generally dislike fakemon, but yours are actually pretty nice, so kudos to you guys).

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you said every gym got an eevee E_E

What ICSW said.

Was never much of a fan of leech/eel pokemon, so I don't think I'll be getting that pokemon when ep 2 comes out.

Well in fairness, this is a worm :P

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Well in fairness, this is a worm :P

*takes another look at the apparent worm*

...Are you sure about that? I don't think I've ever seen a worm with one end being a constantly open, gaping maw before...

Edit: I just remembered that every giant worm in fiction ever have mouths like that. Nevermind.

Either way, umm... thanks, but no thanks. I tend to avoid having a journey with pets that look like they could one day decide that they're tired of my shit and drink all my blood while I'm asleep or something.

Edited by Captain Breakfast
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