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Next Pokemon Game (Title TBD)


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Sorry but I pretty much guarantee it won't be Sinnoh remakes, Z, or Delta Emerald. Sinnoh = #2soon, Z = not as much cash for the same thing. Delta Emerald would be just silly right now in all honesty.

I COULD see Gen 1 remakes... but I still doubt it will be the case.

It's known for a fact it will be a PAIR of games being released for Gen 6. So it's going to be X2/Y2 // XZ/YZ // AZ, what have you. Sequels or something somehow related to the Kalo region and the Pokemon there.

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  On 5/9/2015 at 1:48 AM, Solace said:

Sorry but I pretty much guarantee it won't be Sinnoh remakes, Z, or Delta Emerald. Sinnoh = #2soon, Z = not as much cash for the same thing. Delta Emerald would be just silly right now in all honesty.

I COULD see Gen 1 remakes... but I still doubt it will be the case.

It's known for a fact it will be a PAIR of games being released for Gen 6. So it's going to be X2/Y2 // XZ/YZ // AZ, what have you. Sequels or something somehow related to the Kalo region and the Pokemon there.

Please let it be a sequel. I really can't play through Kalos the same way again. I'll be bored out of my mind.

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  On 5/9/2015 at 1:51 AM, Jan said:

Please let it be a sequel. I really can't play through Kalos the same way again. I'll be bored out of my mind.

Man I hope so.

PLEASE make the characters way more.... developed. And make the game harder. Give four difficulties from the get go., Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert (It'll never happen but I can dream)

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  On 5/8/2015 at 10:46 AM, Generalguy64 said:

Truthfully, I don't want Gen 7 for a while. It'd kill Ame trying to get all those new Pokemon in game.

thank you for thinking of the real victim here <3

  On 5/9/2015 at 1:51 AM, Jan said:

Please let it be a sequel. I really can't play through Kalos the same way again. I'll be bored out of my mind.

same same same

I would be hopeful for a BW2 type game except I'm under the impression that they did not sell as well? I don't know if that's actually accurate or if I managed to make that up.

Personally I'm pulling for Kanto remake or XY2.

but anything that doesn't require me to sprite much, is ok.

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  On 5/9/2015 at 2:24 AM, Poptart said:

thank you for thinking of the real victim here <3

same same same

I would be hopeful for a BW2 type game except I'm under the impression that they did not sell as well? I don't know if that's actually accurate or if I managed to make that up.

Personally I'm pulling for Kanto remake or XY2.

but anything that doesn't require me to sprite much, is ok.

XY2 will probably introduce a Zygarde form. Probably more Megas too either way.. (Seeing as though they're totally for the non-backwards compatibility with megas >_>)

Poptart- I mean Ame, what I'm trying to say here.... we're screwed no matter what path they choose...

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  On 5/9/2015 at 2:27 AM, Jan said:

XY2 will probably introduce a Zygarde form. Probably more Megas too either way.. (Seeing as though they're totally for the non-backwards compatibility with megas >_>)

Poptart- I mean Ame, what I'm trying to say here.... we're screwed no matter what path they choose...

I promise you there will be two new Zygarde forms. Land's Wrath becomes one of Thousand Arrows/Waves depending on which Mega Evolution.

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Well if this so called new entry is an extension of X/Y I just hope that they do indeed give Zygarde new forms to bring him up to par with Xerneas and Yvental. If it is a whole new generation (which I think would be unlikely so soon) I think they should wind back on the megas and instead give a few mons proper evolutions.

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Please don't make it a Gen I remake. They'd be missing the perfect opportunity of releasing it on February 2016 to tie in with the 20th anniversary of the Japan releases.

I'd rather get a year of nothing but decent spin-offs instead of rushed yearly releases, pseudo freemium games and micro transactions...

Why don't they learn from our friendly neighborhood Ame and release stuff only when it's totally ready?

  On 5/8/2015 at 3:45 AM, Darvan Korematsu said:

Honestly we aren't due for another Sinnoh remake for a few years. Gen 7 might come, but it's to early for that. Only 2 years? Please.

My friend and I heard some interesting rumors about a Pokemon game in a region based on India . It would be pretty cool if that were true because the number of God-Pokemon would soar.

Again just an empty rumor but would be cool.

I heard a rumour about Gen 7 being based on South East Asia and releasing the game on handhelds and Wii U. There's a lot of parts of the world that have the potential to turn into GOAT regions.

  On 5/9/2015 at 1:57 AM, Solace said:

Man I hope so.

PLEASE make the characters way more.... developed. And make the game harder. Give four difficulties from the get go., Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert (It'll never happen but I can dream)

Difficulty modes? I'm in. I don't know if it's potentially hard to implement, but it could be greatly accepted by a lot of people. It could be something like this:

-Poké/Kid/Rookie/Youngster/Easy Mode: X/Y Style, 3 Pokémon at most, some of them don't even have 4 moves. Could even be underleveled.

-Great/Gym Leader/Intermediate/Novice/Normal Mode: Something like BW2 Challenge Mode. One extra 'mon, some of them have held items (but not full competitive ones, only things like sitrus berries).

-Ultra/E4/Expert/Hard Mode: Possibly full teams, held items for half of the team, decent movesets, a little bit of overleveling.

-Master/Champion/Lunatic/Pokémon Master/Very Hard Mode: Something like Drayano's hacks. Full team, full items, best movesets posible, overlevelings that could make Audino killing sprees legal.

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Where has it been said that it will be a pair of games btw?

But yes, please, for Arceus' sake, bring back the difficulty mode :| why was that introduced for 1 game and then taken away...sigh. It's really depressing what level of hand-holding the pokemon games have reached >_< that's why I was in 60 heavens when I was introduced to Reborn

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I just hope the story is like black and white. X and y was dry and bland as tofu.

But seriously Game freak, you need to explain these ghost easter eggs. That would be pretty awesome.

Or make a wii u game. Like pokemon XD colluseuum or something like that.

Edited by ShingSt
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I wonder why they feel the need to state "it will be released november 2016 worldwide" and use nintendo's name if it's an avowed fanmade game. In any case, "neo" and "robot" type sounds horrible, we won't be getting new types anytime soon probably.

I still consider BW2 as the best games so far, with the best features and story, I hope whatever we're getting is going to match them, or even beat them in that regard

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  On 5/9/2015 at 1:48 PM, Masquerain said:

And it is

Even if you didn't know it's fake, just from reading it you can tell it's full of impossible stupidities ._.

I saw "first game with voice acting" and jumped on the nope train down to nopeville.

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  On 5/9/2015 at 8:12 AM, Masquerain said:

Where has it been said that it will be a pair of games btw?

But yes, please, for Arceus' sake, bring back the difficulty mode :| why was that introduced for 1 game and then taken away...sigh. It's really depressing what level of hand-holding the pokemon games have reached >_< that's why I was in 60 heavens when I was introduced to Reborn


Also, as for the Solar Light Lunar Dark thing..... if any of you actually though that was a legit thing then there's not hope for you. It's obviously just a gen 4 hack. 'Neo' and 'Robot' types..... At least try and come up with something remotely plausible. Learn up to 6 moves.... nope. Team Warfare? Even Gamefreak is more creative than that. This would be an awful game based on the 'Wiki' page. The actual fan hack in that video (which contains nothing stated in that 'wiki' page) looks alright.

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We just had Hoenn remakes, so it will be quite weird to expect Sinnoh remakes (although I wouldn't mind this because Gen 4 is my favorite Pokemon generation). Gen 7 seems too early imo.

I'm an extreme PMD fan and I hope they make another PMD game. I didn't play GTI because I didn't own a 3DS at the time of release, and I really don't see any appealing points that make me want to buy the game.

Ranger and Conquest are fine too - and I hope they tweak some of the cons that are associated with them. For instance, I always found Ranger games to be short. The most recent one wasn't too bad - but it was still too short (and if you don't have any other friends that play Ranger... those temple missions were virtually impossible...). Conquest was fantastic - and I loved how there was a lot of post-game content but it started to get too repetitive (basically there were like 5 different versions of the same mission... and uniqueness was gone) and I lost interest unfortunately.

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Oh well so the source is just speculation based on leaks. Nothing officially stated, but don't get me wrong, I'd rather have sequels/prequels than a Z. I'd probably be happy with anything that isn't yet another pair of gen1 remakes though..

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I'm totally late to the party, but most definitely the least plausible thing about the Solar/Lunar version thing is having six moves. That would definitely break everything we know about the game and ruin competitive.

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I will just say this: we are developing a fangame, and we are struggling to code all of our stuff in Essentials because of all the things introduced in Gen 6. So yeah, if Gen 7 comes out while we are still in the middle of development, I swear to God I am going to commit suicide.

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