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Next Pokemon Game (Title TBD)


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Pokemon snap 2 would actually be an interesting concept. It could work well on both the Wii U and 3DS as both have picture taking capabilites... or gyroscopic capabilites at least. I can just imagine some kid playing snap 2 with the 3d and gyro on and then a Kakuna jumps out of the screen and he flails his ds around wildly while snapping pictures the whole time of air xD

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There have been fake leaks yesterday claiming that we'll get XZ and YZ xD They spoke of the game being very weather-oriented and some other mega-zygarde related fake stuff. Oh well, fake as it was, still hoping for sequels/prequels

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You mean these?


These have been around for a little while. I'm not gonna say anything else other than TyranitarTube uploaded a video about these 'scans' on April 1st:

Never saw these before xD

I actually just saw a reddit post with a game screenshot of a new zygarde form that looked quite fake, accompanied by some fake "XZ YZ" info :P notsure if it's the same thing but either way..corocoro scans are leaking and there's no news about a new game, i feel disappointed :(

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The lack of anything in Corocoro makes me doubt Famitsu's announcement of an announcement of the next game. I mean, a new game is big news to these magazines, why would Famitsu have that info and not Corocoro?

The only explanation I can think of that makes sense (other than Famitsu being liars to whore for sales) is that "the next game" is a spinoff, and a bad one at that. So bad, that Corocoro won't even talk about it *coughDERPTECTIVEPEEKACHOOcough*

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Considering that the latest a new main pokemon game has been announced was around the begining of May so it seems like there won't be this year which is kinda dissapointing since they've had a streak since DPP....

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Did some research what that "Pokemon LINE" thing was. All they said was that they will announce the game very soon. With emphasis on the "very", apparently.

So place your bets people, which will happen first? It, or the episode 15 beta starting?

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Seriously,If I don't see Mega Flygon&Mega Milotic in this game,I'll be very dissapointed....

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Well, it's been announced. Pokemon: Super Mystery Dungeon. Coming this fall for Japan and Winter for everyone else. No other information, probably will be at E3.

Speaking of E3, when are we going to announce the next main series game already? If there isn't anything by E3, we're gonna have to assume the rumors are true of Kanto remakes in Febuary of next year (the 20th anniversary)

Edit: actually winter isn't when it comes out for everyone. Europe gets it in early 2016

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Can't say I'm not disappointed to see that was the reveal... especially since the name and apparent lack of good plot doesn't sound interesting at all... :|

I love MD games but yeah.. can't hide my disappointment atm.. Hopeuflly further info about it will reveal it's gonna be better than it looks at 1st glance

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It's a fair bet to assume we're getting something for the 20th anniversary of one of Ninty's most important franchises.

I personally see no reason as to why we can't get a game this year and get an announcement in 2016 for the 20th anniversary for ANOTHER game.. I mean it's not like XY and ORAS weren't both 1year apart announcement-wise and development-wise

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We're overestimating the game-producing capabilities of Game Freak. SMD is going to be 2015's 'main' pokemon game (not main series pokemon game, the release dates of SMD show that we're not going to be getting one of those this year). As I suggested before, Game Freak hasn't had a break from the main series since MD2 and Ranger: SoA came out, they've been pumping main series pokemon games out every year since then. This is Nintendo's year off. We've already had two spin-offs; Shuffle and Rumble World, SMD is another spin off and is apparently the main pokemon release this year. There won't be a main series game until at least mid-2016 now, there's no way Nintendo could have a secret 'side project' for a main series game under development for release late-2015/early-2016 hidden underneath SMD.

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