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Cute: But effective



Got any good suggestions? I like to use cute pokemon, or small, pokemon when possible. Things like Pidgey, or a Vulpix (never to be evolved) are the sorts of things I tend to use.

But I need pokemon that actually -exist- in reborn, at least 1 of each "type". Anyone want to go on an ultimate cutie hunt with me?

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Ah yes, it would help if I posted the list of ones I know I already have one for:

Fire: Vulpix

Lightning: Pachirisu

Normal: Linoon, but there is like a billion good normals so...

Grass/Poison: Roselia

Bug: Kricketune I GUESS (Please help me find an actually -cute- bug... :c)

Flying: Pidgey/Spearow (If they exist)

Dark: Purloin

Water: Azumarill... BUT I know Ame is moving this one so it won't exist anymore. I'm thinking maybe one of the starters, but idk.

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bellossom could work, as well as lilligant, castform, and inkay (available through headbutting trees in the wasteland). there's also sewaddle, riolu, mienfoo, amaura, corsola, wooper, phanphy, misdreavus, mawile, emolga, swablu, mareep, spoink, chimecho, and gothita (sorry for the long list). i can't really be sure of what you think of as 'cute', though. all of these are available, and you can find out where they all are by looking through the pinned location guide or walkthrough. :] and there's always a list of all available pokemon, the link of which is on the sidebar and labeled 'obtainable pokemon'.

as for starters, almost all of them look cute during their first evolution, so you've got a lot of variety there if you don't mind never evolving it. otherwise, there's possibly meganium, quilava, quilladin, and braixen.

Edited by phoenix_fire
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Here's a list of a few that could be good, not sure how they fit on your cuteness scale though.

Not sure how you feel about Mawile, Farfetch'd, or the elemental monkies but they could be very good with their solid movesets.

Normal: A technician meowth could be very handy since it has a bunch of decent moves that would be boosted by it, plus there's payday. And you can get it right off the bat.

Ground: Sandshrew is pretty cute and has good attack and defense for a base and it has some good attacks. Swinub is absolutely adorable, plus it learns good moves, though it's stats are a bit meh.

Fire: Growlith or tepig

Psychic: Abra has massive sp. atk but you'd have to rely on tm moves. But you have to wait until 7th street. Spoink is a good one too.

Grass: bellossom is absolutely adorable plus it's fully evolved, though you'd have to suffer through gloom first though. Petilil is also a solid, adorable grass type.

Aron, emolga, and joltik are good too.

Litwik and Flabebe are solid too but you don't get them until later on in the game.

Hopefully this helps you get the cutest bunch of badass pokemon Reborn has ever seen.

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A Female Pawniard or Grimer would do.

How about Munna? Well, I've seen that it got no so much fame at all to use, but at least it's cute that it can nom and eat dreams.

Or maybe a Lanturn? Or possibly a Chatot?

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Clefable is cute and makes a good wall. You can get cosmic power, and moonlight on it. Double team too if you want to be super evil. :) It makes a cute and good wall. My clefairy sweeped Corey's gym in the episode 14 update. :) I strongly recommend getting a Clefable. You can get one early in the game too.

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