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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 1 [ENDED]


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CHAPTER 1 - Divided We Stand

Introduction: Long ago, in a world inhabited only by pokemon, there lived 4 kingdoms. They were all at war with one another, aspiring to dominate the planet as the dominate empire. the battles were ferocious, each one more devastating than the last. It wasn't long that the kingdoms started to hire Mercenaries to fill in the void of their fallen soldiers, wanderers cared not for the conflicts but in time got absorbed in the war as well. But who will be the victor in this brutal onslaught? what Kingdom Shall you root for?

The First was the Kingdom of Land, Ruled by Emperor Krusher the Tyrantrum. This Empire was located in a dense forest providing an abundance of resources to aid the war effort. Their leader was also quite a force to be reckoned with, For his mighty jaws could put even steel types at his mercy. His kingdom was a Mix of a variety of poke'mon giving him a major advantage on the battle field. and whit a reputaion like his there is no question that this kingdom will not go down so easily.

The Second Kingdom was the Kingdom of Magic, Ruled by King Shidew The Sableye and Queen Crystal the Eevee. Crystal rose to power from relations of the royal family, and despite not being a psychic type has show extreme power in said ability, While Their King Shidew was born into the throne. The Magic Kingdom lies in a mysterious cave in the foot of a mountain, giving them near flawless protection from attackers. This kingdom is mostly ghost, psychic, and dark type poke'mon armed with powerful attacks that disable, paralyze, burn, and confuse their opponents giving the kingdom its name. Crystal will not make conquest easy for the other kingdoms.

The Third was the Kingdom of Water, Ruled by Otto Von Ackermann The Samurott. Raised by his own father he trianded in the art of the sword with his own Scalchops and took the throne by birth right. The empire lies somewhere in a cavern at the bottom of the sea, since they control the water it makes crossing the sea deangerous for the poke'mon who roam the world above. As the name suggests this kingdom is mostly inhabited by Water type poke'mon, each of them armed with powerful water type attacks. and with the move "Surf" free to use at their command, they just may turn the tide of the war some day.

The Final Empire was the Kingdom of Sky, Ruled by Kruga The Salamance. He took the thron by defeating his brother in combat, and wishes to meet one of the twin Sky Dragons. This Kingdom Lies on top of a mountain making it hard for non flying poke'mon without ether Rock or Ice Typing to reach it. Needless to say it is governed by mostly flying type poke'mon, giving the controll over the sky in battle.. a Dangerous advantage to say the least. So be fearful when outside your kingdom, you never now when they might swoop down and take you out.

May the Stronger Leader win, Do what ever it takes to save your empire from falling.

[The Rp Is Open]

Edited by TyranntX
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Its the First day of Fall, The Kingdoms have Armed the traps and marked their boarders. all seems quite for now in Ivargreen Forest (Land Kingdom Territory). but all that comes to an end when a loud roar echos from The Castle. The one causing the noise was none other than Lord Krusher, Bored out of his mind once again.


"I grow tired of waiting, what is your plan to expand our territory?" Before him was two of his commanders , Atlas and Rander. and a Rook named Cainis. "Well Answer me! your Empire cries out for more land!"

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Rader responded with "Your majesty, I suppose we can clear some land to expand our territory or claim some unexplored land so maybe send some scouts out? Just thinking out loud."


Krusher Looked over To The Electric Poke'mon "Don't be a fool Rander, The Forrest is what keeps us hidden and protected... But If we are simlpy out of Options then I suppose we can clear out the southern most end of our Territory" He then looked over to the others. "Do any of you object to that? Perhaps have a better plan?"

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Shidew is sitting in his throne of gems and he looks to Crystal.


"Crystal, what do you reckon we do? I don't feel that we have enough land."

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Shidew raises a brow as he looks at Vertex for a few moments.

"You're not permitted here at this moment..."

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"Oh hush Shidew," Crystal said annoyed laying on her red velvet cushion now sitting up straight, her tail waving side-to-side. She hated the war between the nations and hearing Shidew act like this wasn't helping. "If you have time for plotting unnecessary conflict you have time to listen Vertex. Now, you may speak."

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He remains Kneeling as he speaks calmly "Forgive me My lord, But its urgent. We have spotted a suspicious poke'mon entering the caves... our Scouts say its a Water type" he paused for a moment and looked up to Shidew "What is your course of action My lord?"

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He stands up and speaks softly "As you wish my lords" he then silently orders a troop of Pawniard to follow him. and in the blink of an eye they vanish

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Shidew turns to Crystal. "Hm. If this Pokemon is a representative for the Water Kingdom... We can probably take advantage of that."

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"Honestly Shidew, your greed knows no bounds. If it is a rep from the water kingdom then let's work with them and not plot against them. Most pokemon are suffering due to this war and the sooner it ends, the sooner they can get back to their normal lives" She said annoyed by his actions thus far.

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several Hours pass by as the two talk about what to do about the poke'mon in question.it wasn't long until Vertex had returned. limping into the throne room empty handed.


"M-my lords.... Forgive me... I failed you. My men were no match for the poke'mon, and he got away...."

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"I'm rather disappointed. I know how strong you are, but if -this- happened, the other Pokemon is a threat. Did you find anything out about said water Pokemon?"

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"Yes my lord.... He's Kabutops Named Xeen... H-he said he was searching for a ghost type Poke'mon... something about revenge for his sister" Vertex almost falls over from the pain but manages to kneel. "My lord... your a ghost type poke'mon... I advise you don't get involved with him... If he did this to me then there is no telling what he can do to you"

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He cackles a little bit.

"Vertex, hold onto this gem. It will help you when the time comes... As for the armor, you are permitted to repair it with metal from storage."

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"Thank you Lord Shidew" he manages a bow and limps out of the thrown room. only taking the gem and his broke pride with him.

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Crystal was shocked to see one of her captain's beaten by a mere wanderer. After Vertex left she looked over at Shidew "To be honest I was expecting someone else." She said confused.


Now finally reaching his destination, the capital of the kingdom of magic, Zabuza pumped his fist in the air. "Finally! My first mission and by the kingdom of magic no less. No time to waste, lets head in!" With that he made his way into the city totally hyped for what his task might be.

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