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Gallade Setup


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I'm thinking about breeding a decent Ralts for a Gallade.

Should I run it 252 Attack/Speed EVs or Attack/S. Defence EVs?

Also I am thinking for moves: Close Combat, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, and Psycho Cut.

Any thoughts and would it be a decent replacement for a Gardevoir?

Edit: Can someone help me with the dawn stone location?

Edited by Ganolth
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For EVs max attack and speed is the most common for gallade.
The moveset you suggest is nice since it gives a really good coverage wich is great for ingame! But you might find a set up set with swords dance useful for some leaders. In that case you should swap leaf blade or night slash for swords dance. Also shadow sneak can replace night slash for priority but the power drop is big so I don't recommend it since you are going to max it's speed (the coverage between ghost and dark is almost the same)

On a side note, while I was looking for gallade's learnset I noticed that it can learn a lot of moves that are good for double battles, which are very common in reborn! Heal pulse, wide guard, helping hand, ally switch, skill swap, buldoze (earthquake and rock slide too but are unavailable at moment) and misty terrain to help it's teamates. Now i wanna try a defencive set and see how useful it can be :P

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Use the fast set!, that's the set that works the best. Base 90 isn't that bad, we are not talking about competitive...

Aaaaaand, the most important reason: We're most likely gonna have the galladite later in the game (we already have acces to3 megastones) [: hitting the 110 Base Speed is enough reason to invest on it.

Edited by Vlado Vladimir
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