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Shade's Gym and Lin (spoilers)


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In this battle log, Lin says "Come and find the real me".

Anna said that no one was riding the Hydreigon.

So this could mean that adult Lin somehow doesn't actually exist, and the young Lin is the real Lin.

well, according to that battle-log - and Anna saying that no one was riding Hydreigon... well... Anna sees into the 'heart and souls' of people.

example, she sees Charlotte with all that burn-scars, where we don't.

When Anna said she saw no one riding Hydreigon, and Lin saying (in that battle-log) that she is now only a shell of someone she used to "suffer on"

maybe Anna just couldn't see Lin, because there was nothing for her to see... no Soul.. it was just an empty, heart- and soulless body.

Lin being just this cruel person, without any emotion, only driven to reach her goal - whatever it might be.

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I just want to clear something up. Lin is not part of the prophecy but that does not mean she is or isn't going to die. In fact, we don't know if only one or two more people are going to die from Shade's prophecy. We just can only piece so much together. Every screen shown represents a dying soul each of which plays a very important role to something however he doesn't imply that gain is for us. The second part of "poison in vein" is a warning that these if we don't help the dying souls, something bad will happen or its the only shot we have to winning.

The second prophecy: "Four screens foretold four soul's fourtunes forsaken. From foreshadowed, forsoothed, only two will be taken." (I know it's not right but close enough).

Now the funny thing is about Corey and Lin's Screens and even Kiki's is that they do not show anything in regards to someone's fortune. I definitely could rule Corey's out since well...his life wasn't his fortune (Heather is debatable), but even Heather wasn't forsaken at that point in time. I don't see Solaris really prizing Lin, more like fears her, and her story regarding the whole orphanage. There is one possibility here but we'll get back to that in a minute.

There is one thing that hasn't been mentioned and it's the Rotom event. And boy is this one debatable of whether or not it's a screen. It tells us that Corey lost someone, presumably his wife, and Sigmund losing [REDACTED]. While these events to fulfill the fortune forsaken part, it's very vague whether or not it means the screen predicted something since well these event happened in the past that we know of. So now that we added all of what we know together let's try piecing it into a theory.

We know there are foul souls and four fortunes. What does Forsaken mean? To abandon or desert. So now that I've broke this down and thinking about it...we're going to assume that those back screens are not part of the prophecy but tie into it giving a big hint to the last screen. So let's start with the two most obvious ones.

The Corey screen shows him jumping off of a cliff. The treasure he gave up is not the Ruby Ring, but Heather. The big problem with this is that it happened in the past though funny enough that Heather did get abandoned by Cain in Ametrine City to Blake so there's still quite a bit that we could use to validate this screen as being one of the four. Not much else to say.

The next screen would be Amaria and Titania. The soul in the screen is very foggy but we know both the soul and treasure are Amaria and Titania I just can't necessarily pin which one fits which. I'm going to guess Amaria is the soul seeing as that see is dying on the inside seen by her journal entry at the academy and her love and relation with Titania is her treasure. Though it could also be Titania seeing her friend abandon life (a friendship like that could be a treasure). We can't pinpoint either but at least we narrowed into a very narrow option.

The Kiki screen is one of the hardest. If this was indeed one of the four forsaken, what was forsaken by killing Kiki. Cal, Victoria, and Solaris were all there and could fit the picture. We'll start with Victoria. Kiki was ready to abandon her life and was passing the academy onto her desciple Victoria and we could clearly see Victoria and Kiki had a strong bond so Kiki could be Victoria's treasure. Or it could be that Kiki is the soul leaving Victoria/the academy behind and not thinking a second thought on it. You can't tell me she knew she wasn't going to die going up to that.

Now onto Cal. We can see that Cal clearly was moved by Kiki and everything she had done which he would be the soul and kiki the treasure no question about it. He turned "traitor" to the academy to join team meteor but more importantly he turned against Kiki by throwing her Medicham in the lava invalidating everything he had done up until now. Turning on your master is not too much different than abandoning them.

Solaris is the most ambiguous one since we don't know much about him. I put him here since he was the once to order the Garchomp to kill Kiki. Now we tie this back into the Corey screen. Maybe this event set something off of a character similar to Heather. That would be Taka which we only know so little but usually a father cares for a son and it seems Taka is disobeying team meteor or betraying. That could tie into the forsaken treasure being Taka and Solaris taking care of it. This one's a stretch, but if Solaris is the soul, I'm actually hoping Apophyll gets brought up and gives Solaris a bit of backstory. This screen is indeed a very strange one if it's one of the four.

Lin's screen is perhaps the strangest one of all. Like with Kiki's death, we don't know what's forsaken here. We have to tie Lin to something but since she's such a mysterious person we don't know much about her. Nobody seems to really have a connection with her...or does someone. We learn a bit about Lin from the Saphira capture path that shows she was a girl from the orphanage who was quite cruel. However, Sigmund's actions show there's quite a bit more too this story. I have a few good guesses behind what's going on here, but this is about 5 theories saved for the future. My only guess is that Sigmund is the soul and Lin is the treasure in this screen.

The only other tie is for Solaris or Sirius but that involves going into team meteor's plans and we only know so much about them. Very little evidence can be used to support and Solaris seems like Lin's a last resort to bring to any operation while he isn't afraid of front line work. She could be key to the operation meaning she'd be the treasure they need.

So let's break this down into a chart by screens:

Souls Treasures

1. Corey - Heather

2. Titania <-> Amaria

3. Kiki <-> Apophyll Academy/Cal/Victoria

3. Victoria - Kiki

3. Cal - Kiki

3. Solaris - Taka (or maybe Kiki)

4. Sigmund - Lin

4. Solaris - Lin

4. Sirius - Lin

4. Lin - ??? (Maybe the Keystones)

5. Corey - "Wife"

6. Sigmund - "[Redacted]"

So now you're probably wondering "Commander why'd you cross a couple names off?" This is very interesting as we're about to get to really into my theory stuff. What's very odd about my list is that Corey is on one side and Kiki is on the other so no matter what, somebody still has to be taken and given Shade's role, that means they're going to die. Now let me quote some the prophecy once more:

"For, forsooth, from foreshadowed, only two will be taken."

All of the screen will come true and Shade just confirmed it, but I had to read this quite a few times what the two will be taken. Sure you could try saying that so-and-so fits the prophecy, but in my theory, I believe nothing has been taken yet. This is the most important thing you want to write down. I had to read it many times, but Shade is not talking about the souls, but the treasure that will be taken and you probably will have to read the line 15 or so times to get that.

The screens show four souls abandoning their fortune, but that does not mean it's taken. Though what's more peculiar is where it's told and when. Shade suddenly appears after you defeated Taka and rescued Amaria. Why then? And there was also no Absol iirc. I have a feeling it's a cryptic message that we should be saying out good-byes due to the chain of events we created as nothing happened in this episode. And Shade could only appear then as Meteor would not have known Amaria had been rescued until then and ambush the player's "army."

Though if we do indeed go with two souls, Corey's life wasn't taken from him since he kind of killed himself. Debatable topic. Kiki being the soul in that other screen would only work IF Kiki's fortune was her own life. Whether or not Kiki was the first part of the prophecy is up in the air, but judging from her actions I doubt her life is her own fortune given she went up there knowing she was going to die.

Anyways, I can't really give much more of an answer right now as we're still missing pieces to the puzzle but maybe this theory or ideas will give some of you food for thought.

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