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Favourite Reborn Gym Leaders?


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The thread in the Fan Club about the Gym Leaders in the official games gave me the idea to make this thread, soo... who are your favourite Gym Leaders in Reborn?

It can be any of them. Living or.... retired. It doesn't just have to be the ones that are available for battle in the current release of the game. If you like you can choose from the [speculated] Elite Four members as well. You can choose more than one too.

Personally, my favour is stuck between Luna and Terra being stuck between Terra is the last place you wanna be

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Luna for sure. When I think of Reborn, Luna comes to mind immediately.

Edit: On further thought, it may be because I started/finished Reborn when Luna was the leader.

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Purely judged based on which one I like the most as a gym leader:

I love Florinia so, so much. Her teacher/mentor role is great, and she's just an all around interesting person.

And she sure makes a point of showing us how to set up a deadly mono team.

I hope we're going to see more of her, because I'm pretty sure that way she'd easily become one of my favourites.

Amaria is amazing, too. Overall my second -well, technically fourth- favourite character, gosh she's so lovely <'3

Can't judge her as a gym leader yet, but her Lapras' name, just brilliant.
Amaria would be that kind of person I'd want to befriend; she's too good for the world, honestly.

Honorable mention goes to Aya and Titania <3

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Hmm I'd say Shade, really. While Megaterra's one of my favorite characters, Shade's just so...mysterious. You never even get to learn who or what he/it is, why they live in an abandoned power plant, why they made a recently deceased gym leader into a Gengar....or those death scenes on those monitors. Shade's just like wut is it, the grim reaper or something? o-o

He was also the only gym leader to actually give my team at the time of facing him a real challenge, since I didn't have anything to stand up against that Rotom of his. :v

Edited by Aurorain
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Corey, "You don't see no smiles on his face"

and he presumably turned into a Gengar which is one of my favorite pokes

He also has a sad backstory.

Radomus is also up there because of how he changes suits, breaks the 4th wall, etc.

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Terra because RAWRRR!!!

Radomus because i like his personality and intelligence

edit: how could i forget Charlotte? She definitely makes it in the top 3 because her traits and dialogue are very similar to mine reactions (apart her smoking habit)

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While I do like all of the Gym Leaders, my favorites currently are Charlotte, Radomus, Luna, Shelly, and Samson.

Least favorite, would to have to be Terra (I don't dislike her, I'm just not too fond of her). She's mildly amusing at times, but I'm not one to find "leet" speak entertaining, and she would be infuriating to deal with if she was a real person.

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I love many of 'em , but if we had to go design and behaviour-wise - it'd be Charlotte

However, if I had to judge based on their stories and involvement in the game, Shade, Luna, Radomus and Titania are among my favorites. I'd really like to know more about Shade tbh

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I actually like all of them - as most of them has their unique personality and you grow fond of them as you progress through the game.

My personal favorites will have to be Serra (biased - because I love Ice types), Luna, Shelly and Saphira.

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My favorites are pretty cool. I love M3G4T3RR4, mostly due to the fucking insane shit she can do, like bend space and time to teleport to glitch city, and she can bend physics to her will. She is clearly a being that is not bound by our laws.

That said I also love Shade

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One of my favorites would have to be shelly just because of the fact that you get to know her more then any other gym leader and you start too care about her and was a fun gym battle.

Also I would say shade would probably be a second mainly because of how mysterious he is and that fact that he looks evil but is actually nice.

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