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Least favourite type?

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  On 7/27/2015 at 2:08 PM, Xiri said:

Ice is my favorite type... but yeah I agree that a boost is needed (I mean why is Ice weak against Rock but not the other way around?)

But as for my least favorite type... it would probably be Rock. I dunno, it seems like a really bland type to me personally.

^this. Bring back the gen 1 fire type taking neutral damage from Ice. Seriously it could resist Grass or Ground or Flying and maybe even Fairy, but Noooooo. I can't name a least favorite off the top of my head. I'd say fire, but that's more bias then it is logical. I don't really understand why both Ghost and Dark exist. They're pretty interchangeable, at least offensively.

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Gotta say, Poison is a type I could never be happy with. I am more of an aggresive player, prefering strong attacks, and most poison types are made to annoy, delay and wear down enemies, the same with dark types and Ice really needs more Pokemon and defensive buffs, at least a couple more resistances.

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I detest facing poison types. They always poison you, and you need to either carry antidotes at all times or constantly rush back to the PokeCenter if you don't want your Pokemon fainting from overworld damage. Part of the reason I always choose a fire starter, so I can just incinerate Weedles and the like.

My least favorite type to use is ice. It resists only itself, and it seems almost every pokemon can learn a move that is super effective against it.

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...Although, not as much as before.

1. Dragon did need a nerf, but this could have come by making ICE a better type, reworking how hail works to make it more viable than boosting Blizzard's accuracy, and by providing a type (perhaps Fairy) that wasn't so overpowered in it's own right. Fire should do more than mutual damage, and Steel and Poison types by and large are composed of support and defensive Pokemon. It's HARD to fight Fairies with offensive play styles at times.

2. The biggest stars are Klefki (annoyer), Sylveon (bulky cleric), Florges (bulky cleric), Clefable (Bulky Calm Mind setter), and Azumarill (Belly Drum Champion.) making AV Azumarill the best fairy for someone like me. Unfortunately. Azumarill is OU. Too much defense!!

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  On 7/27/2015 at 1:04 PM, Froiky said:

Flying types. While it can be good in combination with other types there aren't that many strong flying type attacks. There's Fly, air cutter/slash, and drill peck. I know there's more but what are they useful for? Flying types are good early on when you're fighting grass or bug types. Further on their attacks don't do enough. That's why I don't like flying types that much.

I beat the entire Sinnoh League with nothing but the Starly line, so I will have to disagree with this. :P

My least favorite to use is Normal... boring. I love the Pokemon themselves, and my favorite Pokemon of all time (Spoink) is normal, but aside from that, I don't really like battling with them.

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  On 7/28/2015 at 11:47 PM, Sunbean said:

My least favorite to use is Normal... boring. I love the Pokemon themselves, and my favorite Pokemon of all time (Spoink) is normal, but aside from that, I don't really like battling with them.

Spoink isn't a Normal-type.

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Once upon a time I would've said fire sinc e it's very straightforward and lacks variety in use(either burn or destory), but Reborn kind of changed me on that. I really dislike training Dragons since they take so long but alot of dragon types I like from a design standpoint.

Hmmm Dragon might be it I guess. They're just too much of a hassle to train and dragon rage is the most broken thing early game.

^Rock doesn't resist electric, is weak to steel and ground, is SE against ice, flying and bug but IE against grass, steel and ground. Ground is immune to electric, doesn't resist steel but is SE against it, poison and electric, and is ineffective against Bug/grass while flying disregards it completely. Both are SE against fire and resist poison.

Rock is usually throwing a stone or crystal(laserz) at the opponents, ground is using the ground beneath the opponent/mud/sand to attack instead, hence why flying is immune to it. Do note that many ground pokemon can learn rock attacks and vice versea, however.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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  On 5/14/2015 at 8:31 PM, jackskellington said:

I HATE the Fairy type! I do have some of that type in Pokemon X, but I hate it because it's super effective against the Dark type. I freaking love Dark types! SO DAMN CUTE! (Am I the only one who thinks that Dark Pokemon are adorable?)

Well, Tyranitar isn't adorable, thats for sure.

Anyways, my least favourite type is Poison. I mean, not only it as a type sucks but it also has horrible pokemon like Muk, Weezing, Skuntank etc. The only poison type I find likeable are Nidoking, Crobat and Toxicroak.

Edited by BlackMage
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