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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 2 [OPEN]


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Cainis was busy directing a couple Gurdurrs to continue with the repairs and possible walling of the city. So far he got Timburrs, Gurdurrs and a couple Machamps (not what they asked, but no one is complaining). With all that happened, the soldiers of the Land Kingdom had to be rady for anything. Those Ice types took him by surprise. He knows he should be able to take them on in battle, but how many is another thing entirely, and right now, there was also an attack to the coast.

Just our luck. Sometimes, he curses his senses.

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Magister (Poliwrath)

King Otto had requested his assistance once more. At least he wasn't teaching at the time. After hearing the message from the Ducklett, he left for the Water Kingdom's castle with a loud sigh. That man seriously needs some new executives... he thought to himself. When he reached the throne room, he got on one knee in front of his king's throne. "Your majesty, why have you called me?" Again?

Ursa Maior (Ursaring)

He growled in frustration. Just as he was about to leave, a giant wave struck the harbor. Two of his Linoone were swept away, but the others were more or less unharmed. He walked up to the Suicune that had calmed down the sea. It seemed as if the Water-type popped out of nowhere, but Ursa Maior wouldn't be complaining, because the damage could have been a lot more severe if it wasn't for the Suicune. "We, of the Kingdom of Land, are grateful for your help. In return, I will lead you to my king." He gestured the legendary Pokémon to follow him as he made his way to the throne room.

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Rain- Suicune (Land Kingdom)

"Tis nothing, I just happen to be at the right place at the right time when this incident happened" Rain humbly said as he followed the grizzly. "Thank you for assisting me on such short notice....the name's Rain, if you must know, I'm just here to discuss private matters with your king." The accidental hero introduced himself and continues to walk with the bear.

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Krusher - Tyrantrum.

A lour roar echoed from the castle. Krusher was infuriated to find out what happened to the docs and demanded an explanation. Little did he know he was about to have company, for he was far to angry to pick up on the stranger's sent. "Is arceus punishing us for something? or is this the work of something else?" me muttered. He new he had to act quickly before the other kingdoms find out about his kingdom's vulnerable state and take advantage of it.

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Alucard (Gengar)

Alucard fell off the chandelier rubbing his head in mild discomfort. "I'm here to see Ulkina, but that bastard's Drake Guard wouldn't allow me in to talk to her."

Alucard giggled. "You could also say I had a little fun here too. But I seriously need to talk to Ulkina."

Ulkina (Latias)

Ulkina all of the sudden felt a light pain in her head. It was the recently restored telepathic connection she had with Eric. His thoughts were emitting from him onto her. He seemed to be worried about something. She didn't know yet what is was about. She thought out hard "Eric. I need to see you at the front gates." And with that she zoomed to the front gate, hoping he got her message.

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Velvet (Lopunny) & Sir Darius (Gallade)

"Well, I'm not entirely sure myself." Velvet answered. "I just got a letter from Darius saying to come here to talk to him about something. I'm sure it said what it was in the letter, but my hands were a bit wet from when I was in Greenwater Swamps and it kinda smudged the last bit of it." She turned to Darius. "So, what exactly did you want to talk about?" The Lopunny asked. She then hopped a bit closer to the Captain and whispered to him. "Is it private?" Darius shook his head. "No. It's not..." He said. "...In fact, this seems to be the perfect opportunity to ask you once again." Velvet tilted her head. "Okay. What's the question?" She asked. The Gallade began to speak. "Well, as you may know, there have been rumors of two more kingdoms to the west, across the sea. And, knowing that you were a bounty hunter for a short while, you had to have a few connections in order to gather information to track down your targets. Which brings me to the question..." Velvet then began to speak, knowing what Darius was going to ask. "You want to know if they know if the rumors are true, don't you?" The Lopunny asked. Darius nodded. "That's right." Velvet shook her head. "I'm sorry, but even I don't know the answer to that. The rumors are too new for anyone to be sure. Some of my sources say yes. Some say no. My most trusted sources can't even give a straightforward answer. Again, I'm sorry, but I only know about as much as you do." She said, feeling a little sad that she couldn't help her friend.

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Ursa Maior (Ursaring)

As he reached the throne room with the Suicune -Rain, was it?- he started to feel uneasy. His majesty Krusher was rampaging through the room. He was clearly upset because of the wave that suddenly crashed down on the Kingdom of Land. He gulped. Interrupting King Krusher was already a harsh task, but interrupting him in a rage was a completely different league. But since he didn't want to show any weakness while Rain was with him, he cleared his throat, and called out to his king. "Your highness, we have a guest that wishes to see you."

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Krusher - Tyrantrum

He calmed him self, but not by much "And who Dare I ask is this?" He the walked up to the strange poke'mon to observe them. "Are you a traveler? a scout of one of the rival kingdoms?" He then paused for a moment and then took a seat at his throne. "No... If you had any malice intent you'd be in my dungeon by now" he said with a grin. "What say you, why have you come to my kingdom?"

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Otto (Samurott)

Otto was looking at Magister in a serious way.

"I need to tell you that we have a very touchy situation on out hands right now. A huge Disturbance has just happened, and the only Pokemon that could have caused one of that magnitude, other than myself, would be the Legendary Sea Titan of old, Kyogre. Before today, I thought he was merely a tall tale, but it looks as if I was wrong. If that legend is even more true, we cannot afford his getting his hands on the You-Know-What."

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Ursa Maior (Ursaring)

"My lord, this is Rain the Suicune. He helped us with the navi crisis. Without him, damage could have been a lot more severe... My troops, or even me in person, could not have standed here right now." He took a step back, allowing the Suicune to speak.

Magister (Poliwrath)

"K...Kyogre?" Magister said, "But, my lord, isn't Kyogre just a myth?" Then he remembered that the Kingdom of Sky actually had a Rayquaza as one of their high-ups too. "Forgive me for doubting your word, my lord. What do you want me to do?"

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Swain - Honchkrow

"Fine, I'll escort you to her room.." Swain sighed, rubbing his temple. unamused of the troublemaking ghost's chuckles and mischievous behavior. "As far as those who stationed at the gates, don't let this happen again, make sure our defense is tighten or it will be your wings..do i make myself clear!?" The advisor pounds his cane on the ground with a dead serious look on his face. "Yes sir!" the group of flying pokemon respond in unison.

Swain and his flock of murkrow escorts the ghost towards the hallway, for there on, the advisor allows Alucard to meet with Ulkina.."There's the door" The bird pointed out with his staff "Don't try anything funny or I will personally pluck your teeth out one by one and painfully remove that grin off your face..got it?" Swain said as his crow henchmen when into position and secure the hall.

Rain - Suicune

Rain nodded at the bear as he steps forth. "I am no friend nor foe of any Kingdom oh great ruler of the land... I am simply a wanderer and it's my duty to enforce the peace between the sky, the sea and land alike, making sure everything is in order." Rain said to the majestic T-rex.

"The reason that I'm here is to carry out a message, to inform you that Kruga the sky lord has been attacked by a group of gyarados who stand-up for themselves and as we all know that sky kingdom will not take lightly of this retaliation, every creature below them will pay.

"There's a storm coming, King Krusher. you and your beloved kingdom will not survive in its current condition."

"my only request is for you to hold a meeting to the kings of all 4 nations, to settle a peace treaty and avoid any unnecessary bloodshed from all kingdoms." Rain stands firm as he delivered his request to the King.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Alucard (Gengar)

The Gengar rolled his eyes and grinned again. "I can work with that chief. She's gonna trust me before she trusts your crusty face." He opened the door to Ulkina's room. "Pretty sure I should have been clearer, but next time, have some guards on hand that aren't arrogant assholes, because I was sure they'd recognize me." With that, Alucard quickly closed the door, before Swain had a chance to respond.

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Krusher - Tyrantrum

"So the sky king is dead?" The stood for a moment to think about what to do next "As much as I wish we could have peace, we simply can not" he replied. he then turned to a window "Our ideas are to far spread. the other kingdoms have this foolish idea that the world belongs to only select poke'mon, rather than we who believe it belongs to all" he then looked back to rain. "Besides, I can't leave the kingdom in its current state. we are too vulnerable to negotiate much of anything". He paused for a moment "Arceus is angry with us, and I wish to know why... why must he destroy our docs and take so many lives?"

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Otto (Samurott)

Otto looked towards the ceiling.

"We do the only thing we can. Do whatever it takes, but make sure that Kyogre doesn't manage to regain its ability to Primalize. In other words, keep it separated from the Blue Orb, unless we learn of the Groudon's awakening. In that situation, ensure that neither of them manage to get their Orbs unless the Sky Captain Mega-Evolves."

Otto then noticed that a small hole had formed in the ceiling.

"And get the Castle to be repaired while you're at it. That wave certainly did a number on it."

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Before Ignis just left the borders, he felt something similar in his mind, like a former brother in the grounds. He told both the troops and the commander "I just felt something that isn't the wave crashing. Something similar like in another life. I am going back to track down this. Rader, I'm handing over the reins to you." The young commander responded with: Yes sir! Boys, off to the fields! The commander continue his way to fields while Ignis returned to the capital since that where is the "feeling" was leading to. On the way back, he noticed some villages were destroyed but some villages were completely untouched. "Hmm, must been a supernatural pokemon who protected the villages from the wave." wondered by Ignis but he was feeling guilty for not informing the king about the wave. "Hm, maybe I should return to the capital to tell the king." He arrived to the capital and went to the throne room to only hear the king talking about something. He entered the throne room to only see a suicune sitting there in front of the king. He spoke to suicune "Who are you but I get the feeling I have seen you before?"

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Magister (Poliwrath)

"But how, my lord? We have no idea of where this 'Blue Orb' might be located, if it even exists! But at least I can do something about the reparation. I'll go fetch a few Simipour to make sure that our roof will be repaired, among the other damaged locations." He thought about how he should find the Blue Orb, when suddenly an idea struck him. "Your highness, I may have thought of someone who might know about the Blue Orb!" And with those words, Magister dashed off to see an old 'friend'.

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Krusher - Tyrantrum

The emperor responded "This is Rain, he saved most of the people on the docs before tsunami". He then turned to Ursa "Return to your duties Commander, I have a feeling we have much to discuss" he then looked to Ignis "Tell me, how do you think it is you may know this poke'mon"

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He responded to the king "I feel an aura from here, something similar and this aura is coming from him. I also feel in another life, I am familiar to him but for some reason, I can't remember his name until now. So I think this "Rain" is my friend from another life. But I can't tell what exactly what is."

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"The kingdoms are actually to the East, but we want Vertex to sail west. And see if anything is there, and if so, take the land. Now, you there" he points to the Lopunny "You may go with Vertex if you want to, and don't worry, you will be paid."

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Alucard (Gengar)/Ulkina (Latias)

Alucard shut the door quite amused with himself at how pissed off Swain must have been with him. The Drake Guard were a bunch of jerks anyways Alucard thought. He immediately stopped grinning as he saw the Latias Ulkina perched over a window visibly sobbing and hiccuping.

"W-what do you want brother?" Ulkina asked.

Alucard stared down at the floor. "Yeah I heard that Kruga is kinda pushing up daisies now. I wanted to ask what's up because I heard you may be one of his successors."

Ulkina turned around to face him with tears streaming down her face. "Yes. Eric is supposed to be taking his place and Azauqyar wants me to be queen." She turned back around and stopped sobbing. "That's not what's bothering me though. Eric wants to fly away with me to think it over and talk. I heard it through his thoughts. I don't know if I should though."

Alucard's demeanor turned to one of purest sympathy. He floated over to Ulkina. "Mind if I stay the night here with you?" Ulkina nodded. "Let's take a while to think about it."


??? (Lucario)

Somewhere far out of the Sky Kingdom, in the Dratini Meadows, a curvy young Lucario repeatedly punched a boulder that had gotten on her nerves. Adourned to each hand was a gauntlet. The left held a Key Stone, and the right held a shiny orb. Attached to her ankles were rusty shackles, with the chain long since broken. This particular boulder annoyed her because she had been trying to destroy it without any help. She used to be a Champion for crying out


It was all because of the stupid orb Iining her gauntlet. This had done this to her. She wanted so desperately to rid herself of it, but she was weak without it. She fell to her knees huffing. One more time couldn't hurt. She could control herself. At least she hoped.

She pressed on the Key Stone and soon she felt herself enveloped in a harsh pink light. She felt her body growing stronger. The Aura pulsing through her veins. The pink light dissipated and she stood tall and punched the boulder, and shattered it into hundreds of pieces with one blow.

She felt satisfied. Except her orb did not. The whites of her eyes turned black and she stooped over gripping her head in anguish. The urge was back again. Blood. She needed to shed it.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Magister (Poliwrath) & Arianna (Jellicent)

Magister rushed to the right wing of the castle, where Arianna's office was located. He burst in the doors. Arianna looked at him, not really surprised, more annoyed with the sudden visit from the captain of the guard. "Magister... It's been a while..." she muttered, "Too long, right...?" "Don't even start," Magister interrupted, "I'm here for business. You get paid to give us advice, so do your job."

The Jellicent spinned around a coin in one of her arm...hand...like...things. "I like the money you give me... It's most certainly satisfying... What can I do for you...?" "Do you seriously still have to ask that? Didn't you feel those waves?" Magister asked. "Ah yes... The awakening of Kyogre... Was that the info you needed...?" Magister sighed. Why, of all Pokémon, did Arianna have to be the one to possibly know the Blue Orb's location? "No, it isn't. My question is more vital. What do you know about the Blue Orb?"

"The Blue Orb...? That is top-secret info... Very expensive too..." The pink Pokémon looked at Magister expectantly. "No. Not this time. Either you tell me the location of the Blue Orb, or I will get you before court with my own hands. Am I clear?" Arianna shook her head. "As you wish... But I cannot just tell you the location... In order to really get to the place, I fear that I will have to go with the search party..." The Poliwrath clenched his fists. Seriously. Do I seriously have to go with her. Worst. Day. Ever.

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Azauqyar- Rayquaza

He was left hovering there, when Eric had left. Saying the god was dissappointed with the boy's response... would've been the understatement of the year. Afterall that time, after everything he had shown the boy..."Fine..." he sighed, leaving the throne room. "Let him take his sweet time. I might as well just promote Stratos to Captain of the guard at this rate though...chances are I'll be stuck as Regent forever..."

A disturbance in the force rang out in his mind however. The natural balance had been tipped even further, he could feel it... as if something was calling out. "He's far closer now...what could he possibly want, after the last time..." He continued on his way, mind busying itself with the issue... Another Literal battle of the ages could be well close at hand..."But if he has awoken, what of Groudon?" It was just then that he thought of something else. "And she's still looking for those free..."

Within an instant he closed his eyes and focused in on the location of his scale... the only one still out in the world after that night. The only one he had entrusted since then... "So she's in the magic capital..." he opened his eyes, having found his foster's location.

"Freya." He called out to his scale, knowing the girl would hear him... His vision flared with her shape, the tattered cloak around her shoulders, the halls she walked through... the door before her.

Stratos- Salamence

The Lord Champion made his way out of the keep in a silent rage after the purple, undead bastard called Alucard had gotten off scott-free thanks to swain. The guards outside didn't bother asking about it, knowing full well from the look on his face... and the fact that no ghost was being dragged behind him in ethereal chains.

"All of you, if a Gengar named Alucard starts any trouble in the city at all- I don't care what it is, if he harms a youngling, if he throws sludge upon another wall, if he trespasses in a citizens home, or if he kills an innocent... anything at all, I hereby grant you authorization to unleash full force upon him. That Specter is a disaster upon this city just waiting to happen. We can not be preemptive and remove his threat now because of his ties with the girl, but If I must, I will find a way to give ghosts fates worse than death in order to protect the small folk...and I suggest you all do the same. Am I understood?"

"Yes, my lord!" every last one of them called, standing at full attention as he left, though as to where... no one but himself knew.

Freya- Flygon

The dragoness had made impressive time getting through the castle after her little stunt. The layout was surprisingly similiar to the same halls she had played in as a trapinch... "how ironic that their castles are like mirror images of it..." She whispered "Or... for the most part they do, at least..." Two large slabs of wood stood before her as she kept walking. The only room it could be was the throne room... and it sounded like there was talking going on inside.

"Freya." the voice rang through her skull like a bell's chime, clear and loud as the wind itself. She hadn't even noticed that the strange green gem inlaid into her choker had began blazing beneath her cloak, a slight breeze circulating all around her... yet only she could her the sky lord's voice, not even a psychic would've been able to intercept it... not when he was reaching out with his own being.

"F-father..." She reached up, touching the scale. It was the first time she had ever see it in actual use. All she had been told was that through he would always know where she was... and what she was doing. Or what was being done to her. She backed away from the doors, drawing away her other hand from the wooden surface before she could knock. "Father... is that you?"

"Indeed. I can see you... getting inside their castle this far was no small feat, I trust?"

"Actually... I'm afraid it was, father. Pathetically so. You would've wanted to roast both the stationed guardsmen outside alive if you had seen them..."

"Well, that's on them for shody training. regardless, about the request I gave you weeks ago..."

"I was just about to request an audience with King Shidew to see if he knew anything about them. Right when you... called, actually-"

"By barging into his keep and intruding in his throne room?" Freya could feel the dissapointment in the god's voice. "I thought I trained you to know better than that. Lesser things than intruding inside a royal residence have constituted acts of war..."

"Y-you had something to tell me...?" She stutered sheepishly, hoping to steer the subject back on course. "Remember?"

"Abandon you're quest for the birds. Kruga has fallen, and on his deathbed he realized the power hungry fool he had been. I feel that neither of the requests he gave to me before hand hold any standing in light of such."

Freya stepped even further back from the doors, shocked. "F-fallen? but how, with you as his guard-"

"The fool went and attacked a tribe of gyarados who were not open to offers of joining. They struck him near dead in defense of themselves and their young. He left the castle before I could have thrown together a suitable guard for such potential risk... and hence..."

"So he died because he was a fool." The warrior scoffed, now walking out of the corridor back towards the entrance she had broken through.

"The man was many things, girl... especially just before he went. But yes, in short that is the major cause. regardless, you are free from my request because of it. Remember the Cove, my dear... remember your brothers and sisters. Remember the champions. Remember the face of the Titan."

"Remember the colossus of death," Freya picked up, almost back at the front entrance. Two different guards were outfront now. neither one made a move to stop her as she headed back down into the plaza, thinking that if she had gotten inside, she had obviously had some type of official business to warrant it. She kept reciting her promise as she walked down the stairs. "Remember the screams. Remember the flames. Remeber the waters that tasted of blood and the sound of innocence being slain. Remember the banners and remember the plates of gold and the skin of steel. For I come to prey on a monster. And my fangs are sharper than death's. For I have the blood of dragons."

There was silence. Then "Excellent. I trust your abilities. Brantyn Von Richi will die by your hand in due time... farewell, my child." And the scale lost its glow. the winds around her died down. The Sky Lord's voice faded from her ears.

And she kept reciting her mantra until she left the city gates.

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Alucard (Gengar)

Alucard and Ulkina sat in her room for a good long while. The two did not speak to each other for a long period, their eye contact telling each other all they really needed to know. Alucard broke the silence by patting Ulkina's wing. "I need to resolve an ordeal. You fine with that?" Ulkina nodded. "Ok then. Gimme an hour or so and I'll come back." Alucard immediately left the room and floated slowly toward the front gate, earning scowls from the castle servants and guards.

Alucard melted through the front door and floated in front of the two Drake Guards that stood in the way of the door. They looked ready to fight and he didn't blame them for it. He gently landed on his feet in front of the two guards. "I need to talk to Stratos. Do you guys mind fetching him for me?" The guards looked hesitant, but Alucard waited there unmoving.

Alucard took note of the uncleaned sludge on the overhanging wall.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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((@ Darvan, the wall is actually clean from Stratos using roar of time on it earlier.))

Lt. Dravius- Dragonite (NPC)

The same Dragonite who had accosted him for his behavior earlier still stood in the same spot like a statue. The entire plaza was ringed in Draken Guards... it seemed as though they had been drawn by something, though as to what... well, alucard couldn't possibly have known. Nevertheless the Dragonite had to cast the occasional reprimanding glance at one of them... some of them had repeatedly felt inclined to step forward for some reason, but stopped the moment his eyes fell upon them, shaking his head.

"No one knows where Lord Stratos has gone." The Dragon stated simply in a voice like gravel. "He gave the guard our updated routes and patrols and then flew off somewhere. That was a good while ago. Arceus knows what he's doing now though." He paused for a minute. then the silence dragged on for several. apparently he was done. Until he finally added. "It would be... unwise to go pursuing him anyway, however. especially considering... earlier events this day. He does not take such matters lightly...he calls it broken window theory."

Dravius fully expected the ghost to completely over react in some absurd way to something he had said, just like the Gengar had when Lord Stratos had tried speaking to him. But quite honestly he was hoping the boy would... yes, it would be just buetiful if he gave them a reason, what with the fact that the Draken guard had been expanded recently.

If Alucard looked around the plaza for the first time... he would notice those soldiers present were Hydreigons and Mismagius and Mandibuzzes and other Gengars and even a Koffing of two...all standing at attention. Still as statues.

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