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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 2 [OPEN]


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Judge - Uxi

"I see no reason to prolong this trail, it was not the Gyarados who caused the fighting. Rather the guard who killed the first victim. Unless there are any more objections from anyone room, I'd like to hand down my verdict." The Uxi stated wanting to end this as soon as possible

Titania - Gardevior & Zabuza - Frokie

"Ok well, I think I saw them heading east from here so I think we should head that direction in the morning. I say we rest a bit before heading off though." She said to thw group of people. "I think that'll be a good idea." The frog nodded in agreement, "But, um... Xeen mind if I talk to you in private for a second?" He asked the swordsmen.

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Alucard (Gengar)

Alucard woke up from his unconscious state with a splitting headache. He looked around to see the two dragons talking amongst themselves in a corner. There was a circle of psychic and esper-sensitive Pokemon around him, many clad in white robes.

He rubbed his head in pain. "Oh, what on earth happened..."

One particular mage split the circle and walked through it. "You had an evil spirit possessing you. I felt your heart while we extracted the spirit from the Stone. You better have a good rebuke for your transformation though, because the dragons are most displeased, and they do not believe me on matters, and for that matter I am one of the newer members."

"Oh why...my head," Alucard muttered to himself. "I need to talk to Ulkina now."

He attempted to vanish through a wall, but something seemed to change in him, as his head panged hard and he bounced off the walls instead of disappearing through them.

"Urgh. Damn my luck."

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Zabuza - Frokie

"Well, I was wondering if you could teach me a bit about sword play? Before you ask, yes I have blades of my own." The frog creates a blade of white light in each hand (cut). "Eventually I'll need to fight right? Currently I feel in my current state I couldn't do much if everyone got into trouble, that's why I want you to help train me. I don't want to be a burden to everyone and I think if I learn battle from you I'd at least hold my own in this war. So, would you please help me?" He asked the Kabutops getting on his hands and knees begging the pokemon to teach him.

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" so you wish to be my apprentice?" He said completely surprised. The fossil Pokemon looked up to the light sky " it is said to become the peak of a swordsman's life when they pass on their teachings. And for me to do so at such young age" he paused for a moment. " very well I'll take you as my student" he said as he exhaled bubbles. But first lets get some rest' we have a big day ahead of us"

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Rain - Suicune

Rain nodded at Zaire as the wolf runs towards the city and leaps the castle wall in a single bound. theres no time to waste, The wolf sprints across the suburban city, jumping from rooftop to rooftop in order to get court room in the quickest way possible. The winter hound went past the eevee and the galllade in a blur and makes the ever 'last moment heroic entrance cliche' by busting in the courtroom doors.

"hold everything!"Rain said in a booming voice, the icy wind howls as the wolf and cactus pokemon stands firm near the doorway.

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Zabuza - Frokie

"Aye sir!" He said enthusiastically to his new teacher. With that he started to head off to where camp was ready to take a rest. 'Phew, I thought he'd say no or something. Well at least that's over with and we can head off first thing tomorrow morning.' He thought to himself as he made his way to take his rest for the night.

Judge - Uxi

"Well then, I was just about to hand down my verdict, but enlighten me as to why you bust down my courtroom door?" The Psychic type said a little angered at the end. She thought something like this would occur, so she wasn't that surprised by opening f the door.

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Eve (eevee)

Eve was just about to reply to Sir Darius when Rain sped past them.

"I ha- Who the heck was that?! Someone just rushed past us, sir!"

Otto (samurott)

Otto and the 501st finally managed to reach the Magic Kingdom, and Otto decided to wait for a bit, to see if anyone else had decided to show up.

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Rain - Suicune

Rain briefly scans the courtroom in silence, before answering the what seems to the judge of this kingdom. "my apologise but it seems you have one of my gyarados" the wolf approach the stand. "i'll take full responsibility of Nessie's action for i am the one who sent him here"

"I am Rain, the wandering wolf of order and the recent hero of land kingdom shore and this is Zaire, the one who acknowledge me about Nessie's predicament" Rain introduce themselves and continues" I'll be the voice of nessie, if you dont mind..what seems to be the problem, your grace?" the wolf asked the levitating judge uxie.

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Sir Darius (Gallade)

"What the-" Sir Darius was somewhat startled at the pokemon's blinding speed. "What kind of pokemon was that to have ran past us so quickly." The Captain thought to himself. He then began to head back to the courtroom where the pokemon stood firmly. The pokemon didn't look like it was about to cause any problems. In fact, it seemed as though it could help enlighten everyone on how this whole thing started out. Rather than take any kind of action for now, Sir Darius decided to hear this pokemon out, hoping to get this whole thing sorted out before anything else happens.

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Judge - Uxi

"Actually, I was about to pronounce a Not Guilty but if you must know, it seems Nessie and King Shidew had an argument that escalated into a riot in the town and a couple of deaths." The uxi said towards the Suicune in the room.

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Magic Kingdom

Along with the water kingdom, the peacekeepers had made their way to the Magic Kingdom. They met up with the King and decided to wait outside. Meanwhile, inside the city, Nessie was talking to the court. "My Lord Rain, thank you for your kindness, however my actions were mine alone. We Gyarados are hot tempered and easily agitate. I must apologise to the King and you the Judge as well." She was waiting for the judge to excuse here now that a verdict of not guilty was announced. The trial had delayed their plans and they must hurry now.

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Rain - Suicune(Magic kingdom)

Rain release a sigh of relief after hearing the verdict and spoke right after Nessie finish. "So all this was was a huge misunderstanding.." He said to everyone inside the court. "...a misunderstanding which led to the death of the innocents." Rain added in a dishearted tone.

"Our intentions is pure and our cause is simple: to unite the 4 kingdoms in harmony, to spread tranquility across those who inhabits this earth by a simple peace treaty .. yet somehow, our message is not delivered clearly in this place and was easily cluttered by hatred and dispute." Rain explains to the court with a clear voice.

"On behalf of Nessie, I would like apologize and hope that this incident will serve as a lesson to all of us as we let flygons be flygons and start all over again for the sake of peace. The land kingdom already agreed to this treaty once they rebuild their kingdom's losses and hope you will join them in this ceasefire." The noble wolf said to the court of magic and awaits their answer, especially the king and queen of this city.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Napoleon – Empoleon / Duke – Nidoking (Underdark)

“Ah Duke, you've finally arrived. I have an urgent missions for you. I need you to go to the Aggron Hills and convince the Pokémon living there to join our Kingdom.”

“Certainly, my King, consider it done.” The Nidoking got up and was about to head out.

“One more thing; no violence. You can take your troops as a safety measure but don't start a war. Ideally they all join us and we can add those lands to ours. I'm looking for more than just numbers for our army. I want land that gives us tactical advantages over our enemies and at the same time our economy. This is a very important mission so proceed with causion.”

The Nidoking bowed in acknowledgement and left. He wasn't surprised that expanding the Kingdom just for the land wasn't the only thing on Napoleon's mind but the enemies he mentioned... Was the Kingdom up north going to invade them? Duke didn't waste any time by gathering his troops as he immediately left for the Aggron Hills.

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Roht was asleep, as he had been since the incident after Kyogre awoke and the others met. Now he could feel some disturbance, something unnatural and evil. He woke up, wondering what had happened. Time to speak with my network. I shouldn't miss anything now. If they have met already it means that something is going to happen soon. But before anything else I should go for a run. With that, he walked out of his home at the Mystic Caves. He stretched like a cat, and ran. Roht was fast, even for an electric type. As he ran, the electricity from his body sizzled and left a trail behind him. He ran fast, from the Caves till the shore near Aggron Hills border and then picked up even more speed and ran towards Luma, the leader of his network. Luma stayed at the Demonic Chrom and would know of his arrival. The advantage of having a Psychic type pokemon keep track of you. Luma was an old Alakazam, being born before the war started. Luma knew his old masters and has been a loyal servant of theirs. After the incident with his 'brothers' it had made sense to leave them out of it. Now he couldn't do so.

As Roht made his way to the Demonic Chrom, he realised a Swoobat flying close to him. "He sent you?" asked the Raikou. "Yes, sir. He sensed you had woken up. His message for you is to make your way to the Underdark and Permafrost Kingdoms. They are heading west. Gideon is making an ice bridge. Have Surodnal meet with Artemis and some advisers from the western kingdoms. If they are perceived as a threat, war is inevitable, as is the uprising." It seems I have no choice but to get hold of Ignis and Rain. From what I remember, Rain was in talks of making a peace treaty among the different kings. Maybe I can use that and get Gideon and Napoleon on board as well. Roht dismissed the bat and stopped his run. He headed back towards the Underdark Kingdom. He needed to speak with Surdonal.

The Raikou was very fast, specially so with the feathers in his possession. It took him less than a day, and he was already at the Underdark Capital. He wasted no time with the guards and protocol. Time would be of the essence. He rushed into Surodnal's chambers. "We need to talk." Roht went on to explain his plan to the Landorus. Considering the danger his kingdom was in, he expected that the abundunce pokemon would help him. "If you help me get Artemis and the three of us go to the western kingdoms as a peaceful group, I can convince my brothers to give us an audience. I know one of them is already attempting something like this and that will help us. So tell me now, will you help bring peace to these lands? If yes, find Artemis and meet me at the Toxia Badlands in the west. It is a harsh poisonous region. You will know it when you see it." Roht left without waiting for the Landorus to reply.

[Mirage-Zoroark] & [syni-Gengar]

Syni had left the Sky kingdom, having set up the circumstances for the curse to activate. She made her way to her master, only to find the Dark type fox already present. "We have more work. Yien is busy and I need another to come along." Syni didn't say anything. It didn't matter how much she disliked Mirage, work came first. She already had an inkling of what Mirage was planning to do. "Are we going after the Orbs?" she asked. "Yes, we are. Now let's hurry. The recent commotion has already woken the third." The two of them slipped into the shadows and left.


"Do you want us killed? Did you not hear the Lord just give command over to me? Hakumen, Lady Artemis will be doing the scouting here. Her aerial unit will be faster for the open seas. You can take charge once our party reaches the land. Till then help me train our troops." Saying that Brandon went off to gather his men and train the few new recruits in the army. Brandon's division already new the exercises planned so they helped the other troops get ready and divided themselves into groups of 10, having as much variety as possible. Brandon then selected roles and assigned them to each group. Brute force, silent kills, no kills and defence were the main groups. The war games would continue till the Articuno came back with some news.

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Hakumen - Rotom-F (Permafrost Kingdom)

The refrigerator hovered in place for a minute, unmoving and unblinking--though he did not usually find himself blinking, the lack of motion in general exaggerated this feature of his, causing him to appear creepier than usual--as he looked at Brandon. His permanently-eerie smile in this setting would be enough to unnerve even those steeled in their psychological barriers.

Finally there was movement in the form of static sparks dancing around the tips of his plasma appendages. Perhaps to outsiders it would look like a volatile action was about to take place, as an Electric-Type seemed to confront a Water-Type. Those within the Permafrost Kingdom, however, knew that their quirky commander was too smart for that.

Though this entire scene lasted a whole of thirty seconds, onlookers might be fooled into believing it was an eternity. An eternity which was ripped from their minds by an unnatural, robotic voice that seemed to scrape at one's soul. "Y E S. O F C O U R S E. P L E A S E P A R D O N M Y T R A N S G R E S S I O N S." Following this bizarre display was another silence without motion, one that would cause a body to feel uncomfortable or anxious.

But just as soon as the entire scene had begun was its iciness broken by Hakumen's normal voice--though it was a mischievous one, it was hardly on the level of creepy as all the elements previously had just come together to create: "Well then. My troops shall not displease your standards by the return of Lady Artemis, Brandon." And just like that, the Frost Rotom moved into position to oversee his forces while the Cloyster went to do the same with his.

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Surodnal (Landorus)

Surodnal nodded once he heard the Raikou's plan. He then floated over to his Desk, got a sheet of paper, and wrote a quick note to explain his absence.

If you are reading this, it means that I am currently occupied elsewhere in the world, and cannot be contacted at the moment.

Please wait until I return to speak with me, and leave a note concerning what it is in my Inbox, which is located on my Desk.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation, and I will be back as soon as I can.


Surodnal then stuck the Message to the outside of his Door, and then floated out of his Kingdom towards the North, heading towards the Permafrost Kingdom at high speed.

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Azauqyar- Rayquza, Thanatos- Dusknoir

A while after the trial...

With the situation under control and the threat to the populace avoided, Azauqyar had ordered the crowds dispersed back to their daily business and Stratos to check on the prisoners- specifically the Lucario first to ensure his instructions regarding her mega stone hadn't been ignored. After what the Specter who had revealed himself after the fighting had told him, he wanted to take no chances...

The two of them had moved on from the grounds, both of them now hovering in the vast throne room as the evening was slowly beginning to give way to full night. The windows spilled moonlight down onto the slate grey stones and the white tapestries adorned with blood white, the sigil of the Neo Draken Guard present on their faces, the silhouette of a set of outspread, draconic wings and a dragon's head, all with a slash of crimson running across it's face in the shape of a talon. Once the standards of Lord Kruga had hung from their walls... but after his death Azauqyar had ordered his Grace's tapestries be buried with him in his tomb save for one to be saved for historical records purposes. Torches lined the walls by the doors, and braziers made their homes in various spots around the chamber, forming a semi circle behind the glorious, massive throne, Carved of Marble and adorned with dragon bone... or at least some claimed.

Thanatos took another look around the chamber as he and Azauqyar spoke, the window before them offering a view of the entire western half of the capitol. The phantom would've been impressed by the feats of architecture; the hanging walls, the flying butretress, the soaring towers intersparsed by mist as they reached up from the street level like rocky fingers attempting to pierce the heavens... even the massive bridge leading away from the city's massive, heavily fortified gates, the only way in or out for those who couldn't fly. But he had seen it all before. hundreds of times. He had seen all the cities of this land before.

"Then the incident was caused by the evil residing within the stones?" Azauqyar said, hands folded behind his back. "And the phantom Syni- she was the source of this evil?"

"No..." Thanatos said, shaking his head. "From what the spiritual balance tells me, she seems to have been the direct cause of only Alucard's stone being tampered with. The other soul, the lucario- Arya, I'm told she is named- The Balance tells me that her stone's tainting was the result of Formal Sabotage, likely from some kingdom... though it is still working to determine the specifics about it."

"I see. very well then, Stratos will ensure we do not have another... mishap." The glint of the Champion's Mega Stone could still be clutched in his hand. He had no intention of giving it back until they were sure this 'evil' was purged from the city; if Stratos were to mega evolve and go berserk like they had...and was to receive the same outside boost in power from the darkness they had... the destruction and the death toll would be thousands of time worse. A good quarter of the entire city would probably be engulfed in an inferno before Azauqyar would be able to stop him...

A long silence drew between them, both supernatural beings, one major and one minor, both old, staring out at the night life of the Civilians of the Land of the Sky. Azauqyar was imagining it, this city burning... the roars of guards fighting tooth and nail to fulfill their oath, the screams of the people as they were mowed down one by one... smoke rising and choking the air, the gates breached and crumbling as the bridge itself collapses into the yawning abyss down below... "It will never happen again... If I must unleash my full force, like I had to back then, I will do it in a heart beat... I will not hesitate and let them die. Not again."

"How's freya?" He broke out of his dark thoughts, looking around before recalling Thanatos was even there. "It's been over a decade, hasn't it?"

"Aye, thirteen years..." Azauqyar answered, the sound of flames ans screams still fresh in his ears. "She's become one of the finest warriors I've ever seen. Ever since you came afterwards and told us all the name of the man who had lead the assault, she begged me to make her stronger, make her stronger so she could kill him..."

Again there was silence. Thanatos simply kept his eyes fixed to the glass pane, the evil he had felt that day still burning in his senses. So many lost, so many young and small, so many innocent... and like candles, they had all been snuffed out by the machinations of war. So much evil... all from one man... Brantyn Von Richi, the Titan... "I trust you have told her the dangers of becoming the monster she hunts?"

"I did." Azauqyar said. "And then some. I gave her a scale and order her to keep it on her at all times, to be able to monitor her actions... and restrain her if I must."

"That's one thing I wished to ask you back then..." Thanatos turned to face the senior supernatural being. "Your scales, you gave them to your... your..."

"Wards." Azauqyar's face darkened. "Wards was what I called them at first, after the last battle left the land scarred and deformed and the seas risen..."

"Your wards... yes. Tell me though, did they all do the same thing, these Emerald Scales?"

"To an extent, yes..." The old god began hovering away from the window, stopping to look up the stairs to the raised dias bearing the throne in all it's grandeur. The glint of the braziers danced and played upon his eyes, like twin mirrors... "Every scale, because it is a part of me, allowed me to see what was going on around it's holder and speak into their mind as if I was standing right next to them, regardless of where they are, and it could even act as a two way medium for it... if they knew how to invoke it's powers themselves and maintain the connection." He stopped hovering, looking back at the Reaper. "That was the most basic function of them, the real reason why I gifted them to the children at all... but I am a god. I have my tricks and my blessings to give as I see fit..."

"Then... I presume these blessings you speak of..."

"Aye, precisely what I did to the scales I gave certain individuals." The sky dragon nodded. "I simply instill my thought of what I desire it to do, and so mote it be, so long as it is within my powers to grant. Why, Freya's is one of such scales... though she knows nothing of it yet... And there is another in this world currently as well, an old man who travels healing the sick and the dying. He was a priest of mine, back when it happened... I gave him his scale with the blessing to unlock his full potential with his powers. And from what I here, he has used it precisely for the good I have always known him to do... I have trouble reaching him through his for some reason however...and then there is the most recent one, Stratos, Champion of this city. He's a good heart, a strong body... he's a warrior who upholds all that a public protector is to be. Hence, I gave his scale a very particular blessing... so long as his heart burns with a desire to champion for his people, he shall be clad and protected by the Armor of the winds themselves..."

Just then a servant creaked open the door as he poked his head into the room, bowing before the two. "Lord Regent, Lord Death, I have received word from the guards that the Gengar has awoken. I thought you would want to be informed without delay."

"oh? Excellent." Thanatos barely glanced at the Sky Dragon before floating out of the room and down the hall, obviously more than familiar with the layout as he made his way towards the dungeons. Azauqyar simply dismissed the servant girl and followed off behind the phantom.

Stratos- Salamence

Outside of Aria Wyatt's cell...

"You all there!" Stratos called as he descended the stairs into the depths of the castle dungeon. It had taken some time to find the cell where the Girl from the trial was being held, but with a quick point in the right direction by a Mage, here he was. The guards instantly went stiff as planks with salutes flying high when they saw him. "At ease, soldiers."

"Yes my lord." one of them said, dropping his claws back to his side. "Would you like to interrogate the prisoner?"

"That can wait." The salamence said sternly. He turned to one of the mages present, fixing him with his crimson stare. "Lord Azauqyar ordered earlier for the girl's Mega Stone to be removed and confiscated for the sake of security... I trust you have done so accordingly?" He seemed to be waiting expectantly...

((@Darvan, feel free to either have Ulkina find either Stratos or Azauqyar right now if you want to talk))

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Sora (Excadrill)

A low rumbling slowly rattled the earth in the area around the Underdark castle. Said rumbling gradually increased in volume, all the while the earth shook harder. Suddenly, the rock around the castle exploded, shocking several guards as an old weathered-looking mole that energetically brushed himself off of dirt.

He coughed several times. "Man been a while since I've had a good run like that." A bag was strapped to his back. He hoisted the bag onto his back, a loud clinking sound of the bag's contents rattled with every step.

"Wow. Napoleon's gonna be happy with my find." He dropped the bag and rubbed his shoulders. "Geez, my old body can't handle this as well as it used to."

The Excadrill moved through the castle with the hefty bag. He quickly found the throne room, hoping to find the Empoleon in the room

Ulkina (Latias)

Ulkina waited, and waited, and waited some more. She grew anxious, then indignant, then frustrated. She grasped the green scale that Dravius had tossed to her some time ago, reminding her of what she needed to do. She flew around the castle reminding herself she needed to talk to the two dragons. Honestly either one of them would have sufficed, but Azauqyar was on the top of her list for now.

A lot had been weighing in on her mind since the incident with Alucard. Eric hadn't talked to her recently, but she had ineffectually sought him out for counseling. "B-brother. I sure hope I'm making the correct decision. Because I wish you were here right now to help me."

Aria (Lucario)

"They tried dragon," the Lucario weakly croaked. "You can't remove it. You can't dislodge it from the gauntlet. You can't remove the gauntlet itself. It's been that way for

as long as I have possessed the stone. It's making me strong, but I fear it wants bloodshed. Please help me."

She clawed at the ground and her chest as the dragon watched her writhe in agony.

"Y-you could...um....do one particular thing....but I beg of you please no. Y-you could take away my arm. But please no."

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Azauqyar- Rayquaza

The Elder wyrm passed right into Ulkina's line of sight as he glided along the stones of the corridor directly in front of her, the out of sight again as he kept on about his way, seeming to have not noticed the girl in his haste.

If she focused a bit though, she might've been able to pick up the same supernatural presence she had earlier at the trial... aside from the Sky God's.

Stratos- Salamence

One of the guards drew his sword a quarter of the way out of it's sheath the moment Aria made the offer, showing off the pearly glint of the steel as he looked at Stratos. "My lord, Shall we?" He asked it with the faint trace of a grin on his maw... but then again, one would likely want to cut off the arm of a psychopath if one had seen one's own nephew take a full force Aura Sphere to ribs...if not do more.

"Nay..." Stratos sighed, reaching out with a single claw and pushing the soldier's blade back into it's proper place. "None of that... I will interrogate the prisoner after all instead." Though the eager guardsman scowled, the Giant had to say nothing more, the men instantly walked off, taking up places at either end of the corridor, far enough not to hear the specifics of whatever was asked, but close enough to come running the moment they were needed. "Except you two" he said, stopping two Xatus before they could leave as well. "You will stay and determine from the past if what she tells me is the truth." They gave no question, simply taking a step back to let the Lord Champion begin. Stratos turned his draconic, fire red gaze onto Aria as she writhed in the cell... face seemingly devoid of sympathy considering recent events.

"Who are you, girl," He asked. "And what do you mean 'It wants bloodshed'? The stone itself does?"

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Judge - Uxi

"While it is not in my power to create treaties or not, those matters are left to the Kings and Queens respectively. What I can do is end this mindless feud with the riot. So I find the Gyarados..."

  Reveal hidden contents

"Though Nessie, I have some advice for the future. Try not to let your anger get the best of you, or you might not be so lucky in the future. Now court is adjourned." With that she slammed her Gavel using her psychic powers and left the judges seat.

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Ulkina (Latias)

In her tremendous speed down the hallways of the castle, she felt the familiar reek of death wash over her. The same presence she felt earlier was encroaching upon her. Ulkina flew around in a complete barrel roll as she booked it through the halls trying to find the same spirit from earlier. At least she assumed, may have been the same. After wheeling around a corner, she caught up to the familiar Captian who had failed to notice her earlier.

"C-Captian. Could I possibly have a word with you in the throne room? It's rather important, and I need to get it off my chest while I have the courage."

Aria (Lucario)

The Lucario's writhing ceased as she stared into the eyes of the imposing Salamence. The big guy looked intimidating, but she knew he was nothing more than bark for now. She noted the large hole in the armor on his chest. It looked like something important could have fit in the hole.

Aria spat on the floor beside her. "Well I guess I have a REAL whopper of a story to tell you. You're probably not going to believe me. I feel like you're gonna disembowel me for today." The innocent and childish Lucario steeled her nerves and looked at the towering beast over her, ready to recite her tale.

"You may have not heard of me, but I've heard of your derelict hide. Stratos Valgiri they told me. Glorious Champion of the Sky Kingdom. Well I do applaud you for such skill." The Lucario sarcastically clapped her paws together, earning a frustrated grunt from the Salamence.

"Where was I? Oh yes. I used to be the Champion of legend in the Land Kingdom. The Childhood Prodigy many of the fans and loyalists called me. The Raksha Demon the Arena called me. Not only did the Kingdom entrust me with their safety, they trusted me in their entertainment. You see, I didn't always have the monster inside me. It began when I evolved at around thirteen. I was a young and sweet Riolu pup, and my mother and father only wanted for their daughter to uphold the familial honor."

"When I evolved, they explained to me the untold potentialthat lay untapped within me. I was a weak-minded girl then. I still am for accepting the cursed stone. They presented me the stone one day, and my body reacted to it in a most unusual way. I felt a small voice call out to me, begging for me to transform, that it could grant my deepest desires if I let it take control. That's where I descended into an abyss. I let the stone control me. I accepted the enormous power the stone possessed. My parents never told me it would speak."

"To prove my loyalty and relinquish of control, the spirit of the stone murdered both of my parents in cold blood. I felt tears, yet cried none, because the spirit within the stone had corrupted me that first time. Oh the Land King was impressed by my actions. So impressed, he allowed me a space to fight in the arena. Gladiator style. I am saying I was no older than fifteen years old taking on hardened fighters triple my age and expotentially more experienced."

"The stone was in control, and I loved the attention. The stone's spirit loved the bloodshed, and reveled in every body I slaughtered, every agonizing scream, and every mushy organ smashed as I ended the lives of some of the best fighters to ever set foot into the Land Kingdom."

"However, One stormy night, the spirit of the stone slowly turned greedy over the course of so much gore Iallowed Iit's power output and control over me fester, and I slew an innocent Pokemon. He looked so peaceful in his house, all alone in the woodsñ looking after a small little red Pokemon. The adult and small red Pokemon looked nothing alikeñ and I granted no reprieve as the adult fell dead and the child grew scared. I had destroyed the house and this small shivering red Pokemon was alone. I couldn't do any favors, except for mind wipe the little one."

Aria withdrew from her flashback. "The Land Kingdom found out and stripped me of my title shamefully, and sent me off to live alone. I am but a wandering spirit with little rhyme or reason. I am sorry for all the carnage I inflicted upon the families torn by me. I am sorry for the chaos of today. I cannot control it. The stone is in control of me. I however, am trying to fight it. It realizes it's grip on me isn't as strong as it used to be. It instills more power within to fight my resistance. But that's all I can say. I, Aria Wyatt, promised to defeat the spirit within."

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Artemis (Articuno) and King Cold (Glalie)

"I'll be off. You three with me." The Articuno pointed to a Vanilluxe and two Crygonal. "We must keep our numbers low in order to avoid unwanted attention." The said troops floated behind her as she flapped her wings to create some type of vortex (tailwind). The four Pokemon then dashed off at a very high speed.

Meanwhile, the king was focused on his two Commanders who seemed to be quarreling a bit with each other. "I despise quarreling. It's even more annoying than this sea. Why did Arceus have to make the seas so big?" The king was a bit relieved Artemis was gone already because she would've given a factual answer to that rhetorical question. "I have an easy solution to this problem. One of you will become the next masterpiece in my collection and given I already have a few fish, I'm leaning more towards fridge boy. Unless of course I was mistaken from the voices I heard. Then there wouldn't need to do such dire actions. I do hope that's not the case as it'd be a far more interesting pastime while traveling through these accursed waters."

??? - (Outskirts of the Permafrost Kingdom)

A lone Crygonal ventured his way out to a cave far beyond from where the castle lie. It was quite an odd place for the queen of the Kingdom to reside, or so the Crygonal thought. The area nearby was all lifeless with nothing but snow to surround, excluding a giant tower made of ice which resided a long distance away from such a cave. The snowflake though of turning back, but betraying such orders would result in death...something this 'mon did not wish upon himself.

When he entered the cave, it was pitch black. He could not even see where he was going. He kept going deeper and deeper into this empty void watching as the light from the entrance slowly dimmed to nothing. He pushed even further until he saw a very dim light. He could faintly see a figure, but it was too difficult to make out what it's species was. "Who goes there?" He demanded to know who this stranger was.

"My, that's no way to talk to your queen." The voice of was both soft and pleasant. The Crygonal felt relived knowing who this person was.

"Forgive me, my queen. In the darkness of this cave, I mistook you for an enemy," responded the Crygonal. He had to choose his words carefully especially in someone so powerful.

"You are forgiven. I can tell the king has been strict on you. Why don't you relax and unwind a little bit? I rarely ever get visitors. You did come here to visit me, correct?" The voice was very sweet, but the Crygonal could tell there was a feeling of loneliness in her voice.

"Actually, it was on the king's requests I'm afraid." The Crygonal couldn't pull himself to lie in front of the girl...especially at how young she sounded. He had little choice though. "He was worried about you and wanted me to check on you."

"...So he's spying me again. It's really a shame. At least he sent a handsome young Crygonal this time." The figure circled around the King's soldier. Somehow even in the darkness she was able to get a good look at him.

"Umm...I...I have to get going. Seeing as you seem healthy, I'll report good news to the King." The Crygonal slowly back away. He had a feeling this would not end well.

"Please don't go. It's quite lonely out here. There's plenty of fun things to do in the dark. And don't worry, I won't tell the king."

"I have a wife and kids!" blurted the Crygonal. He already knew what she was implying and he would have none of that. "She'd murder me if I tried anything way before the king could do anything."

"...I...I only wanted to play a game of hide and seek. What were you thinking I was talking about?"

The Crygonal realized he had mistaken her words. He was about to say something when he noticed something very faint in front of him. Even with his sharp eyesight, he could only make it out after his eyes adjusted to this dark world. It was some type of figure...a giant bear to be exact. It wasn't just any Beartic as it was missing one arm. He had heard stories when he was younger about a one armed Beartic who was a famous commander who supposedly died stopping a civil war in the kingdom. Why was his corpse here? Maybe the king could better explain it. "No thanks. I've already spent too much time and if I don't hurry, I'll become the king's next masterpiece." The Crygonal quickly turned around heading to the exit. He didn't move far when he crashed into a wall.

"I really wish you didn't see that." The sweet sounding voice of the queen had disappeared. In it's place, a much darker, perhaps psychotic took it's place.

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Aggron Hills

The Nidoking from the Underdark was making his way through to the hills, when he saw a really fast electric type run past him. He also ended up seeing Surodnal fly off somewhere. As he was making his way up the hill, the Nidoking met with a few of the locals. One came up to him and started talking, "Commander Duke. Welcome to our home. I shall take you to Anthony, our leader. Though if I may ask, why is the commander of the Underdark coming to our home?" While the Aggron was polite, it was obvious that he was tensed about the presence of the Nidoking. Such visitations were not the norm and definitely not encouraged by the Aggron.


Roht had made his way home to the caves. Here he met with a pirate friend who had helped him cross the seas many times over the years. "Elizabeth the Swanna. I need your help now. I need you to help me cross the sea, but we must hurry." The Swanna gave the Raikou a funny look, almost as if to say he was an idiot. "You idiot. Don't you know? Gideon and his army are heading west. They are making a bridge for the land dwellers to cross over. He is going to run me out of business. Go north, towards the Crater of the Abyss. You will find it there. How about I drop you to the Lucina Holyland? It will save you a lot of time." "Fine, go ahead and make preparations, I will be there in a few minutes. I need to send a message to somebody." He found one of the local Swoobats,"Go towards the Permafrost and try finding Surodnal, the commander of the Underdark Kingdom. Tell him about the Permafrost going west. He needs to meet me at King Colds base." With that, he left to find Elizabeth. She had the boat waiting at the shore by the time Roht was done with his work, and they set sail without any delay. It would be a short journey and Roht could rest for a little while.

After the had reached the shore, the Raikou wasted little time. Saying his goodbyes and making the payment for Elizabeths services, he rushed north. He ran through the Holyland, going past little villages every now and then. They seemed like little dots on the otherwise pristine green landscape. The beauty truly did seem to be a blessing from Arceus. As night fell, he had crossed into the Crater of the Abyss. A rather barren land, it was deserted and for most of the journey he did not see anybody. To anybody watching him, they could see the trail of sparks behind him as he sped past. It looked as if somebody were trying to make a straight chalkline on a dark board only to have it erased every few seconds. Roht could see the gates of the bridge and he increased his speed to reach it. There he waited for the guards to realise that somebody wanted to pass."Who are you and why have you come here?" asked the guards. "I am Roht, a hunter, and I seek to cross over to the western side. On the way I plan to meet with King Gideon. If one of you would escort me to him, it would be better." He said. The guards looked at each other and started laughing. "What makes you think the king has time for a hunter, even if you are one of the Legendary Dogs? Cross if you want, but we sure as hell ain't responsible if the King add's you to his collection." With that the guards went back to their posts.

Roht ignored them and rushed onto the bridge, only to find himself go increasingly faster. This ice bridge is amazing. It is so much easier to run on this. Definitely better than sailing across. Roht dug his nails deep into the ice and took longer leaps and strides to reach near his maximum speed. The Raikou could see the army of the Permafrost, looking as if they had already been in a fight. He stopped to ask one of the soldiers what had happened. "Just a training exercise executed by Commanders Brandon and Hakumen." With that the electric type continued his run till he could see the King. I just hope that Surodnal will be here soon. He would probably have reached the Permafrost capital and would be on his way back when the Swoobat would have told him to meet me here. He slowed down and walked his way towards the king. He could see another electric type, a Rotom and a Cloyster talking nearby. The commanders Brandon and Hakumen it seems. He walked towards them.

Above the Permafrost Capital

The Landorus had flown off in a hurry and had made it to the Permafrost Capital by evening. He was howering over the city when he noticed a large part of the Army was missing and was instantly worried. He was about to go down to the city when he suddenly heard the sound of wings. Upon turning he could see a small Bat like pokemon flying towards him. He waited for it and then spoke with it. "Sir, I come carrying a message from Roht." The swoobat related the message to the brown earth type and left.


Brandon was with Hakumen, discussing how the training had gone for the day. Lady Artemis would be back soon after her expedition and then they would have their final bearing for the attack. Initially he felt as if he had seen a sort of light rush towards them from the eastern side of the bridge, but when he turned he could not locate it. After a few seconds however, he did see an Electric type pokemon, rather large and dangerous looking walk towards the them. It was a Raikou. Roht the Hunter. I guess he wants to cross over. Why would he stop here though? "Well, look at that Hakumen. Look who we have among us. Roht the Hunter. What are you doing here?" He came and was in Roht's path. "Commander Brandon. I need to speak with Lady Artemis. She, Surodnal from the Underdark and I need to have a conversation. If you happen to see Commander Surodnal flying near by have him directed here please. It is on my request that he is here. Please ensure that your men do not attack. It would not do well to attack him when he is here by request." After hearing the explanation, Brandon called one of his soldiers, "Tell the sentries not to attack Commander Surodnal, should they see him. Guide him to me." Then he turned to Roht, "As for Lady Artemis, we are waiting her return only. You can speak with her after she has spoken with the King. If you want, you can wait here with me." Roht was dissapointed at the news. He wanted to be on land before turning in for the night. It seemed to him that he would have to impose on the Permafrost commander. "While I would prefer being on my own, I guess I have no choice in the matter now. Thank you for your hospitality." The two decided to sit and talk while they waited.

Scouting Team

The four pokemon flew together for a while and then decided to go their separate ways, covering more ground. One of the Cryogonal made his way towards the southwest. As he was floating on his way, he could see the shore, and the docks a little further away from him. He decided to go check it out. Once there, the Cryogonal saw that the docks were being built, or rather rebuilt from the looks of the wreckage of boats in the area. It seems these people intended to cross over and attack. They all seem to be land dwellers though, not the birds that the King had spoken about. I must inform Lady Artemis. He made his way back towards the meeting point.

Once there, he saw his fellow Cryogonal waiting. After catching up with the details, it seems that the other had found nothing of importance. Only a small island with some egg headed, grass type pokemon. They waited for the Lady Artemis and the Vanilluxe.

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Rain - Suicune

As soon as the trial has ended, Rain takes a deep breath and muster up the courage to speak to the king and queen of the magic kingdom. The wolf drops off Zaire from his back and simply said: "stay here, I'll be right back"((sorry bibs, rides over lol)) leaving the cacti at the door. Rain then approach the throne and sits down on his hind legs as he addresses the ruler of the magic kingdom in front of him.

"I think we can come to an agreement that your kingdom will participate in this peace treaty. My people will contact your people to settle where this negotiation will take place. for the meantime, may i ask for your permission to dismiss us from the court, unless there is something else you like to discuss with us.." the aurora pokemon humbly said to king Shidew and queen Crystal.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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