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Arceus and All Legendary Pokemon

Autumn Rain

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Something's not right here. Normally, when there's destruction and chaos, one legendary pokemon should appear to prevent further harm to the environment and its pokemon. It appears that Celebi and Xerneas don't really care about the Reborn region, Suicune isn't willing to purify the toxic water and the rest of the legendary pokemon are just on stand by.

Could it be that Arceus is responsible for not letting these legendary pokemon take action? Was there a message given to not "interfere" with the protagonist? Honestly, if we finish the game and we're on to the post-game, we would be disappointed that these legendary pokemon did absolutely nothing to save the Reborn region.

There are legendary pokemon that are with Team Meteor but they're not actually working for them, right?

Mewtwo from Terra's world is in a computer and it may not actually be real.

Arceus, on the other hand, may have given Ditto a boost but wasn't he just testing the strength of the protagonist?

Also, I have a theory about Arceus. If Arceus had to breakdown the the judgement for the protagonist, it would probably be something like:

Test of strength/bravery: Defeat Arceus, Team Meteor Leaders and whatever power lies ahead.

Test of truth: Reveal the identity of Heather's father; be honest when you did something wrong.

Test of knowledge: Focus on the keys as well as Sirius; would you save one person and have everybody killed or vise versa?

Test of loyalty: Join Aqua Gang after you beat the Psychic gym; don't agree with the bug nerd to be alone with Luna.

So some of these choices changes the dialog into something humorous or into something straightforward. If you did something like "Don't reveal Heather's father" and "Agree to Blake's offer", they will connect and you may have failed Heather to witness the truth about of her father (which is a bad thing if you were Arceus).

So what do you think about Arceus and all the legendary pokemon?

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Well, the legendaries have helped Ash in the main series because he's always eating a bowl of Lucky Charms or saw that Ho-Oh in the first episode or something. Perhaps the citizens of Reborn aren't worth saving. Maybe they're doomed from the start? Maybe whatever reason there was to borne this new region anew is some reasoning that angered the legendaries.

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^That would make Team Meteor's goals nil. Unlocking the doors would reverse their work, something they wouldn't want to do too soon. Or is it?

Meh Team Meteor is just probably interested in Arceus and won't give a damn about the others.

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Suicune, Raikou and Entei act on the orders of Ho-Oh right? perhaps Ho-Oh isn't exactly happy at humans of reborn right now. as for the rest they are still wild pokemon and unless their own territory where they in particular are around was under threat I don't think they really would do anything about problems not only that but perhaps for some odd reason they simply cant.

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Also, I have a theory about Arceus. If Arceus had to breakdown the the judgement for the protagonist, it would probably be something like:

Test of strength/bravery: Defeat Arceus, Team Meteor Leaders and whatever power lies ahead.

Test of truth: Reveal the identity of Heather's father; be honest when you did something wrong.

Test of knowledge: Focus on the keys as well as Sirius; would you save one person and have everybody killed or vise versa?

Test of loyalty: Join Aqua Gang after you beat the Psychic gym; don't agree with the bug nerd to be alone with Luna.

Nah. If anything, it'll be:

A test of pain

A test of love

A test of faith

A test of the beyond

What if Ruby Ring unlocks Groudon, Sapphire unlocks Kyorge Emerald unlocks Rayquaza and Amethyst unlocks..... Arceus? o.o

Nope nope nopity nope. That would make no sense. All four keys must be used in tandem to unlock Arceus. Assigning Arceus to one specific key heavily skews the balance, since he's THE BIG CHEESE.

Besides, the trio of Hoenn has nothing to do with the lore of the Reborn region, to our current knowledge.

Edited by Foamy
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The Reborn region was destroyed once already, wasn't it? It makes complete sense for the legendaries to be sealed behind those doors.

Or like Ark said, maybe the humans aren't worth saving, because of what already happened before.

At least we know where Mew is :]

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It makes more sense to me to think that the legendaries are behind those mysterious doors. However, as Vinny said, Reborn was destroyed once, and we know many pokemon died then so, what if legendary pokemon died as well? This wouldn´t be a problem since if Arceus appear, it may revive them, this theory may be a possibility as well.

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The Reborn region was destroyed once already, wasn't it? It makes complete sense for the legendaries to be sealed behind those doors.

Honestly, I'm with this. The Legendaries are hella strong, but they're not immortal. As we can see in battle, it's possible for even Legendaries to fall to those who have power over them. If an entire region was completely decimated, anything which was to survive would need to be safegaurded behind lock and key. Practically every species was wiped from the surface of Reborn and for the legendary species to survive, as they are supposedly the only ones of their species (we're not going to talk about Phione and Manaphy), they would need to be locked away for their own protection, such as in Fallout Vaults to protect the future of the planet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Each locked door belongs to each legendary? But I also think the doors could be shortcuts. The real question is... what would be locked in the Byxbysion Grotto door?


There's no poison type legendaries, so maybe Genesect who resists it, still purple tho.

Maybe the legendaries are all behind the does, Kyogre underwater under citrine mountain, Groudon in the volcano, Shaymin in the train tracks cave where we find Eevee?

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I wouldn't be surprised if Mewtwo was in the door hidden beneath the blacksteam factory. Heatran in Tanzan perhaps.

I was thinking Suicune there, to rub it in it's face that it can't do jack shit about the water pollution, Suicuning intensifying by the second.

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I was thinking Suicune there, to rub it in it's face that it can't do jack shit about the water pollution, Suicuning intensifying by the second.

Lol, we should also put Kyogre into Pyrous Mountain and Groudon into the one at the bottom of the sea, just for fun.

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