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Hi. So I decided to make an account here. Anyways, my name is Lucky. Some random facts about me: I'm 16 years old and currently in my junior year of high school. The name "Lucky" is actually a nickname that people have been calling me throughout my entire life. It's gotten to the point where my parents, brothers, most of my friends, and even a few of teachers calling me that. My favorite subject in school is math. I really don't know why, I just enjoy doing math for some reason. In my spare time, I watch poketubers or play either fan-made games or nuzlocke variants of actual pokemon games

I am a huge fan of nintendo games, especially pokemon. The first pokemon game I can remember playing is Pokemon Stadium on my cousin's nintendo 64 when I was about three. That was really my only interaction with pokemon games when I was little. I would see my cousin play pokemon gold or crystal once and a while, but I mostly just watched the anime and stayed away from the games. However, my parents decided to get me a ds lite in 2008. With it, I got my first own pokemon game. It was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time. Shortly after, I got Pokemon Diamond, my first main series game. I was in love with pokemon now. Since then, I have also played Platinum, Heart gold, Black, Black 2, Y, Omega Ruby, and a bunch of other side series games and fan-made hacks/games.

So I found out about reborn when shofu started his let's play of it almost two years ago. I downloaded the version that was available then, but ended up only playing a little bit since I didn't have much time. After watching shofu's lp up through radomus, I decided to download the game again. As a result, I have actually been playing reborn since episode 11, and have been lurking as a guest for over a year now. I guess I thought it was time to stop being lazy. I have to say that this is one of the best pokemon games I have ever played. Everything, from the plot to tthe difficulty is amazing, and I cannot wait to see what is coming up next

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Welcome to Reborn friend. If it's difficulty and luck you are looking for, you've come to the right place. Don't let the game scare you off however. We have a nice loving community that would be glad to help you if you ever need it. :D Of course, don't get on peoples bad sides. Don't make pointless posts and don't double post as I know that annoys some people to a degree. Those are really the main ground rules I can think of.

Get out there and have fun champ :D

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Well met Lucky!

Late welcome to the place since you're supposed to be here eons ago >:I

The community rules are right over your messenger thing to the left, but just remember to follow the #1 rule of every forum.

Quoted from Dr.jellu

  On 10/29/2014 at 6:39 PM, Jelly said:

Q: How to forum?

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See you around the place place. It's a permanent stay, after all :]

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Thanks for the welcome you guys. I really should have joined earlier, but I was lazy/too busy/(insert other excuses here). I'll try to be on the forums whenever I can in the future though

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Hey!! Welcome to the asylum forums..

  On 5/12/2015 at 3:54 AM, Reubuxx-inc said:

hi there, welcome to reborn, not everyone is insane..... honest

That is a blatant lie.. You should kill all sane people...

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Welcome! Explorers of Time/Darkness and Explorers of Sky were awesome games. I never got around to Explorers of Sky, but the plot's about the same. And the soundtrack c: Enjoy your time here!

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Shofu (and nickaboo92, but you might not have heard of him since he's been away from the internet since November 2013) is the reason I found Reborn too ^-^

Anyways, welcome to Reborn! As you join the forums please leave your sanity behind as you'll soon find that there's no place for such a thing here :3 Although Yash has probably already demonstrated that...

Be sure to check out this thread and this thread as they're primarily for newer members and for getting used to things around the forum. There's also this but older threads are often pushed further down the subforums by newer threads so you'll probably rarely come across older threads anyway.

If you like writing, the Creative Writing subforum is the place for you. If you're into art-ey/music-ey stuff or anything media related then you might like The Radio Tower. The Wasteland is just kinda for... anything else :P

If there's anything you need help with in Pokemon Reborn or have something about the game on your mind, like when the next episode is out or you've found a bug in the game and want to report it, then head over to here.

Competitive battling is the focus in the Onyx Trainer School and Hall Of Champions. Anything else pokemon related fits in the Fan Club and anything else game related goes here... I think I've covered everything

Enjoy your stay c:

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