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Heya everyone, I'm Pixel and I'm super surprised that username wasn't taken yet! I guess you could call me a longtime lurker of the forums here (2-3 years), but I finally decided to make an account after finishing Episode 14 today. When I'm not playing Pokemon I'm probably watching anime, writing, or binge watching on Netflix. When I am playing Pokemon I'm probably getting my ass handed to me in a competitive match, breaking shiny chains, or Nuzlocking.

Speaking of Nuzlockes, has anyone actually managed to 'complete' a Nuzlocke of Reborn yet? I'm pretty good at Nuzlocke runs, but 'pretty good' isn't going to cut in when the entire game is out to get you. I've made it up to Shelly's gym before annnd overwrote the savefile like the smart person I am. However, I'd like to give it another shot this summer if I have enough time.

Anyways, it's nice to meet you all!

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Well met Pixel.

Another long time lurker what is going on...

*Clears Throat*

Hmm... A nuzlocke of Reborn you say? While I might have seen people trying it, I don't think I've seen someone complete it.

Oh, but if you're going for it again, make a topic in the "Team Showcase" area! People will love to read a story or maybe not

Well, if there's something you don't know, feel free to ask! And check this thing too. It's neat like Dan.

See you around the place place o/

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Hey! My snorlax is here to eat your sanity..

*It eats Pixel* Ohh shit!!!!! Dude spit her out right now.. I'm sorry about that Pixel.. Apologies.. He gets carried away..

Cya Around!

You so gonna be roasted now Fatman

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