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Team Meteor


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Forgive me if there is already a Team Meteor discussion thread.....

These guys makes me sick. They are worse than any other Team we have fought throughout out Pokemon lives. They put Pokemon in machines to poison the world, to destroy everything, they take our women, our men, our children, our pokemon, and our very lives. And they don't give a **** who dies. Not even their own family members or their comrades they will straight up kill their own comrades.... And now we have to deal with our most hated person in the whole game, Fern joining the so called "winning" team.

Let's talk some more bout Team Meteors.

Edited by Anthony810
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HEY! Team Meteor is badass. they're just normal people with motives. How can you hate them? or Fern >.>

They are bent on destroying the world. And Fern? Do I REALLY need to list a lot of reasons of why Fern is the most hated person?

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I personally think team meteor is the most effective evil team I have seen in a pokemon fangame. Most of the time the creators of fangames load up the evil teams with legendries to provide the player with a challenge and show them to be a threat, but in reborn, Ame didn't do that. Team Meteor makes due with ordinary pokemon, just like we do (sometimes giving them a little "boost" if ordinary does not cut it), and when they DO make use of legendaries (so far) they have always been fakes, as opposed to the real ones.

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But in all seriousness, Team Meteor definitely stands out apart from any canon villainous team and establishes themselves as a truly lethal force to be reckoned with. Out of all the members in it, I actually like Taka (despite the Chatot...) as he acts so casual around you as if you and him were best buds. However, I despise Solaris, Blake, and Sirius for their obvious attributes about them.

Overall, they earned my respect for being true villains but also some of my anger.

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They are bent on destroying the world. And Fern? Do I REALLY need to list a lot of reasons of why Fern is the most hated person?

No, they're really not.

They don't want to destroy the world. They want to reshape it. Recreate it.

Team Meteor follows the classic "the ends justify the means" rationale. Anything they do to achieve their goals theoretically won't matter in the grand scheme of things, because if they succeed, then the current universe will cease to exist.

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I do admire their tenacity despite being beaten into the floor by the protagonist.(Save for a certain event...)

Or how things seem to be falling apart recently towards the end of the most recent episode, where Meteor members seem to loathe having to fight you again.

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No, they're really not.

They don't want to destroy the world. They want to reshape it. Recreate it.

Team Meteor follows the classic "the ends justify the means" rationale. Anything they do to achieve their goals theoretically won't matter in the grand scheme of things, because if they succeed, then the current universe will cease to exist.

When recreating the world involves the deaths of everyone not in their little gang, it kind of is destroying the world, especially since it's for their own selfish goals.

As an evil Team, Team Meteor is quite effective. They don't screw around, but the grunts have a sense of humour. I'm looking forward to seeing how their plot progresses. Regardless of their "noble" intentions, they are a selfish, devoted, truly despicable evil team, and I really like that in an antagonist.

Edited by Mighty Kamina
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While I do admit they want to recreate the world but killing people isn't the way to do it and us the main player stops them every time but it seems sooner or later no matter hat our friends are always gonna get hurt or captured or tortured, while Fern who has now joined Team Meteor is laughing at us without knowing we are better than HE is and he can bring out his grass types or his grass/any pokemon as many times as he wants but we will always have a way to counter him each and every time and he will never admit that he sucks. The same goes for Team Meteor. And ZEL was the only character that confused me until I learned what really happened. ZEL used to be 3 people until an accident made those 3 people THE Impossible 3 people sharing one body.

Now that I think of it..... what happened to ZEL it's sort of a reference to DC Universe. Firestorm reference.

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Team Meteor is essentially Team Galactic 2.0 with the whole creating a new world thing. They give off a much stronger presence than any other team in a canon game in that they are not just some group of halfwit crooks that get beaten down by some 10 year old. Numerous times throughout the story the player "Wins" but are simply met with a "This means nothing" or "You're too late" and at certain points you can even lose if you don't play your cards right. As what I think of them as an organization well....bar the leaders (And even some like Zel) they're all just a bunch of broken people, searching for a purpose and hoping for a new beginning.

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Ah, 'tis the thread for me.
I freaking love Team Meteor. Not for their actions, of course, and certainly wouldn't if they were real, but as a concept and as game characters? Holy shit, I love them.

First of all they actually DO things. They're threatening.

You start the game by almost getting blown up right along everybody else when they bomb a train station. Then you have to help prevent them from doing the same to a power station/gym. Then you watch the Obsidia ward almost getting taken over by plants, just to find out that Team Meteor's behind that, and you fight that monstrous Tangrowth. Find out about the PULSE project.
Eventually learn that Team Meter literally caused Reborn's downfall. You see them KILL people, find out they want to play god and reset the world.

But the characters.

It already starts out with the Grunts, who are all named so you can recognize them. Then you've got the various stories revolving around some of them (Simon, Tara, Aster, Eclipse), giving you examples as to why they joined, what the average person's ambitions were or are, and what happened to eventually make them come to their senses.

I personally loved Simon's arc because he wasn't simply a guy who realized "oops, what we do is bad", but that the entire premise of a "perfect, beautiful world" is downright impossible. There's so many things that cannot work out, and for him, it was reuniting with Lyssa and Tara.
Eclipse was lovely because we see her go from supporting Team Meteor to realizing that no, the end doesn't justify the means. The means might even destroy the possibilities of the desired end.
And Aster follows after a brutal wake-up slap, understanding that change is a possibility even without resorting to, uh, higher extremes.

And now don't get me started on how curious I am to find out backgrounds to all the Admins/Higher-ups.

Solaris intrigues me and has done so from day one on. He's apparently not as bad as Lin, from what is being implied, but we do see that he can kill people just fine.

He's got a questionable morality, to put it nicely, but talking to him is interesting.

Taka is a nice guy. Can't help but want to know more about his family background, considering Solaris seems to be his daddy. And the possibility that he doesn't actually want to be a Meteor and only ended up in there because of Solaris is interesting as well. I could imagine him abandoning them.

Though, of course, we should really get to see him more often. It's been so long...

Currently cannot stand Sirius at all. All we've learned about him just makes him seem like more and more of a monster, and I really don't thin I can forgive him for what he did to Eclipse or how he treats Aya. Or the whole thing with Corey.
Still, backstory pls. Plus, he's got a cool character design.

Don't know enough about Lin yet to judge her. Except that Cain should have a talk to her about her hair and bad life choices.

Now, don't get me started on ZEL.

Probably no secret how much I adore these characters. They were my insta-fave from the moment on where they first appear in the game, and everything that followed just made them better. Their concept, their character design, the way we gradually get to know them - and then the backstory killed me.

I get very emotional about stories, especially things that concern characters I've grown attached to.

And oh my, have I ever.
Lumi is an absolute cutie; man did I have trouble keeping a straight face during the Abra arc because sh was just so impossibly nice, and the whole "Good luck" slip-up was perfect. Free her.

Eve is a badass. Eve is too damn smart. And she's amazing. There was no way for me to learn about her background and not love her to pieces, because the sheer lengths to which she has gone to protect the one remaining thing that is dear to her...

Eve and Lumi's only chance to finally escape Team Meteor has become to help them. Take a load of that. They don't even have their own damn bodies any more, and now they're basically clutching to the possibility of somehow regaining all they've lost via the whole new world thing.

No wonder Eve's so cold. She simply can't allow herself to get emotional about anything that could interfere with her plan to save Lumi and herself.

I wonder, though... Lumi has demonstrated over and over again that she can't stand what Team meteor does to people and pokemon.

And we've read in her diary that even though she is terrified of death, she would still rather have died than to be a burden to Eve.

I cannot imagine for the life of me that she would approve of hurting so many people for her own gain.

If she were to decide that she can't take it any more, would Eve try to oppose her, or would she respect it?
If those two decided that the end isn't worth the means, could Zero even stop them?

We haven't really gotten an explanation for how Zero ended up in the team, or what his ambitions are, but I hope we do.
He may be an ass, but he amuses me with his overly serious attitude in contrast to Lumi being... well, Lumi.

...I should stop myself before I go into wall of text mode. Point is, Reborn has amazing characters, and it's not limited to the player character's side and the villain boss. The fact that we get stories and backgrounds for all kinds of characters makes the game feel much more realistic and paints a bigger picture.

The whole thing about several Meteors gradually losing their faith in the organization is great as well. Character development pls.

tl;dr the Meteors are everything I could have wished for in terms of a villainous team.

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When recreating the world involves the deaths of everyone not in their little gang, it kind of is destroying the world, especially since it's for their own selfish goals.

Why should they care about destroying what will cease to exist anyway?

The destruction of the world is a consequence, not a goal. That's what I'm saying.

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Why should they care about destroying what will cease to exist anyway?

The destruction of the world is a consequence, not a goal. That's what I'm saying.

Because even if it will cease to exist, that won't change the fact that it did exist in the first place. They are ending a world that wants to survive for their own selfish desires. The consequence isn't worth the goal, as some Meteor members are realizing. Their "candyland" is a pipe dream, that will never truly come to fruition, even if they accomplish their goals.

I do find it highly amusing that Elias and his cult is in on their plot, as wouldn't trying to harness Arceus' power to destroy the world that Arceus created be highly heretical? I wouldn't be surprised if their whole plan angers Arceus, and backfires on them immediately once they find Arceus.

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I wouldn't be surprised if their whole plan angers Arceus, and backfires on them immediately once they find Arceus.

This so much. I don't think Arceus would be too happy about a bunch of people who forced a whole region into misery having the audacity to wake up a god and tell it to build them a new world.

You don't stomp on someone elses sand castle and tell them to build a prettier one for you.

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Because even if it will cease to exist, that won't change the fact that it did exist in the first place. They are ending a world that wants to survive for their own selfish desires. The consequence isn't worth the goal, as some Meteor members are realizing. Their "candyland" is a pipe dream, that will never truly come to fruition, even if they accomplish their goals.

I do find it highly amusing that Elias and his cult is in on their plot, as wouldn't trying to harness Arceus' power to destroy the world that Arceus created be highly heretical? I wouldn't be surprised if their whole plan angers Arceus, and backfires on them immediately once they find Arceus.

Team Meteor overlooks such paltry things and views the bigger picture. The end of one world begets the genesis of another. The Reborn region, and all of its inhabitants, hold no value or meaning in the eyes of Team Meteor.

Their actions make more sense if their ultimate goal is to recreate the universe from the start, thus undoing all the death and destruction they've caused. If they simply plan to wipe the slate clean and rebuild the world anew, then they might be weighed down by heavier consciences.

The Cult of Arceus thing is really ironic, though. I'm going to enjoy witnessing Elias's last crisis of faith in his final moments.

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Team Meteor is the kind of team I'd like to see in the mainstream pokemon games :I

I find their methods and motives to be fit for an evil team. I can't deny that the PULSE system is among the smartest things I've seen being created for a pokemon game. Team Meteor is the kind of team that lets you see what would really happen if an evil organization wasn't bound to the hand-holding-friendship-is-magic rules of the main pokemon games.

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Team Meteor has gained my respects as villains in the story. From the various teams that we had dealt with in past Pokemon Games and even some fanhacks or fan-made games, there are two aspects of team that make it stand out as true villains.

They are humans and they are efficient (competent).

They are just as smart, if not smarter than our hero characters. They have goals of their own. Their backstories have some involvement with one another and it breathes in the conflict with the characters. It's the complexity between characters like Taka, ZEL, Eclipse, Solaris that these characters play out to the simplify of Fern, Sirius, Blake and Lyn.

Of course, that's not without issue. You can definitely see that even with a fan-made game, there are several problems I have with characters and their general motives, but its still enjoyable.

Overall, I've enjoyed this villainous team and I want to see them fleshed out more.

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Personally, I feel that Team Meteor makes a great villainous team. They're technically a terrorist organization, so they literally won't care about killing a few people (although I feel sorrowful for those deaths).

The grunts are generally pretty sloppy though (I guess they could try to be more serious than just saying 'OMG what the hell are you doing here?' but meh I don't have any smarter ideas). I loved all the back-story regarding Simon, Aster & Eclipse, the Admins (I still want to know more about Taka though) - and I can't wait to see how the plot will unfold with Lin and the explosion.

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The award for the biggest Asshole in Team Meteor goes to Fern.

And in second place is Blake.

But in all seriousness though, I love the fact that even the grunts have names in Team Meteor. The Simon arc and Eclipse's death brought all the feels to the table but not as much as Kiki's death, I know she's a leader who's not in Meteor but that scene made me cry and I'm not joking, I'm totally not weak though because that scene is a scene to cry at. But the admins though, don't get me started on how much I like Taka and ZEL. They're both good admins and I think Solaris is cool to a certain extent too; Sirius I'm not so keen on. All of the ex-leaders, leaders and other known figures that are in Meteor are cool, other than Fern but Blake is cool. Lin is just insane though with all that power but she will be satisfying to beat, just as much as when we knock Fern down a peg or two.

And that's all of my thoughts on Meteor in a nutshell but I wish for a bit more back story on how Lin overtook Solaris.

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I guess the story of how Team Meteor fell into Lin's hands is what we're working towards right now; Eclipse wanted to tell us something about her for a reason, and I also believe that it's why Sigmund is still sticking to the Meteors.
He's already made it clear that he's not interested in profiting from their goals/successes, and instead said something about making observations.
Considering he appears to remember something about Lin (as evident by his comments during the Tanzan arc), he's likely trying to work out who she is.

Also, I'd really love to see some degree of internal splitting of Team Meteor over who to be loyal to.

If Eclipse is any example, then there must be a couple Meteors at least who do not want Lin as their leader, whereas others (like Sirius) appear to support her fully.

Blake and Fern can both burn in a fire as far as I care
There MUST be a hidden message in them both being weak to it.

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We all found out who ZEL is and how ZEL came to be. Taka is a chill guy, because he doesn't want to hurt any pokemon or anybody as far as I can tell. Eclipse died trying to save her father from certain death and succeeded in doing so.... Kinda wish she was still alive.... Her death and Kiki's death made me cry. Solaris or Sirius cannot remember which one saved us from Lin.... has my gratitude.... I wonder if we will learn MORE about Lin in EP15. We all have our reasons for Hating Fern which is why most of us wants him to go on his knees and beg us for forgiveness.

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