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Hi, Nadrel here !


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Hello, I'm Nadrel (Am I ?!)

I'm a long time lurker on the forum and I figured I would introduce myself.

I'm a 23 y/o vet student and I love playing games (FF, Pokemon, Starcraft, Warcraft, LoL...) and reading novels.

Apart from games, I like pretty much everything cute, bonus points for creepiness and badass stuff.

I started playing pokemon with version Red and stopped with Ruby. A friend told me to give a try to Reborn and I loved it.

There, I hope we can get along :D

(I won't bite, at least, I will try :) )

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How long lurker was you my stranger?

Anyway welcome to joining this community. As you know as a lurker, you know where the community rules is.

Bite me, you will be my new bait for fishing, Jk, you will just being shoryuken'd

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I ain't afraid of no bite~

This lurker thing has to stop...

Well met Nadrel... Or is it?

Just like Shing said, if you're a lurker, then you probably know most of the stuff around these parts.

Just remember to visit this if you need help. And feel free to ask any questions to me or any of the staff members.

Unfortunately, Arkhidon is not online now, so your music is gonna have a little delay.

For now, just enjoy your PERMANENT stay.

See you around \o/

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Hey, thanks for the link.

Lurking comes back from my Brood War days :P

When you say "PERMANENT" stay, I feel like this forum is gonna become my last resting place :wacko: ^^

See you <3

(edit : nvm)
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A new forum member actually following the rules. My oh my, I'm impressed. I'm sure we'll get along just fine. Bit disappointed you decided to lurk for such a long time. :c

If you like League of Legends, don't hesitate to visit the Gaming General subforum. We have tons of users, such as myself, who love playing League.

Hope you enjoy your stay. If you've got any questions, don't be afraid to ask me.

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Wow, nice music <3

A new forum member actually following the rules. My oh my, I'm impressed.

And this isn't even my final form. :D

Thanks for the welcome ^_^

Edit : I'm editing all my posts cause random numbers seem to be appearing at times ^^'

1114 <- this
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This lurker thing has to stop...

As more lurkers become active it's giving others confidence to step into the light too

Anyway, welcome to Reborn! I would start of with my 'default welcoming message' but like Vinny already said, you probably already know most of the things around here anyway. Just give us a shout if there's anything you're confused or curious about though ^-^

Oh, also since no one else has said yet, please leave your sanity behind as you dive into the forums, there's no place for such a thing here ;3

Enjoy your permanent stay C:

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Thanks for the welcome,

I actually thought when i was younger that using cheats for vision wasn't really cheating (Black Sheep Wall <3)

Well I still play those from time to times.

For now I'm playing total annihilation mods and it is so good. ^^

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