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Hello readers!

I am Pandalex12, though I somehow got called Panada from another server I'm a member of (>.<)

I'm just the below average JRPG fan since I like the games, being a "Tales of" fan but I hate grinding (there's always a lot of grinding in those games).

Welp, there's not much else to say about myself since I'm not an interesting person as you can see

My favourite pokemon is Vaporeon due to its sheer bulk and power balance still need to breed one tho, Glaceon comes very close to the favourite since those defensive stats look good if you look away from that hp.

Liking this game so far :D

My favourite gym leader so far has to be Charlotte - got annihilated 3 times in a row but her character is good imo (she even wins favourite character :P) so I don't even care XD

Not much of a fan of team rotations right now.

Finally, the biggest jerk reward goes to


FERN! (Feels good beating a jerk)

Alas, nice to meet you all who read this :3

Panada - Charlotte fanboy C:

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Welcome to the funhouse, admittance fee will be your sanity.. Thank you~ Enjoy your stay! (it's permanent.)

Gotta say, I love Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. (I never played the first one though). The amount of "HOLY SHIT THAT SPECIAL LOOKS AWESOME" was insane.



..Loading Arkhidon.exe

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Welcome to the Reborn crew~ Tales of Legendia's my personal favorite in that series, though...I unfortunately haven't gotten the chance to play too many, so. Anyway, welcome! :D

Edited by Aurorain
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Well met Panada!

did you know that's a name in a Fallout 3 DLC imeanwhat

Welcome to Reborn.

Not a fan of grinding eh? Most people aren't. Grinding killed so many RPGs for me ;_;

And if you think Fern is a jerk, just wait to meet Blake. Unless you already met him.

Because Blake is a d**k.

Well, I hope you enjoy your stay in Reborn. Feel free to check this, and if you have any questions, remember to spamPM the people from the staff to help you.

See you around the place place


Edited by Vinny
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Thanks everyone <3

Vinny, I met Blake ... can't believe I forgot about him.

Well, he was "2 ez for me bro" and I accidentily swept him. Serves him right >:D

Welp, time to breed that 6th team member ... and collect them event pokes :)

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Welcome! As everyone else has already so eloquently put it, please leave your sanity behind as you dive into the world of Reborn. There's no place for such a thing here ;3

..aaaand Link's already beaten me to posting the spongebob link

First of all, you see the two bars on the left of the webpage? Don't search in the bottom one. Bottom is bad. Top is good c: this isn't one of Cain's euphemisms

Secondly.. er... I think Vinny's already covered everything else with the FAQ link. If there's anything you're confused or curious about don't be afraid to talk to people in the community, we don't bite c: People who do clearly still have their sanity and get burned at the stake

Hope you enjoy your stay! After all, it is permanent ;3

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Arkhidon.exe has loaded!

Welcome! No way I couldn't post this after seeing your name. Enjoy your time here!

arkhi ily for this

Glaceon used to be my favorite Eeveelution... Then I went for Dark and fell in love with Umbreon instead. I do know, though, that there are a handful of Vaporeon lovers here... I just don't remember who, other than Chimchain. XD

Incidentally, Glaceon and Vaporeon are both blue nice deduction work zephy genius/10. Guess that means I needn't convert you to blue, da? just kidding it's totally a mandatory thing and all who oppose Blue are disowned and dishonor is bestowed upon their ancestors

Welcome to Reborn ~ \o/

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