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Reborn difficulty

Ethan Cole

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Hi all,

I'm a Reborn player since December 2013, when I found this game thanks to Shofu. I'm a casual gamer, I admit. The gym leaders in my first run were a NIGHTMARE to defeat (3-10 or more time each) and I give up for months cause of them. Then my savefile become corrupted and I decided to start a new run with more strategic plans for the hardiest battle in Reborn. Despite hours of pokèmon training and IV/EVs research, still I find impossible continue the game. I'm stuck with Kiki after 20-30 time - I've lost the count - and I've abandoned the game, maybe for the last time.

My team for Kiki: Swampert, Camerupt, Pidgeot, Unfezant, Granbull, Haryama. I use Granbull against Medicham using Charm to nerf his attack, but he always kill the rest of the team with one hit.

I understand the challenge that Reborn wants to offer, but some gym leaders are too much for casual gamer like me. I remember the battle with Radomus, it takes 2 months and several times to beat him. It's not possible, for me, continue this game without angry and disappointment. Ame, I hope, at the end of this project, you'll introduce a difficulty sistem and allow everyone, also gamer less capable, to play this beatiful Pokemon game.

My experience with Reborn ends here.

Excuse me for bad English, I hope it's all clear.

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maybe u can try a different aprouch. youre team is really slow, and unfezant and pidgeot arent the best flying types....

by the time u are at kiki, you could have build a team that can easy win

start a game witch speed boosted torchic for easy mode.....

Edited by gryson
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Heya fellow reborner! It's really sad to see you give up on the game, that's a shame.

When I first played through Reborn, I was stuck for over 10 tries against some gym leaders as well, but that's what made it fun- the game required you to utilize a bit of strategy in order to win , rather than simply lvling up your team and steamrolling everything.

I do believe that some gym leaders have been nerfed in difficulty since 2013, so I'm unsure whether you gave the game a go recently, but it is surely not as impossible as it was back in 2013. Your team as you list it seems like it'd have a harder time against Kiki, since her pokemon utilize punches and stuff. For Kiki you need to be fast and hit hard enough if I recall correctly. Sometimes all it takes is altering your team a little bit and the gym leader becomes doable.

I agree that when the game is finished, if Ame has the time and will for it, a difficulty system should be introduced. That's one thing any Pokemon game in existence really needs to have. Until then, well, for the sake of not missing out on a great game, I hope you'll give it another try before giving up completely!

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Reborn isn't catered toward super-casual players. It's meant to challenge the player, which means it requires extensive knowledge of the game's mechanics. If you're looking to make progress in a game without busting your ass, then you might want to look elsewhere.

Your Granbull has Intimidate and Play Rough, yeah? Even a Granbull with a neutral nature and no Attack investment should be able to take a hit and OHKO her Medicham.

Having Pidgeot and Unfezant on the same team is redundant. Try replacing one of them with a Pokémon that shores up some of your team's bad matchups.

I would recommend getting a couple of faster Pokémon. Nearly everything on your team has a base Speed of 70 or less, which means they'll likely only get one attack in before going down.

A few decent Pokémon (that hopefully haven't been moved since I played that part) include Roserade, Azumarill, Arcanine, Swoobat, and Emolga.

You should definitely look into training more than just the same six Pokémon, because the teams that you'll encounter in this game will require all sorts of different answers.

Edited by Foamy
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I won't lie, Reborn is hard! Reborn was the frst game that ever made me work with natures/EV/egg moves and even then its difficult, however the key to reborn is not having a consistent team (for me at least) certain gym leaders use tactics so its always best to try and adapt both yourself and your team to counter them.

For Kiki speed is most definetly key, in my personal experience het team can dish out quite te punch but lack a proper defensive stat therefore I sugest you swap your pidgeot or unfezant out for something faster preferably somethign that still holds a type advantage over het team.

perhaps you will find your answer in swoobat or golbat (if you have one from earlier episodes that is) or perhaps try setting up an entry hazard or even a physical wall that you can use as a buffer while you revive your pokemon.

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Have you considered replacing one of your two Flying types with a pokemon like Swanna?

A Ducklett egg is obtainable very early in the game (Obsidia Park), and it's a pretty decent Pokemon for what you need against Kiki.

It can learn Tailwind at level 40 to help your slower Pokemon out, as well as Aerial Ace for a reliable Flying move that won't stir up the field, and Aqua Ring or Roost as recovery moves. If you feel up to it, you can also overlevel it to 47 so it learns Brave Bird (!), and then feed it common candies to get it back to an obedient level.

It can also have the Keen Eye ability, which would take care of the accuracy problem that the Field Effect tries to create.

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In my opinion, your biggest problem seems to be your unwillingness to change up your team. Just about everything you have on you is obtainable after your first badge bar Granbull.

Why not use some of the ghost types in shades gym. The foonguses that you find on azurite also seem like good walls for most of her fighting types thanks to its poison typing (bar Medicham). And Yanmega with speed boost is an amazing option as well. Heck even wingull would replace the unfezant or pidgeot nicely.

If you return to the grand hall where you started the game, there are also lots of trainers there you can rebattle everyday for great experience to train up weaker Pokemon that you just caught. Evs and ivs are unnecessary, if you don't enjoy doing them then by all means don't. Otherwise this game will get unfun real fast. The only times I legitimately ev trained was on my first run and that was just for one of the loseable battles I wanted to beat. Don't make this game unfun for yourself

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Thanks for all your answers. The team I'm using against Kiki is not the only pokèmon trained I have.

1. The complete list of my pokemon at level 35-40 is this: Swampert, Camerupt, Unfezant, Pidgeot, Granbull, Haryama, Pyroar, Dustox, Luxray, Golem and Skuntank. I've Magnemite and Growlithe in progress for levelling.

2. I can't find Zubat! In my first run I had a Crobat, and I admit it be a good pokèmon to have, maybe with E14 release something changed?

3. Where I can find precisly Ducklett egg? I explored every house but I didn't know about it.

4. Shadow type can be a solution, maybe I can try, thanks.

5. I didn't know about rebattle the trainers at the Grand Hall. You're sure about this? Because also training pokèmon in this game is very slow and hard...

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Thanks for all your answers. The team I'm using against Kiki is not the only pokèmon trained I have.

1. The complete list of my pokemon at level 35-40 is this: Swampert, Camerupt, Unfezant, Pidgeot, Granbull, Haryama, Pyroar, Dustox, Luxray, Golem and Skuntank. I've Magnemite and Growlithe in progress for levelling.

2. I can't find Zubat! In my first run I had a Crobat, and I admit it be a good pokèmon to have, maybe with E14 release something changed?

3. Where I can find precisly Ducklett egg? I explored every house but I didn't know about it.

4. Shadow type can be a solution, maybe I can try, thanks.

5. I didn't know about rebattle the trainers at the Grand Hall. You're sure about this? Because also training pokèmon in this game is very slow and hard...

1. Catch some Psychic types with Psychic or Zen Headbutt; those are boosted by Kiki's Field.

2. Zubat was axed, meaning it's placed later in the game.

3. You could only get Ducklett before beating the PULSE Tangrowth in Obsidia Park. After that, Ducklett can only be found much later in the game.

4. Cofagrigous (or whatever) is the best one, imo, because it's a wall. It also gets Will-o-Wisp, beneficial for Kiki's battle.

5. I don't actually know when you can start rebattling trainers at Grand Hall, but I think they start, like, after Shade.

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You don't need to EV/IV train to beat Reborn just a little strategy and (relatively) good Pokemon, your problem is that your team is (for the most part) really bad (in general not only against Kiki). I would suggest picking up an Emolga with Acrobatics and kill everything (Granbull can help). If you really can't make it (i don't see why but) just restart and pick a Speed Boost Torchick as starter with some help it can steamroll the entire game.

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Times like this is when I wish we still had Gyarados around. I'd just say "lol1111 use Gyarados bam ggez"

But really, EV and IVs are still not all that important nowadays. They were never important, tbh, but now, with some of the gym leaders nerfed? yeah, it doesn't really matter.

What really matters, is that you pay attention to the FIELD EFFECTS. Most of the time, there's always a way to turn the field effect in your favor. That's easier said than done, but it's still possible.

Chubbs already answered your others questions, so yeah. But really, Reborn is easier now than before, imo.

You should totally give the game a try again. Heck, even restarting might be a good idea, since you're not really all that far.

Edited by Vinny
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In my first run Kiki took my a dozen tries maybe. In my last run I beat her just with my Torterra. 6 Curses and even an Hi Jump Kick from her Medicham could just scratch it. You don't need to be good to play Reborn : Reborn makes you becoming good. You simply need to learn ;)

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I posted info about the team I used to beat Kiki here. I don't use healing items in battle.


As Imperial said above me, a lot of us weren't all that good when we started playing Reborn. I wasn't, and I'm still not all that good . . . :unsure:

Reborn makes us learn and makes us into tigers . . . :P

Edited by ReddestDream
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I posted info about the team I used to beat Kiki here.


As Imperial said above me, a lot of us aren't all that good when we started playing Reborn. I wasn't, and I'm still not all that good . . . :unsure:

Reborn makes us learn and makes us into tigers . . . :P

Where I find Emolga? I see in windy days but I can't reach it.

Scraggy also? In EP14 I can't find it.

I'll not restart the game. 1st run took me 50 hours, and the secon 35. I'm a very slow player, I admit.

Thanks for the advice about field effects.

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jz some sharing here, for me, reborn is getting easier after i train my pokemon, u muz have a lot of patient to train them, these is my 'team', i simply choose them to fight, all lv70 above with most of the iv more than 25, all ready for war gym battle :) u muz have at least 10-12 pokemon to fight the game or else it will be very hard

u can get any pokemon u wan from this link:


Edited by yanmeng92
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Where I find Emolga? I see in windy days but I can't reach it.

Scraggy also? In EP14 I can't find it.

I'll not restart the game. 1st run took me 50 hours, and the secon 35. I'm a very slow player, I admit.

Thanks for the advice about field effects.

Emolga you can find near to Jasper Ward PokeCenter,i don't know what wheather though.. Edited by Tomy
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Ok the guy above is really into it,but there is no need for that (well,for ep 14 there is not,who knows for elite four and stuff like that :) ). I am actually pretty much just a casual player,but still managed to beat reborn with this not so special team with no ev/breeding,so dont give up. Just think of some strategies before you go in the battle.

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jz some sharing here, for me, reborn is getting easier after i train my pokemon, u muz have a lot of patient to train them, these is my 'team', i simply choose them to fight, all lv70 above with most of the iv more than 25, all ready for war gym battle :) u muz have at least 10-12 pokemon to fight the game or else it will be very hard

Wtf how many hours did you play? You don't need more then 15 pokes throughout the whole game.

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jz some sharing here, for me, reborn is getting easier after i train my pokemon, u muz have a lot of patient to train them, these is my 'team', i simply choose them to fight, all lv70 above with most of the iv more than 25, all ready for war gym battle :) u muz have at least 10-12 pokemon to fight the game or else it will be very hard


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Wtf how many hours did you play? You don't need more then 15 pokes throughout the whole game.

my game play state i've played more than 1000 hours, during my pokemon training, i just use rmfps to speed up the game to improve my training process without hack it and to make sure my pokemon can beat the gym. Also, for gym battle, i challenge my myself dun use a single potion to heal my pokemon, i might restart the gym battle jz to test my pokemon :D

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I prefer getting annihilated in gym battles tbh -Recalls that Charlotte gym experience where I screwed myself over with surf accuracy shenanigans-

For my Kiki gym battle, I had:

Greninja, Ninetales, Meowstic, Vileplume, Ampharos, and Hariyama

Scored a close 1-0 in that battle so I'm not too proud of that battle :3

The slow pokemon aren't in a favorable situation due to STAB + field boost attacks which is most of the time a OHKO

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You really don't need to go as hardcore as my friend Yanmeng92, but it definitely helps training more than 6 pokemon for the upcoming battles. In addition, studying and finding ways to use the field effect to your advantage will help too.

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From my experiences in two monotypes and three normal runs of the game, only a team of six is really necessary. That being said, the key to winning is constantly switching out Pokemon from the box when they underperform. As others have pointed out, Unfezant is likely underperforming so switching it out with more potent threats is the key to winning this game.

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