Fumble Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 Whew. That took a while. Now that I've finished fixing other suggestions, time to continue with mine. Also, I'm surprised that there are so few starters suggested. I suppose I shall add mine!Empoleon for A- Rank:Empoleon is another versatile Pokemon. It's Special Attack is amazing, but its Attack can be just as good with the ability Defiant. Also, Empoleon has some pretty nice Defenses, so it can survive a couple of hits. Some of its notable moves include Surf, Aqua Jet, Drill Peck, Hydro Pump, and Icy Wind (breed). Being a starter, you can use this guy immediately. Battles it excels in include Narcissa (when it finally starts learning some good moves), Crawli (Drill Peck and STAB Surf), and Angie, since it resists her Cold Truth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampellow Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 On 5/18/2015 at 10:32 PM, Chubb the Pig said: Empoleon for B+ Rank: Empoleon is another versatile Pokemon. It's Special Attack is amazing, but its Attack can be just as good with the ability Defiant. Also, Empoleon has some pretty nice Defences, so it can survive a couple of hits. Some of its notable moves include Surf, Aqua Jet, Drill Peck, Hydro Pump, and Icy Wind (breed). Being a starter, you can use this guy immediately. Battles it excels in include Narcissa (when it finally starts learning some good moves) and Crawli (Drill Peck and STAB Surf). Not to mention not caring at all about the Cold Truth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 Ah, I'll be sure to add that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WTE(#*#* Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 Granbull: I believe should be upgraded from B- to B+. In the beginning it isn't very useful against Venam but it still functions as the best support at the point in the game with an "Intimidate" switch in and charm combo. Against Ken it is self-explanatory as he is all about physical attacks. Same goes for Marienatte as a majority of her pokemon rely on physical attacks. He is useful in almost every gym excluding the 5th because she uses special attacks. You rarely find yourself attacking with him because your main strategy is to weaken your opponent and then switch into your beaters. If need be, he can also hit hard but I will admit, his move-pool is lacking as he only gets his first stab move at lv 43. Keep in mind you can tutor him the "fang" moves. Exploud: I believe should be downgraded to B. He definitely hits hard but is a tad slow to be successful in hitting the opponent for long enough to do anything mentionable. Not to mention, his defenses are rather low, more often than not, the opponent will hit him hard enough that they will render him useless. You get whismur early on which is good but terrible because it honestly can rarely hold its own in battle. Boomburst comes wayyyy later and only then is Exploud worth using. Good mon though - no hate - one of my favorites. There are just better mons to use in all of the gym battles excluding Narcissa. He rocks in that one. Pangoro: B- or C/C+. One of the few fighting types in the game so points for that. Bonus points because of his dark typing making him immune to psychic attacks and powerful against ghost types because of the ability "Scrappy" and stab Crunch. He's so low on the list because although a good pokemon in theory, in battle he becomes lack luster. He gets outsped more often than not and can't take that many hits against gym leaders. Great against Marianette, Narcissa, & semi Angie, w/ Karate Chop/Body Slam, Bulk Up, Sky Uppercut, & Crunch. However, I will say this. He is the only pokemon in my PC that could take a hit from Deoxy's and OKO it back with Crunch. Hitmonlee (Not Chan or Top): Downgrade to C+. Again one of the few fighting types so good for him. Gets a super powerful HJK for the early game but besides the fight with Marianette, he rarely sees use. If he does, he functions like a glass cannon. HJK is the only thing going for him at the moment. His movepool is lackluster and just doesn't really do much. His other evolution counterparts however, have better defenses (albeit not that great offense) and a wider more successful movepool. (I have no experience w/ Chan or Top to say much more on them) Malmar: S rank (at the moment). You don't have the opportunity with this guy in the early game but do against Angie. Alongside the ability contrary, this thing is a force to be reckoned with. Turn 1 Superpower against Abomasnow and GG Angie. It functions as a bulk up + super effective move that recks Angie. Not only that, but has access to two great stab moves, Psycho Cut & Night Slash. These can handle her Froslass easy. He isn't the fastest pokemon but a quick claw or a little EV training/+ nature in speed makes up for that entirely. He'll be taking hits as well after a contrary boosted superpower. Funny enough, a + special defense malamar w/ no ev training is only 6 points off from my Ampharos who is a neutral nature with no ev training in special defense. To top it off, he gets hypnosis which you really don't need but is icing on the cake. Its there for utility. (SUBJECT TO CHANGE DEPENDING ON FURTHER VERSIONS) Emolga: A- rank. The unsung hero of Pokemon Rejuvenation. You get him at the very start of the game (if you're lucky). He is useful in most gyms with the exception of 3rd, 4th, & 7th. I cannot tell you how many times Emolga has saved my behind in the close games against gym leaders. He gets a stab, double powered Acrobatics at LV 30 which is immensely useful against Ken, avoids the field effects of Venam and can fire back with Charge + Spark combo, Valarie is self-explanatory, as is Crawli (Acrobatics FTW). He is one of the fastest pokemon in the game and if he can survive, can do some serious damage before fainting. Functions best as a late game sweeper. Static & Motor Drive are great abilities. Mamoswine: A rank (as of now). Let's see here. Stab Earthquake. Stab Ice Shard + Icicle Plate so speed is irrelevant. A great base stat lineup and can take hits very well. Sporting one of the highest attack stats in the game. Thick Fat so Angie's ice moves are a waste. Who doesn't love bacon? Ludicolo: A- rank. Useful from the time you get him (Narcissa) to about Crawli but has its usage against him and Angie as well. Rain Dance + Swift Swim = Outspeeds everything in the game. Takes a turn to setup but its easy with Colo's special bulk. If you're patient and breed it to get leech seed he can fit the role on your team as well but Jumpluff is better in this regard. However, Jumpluff cannot hit as hard as this beast. Rain Dance boosted water attacks with Colo's already high special attack is nothing to laugh at. Also, a stab giga drain can make this guy really hard to kill as he keeps regenerating with giga + leech seed. He won't be taking that many hits anyways after he sets up rain dance . He may be at a type disadvantage against Crawli but that man is already helping you at as he has a built in rain dance in his gym. Ludicolo can easily outspeed and set up a leech seed for your other pokes and just switch out. Against Angie, it may be difficult but regardless, leech seed is great here and rain dance potentially powers up any other water pokemon you have in your party. Swampert: B+ rank. Its weird im putting Swampert as a B rank because he has usage in every gym in the current version. His issue is that his movepool only gets good late game so he isn't really a star player (aside from the battle against Venam). Regardless, he can take hits and can fire back hard. With only a grass type weakness he is nothing to disregard. I will admit, Rock Slide is pretty powerful alongside the item hard stone. Just watch out for energy balls and giga drains. Crawli might sneak those up on you but a rock slide will put him in his place. He best functions as a hard hitting wall on your team so you can heal up your other mons. Linoone: D rank. HM Slave & Picks up the goodies. Not sure where to put Delphox and Mawile at the moment. Both of these pokes are good in theory, especially delphox when it sets up light screen for your team and steals opponents items with Magician. Mawile can hit Angie hard with a stab iron head and a priority sucker punch. Mawile probably needs his/her mega to be more viable. A pretty good move pool as well (Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Iron Defense + Intimidate) Delphox needs more testing but has a great movepool (Flamethrower, Psychic, Light Screen, Will-O-Wisp/Shadowball). Delphox can potential become an all around defensive tank after a will-o-wisp and light screen. Then can retaliate with its stab moves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChristianMoses Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 Isn't Greninja OU? With Protean I feel like it fits at least A rank possibly even S. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guzam Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 Greninja is bad in game. With field effects it dies easily even with protean. Intense mode destroys it, it isn't bulky and lacks a good movepool as of now. Anyway Jan thinks by taking away Jolteon the water leader would be harder. xD Raichu and Ampharos say hi. Ampharos is getting axed? Dry Skin Heliolisk and Nasty Plot Raichu and Electrode want to speak with you xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 Wow. WTE, you have put quite a bit of dedication in that post.Anyways, I want to do one last one. Rather than talking about a Shadow Pokemon or a Starter, I think I want to complete the Casino Trio, a Pokemon that Pyrrhon has mentioned.Heliolisk for B+ (This is like my fifth Pokemon for B+, but oh well...)With a great Special Attack and Defense and a very nice Speed, this thing is a huge threat. It also relies on Weather, having Sand Veil (don't use this), Dry Skin, and Solar Power. On a Rain team, Dry Skin is the better option, healing you every turn. Plus Thunder, a move it naturally gets, has 100% accuracy! Solar Power is better for the extra power in the sun, however. Some other moves it gets are Razor Wind (best Normal STAB it can learn by level up), Parabolic Charge, Glare (by breeding), and Hidden Power, since its movepool is VERY lacking. Still, Heliolisk is amazing, especially in battles like Narcissa, since it's immune to Ghost moves, Valerie (obviously), and Angie (weather stops Hail and boosts Heliolisk). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WTE(#*#* Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 On 5/18/2015 at 11:43 PM, Chubb the Pig said: Wow. WTE, you have put quite a bit of dedication in that post.Anyways, I want to do one last one. Rather than talking about a Shadow Pokemon or a Starter, I think I want to complete the Casino Trio, a Pokemon that Pyrrhon has mentioned.Heliolisk for B+ (This is like my fifth Pokemon for B+, but oh well...)With a great Special Attack and Defence and a very nice Speed, this thing is a huge threat. It also relies on Weather, having Sand Veil (don't use this), Dry Skin, and Solar Power. On a Rain team, Dry Skin is the better option, healing you every turn. Plus Thunder, a move it naturally gets, has 100% accuracy! Solar Power is better for the extra power in the sun, however. Some other moves it gets are Razor Wind (best Normal STAB it can learn by level up), Parabolic Charge, Glare (by breeding), and Hidden Power, since its movepool is VERY lacking. Still, Heliolisk is amazing, especially in battles like Narcissa, since it's immune to Ghost moves, Valerie (obviously), and Angie (weather stops Hail and boosts Heliolisk). Haha yeah I got lost in writing all of that. I feel i might as well help other new players cause the game can be frustrating at times and its pretty normal to want to get through a casual playthrough with your favorite pokes. You gotta throw that out the window if you wanna get through it lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 Alright, I lied. I'm going to post four more rankings, for the last four members of the SacredFireNegro's walkthrough. (I was going to do Swirlix for shofu, but I didn't know if the Whipped Dream was available to evolve Slurpuff or not.) (PLACEHOLDER) Samurott for C+ Rank: Samurott has a nice Attack and Special Attack, but that's pretty much it. He does gain Megahorn, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Revenge, Surf, Hydro Pump, Swords Dance, and Encore, however. There's also Night Slash and Air Slash from breeding. Samurott is an average Pokemon, honestly, having two Abilities that don't quite stand out. He is good for certain battles, like Marianette (with Revenge). He's also decent for any battle against a Leader he has a disadvantage to. All and all, Samurott isn't the best, but he can manage to do some work. Unfezant for C Rank: Unfezant is one of the regional Birds, but is also one of the worst. It has a great Attack, but only Facade and Sky Attack to help it. It also gets Tailwind, Swagger, and Taunt as a plus. It's usable for the early leaders, especially Keta, but later, there will be better... Mr. Mime for C Rank: Mr. Mime has a nice Special Attack and Special Defense, as well as a nice choice between Abilities. However, it doesn't seem to have the moves to support it. Psychic is its best STAB, and it gets Reflect and Light Screen. However, that's it. No Fairy moves or anything. Mr. Mime can be useful for battling Keta and maybe Marianette, but afterwards, it's outshined by other Pokemon. Roserade for A- Rank (Completely ignore if we don't have Shiny Stones yet; I don't know.): Roserade has three great Abilities, an excellent Special Attack and Special Defense, and a decent Speed. It also has great moves like Giga Drain and Petal Dance as well as supportive moves like Toxic Spikes, Leech Seed, Aromatherapy, and Synthesis. Sadly, no Poison type moves... Either way, she's a beast for taking down most Gym Leaders, exceptions being Angie (duh) and Crawli. For the rest, she can set up Toxic Spikes and Leech Seed, do some damage, and heal. She's best in battles such as Valerie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patrick Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 I want to recommend Feraligatr as somewhere around B+/A-. The only real hindrance I've had is the lack of an actual physical water move (Aqua Tail at lvl 63 ). However its Attack stat is pretty good for where I'm at in the game (Narcissca) and it can even act as a semi Defensive wall with proper EVs. While Aqua Tail is not learned until late, and I doubt we'll see Waterfall for a while, its Physical movepool is still very helpful. Crunch and Ice Fang combined with Sheer Force is beyond deadly and can lay some serious damage on most opponents. The fact that it evolves at lvl 30 means with only 1 reverse candy Feraligatr can be very viable against Keta, especially his Hawlucha. Even Ren's team wasn't able to take very many hits from him. I haven't faced Narcissca, but being a Ghost gym leader Crunch will be very helpful, even if dark type moves are nerfed in her field, and IF she has a Chandelure that's something Feraligatr can take with relative ease. Not to mention that breeding can give him 1) a physical priority move in aqua jet and 2) DRAGON DANCE!!!! enough said there xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragon God Goomy Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) On 5/15/2015 at 3:12 PM, Red'sCharizard said: Infernape, as suggested by Ace_Trainer_Vince Reveal hidden contents Iron Fist makes Infernape frightening together with its great Attack and Speed. It's a great help to subdue the threat on the Normal Gym. If you make it learn Thunderpunch, this will tear teams down. It gets Mach Punch at level 14 when Chimchar becomes Monferno and Close Combat when becoming Infernape. One can also tutor it Flare Blitz. But Infernape can learn Flare Blitz on lvl 68. Edit: Nevertheless, With Thunderpunch, Mach Punch, Close Combat and Flare Blitz, Infernape is one heck of a Pokemon. If only it can learn Drain Punch. Edited May 19, 2015 by Ace_Trainer_Vince Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hypa Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 umm So My suggestion is gonna be Houndoom , With nasty plot and flamethrower this thing becomes a beast of a special sweeper once you have him set and his typing gives him an advantage over some of those nasty psychic types with the possibility of the tm dark pulse this guy can only become a better special sweeper easily one of my favorite pokes available at lv 15 pretty early on (helping defend the city against a gang) it doesnt get some of his better moves till later but with moves in the meantime like foul play and firefang his attack stat doesnt lack that far behind his special attack in my opinion he deserves his place in anyones team. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peepeepoopoo Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) I'd like to put Dusclops up for either A/B rank. The current moveset I run is; Shadow ball Will-o-wisp Confuse ray [i'm wanting to replace this] Curse It's a good tanky pokemon with high D and SpD stat. However it is lacking in all other stats, primarily HP. I don't use him a lot in trainer battles, but for battles where I want to take out a threat. He's useful against physical teams because of the will-o-wisp and if there's ever a pokemon that can take out my win condition. then I send out Dusclops and live a hit, then curse. Best case scenario I can take out two pokemon with Dusclops. Worst case scenario I'll get a curse off and then die. This pokemon on its own can't do much but it can poke holes in the enemy team and make it easier for the rest of your pokemon to clean up. Dusclops has helped me in more than one tough gym/rival battle and definitely deserves a good spot in the rankings. Seeing as Toxicroak is not on the rankings yet, I'd like to nominate it for A/S rank. My current moveset is; Zen headbutt Sucker punch Poison Jab Bulk up One of the strongest pokemon on my active roster in Rejuvenation. I was lucky to catch him from that SEC. Very diverse move pool, incredibly high stats. With a few bulk ups he can sweep teams easily with poison jab/zen headbutt and sucker punch for pokemon he can't outspeed. I've swept 5/6 of the normal type gym leader's team, and half or more of other prominent trainers with two bulk ups. Very useful against Keta as well (the one in Amethyst Grotto). Currently the ability I have on him is Poison Touch but I think Dry Skin would be more powerful on him (I have a Lotad with Rain Dish and taught him Rain Dance from the TM you get). Granted Toxicroak is not the fastest pokemon, nor the bulkiest. Easily dies to psychic type moves. Edited May 19, 2015 by vsx2000goton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
berlyda Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 I agree, Toxicroak should be S rank. I see it on most people's teams, and with good reason. Sucker Punch helps a lot in all the gym battles, especially on Intense mode, because their Pokemon are always on much higher levels and so usually outspeed you. It puts a huge dent in those glass cannons they like to use. It's also almost a perfect counter to Marianette's team (even the Swellow takes massive damage from Sucker Punch). The fact that it's available as a Toxicroak much earlier than Croagunk usually evolves is really helpful too, and the Zen Headbutt it comes with provides a lot of extra coverage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampellow Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 Toxicroak most certainly should be S rank, even without bulk up it is great, with revenge being a good alternative move in that slot instead, as Toxicroak isn't the fastest frog out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 I agree with Toxicroak being S or at least A+.But anyways, just wanted to remind everyone to check the previous posts before you post, in case you are suggesting a rank for a Pokemon that has already been suggested. Alright, time to complete the Sinnoh Starter Trio with, everyone's favorite Continent Pokemon, Torterra! Torterra for A- Rank! Torterra is one of the best Starter Pokemon, with a great Attack and Defense as well as decent HP and Special Defense. It also gains nice moves like Wood Hammer, Earthquake, Crunch, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Curse (Torterra's Speed isn't good anyways), and Seed Bomb (breed). These moves, however, mostly come in Torterra's Level 30s. Still, this Pokemon can do some damage to Keta (but not to Venam). Afterwards, everything is easy, as STAB Earthquake and Leech Seed/Synthesis to live longer is amazing. It can do plenty of damage to Marianette, be a beast for Narcissa with Bite or Earthquake, Razor Leaf away Valerie (sadly, Wood Hammer is relearner only), and hurt Angie intensely if it lives an Ice type move. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red'sCharizard Posted May 19, 2015 Author Share Posted May 19, 2015 Okay, done updating. Shoutout to Chubb the Pig for having analyzed about half the things on this list. Seriously, close the game and go to sleep sometime oml Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 Hehe... I really should, but I'm addicted to this. I'll take a break from doing this though. I want to wait for a Pokemon that I really like using, and most have already been posted! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NikeSB Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 So I guess the post about Vanilluxe I made gets no love f3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hypa Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) can i make a suggestion the heliolisk be knocked down a grade or two due to the chance of getting sun stones is impossibly low heliolisk isnt very viable due to the ammount of time it has to stay as a helioptile. You can go through the game and probably not get a single sun stone like i did ..... i farmed the rocks for 4-5hrs looking for a sun stone,then i farmed solrocks for the sun stone to finally evolve him at lv 48 ...... i could have cried i needed him for coverage but as a helioptile he is painfully slow and doesnt have the bulk to tank the first hit .... rant over for that pokemon xD Already been suggested but wasnt listed so i think ill give it a lil heads up Pyroar really good poke decently equipped with speed and Sp.A and a semi decent attack with the ability moxie it really can sweep the odd unsuspecting leader even more so if you decide to keep workup to boost your attack and Sp.A further with high damage moves like headbutt and fire fang pretty early on it , it gives you a pretty decent start to the game considering again you get it pretty early on (help quest battle me quest in gearen). Next On My List of pokes to be included is Manetric although it comes alot later in the game its got speed and special attack to burn a semi decent move pool well worth training after you manage to find it(took me a while lol .... was kinda in awe when i did who could do that to a poke) Edit: Also forgot Delphox it hasnt been listed yet, it was the poke i used to help setup my houndoom against angie its a pretty good speed and ill let you fill in the rest coz im tired. You guys will need to fill in more of the details as i wouldn't know how to rank them as im pretty biased to the poke's that i actually use. Edited May 19, 2015 by Hypa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NikeSB Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 9:22 PM, Hypa said: can i make a suggestion the heliolisk be knocked down a grade or two due to the chance of getting sun stones is impossibly low heliolisk isnt very viable due to the ammount of time it has to stay as a helioptile. You can go through the game and probably not get a single sun stone like i did ..... i farmed the rocks for 4-5hrs looking for a sun stone,then i farmed solrocks for the sun stone to finally evolve him at lv 48 ...... i could have cried i needed him for coverage but as a helioptile he is painfully slow and doesnt have the bulk to tank the first hit .... rant over for that pokemon xD Already been suggested but wasnt listed so i think ill give it a lil heads up Pyroar really good poke decently equipped with speed and Sp.A and a semi decent attack with the ability moxie it really can sweep the odd unsuspecting leader even more so if you decide to keep workup to boost your attack and Sp.A further with high damage moves like headbutt and fire fang pretty early on it , it gives you a pretty decent start to the game considering again you get it pretty early on (help quest battle me quest in gearen). Next On My List of pokes to be included is Manetric although it comes alot later in the game its got speed and special attack to burn a semi decent move pool well worth training after you manage to find it(took me a while lol .... was kinda in awe when i did who could do that to a poke) You guys will need to fill in more of the details as i wouldn't know how to rank them as im pretty biased to the poke's that i actually use sun stones are easy to come by. I've gotten 4 from mining. You can also soft reset before a mining rock to get one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hypa Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 then maybe i was incredibly unlucky with the mining spending hours and hours mining the same rock for nothing i settled for some fossils and made my way to the next stone x.x it really annoyed me x.x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guzam Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 I can honestly say that Toxicroak isn't as useful as it's made out to be... Like the person said, it isn't bulky. Valerie can take it out with almost every pokemon on her team, even if it has dry skin. Not to mention it does jack shit to Narcissa due to her field effect and ghostly wail spam. The thing isn't that fast either, and speed is crucial in intense mode. Toxicroak can't do a lot to most gym leaders after Marianette due to it's weaknesses and not great bulk... However it's movepool is pretty good later on. I say it only deserves B-A rank but that's just me. Anyway onto my real post Tangrowth for either A rank or B+. It's natural bulk is pretty amazing with stats at 100 HP and 125 Defense, but 50 special defense can hamper it slightly. Due to it coming from a shadow pokemon it gets the move Wild Charge, which may seem... well wild, but it packs a punch against some of the opposition that try to fight tangrowth. It knocks out flying types because I can guarentee it will live a flying move with it's bulk and has base 100 attack backing it up. Not to mention it's rocking one of the best moves as of the 6th gen meta, Knock Off. It also provides nice utility against bugs or ice types with ancientpower and if you need to recover, don't worry. Tangrowth is packing one of the most frightening abilities and one of the most frustrating. Regenerator. Switching out will have you regain 33% of your health... With no drawbacks. Is that OP or what? Not to mention it heals up easily using Giga Drain along with it.... And speaking of Regenerator. Slowbro for B rank to B+ rank. Sporting some gnarly defensive stats of 95 HP 110 Defense and 80 Special Defense this thing will stay around for a while, especially with Regenerator. Not to mention that it isn't just a tank, it's a cannon. Sporting the title of Big Bertha on my team, Slowbro dishes out Psychics and Surfs easily with it's great base special attack stat of 100. It's weaknesses are rather harmful to it, but it's nothing that can't be shrugged off by two of it's best utility moves, Slack Off and Amnesia. Being bulky isn't enough for you? Amnesia will increase your special defense to strikingly high levels quickly and paired with your HP and and already high defense, Slowbro will not die. Need to heal without Regenerator? Slack Off heals 50% of your HP and with your already high as hell defenses, you will not die... Although the reason Slowbro is held back from S or A rank is the fact that it is slow :[ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 Darn, I was going to do Tangrowth. Oh well. I know I said I was going to take a break, but I lied. Anyways, time to continue the Prison Pokemon, with Electrode for C/C+ Rank: Electrode's speed is absolutely beautiful. Everything else... meh. A Special Attacker is the preferred option, as Electrode can have Discharge. Light Screen is also nice,and Gyro Ball and Magic Coat doesn't rely on Electrode's power, making them also viable. There's also Explosion for suicide, but that isn't suggested if you want to use Aftermath. If you don't, Static is also nice. For battles, this Pokemon can take out a couple of Valerie's less bulky Pokemon, and maybe one or two of Crawli and Angie's. This Pokemon is somewhat weak, but definitely one of the fastest out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowStar Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) I second the recommendations for the Mamoswine and Ludicolo rankings. Mamoswine: Once again Mamo is very powerful. STAB Earthquake is no joke. Having access to Ice Shard to help offset it's somewhat low Base 80 speed is a huge boost to it's viability. Thick Fat grants Mamo some extra defense against Fire-types it doesn't outspeed and can proceed to KO with Earthquake. Ludicolo: A Ludicolo under the rain is no joke. Don't let it's happy-dance fool you. Access to Rain Dance is what truly makes Ludicolo what it is. A rain-boosted surf is good coming of of its 90 SpAtk which is "decent" but the rain definitely helps. Ludicolo also gets STAB Giga Drain so it'll be dancing around for a while. Breeding for Leech Seed is a good idea so you can stack it with Giga to make Ludicolo even more annoying to take down. You can also opt for a Rain Dish variant if you feel like you want Ludicolo to be more "supporty" and slowly take town opponents and heal you 'Pokes at the same time. Ludicolo can fill multiple roles and is not to be underestimated. P.S. While Rain is up, if you must use your Fire-type to take a 'Poke down, make sure they have a move to fall back on because Fire-type moves are powered down. For example: My Blaziken has Fighting-type Moves. Edited May 20, 2015 by ShadowStar77 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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