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Rejuvenation Challenge Guide (Monotypes and Nuzlockes)


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Here is the Rejuvenation Challenge Guide, where I shall help you do a challenge run of Pokemon Rejuvenation! We shall discuss Monotypes and Nuzlockes, but I also will put links to help you for other common challenges you may want to try! Thanks to Jan for pinning this! If I leave out any information or add incorrect one, be sure to tell! FINISHED as of Version 5.3.2/5.5!

I shall lock this thread due to Chubb being confuzzled at locations. But really, I can't update this every version.

Monotype Guide:

Using my superior knowledge and the Rejuvenation Location Guide, here's the Monotype Guide! I guess I'll end it with Angie.

The Guide follows BIGJRA's Reborn Monotype Pokemon Availability Guide's Rules:

Each spoiler is a new badge-stretch of the game. Each section includes the baby form of the pokemon (unless it is available only in the wild fully evolved) and does not mention Pokemon available in previous areas, unless they are available via limited event (i.e. (Jackpot) Starter, Mystery Egg).
New Rules!:
Shadow Pokemon will be bolded. Pokemon that evolve into a Pokemon that is of the Monotype run's type will be italicized. Pokemon that evolve into a Pokemon that is not of the Monotype run's type will be underlined. Pokemon that were available between a choice (like choosing a Starter) will have an asterisk (*).

For Reference (and Copy + Paste):

Leader to Leader (Badges _ to _):



Beginning to Venam (Badges 0-1):

Normal: Eevee, Bidoof, Patrat, Pidgey, Rattata, Whismur, Litleo, Helioptile, Deerling, Sentret, Pidove, Bunnelby
Fire: Charmander/Cyndaquil/Torchic/Chimchar/Tepig/Fennekin/Eevee, Litleo, Growlithe
Grass: Bulbasaur/Chikorita/Treecko/Turtwig/Snivy/Chespin/Eevee, Cherubi, Oddish, Budew, Deerling, Paras, Bellsprout, Burmy(P), Sewaddle
Water: Squirtle/Totodile/Mudkip/Piplup/Oshawott/Froakie/Eevee, Bidoof, Finneon, Goldeen, Seel, Buizel, Wingull
Electric: Eevee, Helioptile, Voltorb
Ice: Eevee, Seel
Psychic: Eevee/Fennekin/Ralts, Espurr, Woobat, Chingling
Fighting: Torchic/Chimchar/Tepig/Chespin
Ghost: Misdreavus, Duskull
Ground: Turtwig/Mudkip, Burmy(S), Geodude, Nidoran, Bunnelby
Rock: Geodude
Bug: Caterpie, Wurmple, Burmy, Scatterbug, Weedle, Paras, Venonat, Sewaddle
Poison: Bulbasaur, Ekans, Gulpin, Grimer, Wurmple, Trubbish, Budew, Weedle, Oddish, Nidoran, Venonat, Bellsprout, Koffing
Flying: Charmander, Pidgey, Caterpie, Wurmple, Noibat, Woobat, Scatterbug, Pidove, Wingull
Dragon: Axew, Noibat
Steel: Piplup, Burmy(T)
Dark: Eevee/Froakie, Poochyena, Purrloin
Fairy: Ralts

THOUGHTS: Normal, Grass, Poison, Bug, and Flying are the most diverse! However, if you want to do Ice, Rock, Dragon, Ghost, or Fairy, you probably want to hack a starter in.

Venam to Keta (Badges 1-2):

Normal: Lillipup, Teddiursa, Spearow, Skitty, Aipom, Zigzagoon, Swablu
Fire: Numel, Torkoal, Pansear, Houndour
Grass: Nuzleaf, Tangela
Water: Remoraid, Carvanha, Surskit, Panpour
Electric: Emolga, Electrike
Ice: Vanillite
Psychic: Meditite, Natu, Lunatone, Munna, Drowzee, Mime Jr., Unown, Gothita
Fighting: Meditite, Tyrogue, Makuhita, Pancham
Ground: Sandshrew, Diglett, Onix, Numel
Rock: Lunatone, Roggenrola, Onix, Shuckle, Nosepass, Dwebble, Carbink, Bonsly
Bug: Ledyba, Shuckle, Kricketot, Pineco, Surskit, Volbeat, Illumise, Dwebble
Flying: Natu, Emolga, Ledyba, Spearow, Surskit, Swablue
Dragon: Swablu
Steel: Pineco
Dark: Nuzleaf, Carvanha, Pancham, Houndour
Fairy: Carbink, Spritzee, Swirlix, Mime Jr., Dedenne

THOUGHTS: Here we start to see a whole lot more Rock and Psychic types. Also, Normal, Bug, and Flying increase considerably.

Keta to Marianette (Badges 2-3):

Normal: Doduo
Grass: Pansage
Water: Wooper
Ground: Wooper
Bug: Venipede
Poison: Venipede
Flying: Doduo

THOUGHTS: I don't know, but this doesn't seem right... Shouldn't there be more Pokemon? Not much to say about this one...

Marianette to Narcissa (Badges 3-4):

Grass: Phantump, Lombre
Water: Frillish, Mudkip*, Lombre, Barboach, Corphish
Psychic: Spoink
Ghost: Drifloon, Frillish, Phantump, Duskull, Yamask
Ground: Mudkip*, Barboach
Flying: Drifloon
Dark: Corphish

THOUGHTS: Plenty of new Ghost types (finally!).

Mystery Egg (Badges 3 to 4):

Normal: Azurill, Starly
Fire: Growlithe, Larvesta
Grass: Shroomish, Cottonee
Water: Azurill, Staryu, Chinchou
Electric: Chinchou, Elekid
Ice: Sneasel
Psychic: Staryu
Fighting: Shroomish
Ground: Trapinch, Drilbur, Rhyhorn
Rock: Aron, Rhyhorn
Bug: Larvesta
Flying: Togepi, Vullaby, Starly
Dragon: Trapinch, Axew
Steel: Aron, Pawniard, Drilbur
Dark: Sneasel, Vullaby, Pawniard
Fairy: Azurill, Togepi, Cottonee

THOUGHTS: You have a 1/18 chance of getting any one of these Pokemon. Hopefully you get one of your Monotype (unless you're doing Ghost or Poison)... Keep in mind that all of these WILL be available elsewhere at some point in Rejuvenation, and some already are available.

Narcissa to Valerie (Badges 4-5):

Normal: Meowth, Farfetch'd, Girafarig, Slakoth, Buneary, Furfrou
Fire: Litwick
Grass: Sunflora, Exeggcute, Shroomish
Water: Oshawott*, Binacle, Slowpoke
Electric: Plusle, Minun
Psychic: Exeggcute, Girafarig, Slowpoke
Fighting: Shroomish
Ghost: Litwick. Spiritomb
Ground: Cubone
Rock: Binacle
Bug: Karrablast, Shelmet
Flying: Farfetch'd
Steel: Mawile, Shelmet
Dark: Spiritomb
Fairy: Mawile

THOUGHTS: A few new Electric, Normal, Psychic, Grass, and Water types! At least we're starting to increase in number of new Pokemon; the two badge-stretches above were very lacking.

Valerie to Crawli (Badges 5-6):

Normal: Castform, Kecleon, Chatot
Fire: Ponyta, Castform
Grass: Tropius, Carnivine, Foongus, Hoppip
Water: Corsola, Poliwag, Castform, Psyduck, Wingull
Electric: Magnemite, Blitzle, Mareep
Ice: Delibird, Bergmite, Castform
Fighting: Poliwag
Ghost: Nincada
Ground: Nincada
Rock: Corsola
Bug: Spinarak, Nincada, Vivillon
Poison: Spinarak, Foongus
Flying: Tropius, Delibird, Chatot, Hoppip, Nincada, Vivillon
Steel: Magnemite, Klang

THOUGHTS: A wide diversity of Pokemon!

Note: I mentioned Vivillon just because it was a Shadow Pokemon. Scatterbug has already been mentioned.

Crawli to Angie (Badges 6-7):

Water: Luvdisc, Spheal
Ice: Spheal
Psychic: Inkay
Dark: Inkay

THOUGHTS: I may have done something wrong here...

Angie to Amber (Badges 7 to 8):

Soon, please wait.


If you'd like, for reference:

Shadow Pokemon:

Sewaddle and Duskull before Venam.

Tangela, Torkoal. Bonsly, and Vanillite from Venam to Keta.

Girafarig from Narcissa to Valerie.

Ponyta and Vivillon from Valerie to Crawli.

Updating to Version 6.2.
If I did something wrong (which I probably did), please correct me.

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Nuzlocke Guide:

*Remember, this is just a guideline. You don't have to follow this exactly!*

The rules to the Nuzlocke (kinda following Ame's format):

Standard Rules:
You can only keep the first Pokemon of an area that you find or are given.
You must nickname all of your Pokemon.
If a Pokemon is fainted in battle, it must be released or boxed and never used again.
Main Optional Rules:
Dupes/Species Clause: If you encounter a Pokemon you've already registered in the Pokedex as your first Pokemon found, you may find another one.
Losing Clause: If the player has a Pokemon in his/her/xyr PC and he/she/xe blacks/whites out, the game is not over. (in Normal/Hard, it is.)
Set Clause: Keep the battle style on Set rather than Shift.
Items Clause: Player is banned from held items or using items in battle.
Flee Clause: No fleeing from wild Pokemon battles.
Shiny Clause: If the player finds a Shiny Pokemon, the player may catch it but not use it (unless it was the first encounter).
Impossibility Clause: The player is safe from any battles that are meant to be lost.

Places of Aevium:

Oceana Pier
Gearen City

Emerald Apartments
Velvet Rooftop
Chrisola Hotel (Garden/Casino)

Gearen Sewers

Goldenwood Forest (Route 1)
Goldenwood Cave
Route 2
Amethyst Cave
Amethyst Grotto
Sheridan Village
Purify Forest
Carotos Mountain
Carotos Cave
Xen Lab
Route 3
Corta Forest
Deep Gearen Sewers
Marianette's Mansion
Goldenleaf Town
Narcissa's Gym
Wispy Ruins
Wispy Path
Route 4
Akora Forest
Akora Town
Black Steeple Prison
Black Steeple Cave
Ship Cabin Room
Terajuma Shore
Terajuma Jungle
Deep Terajuma Jungle
Valor Path (Route 5)

Route 11
Kakori Village
Sheridan Badlands
Shadow HQ
Route 6
Teila Town
Akuwa Town
Jirukala Cavern
Jirukala Platform
Kristiline Town
Grounds of Theolia


Easy Mode:
All places listed count as separate areas.
If you obtain a Pokemon without a battle, you may choose, once per area, to substitute it for the firstly encountered Pokemon on that area.
You may use the daycare.

Normal Mode:
Places listed with italics do not count as separate areas.
You may use the daycare to produce up to six eggs total, ever.
You may choose to use the optional rules excluding those for Easy (italicized).

Hell Mode (Why would anybody even want to do this?):
Places listed with italics do not count as separate areas.
You may not use the daycare.
You must use all the optional rules excluding those for Easy (italicized).


Some other threads/sites for challenges include these:
Other Lockes: http://nuzlocke.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Nuzlocke_Variants
Mono-Gen (The Rejuvenation Location Guide is classified by Generation): http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13932&page=1
Mono-Color (Shinies not included, sadly.): http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_color
Completionist: Do some research. You'll need a LOT of guides...
Mono-Shadow: Something I thought of. You may only use Shadow Pokemon. (You can purify them, however, for Gyms). Run starts after Venam. Use this Guide and look for the bolded Pokemon if you want.

Examples of Challenges Done in Rejuvenation:

's The Successors of Atlantis (Water Monotype) - Angie Defeated

@Chubb's The True Professor's Aide (Completionist) - Venam Defeated [sTOPPED]

's Rise of the Lampads (Fire/Fairy Duotype) - Progressing

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I wonder where you got this guide idea from :P

Edit: I didn't see "Follows BIGJRA's Reborn Monotype Rules"

Edited by BIGJRA
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I just wanted to let people know that the Guide is officially finished! Now I just need to find errors, which is where you guys can come into play! Tell me any suggestions you'd like to make, too!

Shadow Pokemon portion is finished!

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If i do a monotype Psychic run, can i still use my starter until i get Coin Case ?

I suppose. Unless you would like somebody to hack you in a starter or two. (I can't do it myself, but others can.)

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I suppose. Unless you would like somebody to hack you in a starter or two. (I can't do it myself, but others can.)

How about a Bidoof/Bibarel ? For HM slave purpose of course.

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How about a Bidoof/Bibarel ? For HM slave purpose of course.

You're technically allowed to use an HM slave as long as they don't battle, ever.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm glad you made a thread for this, as I was heavily considering doing a Mono-grass playthrough with some flavor.

I was wondering what difficulty you guys are doing yours on, or what you'd consider acceptable.

I haven't actually tried "casual" so idk if its just not a challenge no matter what you do.

I figured the Normal (reborn) mode was what I'd go on, as I doubt I'd be able to complete it on Intense without proper match ups, especially if we eventually get gyms that are countertype to the one I pick.

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For a Challenge, Normal mode seems like the best option. That's what I usually put my mode as when I'm doing a Monotype or something.

Chubb, I found a Mightyena in the "deep sewers" from Keta-Marianette.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, um, y'know how I said I was going to update this?

Well, since v6 changed a lot of Pokemon locations, this thread is a mess.

I'm kinda tired right now, so, um, just tell me what I'm missing. I haven't even started on the new section from Angie to Amber yet... Oh, and the Nuzlocke Locations list also needs changing.

send help pls

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