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Hey I'm Zekk...tech


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Hello and Welcome so this posting, so glad you could make it and be here. I am Zekk or Zekktech in full name, and I have been into Pokemon and strategy games for awhile. I believe that I learned about Reborn from Shofu on YouTube or something like that and have been invested since episode 12. I am still progressing though the storyline, but got terribly depressed and stopped playing Reborn after I checked by Pokemon's IVs and EVs for the first time (it was terrible).

Besides the introductions, I have taken and interest in the "inspired from Pokemon Reborn style of games" with Rejunvination, Se7en, and what Pyrrhon is doing, and am looking at trying to make a game myself. But time will tell... It will have nuclear missiles in it though, always important.

Outside of Pokemon games, I am a fan of the now deceased Command and Conquer franchise, Civilization 5, Minecraft (Memecraft), the Portal series, and Anime (animu).

Um... Thanks for reading, yep...

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Hey welcome! Have a cake.. Don't listen to SHIA with her lies and pies and what not.. Also my snorlax is here to take his customary donation of sanity.. Thanks..


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Besides the introductions, I have taken and interest in the "inspired from Pokemon Reborn style of games" with Rejunvination, Se7en, and what Pyrrhon is doing, and am looking at trying to make a game myself. But time will tell... It will have nuclear missiles in it though, always important.

Yay people are acknowledging us! :D

And the nuclear missiles line reassures me that my title of only sane person in Reborn is going nowhere: you sir are a nice addition to our wonderful asylum community! Welcome to Reborn!

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Well met Zek.

Welcome to Reb--

It will have nuclear missiles in it though, always important.


Anyway, I do hope you enjoy your permanent stay in Reborn. And be sure to join us at the Reborn server in Showdown. There's a bunch of non important stuff that only happens there.

And go check this help thing when you can. More info that you'll need.

See you around the place place \o/

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"Welcome to Reborn-"

But time will tell... It will have nuclear missiles in it though, always important.

Do it! :P i want to see teh booms!!!

Also if your interested, there's also the reborn Shhodown servers, where you can battle n' chat n' stuff :P

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You know I think I'll just make Gooble Gobble my welcoming post from now on with Link posting the spongebob video before me all the time.. :')

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C&C died? That's too bad, I have some really fond memories of playing Yuri's Revenge when I was younger. Prism tanks were like my favorite thing ever.


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And the nuclear missiles line reassures me that my title of only sane person in Reborn is going nowhere: you sir are a nice addition to our wonderful asylumcommunity! Welcome to Reborn!

Oh Mr. Elliot you and your reserved sanity... and best of luck in your project

C&C died? That's too bad, I have some really fond memories of playing Yuri's Revenge when I was younger. Prism tanks were like my favorite thing ever.

Its a bit saddening in retrospect, but all things come to an end eventually. I spammed Apocalypse tanks too often, but I can recommend a wonderful mod for Yuri's Revenge called Mental Omega (APYR) if you are interested.

Thanks for showing up Jericho/Solace.

And I hope to impress you Vinny in the future.

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C&C died? That's too bad, I have some really fond memories of playing Yuri's Revenge when I was younger. Prism tanks were like my favorite thing ever.


You should totally try Mental Omega.. It is great fun..

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