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Rejuvenation Version 7 Speculation/Hopes Thread


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I don't care about the ice boost, fire types being nerfed, pretty much most of the effects of the ice field but I can't have any good experiences fighting Angie simply because of my team's lowered accuracy. It just makes it plain bad which is a shame because overall Angie has a solid team with good moves.

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  On 5/25/2015 at 10:14 PM, WhoAmI said:

I don't care about the ice boost, fire types being nerfed, pretty much most of the effects of the ice field but I can't have any good experiences fighting Angie simply because of my team's lowered accuracy. It just makes it plain bad which is a shame because overall Angie has a solid team with good moves.

You can use lava plume to melt this field. Camerupt does the trick.

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  On 5/26/2015 at 12:26 AM, alaneapen said:

You can use lava plume to melt this field. Camerupt does the trick.

Well damn Typhlosion just rekt her entire team. It's logical but you wouldn't really tell off the bat because only the fire field has a weakness and you generally wouldn't have a pokemon that has these kinds of moves.

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I personally (as a beta-dex completer) would love the ability to buy Moon Stones (and maybe Sun/Thunderstones too while we're at it). Although I can see why the Magmarizer for example wouldn't be obtainable right off the bat, hooking us up with multiple Moon Stone Pokemon would be pretty sweet.

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Jan's revealed a few new things, like Route 1's getting a redesign, a Ghost type will be available before Venam, and TV Reporters Henrietta and Jeff are joining! I've added everything above, plus these new things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well of course we'll be getting more of Melia. I have a feeling that the plot revolves heavily around her. To be honest though my favourite girl is Aelita. Even though I hated her for stopping me before entering the ghost gym and destroying my team with that Hawlucha of hers.

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  On 6/8/2015 at 9:15 PM, DarkSpite said:

Well of course we'll be getting more of Melia. I have a feeling that the plot revolves heavily around her. To be honest though my favourite girl is Aelita. Even though I hated her for stopping me before entering the ghost gym and destroying my team with that Hawlucha of hers.

Lol I got destroyed by Aelita with that surprise battle too. It was traumatic. NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. If Aelita was a choice when the girls were arguing about who was the strongest girl, I would've outright picked her lol. (Except not really, because Melia still stands as my fave girl. Aelita's a close 2nd though)

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  On 6/8/2015 at 9:15 PM, DarkSpite said:

Well of course we'll be getting more of Melia. I have a feeling that the plot revolves heavily around her. To be honest though my favourite girl is Aelita. Even though I hated her for stopping me before entering the ghost gym and destroying my team with that Hawlucha of hers.

If Jan-sempai "kills" off Melia again or makes her go MIA I think I might break and die inside.

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  On 6/8/2015 at 9:28 PM, TThomas said:

If Jan-sempai "kills" off Melia again or makes her go MIA I think I might break and die inside.

You won't know until the next version is released :^)

I'm not gonna spoil anything~

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One of the Help Center People gets renamed Hypa :P well thats my hope anyways :3 lol unless jan wants to give my name to someone uber annoying ingame :P xD im not delusional about how annoying i am :P

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  On 6/8/2015 at 9:28 PM, TThomas said:

If Jan-sempai "kills" off Melia again or makes her go MIA I think I might break and die inside.

I think that would really cliche way. One time is enough for me.

  On 6/8/2015 at 11:53 PM, Hypa said:

One of the Help Center People gets renamed Hypa :P well thats my hope anyways :3 lol unless jan wants to give my name to someone uber annoying ingame :P xD im not delusional about how annoying i am :P

And i'll be the guy that will kill you in-game :)

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  On 5/19/2015 at 7:48 PM, Chubb the Pig said:

Yay, I was right! Anyways, a list of things I pulled out from other threads:

- Petilil (Probably just before Crawli, since both Crawli and Angie wreck this thing.)

- Eevee, which was confirmed.

- Better ways to increase Friendship, which was confirmed.

- EV Reducing Area, right next to the EV Training Area. I expect the area to cost a pretty penny, or at least use Shards. Don't want people using a free service rather than the EV reducing berries that must be paid for.

- Breedable Purification moves (like a Sewaddle hatched from an Egg made by the purified Seaddle/Swadloon/Leavanny still gets Will-o-Wisp and Protect)

an Own Tempo Liligant with Petal Dance can really help against a couple of crawli's mons actually. just grab a hoppip and reduce its levels with reverse candies to get sleep powder, retrain it, setup with it, swap in liligant, setup a quiver dance or 2 and begin the Lolz.

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Well I don't think we'll be getting them. Saki already has her Mega Mawile, I'm sure some other trainers will get Megas as well. The E8 will probably have a Mega each as well, along with the champion having one. We'll probably get to have Megas very late into the game. Even Mega Beedrill is powerful.

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  On 6/12/2015 at 10:40 PM, TThomas said:

Since Mega stones are going to be added, do you think Beedrill will get his mega?

Well, Jan DID say all pokémon would be available at one point, so that probably means Beedrill WILL get his mega... probably just not anytime soon. Jan isn't that nice to give it anywhere before endgame, probably :V Especially considering it's really fast...

Edited by Zumidesu
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  On 6/13/2015 at 12:10 AM, Chubb the Pig said:

I do believe the worse Mega Stones will be given, and even so, we won't be able to use them without a Mega Bracelet or something.

Tbh, Mega's aren't going to be usable by the player in the game for a long time. Like Jan said a while back, you can start collecting them in some form, but how and what and when still has to be specified. So yeah, for now, you won't be able to use them, and like you said, the worse ones are probably going to be given first.

probably won't see mega metagross or ampharos anytime soon. sad face

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Should've done this sooner, but I'm going to have to de-confirm the mega hunt. That WAS going to be in version 6, but now that v6 has been split, the part where the mega hunt would begin has been pushed to 7.

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I see. Fine for me.

And jan and zumi. Your avatars makes me really curious to watch madoka.

Never did it cuz laziness, but still gotta watch that one day or time when i'm not a lazy bum.

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