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About Time.


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Hello Everyone,

My name is Osiris and after spending so long lurking I decided it's high time for me to join the reborn community.

I have been playing Reborn since Episode 9 and was first introduced to this game by shofu. After playing the game myself, I became hooked and found myself appreciating the work that Amethyst and others placed within this product.

Beyond Pokemon, I am a fan of many games series with my favorites being The Legend of Zelda, Ace Attorney, Mass Effect, KOTOR, and others.

Overall, I am looking forward to being here officially and I hope that we continue to have a good time on these forums.

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Hello there! since you're a lurker i assume you know the rules, don't forget to visit the showdown server!

Also, give me the delicious sanity. i'm the only one who isn't allergic

Edited by blasterman4
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Hello there! since you're a lurker i assume you know the rules, don't forget to visit the showdown server!

Also, give me the delicious sanity. i'm the only one who isn't allergic

Sorry, but my sanity is long gone (thanks pre-nerf Serra and Charlotte.)

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Well met Osiris.

Like Shadow Tack said, you should totally join the server. Everbody is crazy there and you'll miss stuff if you don't go there.

I'm out of ideas honestly, so i don't know what to say. Mudkip?

I hope you enjoy your permanent stay in the mad house. I'll see you around the place \o/

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Well met Osiris.

Like Shadow Tack said, you should totally join the server. Everbody is crazy there and you'll miss stuff if you don't go there.

I'm out of ideas honestly, so i don't know what to say. Mudkip?

I hope you enjoy your permanent stay in the mad house. I'll see you around the place \o/

Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out in the future.

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