Bazaro Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 (edited) Calling all spriters! I've always found it odd how sprites have been intentionally sized up to show their pixels, which can often end up with choppy looking sprites. Here's a couple I've already done, with a side-by-side comparison to their original sprite. The sprites become much smoother and more realistic, removing the harsh, thick outlines. All in all, it leaves us with a beautiful sprite without taking away from the original. So here's the challenge. I want to see every sprite (about 900 total, 1800 including backsprites) in this doubled resolution. Don't change the palette at all, no need for excessive shading. If you are working on a sprite, feel free to post on which one(s) you are going to sprite, and I'll reserve that one(s) for you. To save space, please use that same post to drop your sprite(s) when they are done. Without further ado... Kanto Reveal hidden contents Bulbasaur - Ivysaur - Venusaur (Male) - (Female) - Venusaur Mega - Charmander - Charmeleon - Charizard - Charizard Mega X - Charizard Mega Y - Squirtle - Wartortle - Blastoise - Caterpie - Metapod - Butterfree (Male) - (Female) - Weedle - Kakuna - Beedrill - Pidgey - Pidgeotto - Pidgeot - Pidgeot Mega - Rattata (Male) - (Female) - Raticate (Male) - (Female) - Spearow - Fearow - Ekans - Arbok - Pichu - Pikachu (Male) - (Female) - Raichu (Male) - (Female) - Sandshrew - Sandslash - Nidoran F - Nidorina - Nidoqueen - Nidoran M - Nidorino - Nidoking - Cleffa - Clefairy - Clefable - Vulpix - Ninetales - Igglybuff - Jigglypuff - Wigglytuff - Zubat (Male) - (Female) - Golbat (Male) - (Female) - Crobat - Oddish - Gloom (Male) - (Female) - Vileplume (Male) - (Female) - Bellossom - Paras - Parasect - Venonat - Venomoth - Diglett - Dugtrio - Meowth - Persian - Psyduck - Golduck - Mankey - Primeape - Growlithe - Arcanine - Poliwag - Poliwhirl - Poliwrath - Politoed (Male) - (Female) - Abra - Kadabra (Male) - (Female) - Alakazam (Male) - (Female) - Alakazam Mega - Machop - Machoke - Machamp - Bellsprout - Weepinbell - Victreebel - Tentacool - Tentacruel - Geodude - Graveler - Golem - Ponyta - Rapidash - Slowpoke - Slowbro - Slowbro Mega - Slowking - Magnemite - Magneton - Magnezone - Farfetch'd - Doduo (Male) - (Female) - Dodrio (Male) - (Female) - Seel - Dewgong - Grimer - Muk - Shellder - Cloyster - Gastly - Haunter - Gengar - Gengar Mega - Onix - Steelix (Male) - (Female) - Steelix Mega - Drowzee - Hypno (Male) - (Female) - Krabby - Kingler - Voltorb - Electrode - Exeggcute - Exeggutor - Cubone - Marowak - Tyrogue - Hitmonlee - Hitmonchan - Hitmontop - Lickitung - Lickilicky - Koffing - Weezing - Rhyhorn (Male) - (Female) - Rhydon (Male) - (Female) - Rhyperior (Male) - (Female) - Happiny - Chansey - Blissey - Tangela - Tangrowth (Male) - (Female) - Kangaskhan - Kangaskhan Mega - Horsea - Seadra - Kingdra - Goldeen (Male) - (Female) - Seaking (Male) - (Female) - Staryu - Starmie - Mime Jr. - Mr. Mime - Scyther (Male) - (Female) - Scizor (Male) - (Female) - Scizor Mega - Smoochum - Jynx - Elekid - Electabuzz - Electivire - Magby - Magmar - Magmortar - Pinsir - Pinsir Mega - Tauros - Magikarp (Male) - (Female) - Gyarados (Male) - (Female) - Gyarados Mega - Lapras - Ditto - Eevee - Vaporeon - Jolteon - Flareon - Espeon - Umbreon - Leafeon - Glaceon - Sylveon - Porygon - Porygon2 - PorygonZ - Omanyte - Omastar - Kabuto - Kabutops - Aerodactyl - Aerodactyl Mega - Munchlax - Snorlax - Articuno - Zapdos - Moltres - Dratini - Dragonair - Dragonite - Mewtwo - Mew - Johto Reveal hidden contents Chikorita - Bayleef - Meganium (Male) - (Female) - Cyndaquil - Quilava - Typhlosion - Totodile - Croconaw - Feraligatr - Sentret - Furret - Hoothoot - Noctowl - Ledyba (Male) - (Female) - Ledian (Male) - (Female) - Spinarak - Ariados - Chinchou - Lanturn - Togepi - Togetic - Togekiss - Natu - Xatu (Male) - (Female) - Mareep - Flaaffy - Ampharos - Ampharos Mega - Azurill - Marill - Azumarill - Sudowoodo (Male) - (Female) - Hoppip - Skiploom - Jumpluff - Aipom (Male) - (Female) - Ambipom (Male) - (Female) - Sunkern - Sunflora - Wooper (Male) - (Female) - Quagsire (Male) - (Female) - Murkrow (Male) - (Female) - Honchkrow (Male) - (Female) - Misdreavus - Mismagius - Unown A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - ? - ! - Wynaut - Wobbuffet (Male) - (Female) - Girafarig - Pineco - Forretress - Dunsparce - Gligar (Male) - (Female) - Gliscor - Snubbull - Granbull - Qwilfish - Shuckle - Heracross (Male) - (Female) - Heracross Mega - Sneasel (Male) - (Female) - Weavile (Male) - (Female) - Teddiursa - Ursaring (Male) - (Female) - Slugma - Magcargo - Swinub - Piloswine (Male) - (Female) - Mamoswine (Male) - (Female) - Corsola - Remoraid - Octillery (Male) - (Female) - Deliberd - Mantyke - Mantine - Skarmory - Houndour - Houndoom (Male) - (Female) - Houndoom Mega - Phanphy - Donphan (Male) - (Female) - Stantler - Smeargle - Miltank - Raikou - Entei - Suicune - Larvitar - Pupitar - Tyranitar - Tyranitar Mega - Lugia - Ho-oh - Celebi - Hoenn Reveal hidden contents Treeko - Grovyle - Sceptile - Sceptile Mega - Torchic (Male) - (Female) - Combusken (Male) - (Female) - Blaziken (Male) - (Female) - Blaziken Mega - Mudkip - Marshtomp - Swampert - Swampert Mega - Poochyena - Mightyena - Zigzagoon - Linoone - Wurmple - Silcoon - Beautifly (Male) - (Female) - Cascoon - Dustox (Male) - (Female) - Lotad - Lombre - Ludicolo (Male) - (Female) - Seedot - Nuzleaf (Male) - (Female) - Shiftry (Male) - (Female) Taillow - Swellow - Wingull - Pelipper - Ralts - Kirlia - Gardevoir - Gardevoir Mega - Gallade - Gallade Mega - Surskit - Masquerain - Shroomish - Breloom - Slakoth - Vigoroth - Slaking - Nincada - Ninjask - Shedinja - Whismur - Loudred - Exploud - Makuhita - Hariyama - Nosepass - Probopass - Skitty - Delcatty - Sableye - Sableye Mega - Mawile - Mawile Mega - Aron - Lairon - Aggron - Aggron Mega - Meditite (Male) - (Female) - Medicham (Male) - (Female) - Medicham Mega - Electrike - Manectric - Manectric Mega - Plusle - Minun - Volbeat - Illumise - Budew - Roselia (Male) - (Female) - Roserade (Male) - (Female) - Gulpin (Male) - (Female) - Swalot (Male) - (Female) - Carvanha - Sharpedo - Sharpedo Mega - Wailmer - Wailord - Numel (Male) - (Female) - Camerupt (Male) - (Female) - Camerupt Mega - Torkoal - Spoink - Grumpig - Spinda - Trapinch - Vibrava - Flygon - Cacnea - Cacturne (Male) - (Female) - Swablu - Altaria - Altaria Mega - Zangoose - Seviper - Lunatone - Solrock - Barboach - Whiscash - Corphish - Crawdaunt - Baltoy - Claydol - Lileep - Cradily - Anorith - Armaldo - Feebas - Milotic (Male) - (Female) - Castform - (Sunny) - (Rainy) - (Snowy) - Kecleon - Shuppet - Banette - Banette Mega - Duskull - Dusclops - Dusknoir - Tropius - Chingling - Chimecho - Absol - Absol Mega - Snorunt - Glalie - Glalie Mega - Froslass - Spheal - Sealeo - Walrein - Clamperl - Huntail - Gorebyss - Relicanth (Male) - (Female) - Luvdisc - Bagon - Shelgon - Salamence - Salamence Mega - Beldum - Metang - Metagross - Metagross Mega - Regirock - Regice - Registeel - Latias - Latias Mega - Latios - Latios Mega - Kyogre - Kyogre Primal - Groudon - Groudon Primal - Rayquaza - Rayquaza Mega - Jirachi - Deoxys - (Attack) - (Defense) - (Speed) - Sinnoh Reveal hidden contents Turtwig - Grotle - Torterra - Chimchar - Monferno - Infernape - Piplup - Prinplup - Empoleon - Starly - Staravia - Staraptor - Bidoof - Bibarel - Kricketot - Kricketune - Shinx - Luxio - Luxray - Cranidos - Rampardos - Shieldon - Bastiodon - Burmy (Plant) - (Sand) - (Trash) - Wormadam (Plant) - (Sand) - (Trash) - Mothim - Combee - Vespiquen - Pachirisu - Buizel - Floatzel - Cherubi - Cherrim - (Sunny) - Shellos (East) - (West) - Gastrodon (East) - (West) - Drifloon - Drifblim - Buneary - Lopunny - Lopunny Mega - Glameow - Purugly - Stunky - Skuntank - Bronzor - Bronzong - Chatot - Spiritomb - Gible - Gabite - Garchomp - Riolu - Lucario - Lucario Mega - Hippopotas (Male) - (Female) - Hippowdon (Male) - (Female) - Skorupi - Drapion - Croagunk - Toxicroak - Carnivine - Finneon - Lumineon - Snover - Abomasnow - Abomasnow Mega - Rotom - (Wash) - (Heat) - (Freeze) - (Fan) - (Mow) - Uxie - Mesprit - Azelf - Dialga - Palkia - Heatran - Regigigas - Giratina - (Origin) - Cresselia - Phione - Manaphy - Darkrai - Shaymin - (Sky) - Arceus - (Fire) - (Fighting) - (Rock) - (Ground) - (Electric) - (Bug) - (Grass) - (Ice) - (Flying) - (Water) - (Dragon) - (Ghost) - (Poison) - (Psychic) - (Fairy) - (Steel) - (Dark) - Unova Reveal hidden contents Victini - Snivy - Servine - Serperior - Tepig - Pignite - Emboar - Oshawatt - Dewott - Samurott - Patrat - Watchog - Lillipup - Herdier - Stoutland - Purrloin - Liepard - Pansage - Simisage - Pansear - Simisear - Panpour - Simipour - Munna - Musharna - Pidove - Tranquill - Unfezant (Male) - (Female) - Blitzle - Zebstrika - Roggenrola - Boldore - Gigalith - Woobat - Swoobat - Drillbur - Excadrill - Audino - Timburr - Gurdurr - Conkeldurr - Tympole - Palpitoad - Seismitoad - Throh - Sawk - Sewaddle - Swadloon - Leavanny - Venipede - Whirlipede - Scolipede - Cottonee - Whimsicott - Petilil - Lilligant - Basculin (Red) - (Blue) - Sandile - Krokorok - Krookodile - Darumaka - Darmanitan - (Zen) - Maractus - Dwebble - Crustle - Scraggy - Scrafty - Sigilyph - Yamask - Cofagrigus - Tirtouga - Carracosta - Archen - Archeops - Trubbish - Garbodor - Zorua - Zoroark - Minccino - Cinccino - Gothia - Gothorita - Gothitelle - Solosis - Duosion - Reuniclus - Ducklett - Swanna - Vanillite - Vanillish - Vanilluxe - Deerling - Sawsbuck - Emolga - Karrablast - Escavalier - Foongus - Amoonguss - Frillish (Male) - (Female) - Jellicent (Male) - (Female) - Alomomola - Joltik - Galvantula - Ferroseed - Ferrothorn - Klink - Klang - Klinklang - Tynamo - Eelektrik - Eelektross - Elgyem - Beheeyem - Litwick - Lampent - Chandelure - Axew - Fraxure - Haxorus - Cubchoo - Beartic - Cryogonal - Shelmet - Accelgor - Stunfisk - Mienfoo - Mienshao - Druddigon - Golett - Golurk - Pawniard - Bisharp - Bouffalant - Rufflet - Braviary - Vullaby - Mandibuzz - Heatmor - Durant - Deino - Zweilous - Hydreigon - Larvesta - Volcarona - Cobalion - Terrakion - Virizion - Tornadus (Incarnate) - (Therian) - Thunderus (Incarnate) - (Therian) - Reshiram - Zekrom - Landorus (Incarnate) - (Therian) - Kyurem - (Black) - (White) - Keldeo - (Resolute) - Meloetta (Aria) - (Pirouette) - Genesect - (Burn) - (Shock) - (Chill) - (Douse) - Kalos Reveal hidden contents Chespin - Quilladin - Chesnaught - Fenniken - Braixen - Delphox - Froakie - Frogadier - Greninja - Bunnelby - Diggersby - Fletchling - Fletchinder - Talonflame - Scatterbug - Spewpa - Vivillon - Litleo - Pyroar (Male) - (Female) - Flabebe - Floette - (Eternal) - Florges - Skiddo - Gogoat - Pancham - Pangoro - Furfrou - Espurr - Meowstic (Male) - (Female) - Honedge - Doublade - Aegislash (Shield) - (Blade) - Spritzee - Aromatisse - Swirlix - Slurpuff - Inkay - Malamar - Binacle - Barbaracle - Skrelp - Dragalge - Clauncher - Clawitzer - Helioptile - Heliolisk - Tyrunt - Tyrantrum - Amaura - Aurorus - Hawlucha - Dedenne - Carbink - Goomy - Sliggoo - Goodra - Klefki - Phantump - Trevenant - Pumpkaboo - Gourgeist - Bergmite - Avalugg - Noibat - Noivern - Xerneas - Yveltal - Zygarde - Diancie - Hoopa - (Unbound) - Volcanion - Edited April 17, 2016 by Bazaro Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solarance Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 Holy shit, those look good, I would help but IDK how to sprite. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TsundereQueenZephi Posted May 18, 2015 Share Posted May 18, 2015 i lack the skill to do so, but i'll give a few tries before anything definite. I'll come back once I think i can do something. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lamona Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) I knew it, I'm not the only one who thinks those sprites are kinda odd in doubled resolution. Yes, I'm quite interested with the project. So I've been following what things should be done and may you put this into the list? It would be much appreciated if you do. (Cause nothing to do.) Edit : Updating this post to save space just like what the original poster said. Though I got no idea why I'm quite addicted on doing those stuff. More things to come and since it will get bigger, I guess I'll try to put it in a spoiler. Mostly using BW sprites instead of Gen 4 as it's kinda better in my opinion. (And yes, something might go wrong or maybe kinda of awkward, especially the face and the eyes.) Reveal hidden contents #171 - Lanturn #518 - Musharna Check this post frequently if you will, though. Edited May 20, 2015 by Lamona Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nepeta100 Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 good job Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bazaro Posted May 19, 2015 Author Share Posted May 19, 2015 That Musharna is perfect Keep em coming, boys, we've a long road ahead of us... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sapp Posted May 19, 2015 Share Posted May 19, 2015 001- bulbasaur the eyes........too much work to get right also attached the work process in case someone is interested in the process. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bazaro Posted April 10, 2016 Author Share Posted April 10, 2016 (edited) Been a while since this thread's been touched... Edited April 17, 2016 by Bazaro Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oth Posted April 11, 2016 Share Posted April 11, 2016 To be honest, sprites weren't "intentionally sized up to show their pixels", it was just a case of using the original pokemon game resources without having to redo all of them again. Plus using 1x1 for the sprites would have made properly downsizing them impossible, and thus Essentials wouldn't have the option of playing in a GBA sized screen (the "Small" option). If anything, vectorizing all the sprites/gameart would be more useful from a resolution point of view, since it would then allow increasing/decreasing resolution without losing detail and/or garbling the image. But that would introduce the problem of requiring a complete set of sprites/art for each intended screen size (to properly keep the detail for each screen size) (and thus making the game size bigger). Even so, obviously remaking the sprites in 1x1 would aesthetically benefit most of us that play on Medium, Large or Full-Screen. Good luck with your project! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cobalt996 Posted April 13, 2016 Share Posted April 13, 2016 (edited) I'll tackle a couple as time becomes available, though I won't say which in case it doesn't. [This space should eventually be replaced with a horrible, burnable decent attempt at one or two Pokemon] Yay for MS Paint being the only thing that cooperated, but removing transparency Here's my [insert poor quality notice here] attempt at Zorua, complete with poorly concealed lack of transparancy [image broke, will fix later] Edited April 20, 2016 by Cobalt996 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bazaro Posted April 13, 2016 Author Share Posted April 13, 2016 (edited) Any and all help is much appreciated! I couldn't possibly make 1800+ sprites alone. Also, have an angry god of distortion... in high res! Edited April 17, 2016 by Bazaro Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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